Saturday, November 27, 2021
THE SOLAR MESSAGE OF THE SUUN THE SEVENTH DAY IS HERE STAR DATE NOV 27 LIKE THE Hopi Prophecy GENESISide pans BRIGHT RIVER NU ARC verse 3.22 ... A REAL CRISIS .. COVID strain are wise to point out significantly listening capturing and revealing...This is CURE HEALING of the GREATEST GIFT which Ophiuchus HERE SOLARISTICS we know thIS IS period now as the 7th day adventure of the SOLARIS and 27th UNIVERSAL MONAD OF OPHIUCHUS now here (13 day cycles of 28 SOLAR SIGN-NATURES)...this OPHIUCHUS THE DOCTOR HEALER SHAMAN through Dec 4 which is the final END OF DAYZ so to speak because the SUN will line up with the GREAT 14 Sag..SOLARIS is head of the universal pack because it is presenting going past solar system creation model of former AEGIS/ZEUS which has been IN crowd Humanity as ALIENATION program since day 1 of horror-scope...I know this is a tough love comment but is REAL, and this SHARIA say the OPHIUCHUS of healing means the LETTING GO letting in letting ON letting it be and Letting light ON restoring resurrecting (FINDING REALUTIONS)....OUR true SOLAR BODY is what we have ,the 5 bodies include mind body/sense emotion causal and solarity...Pan has Moon 5 Gemini opposite the SUN MERCURY conjunct on Nov 28...this is duty' purpose mission of communication and leadership of the SOLAR UNIVERSALS, as the Pan .Revealation ...Reveal-ations..Gesus or Genesis as the SYNTHESIS or SIN-thesis which is to say Reveal-ator of the NU AEGIS or the Holy anti-cry-ist that is speaker or writer sharia (living NU language of SOLASTRY I am having fun with this but it also is VERY REAL and I share we are in the 7th DAY adventure which is these 7 fridays from Halloween to GREAT ATTRACTOR (52 days from oct 22 to Dec 4) including birthdates of joe biden jimi hendrix and jeff bridges (the MAN) which are the months of the FALL season leading to the RECYCLE of the GREATER SOLAR UNIVERSAL CYCLE ..and this coming solar new moon...MEANWHILE there is also the relation to the Creation cycle of Galactic Center of the SOLAR URTH Universal cycle which begins. Dec 18 each year in this century..the New moon coming Dec 4 on dates is significant Sagiitarius as the SPEAKER-PSI-ON (or CHI-RON the ruler planet of Ophiuchus)..and THEN following Dec 11 Paneagle birthday, add 7 days to Dec 18 the GALACTIC new year, where 7 days Galactic New year takes us with Christmas and New years to complete through January including birthdates of Muhammad ALI or MLK which takes us to February (chinese new year) on the New Moon in Aquarius, thus PREPARING the way for the 2022 TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE SOLAR FIELD OF LIGHT, again a metaphor for this SHIFT from consciousness to REAL AWARENESS which is always available in the NU AEGIS of the NU the NU URTH OF THE REAL UNIVERSIS... There are 7 monads in the SOLAR YEAR with 4 SEASONS each of the 7x4 sign groups (28 days each) which lead to the GALACTIC NEW YEAR...this means Dec 18/19 as the day out of time or SOLAR return event day...ALL THIS speaking meta-phorically of both the UNIVERSAL REALITY but also the TRU REALITY LIFE IS which has no date time cycle features or definitions but is experienced as this moment now, at the head of ALL PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE...that WE ARE HERE IN NOW...The true tru CLOUD ATLAS and the Reality of SOLAR-ISNISS that we each are a STAR SUUN or SON OF HEAVEN in our REALITY that is now the simulation we created by our acceptance of whatever ideas we accept or views we make ...To recognize this OLD AEGIS is a simulation and the ideas of astrology space gods or religious or even marketed social cultural institutions as nothing but transference in our personal realm, meanwhile the UNIVERSAL impersonal and not changeable also fixed creation was completed at big bang or one moment reality) but which now is up for grabs depending on our position if we wish to allow or accept it, our mission impossible or TRU Atma (at man Numan) risk taking the greatest we are able to, for this extent is up to us also, to make better choices, with Universal appeal relation as it makes sense, and BENEFICIAL to all LIFE, NatUre REAL ENVIRONMENT... Paneagle has connections...Rising 1 virgo conjunct Regulus, celestial navigator.The 'SAGE' Sun midpoint Great Attractor /gtc...Solaris conjunct the GTC exact, and second sun 17 gemini conjunct the GREAT ATTRACTOR second posit conjunct RIGEL the red giant and CAPELLA at 22 Gemi star THE GOLDEN CHARIOTEER Messenger of the Heavens...Paneagle the Solarist has these connections...I Rising 1 virgo conjunct Regulus, the celestial navigator....The 'SAGE' Sun at midpoint Great Attractor and Galactic Center...My Solaris is conjunct the GTC within 1 degree, and my second sun at 17 gemini is conjunct the GREAT ATTRACTOR second position also at 17 Gemini conjunct RIGEL the red giant I believe and CAPELLA at 22 Gemini the star of THE GOLDEN CHARIOTEER or Messenger of the Heavens. galactician blogspot.. THANK YOU AGAIN .. LET there be LIGHT ALWAYS!
Friday, November 26, 2021
STAR DATE 11 26 sun 5 Sagittarius solar Capricorn the SWAN star VEGA Evening STAR the Aquarius winged horse and water bearer of LIGHT and Heavens open wide SOLAR 27 sagittarius IS conjunct the GALACTIC CENTER at 27 sagittarius The MOON is in LEO the GOLDEN BEAR of the Big Dipper NIGHT STAR REGULUS the Navigator #c *Galactic Center g 8°52'27" A Sun i 5° 6'55" 4 1° 0'43" N 21° 9' 2" S B Moon f 0°57'26" SABIAN 5 Sagittarius AN OLD OWL PERCHED HIGH UP IN A TREE the ability, or the necessity, of being able to quietly observe what’s going on AN OLD OWL SITS ALONE ON THE BRANCH OF A LARGE TREE A Poised and wise approach to existence based on a clear perception of unconscious factors and their operation PANEAGLE VERSES and the SOLAR IS VERSION OF REALITY HOW CREATION WORKS AND WHAT CREATION REALLY IS The creation for most is the world, earth, sun and our universe It is largely considered the physical realm for people and animals and plants and planets The real UniversIS includes Creation only at its 4 dimensions of matter energy space and time The real SOLAR universe FIELD has 5 levels of life including 5 dimensions or planes This we share with all life but also in our own solar field of light which is our own creation This power of creation then is given us not because we are creators, but because it is creations gift of life From here man begins to miss the entire spectrum of reality including his own position He has created his own creation and then made that the creation which we belief is all life and the world This misidentification is very important, because it is built on the false fact of creation as all there is The real UniversIS has the 6 dimensions of creation, but is really all that is beyond these created realities The true UNIVERSAL of our SOLAR POSITION is the reality of our relation to the TRU REALITY LIFE IS That is we are of the IS as a creator SHARIA in the ISNIIS, as a being of light in the field light of the ALL IS This is really rudimentary compared to the REAL UNIVERSIS NISS which is our SOLAR-IS ISNISS To explain the real universIS this way give a remarkable picture of the actual TRU REALITY which we cannot describe and which has no description or position or possession or laws rules or control issues Thus what we mean is the REAL AEGIS is here now always and has no time space matter energy position This also means it is forever or ENEVER now, even as our UNIVERSAL TIME proceeds through UNIVERSIS spaces and we are all always live and real at the forefront of THIS Thusly even as we describe this in the SOLAR FIELD as this moment proceeds in SOLAR GALACTIC position in creation, it is only but a mirror or relation to the ACTUAL which has no reflection or relativity We’re observing this as a SIMULATOR of REALITY only as it appears or is a created moment OR VIEW The real awareness KNOWS this all is and our tru REALITY is our REAL AWARENESS, nothing else The current way to KNU this is via NU U U and you’r using the REAL AWARENESS in its reality here now This is what enables me to write this SOLAR-IS and the NU AEGIS as best I can in this moment This all is constantly advancing, and AS that IS ENDLESS BEING ISNISS world without end ALL WE HAVE is our own choice and what we shall do with hit, thusly our identification determines reality but also if misidentified or unknown truly, all we make is a mistaken reality which continues on its own, without control or definition, only as a human concept which has become our reality This simulation goes on beyond the universal field we know, and our own lifetime, into infinity Much like a robotic android or computer AI system where intelligence is always artificially created And every experience of it is the same artificial unreality which we have subsumed as reality itself This is in fact what is going on in the world today, and our entire past human history of ALIENATION This is our universal distancing which the LITECS (Alien invasion) has both directed and documented and it is truly demented, distorted and distended thusly as the enslaved human prison planet We are discovering this history now, but it may be too late to present the robotic continuation And only our own individual CHOICE is the determination of TRU REALITY allows us by REAL AWARENESS
Monday, November 22, 2021
SOLARIS TODAY NOV 22 THE GREATEST GIFT Destiny you can save the world
Star date 11-22 THE GREATEST GIFT STARS OF THE UNIVERSE and the NU Universal AEGIS of NOW Begin the days of Ophiuchus through Dec 4 the doctor healer shaman Can this healing usher forth or be denied, depending on our free choice and objectivity Do we allow the mesmer of the Universe to sway view and opinions or advocate for or against our best interests Galactic Center g 8°52'13" SOLAR 13 sagittarius PROGRESS and MOVEMENT FORWARD EXPANSION The UNIVERSAL IS 5 GEMINI as the universal communicator shares its Universal message Orion hunter prepares the quest to move with the dogs of War and the wolves of Heaven There is the growing awareness of the AI and its rapid takeover process of ALIENATION invaders This being through technology in 5G and Media program and Psychic demands of intelligence Most are unaware that as we speak there is a takeover of Humanity and a Robotic hypnosis The Reptilianism agenda and automatic dependency on worldwide programs such as COVIDITY All that is occurring hidden beneath the surface unseen and invisible affect of the 4th dimension MOON in Cancer in the SIRIUS concern and caretaking of the planet nature and people DECISIONS on the Universal Way is to do what is most needed now SOLAR DAY ARIES PM EVE TAU THE CAMELEOPARD OPEN SPOTS ON THE SHELF A LOT OF SHOPPING AND PREPARING FOR HOLIDAY
Saturday, November 20, 2021
IS-SOLARIS NOW nov 20 SUN REDIRECT paneaglesong
NOV 20 SOLAR TODAY SHOW SUN CONJUNCT BUNGULA TOLIMAN star bungle in the jungle, bugle in the air, toll of man and soiled stars the world covidity increasing dramatically and exponentially the use of vaccines and taxation of medical companies, big business as usual but clearly at effect humanity and society day of the RESURRECTION, the solar day of redirection UNIVERSAL DAY OF URTH the Orion Hunter gatherer in the great River of Stars Eridanus follows the great SUN in its wonderful passage to the OCEANUS sea The seven SUUNS of the Universe continue the universal conversation without end In our own NU way, in the emerald forest, the tree of heaven and field of dreams, we sing the golden song of life in every moment, on the mountain of light and the solar sun is our true being in real awareness en’ever and always NOV 20 SUN 29 scorpio… the FAIRY KING addresses his brethren Beings of Heaven Sol day dawn Capricorn dolphins in the sea of life sol eve sunset aquarius the water bearer arrives with his great winged flight of light Moon gemini capella the charioteer messenger Are you working for the orion alienus or the golden chariot of heaven Here is where Pan Gesus and Einsign meet to DISCUSS the real IS IN ALL OF US It is not a belief or an idea or a group or part of the matrix of conduct morals or laws Here we are, at the crux of heaven and Urth, in the great NU space of nowhere herenow The SOLAR will not move forward for 8 months, heading towards its next retrograde In relation to the universal center in our local galaxy, we begin the journey again towards the great attractor, each of us a center or ISNISS ourselves, each star planet and sun also And each universe the same with its own individual position and objective creation So it is universe without end, solar light without pause and being without limit This is the TRUE RESURECTION, the day of translation to complete the scorpio cycle And the transition from the Trials of Hercules to the Ophiuchus Doctor Healer Shaman This is what you can become, and this becoming is that which you already are Paneaglesong the solar galactician universalist Do you know your SOUL? The Galactician updates the Universe There is a solar return once a year when the Sun reaches the GTC Galactic Center There is also a universal path through the heavens which is 26,100 years long We have also our own relative position in the heavens and in this realm Thus the 28 constellations of the Sumerian breath are still in this local universe We also have 5 bodies of Light in the local worlds, which we all use daily And these bodies have also sign-natures and positions relative to the universal There are also the positions in the STAR GPS of the world map matrix grid None of this is like the old Astrology or the sun ecliptic logic of order Yet it all is inclusive for we have our SUN or human body and logistics We have also our astral or emotional heart body most think is our SOUL This is in Astrology field of dreams in the 60x harmonic chart of the SOL The third body is the Causal which is found by adding the SUN and SOL This is our creation body in the local universe, which is karma cause and effect The fourth body is of our PSY-MIND or mental perception observation and evaluation This is the 4D body which most think is the SPIRIT or Psychic and rules over most of our actions and is controlled dimensionally by the Lucifer Satan Devil dimensia negative polarity or also known metaphorically PSI-ENCE or the SPUR OF IT, and the A-LIE-AN or Saint Evil Loose on the world, all of which describes the three header KALUUM GOD which we often feel is the REAL G.O.D which it is not nor is any a GOD of itself The fifth body is the combination of the SUN AND THE PSI, which is the SOLARITY This is the sum of the 1st and 3rd harmonics (1x, 3600x) found of the SUN This SOULAR body of light is that whole we are in our real awareness or ISNISS itself But now we arrive at the edge of the universe and the body of creation Here we must cross the deep dark border and enter the unknown or invisible tru reality Here there is no oppositions no substance no definition no mest universe or dimensia The seventh sun in the seventh heaven, our whole UNIVERSAL BODY, And we are our own SOLAR-ISniss IN the Astrological golden SUUN this is the sum total of our three sun positions SOLARIS is the sum of any positions really, the whole of our own SUN or SOLARIS Now finally we come to the edge of the Universe, the great beyond, the true REAL The seven suns seven skies seven oceans seven lights The seven seas the seven souls the seven angels and seven goals The seven continents the seven stars seven seasons seven signs In this local solar universe we have a solar urth as the SOLAREAN This is SOLASTRY and the UNIVERSAL CHART The maps of the true heavens include the STAR GPS, the SOLARIS GOLDEN MEAN The SOLAR UNIVERSAL CHART, THE 3 UNIVERSAL GODZ and 7 SOLAR SUUNS In the PRIME SOLAR CHART we include the 7 SUUN positions and our 6 natals of the moon ascendent midheaven In the UNIVERSAL CHART we add the 3 godz and Andromeda And 2 positions of SUN and SOLARIS GTIC of the GALACTIC center, sum total of the 3 positions of the SOLAR to the Galactic Center (1x,60x,3600) Now we can find also the STARS in link or conjunction to these 13 points and 5 Universals which completes the 18 major SUUN chart STAR DATE and the GALACTIC CENTER How I came to discover this? As I am Sagittarius sun 19 degrees, the sun progressed a day for 6 decades to age 60 at 25 to 26 sagittarius which is the position of my birth GTCI or total SOLAR GALACTIC and which is also the degree of my own SOLARIS SUUN at birth. In this past decade (I am now 70 this December) I was ‘given’ this entire URANIS of the SOLAR UNIVERSAL ZODIAC, which was presented as Sumerian ISTORY or original something like the STAR MAP given to the Ancient Astrologers. Recently I found that my original name peter marshall adams is the namesake of the 3 astrologers of 800 years apart known as Peteoris Marshallah and Nuestradamus and this is 400 years since Nostradamus wrote his works based on Astrology and his PSI-ence Alchemy writings. You know we just can’t make this up, any more than we can rewrite history or know the truth or change the positions of the heavens or the stars. I Really don’t require validation or vindication or acceptance, nor require proofing by eclipses or other astronomical events, like Einstein did with Relativity and his EMC2 formula, even if they are here and now in this advanced PSI-ESSENCE study. I will give one example, which of the GREAT ATTRACTOR is currently at position 14 sagittarius and 15 leo. In fact at 15 00, this exact shift occurs this year in the 16th sabian degree of Leo, but in the past 15 years, Tom Brady whose sun is 14 Leo won all his super bowl rings, including 2 in the past 2 years, quite remarkably aligned with the GREAT ATTRACTOR second sun position. The STAR GPS is the Map of positions in the 360 x 90 degree circle of the earth, relative to the old astrological system of 12 signs, but what SOLARIS adds to this is the sum total of the longitude latitudes, using GMT and Equator as positional zero points. Here we have the diagonal map of locations, that is grid lines which cover the globe from 0 aries/0 aries and which demonstrates the Universal SOLAR presentation in sign groups by 30,10,15,5,3 and 1 degree segments, but primarily in the 30 degree zones. My best example is the UNITED STATES which is Gemini longitude 60 to 90 west and the line of Capella at 82 west, which is where I live in north Floriva. Close also is the USA Sol degree at 19 gemini which is 78/79 west, the longitude of WASHINGTON DC. The main US CONNECTION is the Solaris diagonal of Cancer 25 degree which runs from New York to Florida along the East coast corridor of original 13 US States, The USA pluto at 27 capricorn is prominent here opposition of the seat of power in America, steel industry and corporation of government, and the media center which is new York. The cancer longitude of five degree is 75 to 80 west, again with 13 degree cancer sun right in the middle where is Philadelphia and Washington, the two original capital cities. We can map out all places using the same exacting formula. New York is an exciting view because in the 1 degree zones it is Leo and Taurus, natural to the entertainment and money centers of stock markets and broadway, but the solaris 1 degree is libra and sc orpio as the social cultural and power media center of the United States, promoting sports television immigration banking and real estate values and the media mayhem of advertising and the korporate takeover of the continent and the world. The 5 degree zone is Sagittarius and gemini, again 74 west being 20 degree zone of Gemini which is Capella brightest star of the North but also Betelguese, representing the ghost buster is-land of Manhattan and its alien manipulation (Orions head) and feet firmly placed both here but also in the central United States between 77 west and 89 west gemini degrees the space between the Mississippi and the East Coast District of Columbia and so on. We do have to recognize the positive and negative influences which this matrix grid of domination or control simulation that is the earth and this universe, creation being what it is, not a benign creation of a loving god, but the reality of polaric forces and dimensional vortices which are revealed in this everywhere we look. Is man pure and good? Are our governments or business practices honest or earnestly positive to environment or people? There is no such thing and the reality of the GODZ IS ONLY THIS, that we much be AWARE of these factors and factions, because only then can we look beyond them, much like the old Astrology which is but a small or short view of the Real UniversIS and the TRU REALITY, which we only now are beginning to grasp and understand if at all accept the Galactic Union which is being offered Man and Gaia, as we speak. This self same limitation is in fact part of the Cultural heritage which is being confronted now, but which most still do not receive or wish to honor or even speak of. But what about the historical perspective of the Galactic center and SOLARIS ISTORY. I call it ISTORY because really all this is an ISNISS which is not matter of some definition or identifications, nor metaphysical or character referencing, but rather just alignments. I don’t regard a deep review of star constellation references although unnecessary they of course have relevance, and using references is our only tool in this PSI-ENCE talk. The ISNISS of all IS that ALL IS an ISNISS itself, and each is its own ISNISS, a reality itself. The Galactic ISTORY comes of the advance of the SOLAR GALACTIC AGEIS. The Old AEGIS was established prior to the Sumerian period, with its worship of space gods, the OrionIS Virus implant, and the Astrological gods included. This was changed or adopted by the Babylonians into the 12 house 12 sign 360 degree circle. The STARS too were mapped and fixed in relative position with the 7 planets known to the Ancients, became the first zodiac we uncovered in modern times. But now the Universal speaks to US. We can explore the distant billion light years of Stars and Galaxies, and know the positions of the 3 GODZ, the great attractor, Messier and Andromeda and the Galactic Center as black hole gravity well universal centers, including the SHAPLEY CLUSTER which is drawing the great attractor to it. These degrees are the current 27 sag GTCS, 14 sag GAPS and 2 Libra MESSIAHS and also Andromeda at 28 Aries. Originally Andromeda at 0 ARIES occurred in 0 AD and seems apparently no accident that modern time after BCE was created then alongside the zodiac point origin 0 Aries. This also coincided with the Jesus events and the age of Pisces began at 30 pisces, going backward in the old View, whereas the GTC SOLAR was our position moving forward from 0 Sagittarius, indicative of the new ‘religion’ period which has lasted 2000 years and has about 150 more years to 2150 to complete the SAGE cycle, thus our Galactic Union and the SOLAR UNIVERSAL presents both the Age of Aquarius and the SOLARIS of this progress evolutionary or otherwise visionary perspectives which SOLASTRY is. WOW is all I can say here. This is what SOLASTRY IS in its entirety. But there is so much more to know and actually so little of it needs to be adopted, or demonstrated even as it is the most advanced and SOLARISTIC DOCUMENT of its kind. I know of no other who has even mentioned it, nor studied it this directly, nor even listened or accepted my invitations, but just because its not social cultural accepted or scientifically related or advised metaphysically, this still is no different than the Copernicus galileo Einstein otherwise known as Center-US Galactic-leo Ein-signs and all the others who contributed throughout history and surely as much with me and this offering as in any other TRU TRU or REAL CLOUD ATLAS. The real SOLAR-IS the sum total or whole (holy?) BY and BY of all LIFE IS. There is nothing but LIFE and the TRU REALITY LIFE IS. No science religion or business concept or ideology or astrology or solastry can replace or change or adopt to this without for it is WORLD WITHOUT END and Universe without limit, again the same idea is for Man to become AWARE, to be of the ALL IS, and in his own creations, the ISNISS itself IS. STAR DATE NOV 18 FULL MOON OCEAN OF THE SKY paneaglesong Exegis Golf gold letter short cut gold methods PANADAMS GOLF easy method WWWE - YouTube SPECIAL PUTTING KEYS always hit the ball straight line up target with club face square to target look down from club at angle to see target line put back hand lower on club than front hand to guide grip golf club firmly with front hand to hold tight set feet at address in proper balance use your back hand to hit ball straight and pure take one practice swing to gauge tempo flow through to target with slight roll of hips or knees forward to ensure enough length make sure your attitude or inner thought is right on target, hit it perfect or make the putt, hole in one, etc... you can use this on nearly every putt pitch or iron shot i often practice using one hand only with excellent results.. i find out if i have that attitude ready with the shot it goes very well ITS ALL IN THE FEEL i have been playing with 4 clubs walking the course often barefoot like sam snead did using the 3 wood rescue driver and 8 iron with putt hardly ever have a mid iron shot i can stretch or pitch with the 8 iron and also the 3 wood which can be used for shorter shots once you practice with it, you can even use a wood to putt (its true) i hit a mid iron shot with a 3 wood and controlled the tempo to excellent results also.. best of all fortune I do not want christmas presents or birthday gifts... i wish you would all become part of my ALTRUISM LOTTERY PROJECT IF i could raise funds of about 5 to 10 people in the family group to win 50,000 on 5 numbers.. with 20 dollars each per week (about 100 per week and $400 a month total for all ... i will match the funding with the same amount given.. as I tried to get players to play in their own states, it was not a go so I will play the numbers in florida.. I think I/we can then create a trust fund joint family account with my great numbers system SOLAR STAR lottery method perhaps as a christmas present for 1 month test only i am sure this investment can result in excellent return if not jackpot i know I am asking again but I really don't see why this is not an excellent idea.... how about it..? I have a paypal account with 1 person in it for $20.. the paypal account is HEY paneaglesong from the TREASURE TREE Gjesus Exegis - YouTube this is the first of 24 greatest hits playlist by peter adams among 100 songs videos and 100 instrumentals i wrote in the past 10 years THE LIFETIMES OF PANEAGLE…aka PETER MARSHALL ADAMS I was among others John Adams co-author of Declaration of Independence and Prussia’s Peter III, great grandson of Peter I the Great of Russia, and Joseph of Arimethea, who began first church in England, and buried Jeshua in the tomb with the holy grail (blood of christ), along with the 3 lifetimes as foundational Prophet Astrologers Peteoris Marshallah Nouastradamus who were born about 800 years apart, around 0AD, 800 and 1600, and Black Elk Indian shaman Chief in 1880’s who was present at little big horn battle with Custer and witnessed the end of Native Indian sovereignty and later went to Europe with Commander Buffalo Bill Cody and translated in 1949 the year of death of my namesake Peter Marshall the Scottish born priest of the Supreme court, meanwhile I may also have died in the Polish Jewish Holocaust in 1939 as well as during the plaque of 1300, was part of the first books written in 1400 during Chaucer’s time of rhyming verses and also likely a Huguonot original American settler reborn in 1851 as the Scottish “kidnapped” author Robert louis Stevenson lookalike during the time of the first Gutenberg bible book on movable type printing press. Now presently among family members and friends who were James Madison, principle of the US Constitution and George Washington, that eventually led to my own incarnation as my grandfather who promoted the great GOD’S FIDDLER Yascha Heifetz who escaped the Russian revolution in 1917 and began the first tours of live aid type concerts in world war III, while also part of the Wolfsohn (wolf’s sun) musical Bureau and publishing company that became Columbia records. I am currently the Prescient of NU Amer and president of SEEOCEANUS Seers of Real NatUre and the One universal Galatician and Solarist founder of SOLARIS and SOLASTRY, declaring the REVEALATION of the NU AEGIS of THE SUUN on URTH in 2021 with the NUISOLARIS today show discovery the solar star lottery and PANADAMS golf method with the WWWE world wide wake up call WEDUCATORS and NUUNIVERSITIS By Invitation of Jesus | What Is Jesus Worth To You By Peter Marshall* Footnote: *Peter Marshall was a Scottish immigrant who entered the clergy and went on to become U.S. Senate Chaplain and the unofficial “conscience” of Washington. His life was the subject of a 1955 movie, A Man Called Peter.
Friday, November 19, 2021
Nov 19 STAR DATE YEAR 6.52 SOLAR 9.30 UNIVERSAL 2.22 The SOLAR day of the Ophiuchus healer and shaman demonstration of Reality MASTER DAY OF THE TAU LEOPARD KING SOLAR DAY OF THE SCORPIO eve sunset of SAGITTARIUS the SAGE STARS ALGOL AND BUNGULA the bungle in the jungle and socio-political economic oppression 4th and 3rd brightest stars illuminated with the projected reality Simulation of Dark brat InVaders Moon 9 capricorn the SWAN in the hansa or the solar light of the SUUN full moon day after the eclipse We can project ahead 90 days from this eclipse to events of the winter solar months The UNIVERSAL day of the alignment of these 12 months Andromeda and Galactic Center is our most powerful direction of the universal reach into the relativity (relationship) of our earth positions (possession) as the most difficult human challenge This is also of the crisis of identity of the great attractor square by Uranus 2021-22 And including the covidity social distancing ALIENATION experiment and causation MANipulation SABIAN 28 scorpio c *Galactic Center g 8°52' 0 STAR DATE 2022 ITS JOE BIDEN BIRTHDATE FULL MOON eclipse The fact no one is listening or paying attention to paneagle The great US solarist (astrologer of the solar universal) This year’s most powerful universals Gtc-s the GETS is in 10th of libra… 2022…GREATEST GIFTS of MARS of the NU SOLAR – IS and SOLAR LIGHT being shared by Paneagle the book of NUASTRADAMUS of NUAEGIS (Pan Gesus and EIN-SIGNS (Solarist psi-in-tist) established myself as the UNIVERSAL GALACTICIAN and AMERICAN SOUL ASTROLOGER wrote the SOULOGY, D’estiny double trilogy, and STAR ROCK LEGEND (creation myth) founded SEE OCEAN as PRESCIENT of NU AMER NU AMER is the 5th continent and combined Mexico Canada America A prescient is one who rules not at all nor with ideas or words or by authority force media or agenda my request for 20 dollar a month by family and ALP members donation of players for Star lottery at about 12 disciples of the LIVING WORD to create the NuTRON bank and solve the economic riddle of the former .gov .biz .rel in the year 2025 the ARMEGEDDON collapse of the AMERICA’S as a world power leader The great collapse of 2025 : Saturn gets lord like rule of conservatives Saturn being American enemies of Capricorn states China Russia and IN 2022 Republicans will use the covid and economic recession as excuses The government will complete itself in 2023 and lead to the shutdown in 2025 There is a chance the entire economic function of markets using technology including voting pluto in Capricorn usa return every 252 years, in 2023 in the USA 2ND HOUSE Node in taurus 2022-2023 conjunct Uranus economic change GTCS in 13-14 libra conjunct USA Saturn and square USA SUN Square to my Uranus..cancer means object control agenda gets put in place And the node of the moon opposes biden early in 2022.. My objective solar references are rejected and lack support un-defended Saturn opposite Uranus in paneagle progression cross to bear burden of proof I am considered erractic and ignobled insulted and generally ignored across the board And the universalism AEGIS is un-defended indivisible but established none the less Node in Aries Andromeda 2024 ..a woman runs for president.. Trump runs against her…amid greater fixed election fears There is a great resistance to universalism by the old lords of karma and alien lords The dark brats of the Orion is Virus and SATURNIANS Lord in this 3d hard round rock world The truth is there is good in any of the politics and the end of the world is Nigh(T) Meaning there is no real truth on this prison planet The people are sitting ducks and a captive audience (media bonded tech goggly eyes TV) Using reptilian language (the 7 words) and receiving only Disney and amazon programming There are 3 life positions, the sun U body human, the ((solar light_heart)) or Orbjective and the relative or universal *spirit mind My greatest gift is this sharing in real awareness, not a physical object or literal word valuation There is no agenda in universalism, not a welfare system or state, and surely not American patriotism Or economic appropriations funding or otherwise control system agenda, emotional bias MAJOR ASPECTS OF 2022 Lilith in 2022 in gemini conjunct the USA SOL at 19 gemini and conjunct CAPELLA 22 gemini CHIRON 8 Aries We live in the 5 spheres, the atmosphere (earth), the beta or biosphere (Gaia) and the Terra-sphere or solar sphere, the universal URTH and the SOLAR-IS field of Light… SOLAR GALACTIC URTH is a planet eligible for galactic union
Thursday, November 18, 2021
STAR DATE NOV 18 OCEAN OF THE SKY paneaglesong EXEGIS Nov 18 star date Thursday THE POWER OF VISION Sabian 27 scorpio A MILITARY BAND MARCH NOISILY ON THROUGH THE CITY STREETS The reason you are wanted to fit in..Objectification of humanity The aggressive glorification of cultural values Sol libra daylight in beauty the Messiah calls his brethren in loyal following and the sol eve scorpio dragon where the tail wags and the people revolt the corporation industry is being called to order while they refuse to obey the common man or be denied by the political elite, creating the tension of polar forces on earth how to read the light… the light of the solar=is HOW TO SOLARIZE in the computer, the copy mode lines a text or group and pastes in light source to space read the light in the same way, you’re a solar being with solar eyes THE FULL MOON TIME.. 3 days of 60 degrees. 1.5 days before and after 2 days of the full moon … 60 hours of the full moon.. 15 degrees before and after takes 36 hours of Moon full and bright Begins 24 hours before …full moon babies….an interesting lot Current full moon is 27.2 taurus….sun is 28 sco full moon time midnight 11/19 1am Begins 11/18 midnight goes through 11/20 Find your full moon degree or new moon degree for birth Peter was born moon 5 gem full moon was 20 sag-gemini con capella 21st gemini conjunct Capella sabian A labour demonstration' easily brings to mind disgruntled workers demonstrating in a show of public solidarity and an airing of grievances CAPELLA IS THE BRIGHTEST STAR IN THE NORTH SKY of the Messenger of the GODZ and Charioteer golden chariot of heaven Ancient scripts for today from paneagle the galactician solarist peteoris marshallah nustradamus an..scient )and psi-essence…a IS science….Andromeda Psi-ent. Ancient science of soul travel..and ancient wisdom for today…On the path of total awareness…the real plan.Real legion of light and sound to Become the NU SOULARS..the NUmanity of Urth NU beings of Light in the NU UNiverSIS NATURAL WORLD Exegis freedom music project Song written shared and produced all in one take SONG for today ALL IS videos and music available for music perform cover create share change no copyright control Video made with Clipchamp Create beautiful videos online, in no time. This was a test project using dubbing and video morph with music and title overlay Over 400 Paneaglesongs and video performances EXEGIS is freedom from the bonds of creation and the dark brat Kontrollers It is time for all Numanity to become AWARE in the Real UniversIS become awake and aware with NU U U and create the Real YU in the Real Urth
STAR DATE NOV 18 OCEAN OF THE SKY paneaglesong EXEGIS Nov 18 star date Thursday THE POWER OF VISION Sabian 27 scorpio A MILITARY BAND MARCH NOISILY ON THROUGH THE CITY STREETS The reason you are wanted to fit in..Objectification of humanity The aggressive glorification of cultural values Sol libra daylight in beauty the Messiah calls his brethren in loyal following and the sol eve scorpio dragon where the tail wags and the people revolt the corporation industry is being called to order while they refuse to obey the common man or be denied by the political elite, creating the tension of polar forces on earth how to read the light… the light of the solar=is HOW TO SOLARIZE in the computer, the copy mode lines a text or group and pastes in light source to space read the light in the same way, you’re a solar being with solar eyes THE FULL MOON TIME.. 3 days of 60 degrees. 1.5 days before and after 2 days of the full moon … 60 hours of the full moon.. 15 degrees before and after takes 36 hours of Moon full and bright Begins 24 hours before …full moon babies….an interesting lot Current full moon is 27.2 taurus….sun is 28 sco full moon time midnight 11/19 1am Begins 11/18 midnight goes through 11/20 Find your full moon degree or new moon degree for birth Peter was born moon 5 gem full moon was 20 sag-gemini con capella 21st gemini conjunct Capella sabian A labour demonstration' easily brings to mind disgruntled workers demonstrating in a show of public solidarity and an airing of grievances CAPELLA IS THE BRIGHTEST STAR IN THE NORTH SKY of the Messenger of the GODZ and Charioteer golden chariot of heaven Ancient scripts for today from paneagle the galactician solarist peteoris marshallah nustradamus an..scient )and psi-essence…a IS science….Andromeda Psi-ent. Ancient science of soul travel..and ancient wisdom for today…On the path of total awareness…the real plan.Real legion of light and sound to Become the NU SOULARS..the NUmanity of Urth NU beings of Light in the NU UNiverSIS NATURAL WORLD Exegis freedom music project Song written shared and produced all in one take SONG for today ALL IS videos and music available for music perform cover create share change no copyright control Video made with Clipchamp Create beautiful videos online, in no time. This was a test project using dubbing and video morph with music and title overlay Over 400 Paneaglesongs and video performances EXEGIS is freedom from the bonds of creation and the dark brat Kontrollers It is time for all Numanity to become AWARE in the Real UniversIS become awake and aware with NU U U and create the Real YU in the Real Urth
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
STAR DATE NOV 17 moon Taurus SWEET WATER FALLS paneaglesong
THE NU ARC STAR SONG WHEN YOU FIND YOU’R A STAR TO THE WONDER ARC Take the wonder Arc Bring your star SOUL wonderful You already are Way past Jupiter and mars Along the milky way Across the great divide And the creation dream Out of the galactic spiral Beyond the sea of stars To oceanus the tru cloud atlas arc And the treasure tree Lanikai Open its real heaven gates Here on earth suspend belief Where the dune planet ends you begin Arrakis to childhoods end once I was peter pan The star child awakens as the uncle arimethean Author kidnapped and treasure island tree Saint joe to the day the earth stood still the first church built by the first star rock man the NU URTH we build all along the watchtowers as the apocalypse nears and the star rock legends here by men doomed In ALIEN nation spheres takes they’re dark controllers words and images in bibles korans lancelots camel yearns by Mathews Falstaff jokes in arabian nights where long ago Nathaniel and apollo rode along john lennon’s imagine strawberry elysian fields the soular research vessel IN sight of real UniversIS as the Messiah Gesus Einsign Andromedan by the spex orgasmic ecstasy that IS NU ALL in NU-AM-AH IS vairagi boundless IS IN THE WONDER ARC bring your Star Soul Are WONDERFUL in the wonder Arc Bring your Star
making a SOLAR PLAN OF SURVIVAL FOR 2022 the SOLAR YEAR GTCI and PLANETZ aspects using the 3 positions of the 3 godz GTC GAP MSI and our SOLAR and planetary CONNECTIONS including the SOLAR ECLIPSE SOLAR GALACTIC NU YEAR and SOLAR REDIRECTS positions and degrees Solar eclipse Dec 2 is 12 Sag 42 conjunct GAP great attractor and Uranus Galalctic new year is dec 18/19 at 27’sag 9 ‘libra GTC-S conjunct Star Porrima the harvester GTC 27 sag 9 libra GAP 14 sag 15 leo MSI 1 libra 14 gemini Knowing the sabian symbols for the key degrees Matching planets in UNIVERSAL ASPECTS Uranus is square GAP and semi MSI-S Neptune opposed USA Neptune mass allusions of God World hypnosis and square Mars Gemini human survival threat extraction And media exposition of the Reptilian dark brat controllers Sex drugs alcohol electronic media and medical addictions Saturn will oppose the GA-S or gravity center of our local galaxy Pluto will semi-sextile the GTC galatic dis-unity How can mankind stave of a Coronal Mass Extinction Preparing for the next wave of the Covidity Illuminati experiment Overcoming the 4D dimensional Alien control domination agenda The future prospect of human AI (ALIENATION) or the NU Wave of the Nu Aegis Code names MSI-S is the Misses or feminine womb of the galaxies GTC-S is the Galactic influence or Kal space god GPA-S is the grand point average center of universe Each of us has a SOLAR UNIVERSAL POSITION that gets beyond this creation complex And can be REAL WITH THE REAL UNIVERSIS here and now
Monday, November 15, 2021
Saturday, November 13, 2021
Friday, November 12, 2021
SOLAR TODAY NOV 12 EN'EVERGREEN weekend of lost souls
nov 12 star date hercules day 5 editorial WILDSTOCK concert and CLOUD ATLAS if all merc uran in scorpio taurus was a material manifestation or god.lord urania speaking in tonques or humor instead of the KNU-More sound of NU heard in all music, inspiration would be stevie nicks planets of the universe or jared lawson universal chord...or Airto Moreira AIM brazilian...or Ravi Shankar and Miles Davis IN a silent way..AND THE MOVIE cloud atlas ..while we share the Real Universis as SOULAR beings of light on Urth..thus the SOLAR UNIVERSAL day 5 of hercules brings us the WILDSTOCK concert which his the ongoing play to KNU the difference between the at play in the field of the lord (lower realms) or the being on the Real Side of URTH in the real SolarIS NUniversIS..for those listening to the pure sound and tru recognition which takes real awareness with full ntention...our perspective can shift in this trial date and weekend of the Solar 5-6-7th chcord lost to most due to the materialization of our position and earth bound as above so below wheras those as within so without get the cross to bear on what is THE TRU REALITY LIFE IS...fascinating or in the fascination (illusion creation and magnification of identity and personality)..our choice always how to express the saturn planet lords or just be aware of the 7th song of the SOLAR SUUNS OF HEAVEN which we find and comprise only if we see through the simulator here and all this IS a simulation which we have accepted...this truly is a merc uranus revealation which may seem WILD or Errant..erractic or erroneous ecliptic view but our real awareness knows beyond the old aegis and its perception built ALIENATION of the Orion Virus space gods enki and enlil whose mating took place millenium ago with the real coronal virus implant genome adjustment and formulated a 12 sign 30 degree system based on the sun and ecliptic measure path of the planets...while the REAL SOULAR path was always on across the universe from SUN TO GALACTIC CENTER which is in itself connected to the GREAT ATTRACTOR gravity well black hole center of space dimensia... its astounding that these space GODZ can rule over the smallest atom here, until we in real awakening see the dawn of the TRU REALITY and this dimensional conditioning which we know in solar bodies of mind emotion cause physical senses and the SOULAR whole body of Light..see sharia of galactician blogspot paneagle author because your whole universe is waiting..thank you Acuta for allowing these posts to continue with you..SOLAR IS TODAY SHOW on yutubby THE SKY CHURCH AND THE CLOUD ATLAS
Nov 12 star date SOLAR 708 652.1041 UNIT 4.33 capricorn 22 the DOLPHIN SMILE UNIVERSAL Unicorn and the dream of Life moon in 11 Pisces the DAY OF THE CROSS THE WHALE CARETAKERS singing their songs in unity and empathy with ALL IS Bearing WITNISS to the tru NU AEGIS which is the opportunity of REALITY IN ALL LIFE The tru realization of solar galactic position is about to shift Nov 19 in 7 days.. are we ready For the next solar cycle which will be forward progressive until Summer in June 2022 As the sun begins it rise from the south it also progresses forward through the universe Solunar day IS LEO until noon est THE BIG DIPPER and GOLDEN BEARS going to sleep While the GOLDEN SOULS SHINE introducing the NU WILDSTOCK CONCERT for all life and in evening the green fields of urth NATURE virgo and the Bootes Shepherd with its lead star ARCTURUS of the NU ARC guides home gather your flocks for the harvest or evening peace and friendship among loved ones WHAT IS THE NU U SONG ? A way to know your direct WAY into the NU UNIVERSIS The song which we may sing to bring our DREAM VISIONS and become a REAL SEER Working with the natural environment and knowing the real NU GUIDES always on
Thursday, November 11, 2021
SOLUNAR gemini sunrise day of the Orion STAR CAPELLA the messenger
Solunar eve of the cancare STAR SIRIUS
Moon aquarius in the Cepheus (Cetus whale THE FISHER KING)
Gathering apostles and disciples
to discover the GOLDEN SUUN kingdoms of Heaven
SOLAR STAR TODAY NOV 11 SUN SQUARE GREAT ATTRACTOR YOUR PAST LIVES AND BEING FROM KARMA The NU-DHA NU-UU and NU MAHN The four grandfathers and the four parts of the ‘divine” Mind Man has a bi-cameral brain which exists in the whole trinity We go beyond the karma, dharma and creation beliefs in ideas, viewpoints And consciousness, and the old tricks of the reptilian coyote brain body sense Known formerly as body mind and spirit and buddhistic Mindfulness This is really the (holy) whole trinity (only our) IN-TO-IT-I-ON of perception, consciousness and awareness in 4 dimensions but the reality is the mind has 4 parts, while the brain operates also in these four dimensions, of sense perception, evaluation aka insight, the censor or causal discrimination or action, and intuition as IN-to-IT-i-on The SOLAREAN is the solar being of light (Spirit old term) The SOLAR AWARENESS is our whole IN-TO-IT-I-ON But this requires a transcendent perspective, transformative insight, and transmutative evaluation and full utilization of real awareness. The key is awareness, recognition and intention The true is just our real AWARENESS and being AWARE recognition
with a real intent (TO BECOME THE SEER of SOLAR-IS (Aware-of true Reality) ISNISS really) This requires nothing but what we are (AWARE) and what IS ALL IS This is going beyond all you ever knew or sensed or have known All ideas involvements karmas unities ideologys And being aware of former conditionalities experiences or realities
there are three levels of scorpio, transmutation transformative and translation or transcendence which is in the final week in november (sagittarius and the ophiuchus healer)..this week hercules is in full motion and consider the trials we face or know that lead to the translation...into real knowing what we have learned or know following the definitive or difficult release of passions of the mind (ego, greed, lust, selfishness, anger, envy, attachment) we may then go towards the real final journey beyond the body mind emotion to become aware of our real being...thus the great revelation beyond the universe of creation and the galactic to the six realms...this is a great challenge and risk and wonder which all must come to you... so scorpio and late November symbolizes this reveal and the Herculean task of the universal or conscious awareness ....eligibility is up to each of us.... the galactic nu year is that which really ushers in our position or mission possible if as we may choose to accept it.....but this month because the galactic solar redirects (ends retrograde of past 4 months begun on july 24) the 8 year forward thrust comes in, coincidentally on joe bidens birthday, as the government completes its year program initiations...or perhaps to saye the negative control influence in effect in human elementary actions, that is our so called creation of systems and political or worldly, yet this time the 27sag century degree and 8 to 9 libra solar gets to actually produce positively again, even though we can be sure more social programming is on the line ...conditioning and medical or electronics media that we all are under the effect some extent or other... As my own mars in 10 libra, the actions or initiations in creating the solar universal zodiac solaris is becoming a manifest which is of great value to know.. the 3 godz and the actual relativity of the solar rather than our earth bound view...i am glad i can share it here and that Molly has been listening and its evident in her recent reports and gradation into higher performance and dynamic SHARIA.. THANK YOU AND HER...PANEAGLE galactician solar is today ..this is just the tip of the iceberg....much more to come
PART II REVEALATION THE REAL NU WORLD ORDER On the SOLAR RESEARCH VESSEL Solar Universal Urth And the ARC Grail Revelation Covenant With the NU-DDHA NU-A-NAM-I and NU-AB-ALLAH NU-ISNISS As the Wholy Host Source and Origin IGINAL NUMANITY Be he she it US WE IS NU U U world wide educators WWWE GREAT WITNISS and the SOLAR-IS REVELATOR Exegis of MESSIAH (cluster of galaxies) and GTC GALACTIC GOD (influence) and the GAP GREAT ATTRACTOR GPA head GAMMA quadrant which is the fourth dimensional lords LOWER WORLD ORDER The true SOLARISEA’N in the 7 HEAVENS and 3 HELLS Be as LANDO CALRISSEAN or LUKE SKYWALKER OR PRINCESS LEIA That which is for each NUMAN to become the NU GUIDE and REAL SEERS This to work with NU NatUre in the REAL NATURAL ENVIRONMENT Of the REAL UNIVERSIS, and pure true and real, more than guud kind and necessary as the random adjustment and cooperation in six realms in creation so the true NU’NUMBERS of GENESIS (GENOME-GESUS-ISIS) and the REAL SOLAR (peak (Messiah midheaven) mountain of light the Galactic or Kaluum god Satan lord and KALI lord influence AT THE NEGATIVE pole sits the black hole of darkness and envy Ruling over the STARS AND SUNS (human farthers (Far-there) and sons) as it is so we allow it to be but is not by power or sword or scabbard nor is it the heart soul or sound of life or the real Mind matter Medium this then learn and be in the three in three and 3-6-9 of the UniversitIS for all IS to know IS and recognize intend and be awareniss IS the SPEX of NU U gives US the NU-AM-AH-ALL-IS in the 5 levels with the 21 (3x7) and 5 creation DIMENSIONS here we share the UNIVERSAL SHARIA SPEX or ‘exercise’ This is the seven universis as the atom-earth-sun-stars-galaxy-lanikea-galaxies-universal On the TREASURE TREE in the REAL URTH of the REAL UNIVERSIS With the Emerald Forest Field Of Dreams Mountain Of Light And Tree Of Heaven With The River Of Stars In The Oceanus and the Solar-IS So we may see this repeats or follows in each US and All IS In the SOLAR BODY Of The Third Eye, Ear Of Listening, Great Hand, And Golden Heart With Your Body Of Light In The Golden Mean (Rays) Of The Golden Suun Then Drink The Soma Honey Nectar, The Golden Elixir, The Pure Drop Of Living Water, In The Bread Of Life And Breathe Of Peace, Nu U U U Now as this may be or as you may best be with THIS IS, may ALL IS be There is really no GOD RULER LORD SAINT SAVIOR GURU MASTER SAVANT MAHANTA For all is NU and in the NU Now there is no other nor is the old har-old or orders Hierarchy monarchy oligarchy or CHI-irony nor OCEAN TION or ovations No co-dependence co-dominated CO-DIVIDED polarity Nor co-operative co-vidity co-opted manipulation That IS ALL ISNISS which was ISIS or RA or SOLAR or ZEUS or any godZ Is not any of these now and never really was And no ORION IS virus or ALIENATION genome genocide coded birth right Nor the law legal manmade principle or ideology ignominy or entropy This is the EXEGIS World without end ISNIIS without beginning Be AWARE and know NO of AI or Bible or Veda or Koran or Shariat is
SOLAR STAR TODAY NOV 11 SUN SQUARE GREAT ATTRACTOR YOUR PAST LIVES AND BEING FROM KARMA The NU-DHA NU-UU and NU MAHN The four grandfathers and the four parts of the ‘divine” Mind Man has a bi-cameral brain which exists in the whole trinity We go beyond the karma, dharma and creation beliefs in ideas, viewpoints And consciousness, and the old tricks of the reptilian coyote brain body sense Known formerly as body mind and spirit and buddhistic Mindfulness This is really the (holy) whole trinity (only our) IN-TO-IT-I-ON of perception, consciousness and awareness in 4 dimensions but the reality is the mind has 4 parts, while the brain operates also in these four dimensions, of sense perception, evaluation aka insight, the censor or causal discrimination or action, and intuition as IN-to-IT-i-on The SOLAREAN is the solar being of light (Spirit old term) The SOLAR AWARENESS is our whole IN-TO-IT-I-ON But this requires a transcendent perspective, transformative insight, and transmutative evaluation and full utilization of real awareness. The key is awareness, recognition and intention The true is just our real AWARENESS and being AWARE recognition
with a real intent (TO BECOME THE SEER of SOLAR-IS (Aware-of true Reality) ISNISS really) This requires nothing but what we are (AWARE) and what IS ALL IS This is going beyond all you ever knew or sensed or have known All ideas involvements karmas unities ideologys And being aware of former conditionalities experiences or realities
there are three levels of scorpio, transmutation transformative and translation or transcendence which is in the final week in november (sagittarius and the ophiuchus healer)..this week hercules is in full motion and consider the trials we face or know that lead to the translation...into real knowing what we have learned or know following the definitive or difficult release of passions of the mind (ego, greed, lust, selfishness, anger, envy, attachment) we may then go towards the real final journey beyond the body mind emotion to become aware of our real being...thus the great revelation beyond the universe of creation and the galactic to the six realms...this is a great challenge and risk and wonder which all must come to you... so scorpio and late November symbolizes this reveal and the Herculean task of the universal or conscious awareness ....eligibility is up to each of us.... the galactic nu year is that which really ushers in our position or mission possible if as we may choose to accept it.....but this month because the galactic solar redirects (ends retrograde of past 4 months begun on july 24) the 8 year forward thrust comes in, coincidentally on joe bidens birthday, as the government completes its year program initiations...or perhaps to saye the negative control influence in effect in human elementary actions, that is our so called creation of systems and political or worldly, yet this time the 27sag century degree and 8 to 9 libra solar gets to actually produce positively again, even though we can be sure more social programming is on the line ...conditioning and medical or electronics media that we all are under the effect some extent or other... As my own mars in 10 libra, the actions or initiations in creating the solar universal zodiac solaris is becoming a manifest which is of great value to know.. the 3 godz and the actual relativity of the solar rather than our earth bound view...i am glad i can share it here and that Molly has been listening and its evident in her recent reports and gradation into higher performance and dynamic SHARIA.. THANK YOU AND HER...PANEAGLE galactician solar is today ..this is just the tip of the iceberg....much more to come
PART II REVEALATION THE REAL NU WORLD ORDER On the SOLAR RESEARCH VESSEL Solar Universal Urth And the ARC Grail Revelation Covenant With the NU-DDHA NU-A-NAM-I and NU-AB-ALLAH NU-ISNISS As the Wholy Host Source and Origin IGINAL NUMANITY Be he she it US WE IS NU U U world wide educators WWWE GREAT WITNISS and the SOLAR-IS REVELATOR Exegis of MESSIAH (cluster of galaxies) and GTC GALACTIC GOD (influence) and the GAP GREAT ATTRACTOR GPA head GAMMA quadrant which is the fourth dimensional lords LOWER WORLD ORDER The true SOLARISEA’N in the 7 HEAVENS and 3 HELLS Be as LANDO CALRISSEAN or LUKE SKYWALKER OR PRINCESS LEIA That which is for each NUMAN to become the NU GUIDE and REAL SEERS This to work with NU NatUre in the REAL NATURAL ENVIRONMENT Of the REAL UNIVERSIS, and pure true and real, more than guud kind and necessary as the random adjustment and cooperation in six realms in creation so the true NU’NUMBERS of GENESIS (GENOME-GESUS-ISIS) and the REAL SOLAR (peak (Messiah midheaven) mountain of light the Galactic or Kaluum god Satan lord and KALI lord influence AT THE NEGATIVE pole sits the black hole of darkness and envy Ruling over the STARS AND SUNS (human farthers (Far-there) and sons) as it is so we allow it to be but is not by power or sword or scabbard nor is it the heart soul or sound of life or the real Mind matter Medium this then learn and be in the three in three and 3-6-9 of the UniversitIS for all IS to know IS and recognize intend and be awareniss IS the SPEX of NU U gives US the NU-AM-AH-ALL-IS in the 5 levels with the 21 (3x7) and 5 creation DIMENSIONS here we share the UNIVERSAL SHARIA SPEX or ‘exercise’ This is the seven universis as the atom-earth-sun-stars-galaxy-lanikea-galaxies-universal On the TREASURE TREE in the REAL URTH of the REAL UNIVERSIS With the Emerald Forest Field Of Dreams Mountain Of Light And Tree Of Heaven With The River Of Stars In The Oceanus and the Solar-IS So we may see this repeats or follows in each US and All IS In the SOLAR BODY Of The Third Eye, Ear Of Listening, Great Hand, And Golden Heart With Your Body Of Light In The Golden Mean (Rays) Of The Golden Suun Then Drink The Soma Honey Nectar, The Golden Elixir, The Pure Drop Of Living Water, In The Bread Of Life And Breathe Of Peace, Nu U U U Now as this may be or as you may best be with THIS IS, may ALL IS be There is really no GOD RULER LORD SAINT SAVIOR GURU MASTER SAVANT MAHANTA For all is NU and in the NU Now there is no other nor is the old har-old or orders Hierarchy monarchy oligarchy or CHI-irony nor OCEAN TION or ovations No co-dependence co-dominated CO-DIVIDED polarity Nor co-operative co-vidity co-opted manipulation That IS ALL ISNISS which was ISIS or RA or SOLAR or ZEUS or any godZ Is not any of these now and never really was And no ORION IS virus or ALIENATION genome genocide coded birth right Nor the law legal manmade principle or ideology ignominy or entropy This is the EXEGIS World without end ISNIIS without beginning Be AWARE and know NO of AI or Bible or Veda or Koran or Shariat is
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
*Galactic Center g 8°52'52" 708 658.1052 UT 4.44 A Sun h 18°59'17" 4 1° 0'19" S 17°27'57" S B Moon k 14°31'37" 7 13°38'27" 5° 2'55" S 21°17'50" SOLAR IN ARIA sunrise to Noon the ACTIVIST in first light of the NU SUUN and Universal Horizon The SOLAR AQUARIUS of mankind in retrograde or preparation to redirect day of the EAGLE In the true Unity is this formula of the Nations United and NU horizon on NU Urth in the Real UniversIS UNIVERSAL is in the sign of Cancare The SUUN of the great Wolf Dog of loyalty and Security Solar universal redirect in 9 days countdown Nov 19 The SOLAR SUUN hits on 51/52 Capricorn Dolphins play in the ocean
Don’t you know Money rules the world, especially in America where Amerizonia is born of Bozzo’s monopoly and five G’esus Verizonia AT A Tack media manipulation ALIENATION where everyone is taxed except the rich or the poor who pray or pan for gold if they can as the middle class disappears All this in the HAZE of media advertising and theft of copyright control and personal freedom The country in a locked box prison television phone media come-glow-me-rate of no return Where freedom of speech is permitted so long as you speak with the glory of the God Lord Spin Doctors And even using the similar letters of word names is disbarred or distorted search for truth
I no longer wish to play or pay into the coffers of the GCBS government business corporation Gogagly, maninsanity, mersick, gecko/wallfart, macrohardwire, fphaser or Amerizonia Lawyer banker broker dealer executors of the wills of man and dark brat overlord possessor dominion power mad money monopoly 9/11 Oil medicine electro-chemical and 7/11 fake food fad or 1/1 one way all for me none for you delivery system Thank you for being willing to support this ALP E-conomic vision of a better world today I declare this to be the most honest and tru tru GO-FUND ME Script Request I can write My name is Peter Adams aka Peter-AdamIS- Pan-eaglesong Professor Catfun I am a Genus inventor and prescient of SEEOCEAN SEERS of Real NatUre work with environment For many years of my life I lived off grid lifestyle writer e-books and 400 music song or videos I have never charged fees or asked earned or raised money and live on a very small social security income
Since i recognize many of my past lives, surely a Priest, Astrologer writer traveler As I also believe I was the rich man Joseph of Arimethea who took my 'friend' Jeshua off the cross and with Nicodemus treated his body (and then went to England to begin the Church there)
In this life I have discovered SOLARIS, great advancement of the stars and Universal positions to find the full dimension reality of Humanity that is of this Planet, Sun and UniversIS I have also discovered the SOLAR KEY TO GALACTIC TIMING can be used for predicting as I can provide winning numbers very close to exact using STAR Lottery
Now I know many don't know this, so It is not important except IT leads to my Go FUN'd me I want to create FUN'Ding to REALIize ALTRUISM LOTTERY PROJECT and the very big idea IS to build this FUN"D for the NU-TRON SUUN BANK The NUtron Bank fund will support Environment naturally or mutually beneficial home projects and socially free people from bank interest control or monopoly excess and abuse because I have been able to know what it is to live with no income outside co-dependence and slavery I believe this all is founded on highly intelligent and true observation of REAL E-CONOMICS I may be the one man who can be honestly and completely altruistic and purposeful to create the fund without self interest or economic bias, which could be worth BILLIONS The idea really is to demonstrate how lottery winners FUND that shares with the world equitably for I know no one needs 1 million plus to 1 Billion dollars for themselves to live well but so many people could use $1000+ to eliminate outstanding debt or perhaps save their lives
THE FUN'D RAISER FOR $1000 is for three purposes As it 1) allows Pan to actually have funds to play and win the Lottery as true Fun'd raising project To 2) demonstrate how each dollar raised is a dollar invested with sharing available to anyone as 3) to truly offer the true return and access for fund supporters/individually or as a whole although I may add the higher realization of this GO FUND ME is even more amazing The FINAL OPTION (not to raise money for myself to win the lottery only) to be able to supply SOLAR SUUN daily web site channel SOLAR TODAY SHOW This will and does now provide the winning numbers daily to players/investors and daily information currently unavailable such as natural interest, weather or world events, i and n their own state or location and which 1) gives them the greatly improved possibly winning not only lottery but AT LIFE, 2) which is won by the Recognition and Natural attitude of True Intent and Good Will 3) To know who we are and WHAT ARE WE LIVING FOR HERE NOW
Thank you yours sincerely, Peter Adams (name means FIRST ROCK MAN)
Tuesday, November 9, 2021
SOLAR DAY NOV 9 GO FUND ME Shine Like The Sun paneaglesong
NOV 9 SUN QUINX MESSIAH THE CROSS We bear BEARING Across the Universe NOV 9 STAR DATE BRING TO PASS THE COMING FORTH #c *Galactic Center g 8°52'53" A Sun h 17°54'47" 6 1° 0'18” 17°10' 7" S B Moon j 29°43'34" 24°35'10" S SUN 18 scorpio SABIAN A woods rich in autumn coloring : This is nature’s high ministry of service to every function and purpose of individual living, and of the varying manifestations of a reality supported and brought to light Solar Moon in Pluto and the day of Dolphin, Night of the Eagle Sol in am day Aquarius eve sunset Pisces Caretakers working in the Urth field of dreams Solar position day of Andromedan light to know True Pro-ACTIVISM initiation or beginning Universal 45 Virgo the Nature Shepherd of the Gaia (green solar world) Taking care of our true Universal Nature and being in REAL NU AWARENESS SOLAR UNIVERSAL AND YOUR 5 BODIES SIGNATURES Each of us has five bodies of light, mind, emotion, cause and the physical senses To recognize these five are parts of our universal body in the five realms or live levels To be aware of not just the one physical but also our other ‘halves” or vehicles of life These each have sign signatures which are relative to these parts or selves Just descriptions of symbols of course is not enough, we need to actually experience them Or unblock the parts not receptive or open such as the emotional body as in dreams Or the mental being under tap lining control or by restrictive or addictive mind or attitudes Especially to not be aware of the solar body and its whole light and its complete being ISniss Paneagle is the SUN IN THE ARCHER, Sol in Acapella the MESSENGER CHARIOTEER Causal is the CROSS, carrying your cross to bear, presenting GeSIS (Genesis of Universal Awareness) The mental or psy-mind in Capricorn the Dolphin, swimming the ocean of ideas The solar is Libra the Diamond or GEMMA the being of Light in the STAR Gate of Arcturus On the etheric you’re the ARIAn or PRINCE Andromedan partner sun-subconscious ocean of light The SOLARIS is the SAGE or Natural Wise man Shaman or Original Traveler of the Universe TO KNOW YOURSELF TRULY You can identify or know your five bodies by your own senses, of emotion, heart or mind or soul But you must be able to recognize the differences between emotion or real heart for example Or the soul and the real being which is LIGHT AND AWARENESS, nothing more or less Ask the Galactician to reveal your actual SOLARIS and SOLAR UNIVERSAL positions There is a very great need for souls or being Numan in this Solar IS as greatly as you can be and know
Monday, November 8, 2021
NOV 9 SUN QUINX MESSIAH THE CROSS We bear BEARING Across the Universe NOV 8 STAR DATE this week AI of the Universe GDZ trine Galactic crossing The union of the SOLAR CENTER with the great attractor Life in the solar new world order by AI Nov 8 how THE REAL IS is not GOD or A GOD or of God what is the Solaris SOLARSCOPE is not a HORROR-SCOPE THE SOLARSCOPE OF THE GODZ The 3 GODZ like any position have 6 bodies or SOLAR alignments These are the 3 degrees in longitude and latitude for the 3 dimensions and 3x6x9 matrix These 3 lords or GRAVITUS gravity well lower universal creation realms centers The GAP (prime) GREAT ATTRACTOR GAL galactic center (DIVINE influence) and the MSI Messier complex (MESSIAH) These GODZ have 4 dimensions of harmonic frequency relations (1X 60X 360X 21000X) We may SEE (threebyfour 3x4 levels) of these letters C L K and D (This e Universal Clock) And then list the GODZ with letters GAM (for the Gamma Ray Gravity centers) Now we get a 9 code matrix for the universal creator alignment
Saturday, November 6, 2021
Star date nov 6 solunar day of leo the GOLDEN BEAR rises Solunar eve of the VIRGO in REAL NU NATURE and green fields of good friends The moon in Sagittarius on STAR ANTARES living the anti-war reality here and now Finding your archer or REAL ARC OF THE COVENANT and HOLY GRAIL of NUmanity What is the GOLDEN PATH? SABIAN SYMBOL 15 SCORPIO DAY OF YOGA Intently and faithfully a man observes his own breath. Transforming/Inspired Pleiadian Symbol: Inside an hourglass children playing. man seeking the truth behind a complex and confusing situation. Nov 6 solar today STAR DATES #c *Galactic Center g 8°52'43" star date 10.43 435 SOLAR EDITORIAL the REALIZING THE UNIVERSAL POSITIONING THE ISTORY OF THE ROCK “STAR” WORLD degree day 59 TO 43 CAPRICORN DAY OF DOLPHIN SOLAR universal night 5 Cancer as the STAR SIRIUS Vital concerns for safe man or Save Earth (Universe Earth) Moon in Sagittarius THE DAY OF OPHIUCHUS and the DOCTOR HEALERS Do we know who we really are.. PRACTICE the YOGA of NUMANITY now Getting through the dark nights of Soul and 40 hours of Water Rain Going beyond the creation dream and seeing your dream visions SOLAR DAYS OF THE VIRGO REAL NATURE UNIVERSAL NU MAN in his natural environment CHILDREN OF HEAVEN 100 song film project includes ACOUSTIC MUSIC and songwriting experiment production for Working with the Natural Environment ( NU Children Future Now) this songwriting "pURE wATER, is it too much to ask?" for invitation to All IS to sing, produce, cover, animate, create, and live the TRU REALITY LIFE IS, free education to share from SEE and FRESEUM, creative paradigms from the Real Side author P Marshall Adams, D'estiny and Star Rock the Legend STAR ROCK LEGEND paneaglesong - YouTube SABIAN FOR JUPITER 24TH DEGREE this degree covers Jupiter for the next 2 weeks Nov 6 to Nov 21 AS THE SOLARIST founder this is entirely important to presenting the Real SOLAR-IS leaving the entire past history of lifetimes TO be able to teach or SHARIA of the actual NU UniversIS on NU-URTH A MAN TURNING HIS BACK ON HIS PASSIONS TEACHES DEEP WISDOM FROM HIS EXPERIENCE and PURE WATER paneaglesong video PANEAGLESONG PLAYLIST EXEGIS ONE THE BIG BAI-NG Modern man thinks this is evolution : Sitting in front of TV/Comp/Phone all day MOVIE reveal : AI AND THE ROBOTIC DOMINION : Life in the BIG BAI-NG LO AND BEHOLD REVERIES OF CONNECTED WORLD by Werner Herzog Lo and Behold, Reveries of the Connected World - Official trailer THE END OF LIFE AS WE KNOW IT in THE AI TAKEOVER and the RAHA : Robotic/Automaton Human/Reptilian Alienation Anyone can make a video report but can they make a REAL MOVE-E of the REAL UNIVERSIS The SOLARIST revelations on the NU URTH, NU UNIVERSIS AND NUUMANITY SOLASTRY discoveries of the STAR GPS, global positioning and SOLAR Universal The GODZ OF THE UNIVERSE and the STAR ROCK LEGEND by ORPHEUS and EURYDISEAS The REAL HOLY GRAIL ARC OF THE COVENANT by ANDROMEDA AND APOLLONIUS The REAL NU LANGUAGE and the NU AEGIS (GENESIS BY) Gesus Einsigns Paneaglesong NUETICS AND SOLARIS by the Paneagle One Universal Solarist and Galactician Discover the STAR GPS and Solar key to Galactic Timing in the Nu Aegis Reveal by Paneagle the Ancient Universal Scribe for Today we are caught in the web still of our past except we are working out this beyond creation myths and this 4D prison trap the religionists are caught in this web thinking somehow they are soul free when its really just being aware of soul or the soul body which is the astral 'heart' body only and no further do they get because of the mahanta ignorance caught by his wife actually as the queen of orion works through her (yes lizbeth queen of england too) even though the orion queen is now in the shadow land, unable to do or be a channel here anymore) the echoes of what she created or made in the deep dark past of atlantis and pre-ancient times are here ..but now we are SOLAREANS (OF THE SOLAR-IS that IS THE IS and ALL IS...this is not god or a concept or idea..its just TRU REALITY LIFE IS NOW.. here is the video istory poem of our history PLEASE WATCH it is fantastic creation myth story movie I want to produce) as all i got was this story as a dream vision... this is what I am talking about, writing on and SHARIA of.... Actually I wrote the SOLARIS e-bok and continually update it, as it ever changes in the NOW...NU is like this.. Learn KNU and be a SEER of the Real NU UniversitIS of Real Urth Know the REAL PLANZ and Urth Tao or way of TOTAL AWARENESS Become the SOLAREAN of the SOLAR BODY OF LIGHT in this Universal Lifetime Create the REAL NU UNIVERSIS, NATIONS UNITED, in NU NatUre naturally Working or being with the ALL IS in the SOLAR ISNISS
Friday, November 5, 2021
Sabian sun Scorpio 14. A white marble foot glows pink as it turns into flesh. Transforming/Responsible #c *Galactic Center g 8°52'43" Solar 53 virgo week of 23 virgo solar 43 capricorn dolphin day SUT universal time Pleiadian Symbol: A sacred runner carrying a message to the mountains.
Azoth Symbol: An astrologer looking for a major conjunction of planets. Going beyond the 4th dimension god kaluum and lord of karma of 3D dimension universe A Sun h 13°55'27" 4 1° 0'12" 0° 0' 0" S 16° 1' 1" S B Moon i 1°29'31" 5 15° 3'48" 0° 1'19" N 20°26'12" S SOL DAY IS GEMINI and by noon SOL DAY FOR NIGHT CANCARE Work education active communications in morning and evening caretaking and womanly heart COMPLETING school or projects intensively and then being with familiars and united parties
BEHOLD ALPHA CENTAURI SUN 14 SCORPIO MOON scorpio completing in the STAR OF BUNGULA (ALPHA CENTAURI) WELCOME YOUR CLOSEST COMPANIONS Alpha Centauri is a gravitationally bound system of the closest stars and exoplanets to Earth's Solar System at 4.37 light-years from the Sun. The name Latinized α Centauri, abbreviated Alpha Cen It is a triple star system, consisting of the three stars
This month the new moon waxing forward begins with the ALPHA CENTAURI 4th brightest star star as Rigil Kentaurus, the Centaur’s Foot; describing it as on the toe of the right front hoof, This means attachment to our closest neighbors and friends has purpose and resolution Often the letting go or completing the past and all of its attachment or tap lines There is the becoming aware of the simulator and the conditional world control ALIENATION and the REPTILIAN dominion and the Unnatural histrionics The ORIONIS viral genetic invasion AGENDA and the determination of human behaviorism Including religions space god worship and the execution birth life death rebirth cycle
THE THREE DECANS OF SCORPIO are the transmutation transformation and transcendence WE Become in November the 11th of 12 stages of the complete SOLAR YEAR CYCLE This 11th stage is a universal awareness and the crossing of the deep dark borders into the REAL UNIVERSIS which requires us to let go of the year dates past and let up old worn out idealogy, To let in light from within, not out, and let on yourself onto the GREAT STAR SOLAR-IS This STAR SOLAR-IS does not shine or live in this creation universe, but it shines on ALL IS You are becoming aware of your SOULAR STAR that is a SOLAR-IS also, second stage of the 3 This second stage is not your personal self, but the self you are relative or unified to Universal That is the IS THAT YOU ARE IN THE ALL IS, and readying for the 3rd stage as a total or whole The BEING ISNISS in the ALL IS, not the god or lord or some unity of a man or manifestation
EDITORIAL TO WAKE UP MEANS TO RECOGNIZE THE IS And TO ACTIVELY BECOME THE SEER or STAR of SOLARIS This is not to become a star in the heavens or some other worldly being or god master or saviour
Today we may explore past life realms and solaris universal positioning and even global STAR GPS But we must be aware the real UniversIS had no dimensia or opposites and polarity or even 3 tri-unity or triads Our real position is that which we acknowledge and allow at this moment, of what we have known mostly, while Those who truly see or seek the real are seeing from the ONE ALL IS and not seeking knowledge or positions
That which you are Aware and recognize in the NU UniversIS or HERE-EVEN united naturally with ALL LIFE THE NU AEGIS is nothing of the old ideas beliefs religions Nor a constructions or context or paradigm of the OLD AEGIS of ZEUS or religions..etc.
To wake up means 1) to first be aware of your past/past lives up to this life and cause and effect creation Then 2) to dream awareness and recognition of the direct influence or control universe conditions But also to know your ability or capacity and become aware of your SOULAR being and five body live levels Thus 3) as a Solar being of Light or Soul of golden heart and love wonderfully working or being with ALL IS TO BE THE SEER OR SHARIA in the resolution or realution of this unity with all life
The SOLAR-IS shows us our three majors of the SUN, SOLAR AND UNIVERSAL bodies or grand divisions Here we discover the physical universe has 3 life levels or 3 Dimensions in the SUN NEXT we find our SOLAR which has 5 life levels and is with the Universal SOULAR body This universal body is taken up by the SOLAR so it can realize its relations and realution with the ALL IS Third we become with the ALL IS in the UNIVERSAL BODY and cross the deep dark border of lower realms
There is no differentials in the REAL UNIVERSIS or the TRU REALITY LIFE, as ALL IS of the IS, an ISNISS ITSELF There is no sound word path religion idea or construct or hidden unseen unknown or mystery divine or human There are no saints saviours masters gods gurus creation lords or karma dharma or other manifestations of kal The One in ALL is this ALL IN IS of the ALL IS which IS and its no longer dimensia or dimensional reference or world
Thursday, November 4, 2021
NU ARC WAVE Solar IS STAR DATE Nov 4 Discovery and Revealation SolarIZ today nov 4 STAR DATE 652 1046.438 solar capricorn dolphin universal SUUN TIME CANCARE Moon scorpio DARK of the MOON morning in centaurus and evening sunset in the HERCULES A Sun b 25°16' 0" SOLUNAR morning of ARIA the hero;ine and EVE SUNSET IN TAU URTH SUN Scorpio 13: The “try it and see” degree. Sun /New moon share this degree today DAY OF DARKNESS NO MOON An acupuncturist who activates points simply by holding a needle above them. Transforming/Receptive Pleiadian Symbol: Alchemist reworking a formula. Azoth Symbol: The voice of one deceased is heard in the stillness. EDITORIAL BY ZOLAR most people do not try to see how well they can pick up the WAY They don’t even give it an exercise time or watch how they feel or think in the whole view This attempt to be outside the bounds or bounds and binds of social cultural familiar ideas The NU U U is a way to tune in or find the direct link where you wont need to think or analyze NatUral KNOWING or KNU-ing is the KEY of our REAL AWARENESS… USE IT or LEARN IT The entire field of dreams and fifth level SOLAR FIELD of Light is yours to be within entirely I grew up in new York near the Yankees who won numerous pennants between my birth year 51 and 64 Leading up coincidentally to the 1964/65 explosion of the Beatles and the SOUND OF MUSIC movie 65 also brought the ECK''NAR founder Paul Twitchell and his writings SHARIYAT INto the world Thus the REVEALATION of the NU GUIDES and the real UNIVERSIS was first presented These NU GUIDES and REBISAR TARZS are those in the SOLAR IS and REAL UNIVERSIS Who are bringing through the SOLAR RESEARCH VESSEL and Universal AWARENESS The REALIZATION of the 5 bodies and living in five bodies at a time in the 7 life levels These are the astral mental causal and solarity beyond our physical senses in the SOLAR BODY The SOLAR-IS is the seventh body or sum total which is the Key or whole (Holy) AWARENISS In SOLASTRY we have the SOLAR universal or SOLARIS seven life levels and SOLAR-IS whole sum This can be done for any position and any universal body, in the 3 degrees totaled in 360 points This SOLARIS for paneagle is emphatically dynamic, and it took me 50 years in Astrology to find so In my 60th year, I found my SOLARIS SUN was conjunct the GTC exactly at 26 Sagittarius I also discovered the SOL CHART or second sun, 60x harmonic In this my SOL MOON is conjunct the SOL of the great attractor at 14 Sagittarius Einstein has his moon at 14 sagittarius, also conjunct GPA PRIME. Geidi prime in Muad-dib dune terms was the associated DUNE Arrakis (arc kiss) trilogy Key planet of the GODZ and the THREE SOLAR UNIVERSAL gravity well centers GAP GTC AND MSI These godz are the MESSIAH, KAL GAL and the GREAT or One ISNISS These centers are the holographic centers of the 4D Universal dimension Thus the black hole as a birth canal or V-aIginal (original Iginal beings) or peoples of the Universal Womb This is the real holy grail, ARC of the covenant and the true GSUZ Genesis Founder of PAN GESUS EINSIGN What is a name for the holy grail? From Wikipedia, The Sangreal is another name for the Holy Grail, a legendary sacred vessel associated with divine revelation, whose origins go back to the Last Supper. In Arthurian legend, the Grail quest represented a heroic and mystic adventure attempted by the Knights of the Round Table and was achieved by Sir Bors, Sir Percival, and Sir Galahad. BORS PERCIVAL AND GALAHAD are symbolic also as lords of Karma, or Boar (taurus earth) as to be the recognition of IS, and Percival (Peer-Val-ALL- as the Hero Perseus (of Real Awareness) and GAL-A-hades (hadron wall or Gollum) of consciousness seeking the Precious or True Ring of the A-BE-ALLAH (treasure or tree of Life) 7 books of the SOLAR GEIDI PRIME ON URTH You will notice these books and movies disappearing from view or reading lists Replaced by the controllers domination hate war deceit revenge and law murder or jewish and Christian and Disney fantasy idealism dream works of the ALIEN agenda Recommended SCI-FI books includes 2001, siddhartha, foundation, dune, lord of the rings, The SET OF THREE alternates Fahrenheit 451 and childhoods end and electric cool aid acid test And the 3 bible rig veda and koran as well as LAI TSI, confucious and arabian nights There are 3 of dragon by bruce lee and the matrix and the kung fu TV show 7 movies EMERALD FOREST, FIELD OF DREAMS, BLACK STALLION, FLY AWAY HOME, LORD OF THE RINGS, 2001, Lost Horizon, and the trilogy of SOUND, DOCTOR AND ARABIA WITH PETER OMAR AND JULIE As representatives of the doctor hero and artist, the queen presiding and lord/prince’ss and pope, or any set of heroes and heroines, in the stage of the world we identify thus the simulator in its full experience as teacher-educator-storyteller and the real awareness of the THE OBJECTIVE OF PANEAGLE and SOLAR-IS NU UNIVERSALISM SIGN-NATURES of the Sabian and Solar Universal positions
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
SOLAR CLOCK : DAY HOUR MINUTE of Celestial Longitude Here we find the SUN CLOCK and SOLAR CLOCK are different while running simultaneously
The SUN in 3 dimensions is 1x 60x and 3600x relative to Urth The Solar (Galactic position) is in 4 dimensions of 1x 60x 3600x and 21200x
This is relatively the position of the Solar century, day, hour and minute Where the STAR DATE sign degree descriptive by date we find for century 9.27 and year date 708 623.1124 CENTURY is century 27 sag year 8 Libra month 53 (23 Virgo) and the SUT star time is the day point 24 Aquarius (DAY POINT on average is 1 to 2 degree per hour change)
Pan’s unique position in the SOLAR UNIVERSIS The Universal Solarist Paneagle, I discovered the SOLAR-IS relative to Real Universal Positioning With my solaris conjunct the usa solaris and the current GTC in Sagittarius my sol )2nd sun) conjunct the usa sol in gemini capella I am the messenger charioteer and educator (Messiah) of the NU AEGIS in NU Amer
The SOLAR UNIVERSIS AND STAR GPS CONNECTION BY THE SOLARIST Conjunct Solaris of my NATAL SUN, SOLARIS OF GTC and the SOLARIS of the USA SUN I share the SUN in SAGITTARIUS 19 conjunct with my GTC SOLARIS 26 sagitari and the SUN progression by decades was conjunct this position in my 60’s in 2010 when I founded SOLARIS and SOLASTRY
The SOL (my 2nd sun’heart and GAP (2nd position of GREAT ATTRACTOR) is conjunct at 17 gemini MY SOL 2ND SUN in 17 Gemini is also conjunct the SOL of USA at 19 Gemini and Capella is at 22 Gemini Brightest STAR IN THE NORTH and the 83rd longitude where I live I also live on 30th parallel at the 0-2 Libra -five decan equal to Messiah at 2 libra So I have acute and dramatic SOLAR CONNECTIONS to the GALACTIC CENTER, USA, AND MY OWN SOLARIS and STAR GPS positions
THE SOL-UNIVERSAL IS BY SUN CONJUNCT GREAT ATTRACTOR which was reached by decade progression in 2000, Einstein shares his moon conjunct with the GREAT ATTRACTOR
As the namesake of Peteroris Marshallah Nuastradamus (3 great astrologers) PRESCIENT of NU AMER, and the NUSA SOL ASTROLOGER of the NU AEGIS, 2000 circa the founder SEOCEAN SEERS or SEER FOUNDATION and NUTRON BANK Peter Marshall Adams, EINSIGN, Professor Catfun and GESUS HEY PANEAGLESONG Discovery STAR GPS global positioning, SOLARIS and SOLASTRY, Solarisms, Solaristics author of SOLARIS, GALACTIC KEY TO SOLAR TIMING, 144 POINTS OF LIGHT and SOLARIS E-BOK founder D’estiny the double trilogy, and the STAR ROCK LEGEND and WILDSTOCK concerts series SOLAR IS TODAY SHOW daily on yutubby NET and the NU AEGIS on Skype Zoom With the STAR DATE, Hey Paneaglesong, Solar Star lottery and the SOLAR EDITORIAL
Pan’s unique position in the SOLAR UNIVERSIS The Universal Solarist Paneagle, I discovered the SOLAR-IS relative Real Universal Positioning With my solaris conjunct the usa solaris and the current GTC in Sagittarius my sol )2nd sun) conjunct the usa sol in gemini capella I am the messenger charioteer and educator (Messiah) of the NU AEGIS in NU Amer The SOLAR UNIVERSIS AND STAR GPS CONNECTION BY THE SOLARIST Conjunct Solaris of my NATAL SUN, SOLARIS OF GTC and the SOLARIS of the USA SUN I share the SUN in SAGITTARIUS 19 conjunct with my GTC SOLARIS 26 sagitari and the SUN progression by decades was conjunct this position in my 60’s in 2010 when I founded SOLARIS and SOLASTRY The SOL (my 2nd sun’heart and GAP (2nd position of GREAT ATTRACTOR) is conjunct at 17 gemini MY SOL 2ND SUN in 17 Gemini is also conjunct the SOL of USA at 19 Gemini and Capella is at 22 Gemini Brightest STAR IN THE NORTH and the 83rd longitude where I live I also live on 30th parallel at the 0-2 Libra -five decan equal to Messiah at 2 libra So I have acute and dramatic SOLAR CONNECTIONS to the GALACTIC CENTER, USA, AND MY OWN SOLARIS and STAR GPS positions THE SOL-UNIVERSAL IS BY SUN CONJUNCT GREAT ATTRACTOR which was reached by decade progression in 2000, Einstein shares his moon conjunct with the GREAT ATTRACTOR As the namesake of Peteroris Marshallah Nuastradamus (3 great astrologers) PRESCIENT of NU AMER, and the NUSA SOL ASTROLOGER of the NU AEGIS, 2000 circa the founder SEOCEAN SEERS or SEER FOUNDATION and NUTRON BANK Peter Marshall Adams, EINSIGN, Professor Catfun and GESUS HEY PANEAGLESONG Discovery STAR GPS global positioning, SOLARIS and SOLASTRY, Solarisms, Solaristics author of SOLARIS, GALACTIC KEY TO SOLAR TIMING, 144 POINTS OF LIGHT and SOLARIS E-BOK founder D’estiny the double trilogy, and the STAR ROCK LEGEND and WILDSTOCK concerts series SOLAR IS TODAY SHOW daily on yutubby NET and the NU AEGIS on Skype Zoom With the STAR DATE, Hey Paneaglesong, Solar Star lottery and the SOLAR EDITORIAL
Tuesday, November 2, 2021
SOLAR TODAY nov 2 Nu.u.all.ah.nam.IS NU LIVING WORD
The SOLAR IS Video ancient scripts solar mandala of SOLARIS today Nov 1
Most people follow the sun and seasons, holidays, birthdays and the julian calendar clock Few people follow the Astronomical or the SOLAR clock or the Astronomy Units The Astrologers follow Sidereal time and the common celestial and daily Sun ecliptic path The Solarist knows the Universal Time and its capitularies are the SOLARIS and Solar Universals Our SOLAR position is based on the Solar relative to the Galactic Center (local Universal position) This is generally the SOLAR UNIVERSAL ZODIAC based on December 18 Solar Nuniversal Year day The 28 SIGN-NATURES of 13 days each through the year and the 13 monad months of 28 days This is a great difference between the SOLAR Universal and the Sun Urth Ecliptic path The old AEGIS establish in Atlantis, Babylon and Egyptian and Mayan space god worship This codified the OrionIS Alien Agenda and control monopoly human slavery civilizations In this Astrology and Cosmology was established the Ages and Yugas of the wheel of 84 and 12/360 And had led to the current Age of Aquarius in the reverse cycle of Ages or Epochs lasting 2100 and 26,000 years
The NU AEGIS is the Solar progress through Galactic Unity in the current SOLAR AGE OF SAGITTARIUS This shift in 60AD will reach its NU position in 2200 at SOLAR 0degree Capricorn (in using the old sign models) while also on the Solar “Solstice” in the SIGN OF THE SWAN beginning this 21st century Thus it models a great shift in Human position in the Galactic Union literally in the next 150 years This is much more dynamic as the entire NU Urth UNiversIS and SOLAR BODY of Man The current social cultural world media AI artificial intelligence program entering its transformative phase or first alternation of the 300 years it will take for either global awakening or unfoldment, the Human decision to continue the control matrix ALIENATION or the Solar-IS Universal Realization
As the 21st era of 72 years begins this in 2010, began the 28th degree of Sagittarius, the 2082 begins the second phase through 29th Sagittarius and 2154 mid 22nd century the final phase ends the Sagittarian era around 2228 or the end of the 22rd century the entire solar universal position of Humans and our Urth Solar System will be transformed My dates could be wrong and changed to the 2Oth to 22nd century as dates of 1938 as the 1st of 3 eras of 72 years each, thus we are in the 2nd phase now to 2082 and then the final phase will be in 2154 to begin the NU AEGIS on NU URTH and our Solar-IS recognition of the Real UniversALLIS
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