If you can see, the sky is open. If you can hear, the song is free. If you can know, the world is real. If you can follow, the word is true.
Eagle is FREEDOM. Pan has long been hidden, but is openly seen. The Sound is whole, and beautiful, in the wind and air, and with the sun, the Sol, and Soul, there is the light. With the Cell of life, each a miracle, simple and pure, of themselves.
Now we are the Ameriginal, and the Soul of Stars, and the Essence. Now we are each of these, you and I and we, and these are of song and sound and love. The simplicity and complexity as one, the message and messenger, the pairs united, the individual and the cooperative, working with, and alone.
We know the EAGLE. Here you are.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
HOW MANY STARS IN GALAXY? - 100 hundred billion to 400 hundred billion
10 to the 11th power is 10 to 14th power - that is 100 trillion stars.
HOW BIG IS THE UNIVERSE? First we know how far across the galaxy in Distance - 90,000 light years across.
WHAT IS THE AGE OF THE UNIVERSE? Estimates are 8 to 11 billion years.
HOW MANY STARS? This is 10 to the 4th light years. How far across the universe? Our local group of galaxies is 100 million light years across - Our Local group has 5,000 galaxies. The Center of our galaxy is 28,000 light years away. It's pretty amazing how much farther. But it could be an eye in the needle too (as a reversed analogy for a needle in the haystack) for the universe may be infinitely small or infinitely large)
HOW FAR THE SUN? The Sun is 93 million light years away. By a secret method of sound words and distance correlation, HOW FAR THE UNIVERSE is (by my own estimate of the universe size) that it is 10 to the 14th which is 100 trillion light years, because if it has a distance, it must be finite, and some point. Of course the point is the point is the universe, as large or small as we can conceive it.
HOW BIG ARE WE? Our Cells in the body - 50 trillion - this is 5 to the 13th power.
Atoms in a cell - smallest bacteria is 10 million 0.1 micrometers in diameter or 10 millions of a meter - that is the level of 10 to the 7th small or as in the Egg yolks cells are 8cm in diameter which is much larger. .08, much larger than bacteria)
Humans have 30,000 different proteins in body and 150 billion atoms is a complete set of genes in each cell (3 billion base pairs). One cell has approx 1 meter of DNA. 1 single fatty acid has 50 atoms. That still is quite huge compared, but relative to the earth, infinitely small. From (
HOW BIG ARE YOU? The amazing number of atoms in each cell of your body makes you a variable universe to yourself. A unit cell of a single cubic crystal is 1 atom. A unit cell of FCC (face centered cubic structure) crystal has 4 atoms. This has been called coordination numbers - The Power of 1 to 4 or the Power of 1 to 8 is the ek to the zi, that is the spirit to the psience world of light. It is only a partial development on the coordination of such elements of light and sound in the universe.
MICRO TO MACRO-COSMIC SCALE - Now we might also notice the relations to the micro-world, of the cosmic relativity, of micro or nano electrons, neutrons, and protons up to atoms and cells and molecules in the body. Why? It is apparent the cosmic scale realizes something of the human scale, and thus also the Soul, or spiritual scale as well.
With a universe so large, what are the chances you will live beyond death?
Just about as good as finding an earth size planet perhaps, but we feel sure they do exist, and you will survive death. How? What are the chances you will immortalize your body? Probably closer to the chances of surviving death in this lifetime. What are the chances you will become fully eternal in this lifetime? and WHAT ARE the chances you will eventually become eternal? Perhaps only as good as 1 to 1 trillion or more, in this lifetime, but overall, the chances are, reversed to be 1 to 1 trillion, a very good chance indeed, like the chance to win the LOTTERY, very good for at least one to make it today, and another tomorrow to follow.
How many people live on earth? and HOW MANY STARS IN GALAXY? - 100 hundred billion to 400 hundred billion, 10 to the 11th power.
we can stop worrying about death? There probably (by the scale of things) is a universe much larger than this. This universe is surely much larger than us, but are you also not much larger than the universe within you? The world is all relative. Relatively speaking, there is also a certainty in the one law, and the laws of science, a major point being that matter is never destroyed, only transformed.
Why are we so concerned? We probably should FIND the secrets of love, which is the key to all universes. And once you do that, your vision of light becomes a real world, and makes this a good one to live in too. The body is a form of life that is a form reflection and relative to the universal body of God. The numbers speak for themselves, for you are a body of stars yourself.
You as a star have the sound within you. So now we inspect the SOUND WORDS and correlate them in the units of Z. For example Z is the 0, and the 10, or the 1 and 0 together. This 0 unit is the Z that infinitely adds to itself, so we find the ZEE is the 10 to the 1st, and Zehu is 10 to the 2nd. We add each of the powers of ten to this and give them word sounds, which is a numeric alphabet, and we can thus say 1 million as zee-nam, or 1 billion as ze-wah. This makes a short form of sounds for numbers. The universe estimate is thus ze-anami and this word speaks of 10 to the 14th power, the reason for the measure. The Anami is the spiritual realm of heaven beyond all universes. And that is why this all fits together. It is the one from which all springs forth.
And now we have the "Manology". That is, we are both humans (god-men - 10 to the 2nd) and Soul, spiritual beings, and live in the great universe (anami) while being human on earth, with one master (10 to the 1st), for all life. is it true. Your invited to explore this universe, as you wish.
And there we are.
Article from paneagle, (earth, galaxy, universe, soul) 2009.
Random knowledge generator
HOW MANY STARS IN GALAXY? - 100 hundred billion to 400 hundred billion
10 to the 11th power is 10 to 14th power - that is 100 trillion stars.
HOW BIG IS THE UNIVERSE? First we know how far across the galaxy in Distance - 90,000 light years across.
WHAT IS THE AGE OF THE UNIVERSE? Estimates are 8 to 11 billion years.
HOW MANY STARS? This is 10 to the 4th light years. How far across the universe? Our local group of galaxies is 100 million light years across - Our Local group has 5,000 galaxies. The Center of our galaxy is 28,000 light years away. It's pretty amazing how much farther. But it could be an eye in the needle too (as a reversed analogy for a needle in the haystack) for the universe may be infinitely small or infinitely large)
HOW FAR THE SUN? The Sun is 93 million light years away. By a secret method of sound words and distance correlation, HOW FAR THE UNIVERSE is (by my own estimate of the universe size) that it is 10 to the 14th which is 100 trillion light years, because if it has a distance, it must be finite, and some point. Of course the point is the point is the universe, as large or small as we can conceive it.
HOW BIG ARE WE? Our Cells in the body - 50 trillion - this is 5 to the 13th power.
Atoms in a cell - smallest bacteria is 10 million 0.1 micrometers in diameter or 10 millions of a meter - that is the level of 10 to the 7th small or as in the Egg yolks cells are 8cm in diameter which is much larger. .08, much larger than bacteria)
Humans have 30,000 different proteins in body and 150 billion atoms is a complete set of genes in each cell (3 billion base pairs). One cell has approx 1 meter of DNA. 1 single fatty acid has 50 atoms. That still is quite huge compared, but relative to the earth, infinitely small. From (
HOW BIG ARE YOU? The amazing number of atoms in each cell of your body makes you a variable universe to yourself. A unit cell of a single cubic crystal is 1 atom. A unit cell of FCC (face centered cubic structure) crystal has 4 atoms. This has been called coordination numbers - The Power of 1 to 4 or the Power of 1 to 8 is the ek to the zi, that is the spirit to the psience world of light. It is only a partial development on the coordination of such elements of light and sound in the universe.
MICRO TO MACRO-COSMIC SCALE - Now we might also notice the relations to the micro-world, of the cosmic relativity, of micro or nano electrons, neutrons, and protons up to atoms and cells and molecules in the body. Why? It is apparent the cosmic scale realizes something of the human scale, and thus also the Soul, or spiritual scale as well.
With a universe so large, what are the chances you will live beyond death?
Just about as good as finding an earth size planet perhaps, but we feel sure they do exist, and you will survive death. How? What are the chances you will immortalize your body? Probably closer to the chances of surviving death in this lifetime. What are the chances you will become fully eternal in this lifetime? and WHAT ARE the chances you will eventually become eternal? Perhaps only as good as 1 to 1 trillion or more, in this lifetime, but overall, the chances are, reversed to be 1 to 1 trillion, a very good chance indeed, like the chance to win the LOTTERY, very good for at least one to make it today, and another tomorrow to follow.
How many people live on earth? and HOW MANY STARS IN GALAXY? - 100 hundred billion to 400 hundred billion, 10 to the 11th power.
we can stop worrying about death? There probably (by the scale of things) is a universe much larger than this. This universe is surely much larger than us, but are you also not much larger than the universe within you? The world is all relative. Relatively speaking, there is also a certainty in the one law, and the laws of science, a major point being that matter is never destroyed, only transformed.
Why are we so concerned? We probably should FIND the secrets of love, which is the key to all universes. And once you do that, your vision of light becomes a real world, and makes this a good one to live in too. The body is a form of life that is a form reflection and relative to the universal body of God. The numbers speak for themselves, for you are a body of stars yourself.
You as a star have the sound within you. So now we inspect the SOUND WORDS and correlate them in the units of Z. For example Z is the 0, and the 10, or the 1 and 0 together. This 0 unit is the Z that infinitely adds to itself, so we find the ZEE is the 10 to the 1st, and Zehu is 10 to the 2nd. We add each of the powers of ten to this and give them word sounds, which is a numeric alphabet, and we can thus say 1 million as zee-nam, or 1 billion as ze-wah. This makes a short form of sounds for numbers. The universe estimate is thus ze-anami and this word speaks of 10 to the 14th power, the reason for the measure. The Anami is the spiritual realm of heaven beyond all universes. And that is why this all fits together. It is the one from which all springs forth.
And now we have the "Manology". That is, we are both humans (god-men - 10 to the 2nd) and Soul, spiritual beings, and live in the great universe (anami) while being human on earth, with one master (10 to the 1st), for all life. is it true. Your invited to explore this universe, as you wish.
And there we are.
Article from paneagle, (earth, galaxy, universe, soul) 2009.
Random knowledge generator
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