Friday, December 31, 2021

STAR DATE Beautiful paneaglesong HERCULES and the NU Arc angel

SABIAN 28 VIRGO completing the year with this week of "A BALDHEADED MAN IN UNIFORM WHO HAS SEIZED POWER "..This is in effect what is occurring with JEFF BOZZO and many of the other korp rats in his AMERIZONIA (amaz-doom not virtual horizon) company corporation ALIENATION agenda making billions of the market and covidity...The bald head reflects the lights brightly in his shadow view of control monopoly and economic virtualism which is our simulated reality of Man Bozzo joins Bhellgate and Zucker-borg at the top of the list of economic MONOPOLISTS and world INSTITUTION korporate controllers Taking control of media medium and money delivery systems through social and computer network satellite transmission of DATA Providing smart cities for ILLUMINATION by solar energy and 5G radiation and constant news and ‘global warming” harming and programming In partner with WILL MORT (Will of death) MERSICK (Mercy Victims or merge with Illness) agricultural chemical medical products And MANISANITY (moon-Santa-oh or man-insane) HO HO HO agricultural (CULTURE OF GENOCIDE) 5-G Nome (polarity reproduction of viral influenza) In a world where the science and scientists and religion religionistas all coordinate with nature and the psychic invasion and 4d 4TH DIMENSIA control ALIENATION This 3 step plan agenda 2001/2010/2020/2030 is firmly in place reaching the COVIDITY following global monopoly MILLENIUM entreaty of world population control The Russia China and America holding the status quo of Government dominion and POP sicle (cycle of popular social cultural union) Working for the UNITED KORPORATION known as various ROCKEFELLER BUILDER-BORGS slate out their debts to the entire world populus AD NAUSEUM The arrival of the REAL UNIVERSIS GUIDES and NU TRU REALITY LIFE IS goes unnoticed to the Masses who only partially recognize this HUMAN TAKEOVER model The ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE or AI AGENDA (The 8x8 BOX matrix or AI CHING) clearly now running its automatic program and ROBOTICISM model The goal to ANDROID ZOMBIE HUMANITY and the virtual mind meld hypnotism using the creation illusion matrix and MANIPULATION by Mad Money Monarchy Madmen This is the Pluto conjunct pluto return for USA at age 250 in the 2020’s including INDOCTRINATION INDUCTION AND INITIATION into the ALIENATION This is the gift of Chy ISTMAS or the Ironic of SANTA MERCY AND SO-SHALL WE do what we want without concern for the REAL NATURE or the NUman (NU PEOPLE OF URTH) Meanwhile we are also aware and building the NU URTH NU UNIVERSIS AND NUMANITY IN THE NU ARC with REAL VISION, not the matrix dominion virtual NET of control This is a tale of TWO STORIES, one the ALIENATION of MANipulation, the other the real NU NATURE and the pure NUMANITY in NU AEGIS of the REAL NU-URTH

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

STAR DATE dec 29 SOLARIS Bright river paneaglesong

Dec 29 star date GTC 8 57 0 IS YEAR 708 MONTH 657 SOULAR DAY 730 UNIVERSAL 1227 SOLUNAR SUNRISE CANCARE SUUN-SET LEO GOLDEN BEAR SOULAR DAY VIRGO THE SHEPHERD SOULAR NIGHT THE LIBRA GEMMA DIAMOND AND MESSIAH in the GOLDEN HEART THE UNIVERSAL DAY OF THE WHALE CETUSIANS IN THE GREAT OCEANIS CARETAKERS THE UNIVERSAL is at odds with the URANIAN progress and tru humanitarian universalism The richest man in the world is both gay and autistic, which is no surprise but very unusual That is the car maker of tesla produces electric vehicles but advances the corporate agenda And the ALIENATION of insularly developed MANipulation regarding time and space objectives Such as building rocket ships to the moon or mars, completely errorneous space decisions Which have no affect on your use of the planet and our solar system body on URTH SOLAR EDITORIAL The real SOLARITY is not in the physical universe, but is a UNIVERSAL being which we are This leaves us with the choice, whether to be SOULAR or of the SUUN as beings of Light Or to serve the ALIENATION COVIDITY AND KORPORATE control rats and BUGS business government religion lord ruler of the SATURNINE and Capricorn dominion which is being put in place From CHINA to AMERICA and RUSSIA each of these countries is effectively the agent of the ALIENATION agenda the ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE roboticsm and the SOCIAL INSTITUTIONING Building the world domination with each media money or mind control medium step This is the aquarian conspiracy at work including the old AEGIS of artificial evolution genocide mInd system originated in the AI ancient times of original atlantis to Babylon and Sumerian of Orion religions and space god worship whether it be science or art or real-legions of people and races and nations MANKIND At The UNIVERSAL CROSSROADS The crossroads symbolized by 15 degree of LEO is the blues brother manic humanity on the cross Will we bury the hatchet of self-determinism and independent progressive universalism Or raise the AI and corporation ALIENATION of continued allusions of faith and fermented covidity Which is how man is indoctrinated and insulted and diminished by repeated monopolism that of The one dimensional view of the 3 dimensional world and our existence on the planet This presentation of the GOD and SPACE worship and the warship control version of reality I turned on my computer, went to internet and god the DIRECT NEWS FEED in rapid succession each of the NEWS STORIIES were flashed on the screen with rapid follow up and mind numming speed The same dumbed down human proliferation of media mind money madness and human events In a culture of opinion judgement and unnatural conditioning which has every a captive audience And a willing subject and mental programmable population buying and selling each other ad nauseum 2022 and the URANUS SQUARE TO THE GREAT ATTRACTOR (ALL of 2022) How artificial intelligence is already programming man to be robotic automaton android The great media swill and corrupted corporate presence upon our minds and bodies SATURN OPPOSITE THE GREAT ATTRACTOR in the SPRING Where the covidated humanity loses its resistance to the copted dominion genocide and VAX TAX program in place and set in motion for the next stage of AI domination ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION includes the association of mental psyche and the emotional field As well as the forest trees soil earth biosphere and air chemical atmosphere A number of new threats are on TAP this year which we must uncover or be covered over and buried in The economic threat continues with a large scale global recession despite the boom to stock markets The more the market rises, the greater the environmental degradation When the market recedes as it will, perhaps very dramatically, the will of environmental protection will also decease, meaning people in survival mode again will not do the generic altruistic universal thing And instead support more the AI BLOCK which includes the stock money and government programming The media blitz includes continued pursuit of old agendas and repeated celebrity reports And the control on our computer links which have some kind of MY FEED which I never agreed to That is what AUTOMATIC OPERATION feeds us its NOISE NUWS and keeps us from doing what is real As well as prevents the REAL UNIVERSAL to be known or acknowledged and those who may speak of it This MEDIA dominion is the virtual reality WHICH we are now accepting in humanity as a whole Regardless of race religions or nationality and sex, there is no definion or division between us and this NEWS which is NOW EVENTS WILLFULLY STOCKED and NUWS the NU UNIVERSAL WORLD EYES As man is continually downloaded discriminated and dissolved in a triple threat of MENTAL domination that is our betelguese beatle juiced and galactic kaluum columated reference to every old idea All of which in the real universe of NOW IS nothing but the present now and not one IOTA of the past

A Sun j8°40'13" 4 1° 1'10" 0° 0' 0" S 23° 9'15" S Day ahead sun set for december 28 Play13 10  8 23 9 15    sola 18 32 1   -  florida 12/28 winners fantasy 13/15 32/2/1 for 3 winners of 5 balls florida Play for jackpot game 1 2/32  13  8.9  = round to all winners 12.13 9 3 1 32
NY LOTTERY result12 13 23 32 35Day ahead sunflorida for NY CASH win plays were 13 / 12 pair  and 23 32  and 15 as 5 for all five winners Day ahead 1/29 Solar 8 40 13 23 9 15  moon 18 27 16 12  sola 48 53 21 61   THE KEY SUN NUMBER IS 13 Jack result  1  -3  -9  -12 - 13  -32           Jackpot plays  from day ahead winners 9 13 8  12 1  round to 1/32 both as a pair set rounded by 30/1 from number 1 two secrets...1) use the day ahead star data and play from the main sun list for your state drawing2) THE PAIR BOND PICK METHODthis kind of set cluster in the result is very commonexpect 2 or more pairs of numbers within 1/30 or 10sharing a common digit THUS 1/32/ AND 32/3 OR 12/13  AND 13 1/3 ARE ALL PAIR BONDS this list also worked in californiaCALIFORNIA 2 9 22 24 27Play list was 32/1 or 2  9  23as pair 22/24 winners but no 27 also worked in south carolinaas South Carolina·  2   · 3   · 13  · 27  · 28Play list 32/21 13  close to pair 2 3 and win 13  but no 27/28 pair   I think thepair for south Carolina and california was from the moon number 28/27 as thesedrawings are done earlier than new York and florida I ALSO PREDICTED THE MEGA 200 MILLION dec 283 -5 -8 -31 -38 -4           megaresultMost insane number set ever…   345 8 38  and 31 really?Solaris list for mega was rigorously determined by solars method has 2 4 30 11 68 38 playgroup = all winners within 1/30/10and exact winners were 38 4 and 2/30 was pair 3/31 close by one and 5 was also the pair 4/5 for almost perfect total playbr>

Monday, December 27, 2021


7 SPEX EXERCISE IN VERSE This idea takes the 7 sacraments, 3 heavens and the NU Universals in reverse or from you us as center
The idea of becoming the NU, NU MAN IN THE NU UNIVERSIS Can be manifest in an exercise using the NU U U song and sound light exercise The 7 levels of the SOLAR UNiversIS : begin with the SOLAR-IS in the 3 UNIVERSAL POSITIONS First is the body of light the NU U with your Breathe of Peace, and the 5 sacraments or bodies we share the bread of life, the golden elixir and honey nectar, the pure drop of living water Second is the SOLAR BODY which is the GOLDEN SUUN in the GOLDEN WAVE (NUUU) and the BODY OF LIGHT which is the GOLDEN HEART, and the GREAT or GIANT HAND, the THIRD EYE and the EAR OF LISTENING Third then as the source or from source (sol ace or solar arc) you let light or being ISNISS as it were, SHINE LIKE THE SUN (in=as=iif=it=is=on) in the REAL UNIVERSIS to the OCEANUS, LANIKAI RIVER OF STARS, MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT (Galaxy), TREE OF HEAVEN (NU Aballah), and the FIELD OF DREAMS (BLUE SKY) and the EMERALD FOREST (green URTH)

" #c *Galactic Center g 8°56'43" A Sun j 6°37'16" 4 1° 1' 9" 0° 0' 0" N 23°16'19" S B Moon g 19°59'47" GTC 13 VIRGO SOULAR WEEK 27 VIRGO SOLARIS GT 267 188 176 = 271 = 2 capricorn SABIAN Moon in Libra is LUNAR NORTHERN CROWN the aurora borealis DAY OF BEAUTY CAPRICORN 2 SABIAN Three stained-glass windows, one damaged by bombardment. This is a symbol of man's illimitable capacity for memorializing his experience by the record he leaves in history, and of the necessity that he protect ... Capricorn 2, we find a situation of bombardment such that one of three stained glass windows is damaged. Think of it this way: one stained glass window is broken allowing pure un-filtered light in; or, the destructive attempt to raze all three stained glass windows is futile... sacred space cannot be destroyed Thus while Paneagle has raised the NU AEGIS in reality, the beauty of its window into the real side is almost destroyed or mirrored reflection only, not see for its great vision
SUN IN CAPRICORN Capricorn is steadfast, stable, shrewd, resolute and disciplined. It is the most single-minded of all the signs, whose qualities are promoted deliberately, methodically and decisively, with a persistent and intractable spirit of nature. Fecundity, affluence and advancement are the result . SOLARIS GT AT 28 VIRGO THIS WEEK VIRGO this fall season has US in the world caught in the matrix and COVIDITY with OH MY CON the variant and the old AEGIS calendar Virgo 28: A BALDHEADED MAN IN UNIFORM WHO HAS SEIZED POWER A 'Baldheaded Man in Uniform Has Seized Power'. This would be JOKE BOZOS OF AMERIZONIA who controls the media product delivery system such as UPS and other media tech domination The Capricorn of the current ILLUMInati DOMINION and ALIENATION project This pictures a situation where male power is dominant.
We have a cure Water pure sodium chloride.. one bottle taken as directed and purely clears the body of toxin viral and most other ailments
AVIDITY AND ACUITY of CHIRON week of DEC 27 TO JAN 2 as the SUUN SWAN it is also the SWAN SONG of the old Aegis and its hold on Earth Humans and the NU SUUN RISING The SWAN or Divine bird HANSA of pure white light of the REAL NUMANITY OR GOLDEN NUMAN Man may use this symbol of portal of light or he can go directly to the GOLDEN CHARIOT as he will This is like those guys in the matrix who have to plug in to be within the matrix, or anyone can go directly to GO, as it were, when really we can go in and out of the matrix and in fact any reality freely and naturally without virtual reality hookup… this is the SOLUTION at the end of the movie series MATRIX RESURRECTIONS We will be reviewing this REEL TO REAL movie on December 30th at Noon EST on ZOOM skype channel 864 860 3430 JOYN US SOLUNAR SUNRISE of the ARIA’N HEROIC athletic and independent initiative. take on NU ACTIVISM SOLUNAR Sunset of the TAU or night on URTH where peace with nature and our natural being

Saturday, December 25, 2021

SEVEN E-BOKS BOOKS of D’ESTINY and the HEY PANEAGLESONG The E-Bok Is a Virtual Book and the online WEB works of Paneagle EBok 1 D’ESTINY in double trilogy 3 books in one (2001) EBok 2 SOULOGY (2012) E bok 3 STAR ROCK LEGEND and the WILDSTOCK concert by HEY PANEAGLESONG (2019) E bok 4 DANCING IN THE KITCHEN (2015/2022) e-bok 5 SOLARIS and Solar Key to Galactic Timing (2021) e-bok 6 NUETICS (constant update since 2014 and onward) e-bok 7 THE ISTORY of the NU SHARIA (work in progress) As a mirror of the TRU REALITY and the SEVEN SEE-SUNS, SEVEN HEAVENS and SEVEN REALMS We have seven such sanctuaries now, which are PUERTO NUEVO, PONT MAINE, BLUE POTT SPRINGS And also in LINDSAY ONTARIO and the CAPELLA and also BADLANDS – YELLOWSTONE – YOSEMITE There is a wave shaped like a NU which is 9 points in North America from Alaska BC to Baja then Arizona to Dakota to Minnesota South again to Floriva and then north to Maine and Quebec and Maine and then on to Nova Scotia This is the kingdom of NU AMER also, that is the 6th NU Nation United of Free beings of Light Here we may unite all of the the America’s or at least describe a reference that could be this That is to become ONE UNITED NATION NU ALL IS STAR ROCK CONCERTS and the 13 LOST LEGENDS What songs deliver the message of WILDSTOCK and the FREEDOM DANCER ONE LOVE by PAT BENATAR REMEMBER by Greg Kihn AXIS BOLD AS LOVE by Jimi Hendric SONG OF THE WIND by Carlos Santana LITTLE FEAT Listen to your Heart and GOOD TIMES Joe Zawinul Freedom SONG INTO THE MYSTIC by Van Morrison AFRICA by TOTO LITTLE WING by Eric Clapton and Cheryl Crow GUITAR GENTLY WEEPS Harrison tribute solo by Prince IMAGINE by John Lennon BLOWS against the EMPIRE Jefferson Airplane Song of SEVEN by YES Jon Anderson

Friday, December 24, 2021


STAR DATA OF OUR SUN DEC 24 #c *Galactic Center g 8°56'18" A Sun j 3°34'31" 4 1° 1' 7" 0° 0' 0" N 23°23'21" S B Moon f 10°27'27" 12 12°45'13" 5° 8'29" N 12°24' 0" There is but one SUUN and its REALITY IS : THIS IS HAPPENING NOW The Galactic center is 26 virgo and the SOULAR is 18 Leo in the big dipper or GOLDEN BEAR SUUN THE UNIVERSAL is 14 Aquarius as the NU UNIVERSAL SUN GOD The AMERICAN holiday of Christmas for all mankind in its ALIENATION process SOLUNAR day of the VIRGO with the MOON in Virgo of the OWL and healer doctor shaman of Chiron This keeps most at home and visiting family with technology and not risking death or disease or the Omicron (OH MY GON) Version expands AS SATURN SQUARE URANUS and the WORLD SAT-TURNS (ALIA-NATION) THE OH-MI-CON COVIDITY AGENT(DUH) of CHRISTMAS THE CAPTIVE AUDIENCE LOCK BOX TV TRAP DOOR PRISON PLANET The Owl MICHAEL JACKSON sings of HUMAN NATURE and the prayer LUV is Magical to his family praying for help for ALL mankind These are not or never were heard because they pray to the 3 headed Universal God that is the good bad and ugly of this dimension Except on the most basic level of humanity where some indeed wish to be really aware and not worship the ALIEN SPACE GOD WARSHIP IT really is very simple, like jingle bells and Santa Claus represent the TV SHOW FANTASY Holiday STAGE 2 of the AGENDA 2030 from the 2001 9/11 to 2012 to 2021 VIRTUAL REALITY become the Reality we are experiencing, like the SIMULATOR MODAL of MATRIX RESURRECTIONS Where the Smith White cop con Morpheus black Fishborn and Neo (Nero Keanu Nero godman) find themselves again in escape or threat mode This movie which is released on CHRISTMAS in theatre and Max MEDIA blockbuster at $5 per house for AMERIZONIA (verizon-Amazon) Coup THE HYBRID reptilianism (ALIEN REPTILIAN) is hypo-chondria (Chiron Hypnotism) of Man through 5G media and Hypno-therapy This is the severe threat to man nation and planet and the battle of control or dark lord corporations vs. freedom and universal ISNISS How many will see this ALIENATION experiment and the HUMAN CON-dition or know the TRU REALITY LIFE IS This is the REAL AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY at its high, AI or artificial intelligence and the IMPLANT genome VAX-SIN-NATION This is no RUSH TO JUDGEMENT (Day) but the real appeal to NUMANITY to get off the old pot and STOVE of the BURNING MAN The age of aquarius is here as JUPITER at 30 Aquarius leaves the current year at the same time it sweeps into PISCES review of AEGIS PAST The REAL NU AEGIS is here always on while this observation of past positions and ancient Sumerian Gods and Solar Planet Lords continues

Dec 24 STAR DATE THE LAW OF GOD, MAN AND THE ECONOMY OF SILENCE How GESUS RETURN is here NOW How Gesus Return is HERE NOW How GESUS return is NowHERE It all depends on your point of view What you emphasize and what you agree to So its our CHOICE what we do or will agree to All you really have to do is LISTEN The LAW OF GOD is a man made concept The past is dead Religion is dead College is dead Science is dead Everything is dead because the only living thing is NOW This is the TRU REALITY LIFE IS Introducing the SHAPLEY ALTERNATION.. where is SHAPLEY and does it represent the 4th dimensional pull on the 3rd dimension relativity of this local universe SHAPLEY is #e 87 Sylvia h 11° 7' 2 which is 11 scorpio century and the year of 7 sagittarius..thus every yearly cycle of SHAPLEY AND ANDROMEDA ARE ALWAYS UNITED. Our human way is always to become united with ALL IS and our true nature, naturally and simply, this is enever process just as EN NU IS so Andromeda and our Galaxy are also always moving to Union, not social or spiritual distancing or some universal void we will never escape from. We must also note the BETELGUESE STAR which is changing its sign to 0 CANCER in the current century, this red giant planning the biggest supernova of our millennium in the next 100-1000 years Shapley is conjoined the Messiah at 2 libra this month, and so brings about our RELATIVE assignment of being aware of the PULL OF THE 4TH DIMENSIA on Man and his social culture media program Generally the world population is glued to the media of news and information being provided or controlled by the googly maniinsanity mersick and foodbank corporation economics It is also no accident the winter Olympics in China of 2022 clearly are at odds with the covidity problem and coordinated world control effect we have seen since 2019 TAKE THE JOURNEY BACK INTO THE FUTURE NOW How Time waits for no one, and the current REALITY is being created now The future long has been calling us here, as it always will, depending only on our recognition of it The major aspects of the GODZ AND OUR SOULAR URTH “HOW THE UNIVERSE LOOKS IN 2022” In 2022 The GALACTIC is 27 Sagittarius, 10 Libra, the Great Attractor is 14 Sagittarius, and 10 Aries, while the Messiah is 2 Libra and 16 Leo and the Andromeda is 28 Aries 10 Sagittarius The major aspect trine of GTCenter GAPrime and ANDromeda at 10th degrees is the mutuality of a DIVINE TRIANGLE that is the great DIVE-IN or Divisor between this Universe and the REAL UNIVERSIS So we can see the Major change when the galactic center approaches Capricorn in 2200, as well when the POLARIS NORTH STAR is closest to the Peak Polar North in 2100 AD More closer to home, ANDROMEDA also turns to TAURUS, the Tau or Gaia Terranism of Earth control battle and ALIENATION of about 2150 AD, thus this is the CONSCIOUSNESS SHIFT or First Galactic Union We can mark the paths of history in these cycles of 72 years per degree, and 1 degree per year primarily, and also as each changes sign every 2100 years and also every 360 years or so The major century events are the Union or oppositions and conflicts of the yearly to century positions. The major is also ANDROMEDA will join the Great Attractor in 4 years for one year in 2025 This has in human terms the voice of the feminine or vote election United States with female candidates (possibly 2) and the beginning of the NATIONS UNITED or a One world government We should also visit planets to these positions, primary conjunct-opposition of Uranus on USA descendent in 2026, almost as if AMERICA becomes a NU COUNTRY or a true Global Partner //THIS with other continental nations like Canada and Mexico, because of the Internet and the 5G electronic network. Not at all out of the realm of possible, we shall see. Uranus will also oppose the GREAT ATTRACTOR at 2026-2027 and then the big opposition of the GALACTIC CENTER In 2030, this keeping with the CONTROL AGENDA map of 2030 illuminati projections, not very fsvorably that AI TECHNOLOGY implantation of a genome code or the VAX issue of covidity and its hidden micro tech programming “CHIP” which allows a mind body takeover system to be implemented The following opposition of the ANDROMEDA to the GALACTIC CENTER is in some 13 more years (2037-2038) possibly relating the idea of a coming MESSIAH or Universal takeover of the ALIEN republic The Messiah actually will reach itself at 3 Libra 3 Libra some 46 degrees hence the 40 years from now (2060) highlights the social network of humanity in a One world order or republic of the MESSIANIC complex. We can relate this to the CHINESE *sun in libra and ALIEN 6th root race of man as HEAD RACE (lice or alien eyes) which could become the ruling nation of the world, which is clearly the Chinese objective. The entire MESSIAH in Libra prospects will complete in the 36 year cycle of 2010-2046, and this social institutioning complex being built, leading up to a one world government of some kind. The other major planet position is the ANDROMEDA and Pluto alignment in ARIES which also will occur in this century, nearer to 2070 I suppose, a great challenge of the DARK FORCE and ALIEN republicana nation Whether this is the end of Mankind or a TRANSFORMATION of human origin and nature into an AI or android equivalent is also yet to be determined, depending on man’s choice and revelations. Are we not devo? That is will we allow this robotic dominion to become the saviur of technology or the removal of its age old determinism forced or will fully produced by the ALIENATIOn mind set Sabian for this 4 libra is A GROUP AROUND A CAMPFIRE….INSPIRATION OF GROUP CONSCIOUSNESS The advantages of group endeavour go beyond synergistic efficiency; sometimes inspiration leads us to a UNIVERSAL POSITION which we share with other UNITED or FUNCTIONAL relations. The UNITY OF 4 LIBRA might be also a TAKEOVER ACCEPTANCE, rather than a inwardly directed context of union or relation, it is a relative overlord or OVERVIEW of an ALIEN NATION which is in cooperation a possession of human domination. YEARLY CYCLES AND THE SABIANS There is also the change every 13 degrees which takes about 11 years in each sign also represents some decade or so Formerly the sabian of 1 libra about 150 years ago, . PHASE 181 (LIBRA 1°): IN A COLLECTION OF PERFECT SPECIMENS OF MANY BIOLOGICAL FORMS, A BUTTERFLY DISPLAYS THE BEAUTY OF ITS WINGS, ITS BODY IMPALED BY A FINE DART. KEYNOTE: The immortal archetypal reality that a perfect and dedicated life reveals. THE DART IMPALED IS AN ALIEN DOMINATION OR CONTROL TAP LINE FROM THE 4TH DIMENSIA institutionally directed around or in the 1800’s Following this was the 2 libra "The light of the sixth race transmuted to the seventh" 2 Libra Clutch in Inspiration: While shifting gears in a manual transmission, a brief period threshold shifting occurs while the clutch is engaged… THE 6TH ROOT RACE IS THE CHINESE, and is a musical harmonic of some intensely directed insanity or strange foreign vibrations becoming seat of power THE SOL life PROJECTION is the SECOND DEGREE OF the SUN and it is a degree per year progressed through 1 sign every 30 years, and the 13 days of the SOULAR SUUN also is 13 years each sign …..So we share this example SUN 17 GEMINI at birth (conjunct Rigel) then proceeds through Cancer in mid life and now 18 Leo at age 60, passed through Pluto and a karma or spiritual revelation both in 2001-2010 and proceeding to Virgo as passed my ascendent in my 60’s and opposition my north node in Pisces both of my marriage but also the spiritual awakening release of mysticism and religion and the world wide WAKE UP CALL But there is a second progression of the Moon which is a day for a year in SOLAR DEGREES, thusly my Moon at 5’14 Gemini progresses in 1 day for 60 years as to 17 gemini 22’ in 60 years This SOLUNAR progression is tantamount to our EMOTIONAL or Astral projection of a lifetime human experience, which really should be longer than 60 years In My case at age 70, I went from 14 aquarius to Pisces and then through Pisces to Aries and Taurus completing itself in This progression also went from 5 Gemini through Aldeberan Star to 17 Gemini as a youth and now conjunct Rigel in my 60’s founding SOLASTRY And as it progresses towards Cappella, the chariot messenger which I am not becoming and AM as the One Universal Galactician Solarist

Thursday, December 23, 2021


STAR DATE DEC 23 2021 SUN 3 CAPRICORN MOON LEO the BIG DIPPER TAKING CHARGE OF LIFE SOLAR 8 LEO the GREAT BEARCAT pours out its SUN SHINE on ALL LIFE SOLUNAR SUNSET DAY OF THE 4 PISCES the CROSS star DENEB Here the GESUS of the CROSS TO BEAR and the RETURN OF the REAL AEGIS SABIAN SUNSET to SUNRISE CAPRICORN 3. The human soul receptive to growth and understanding. The divine feminine becomes a recognition of the actual LOVE which is not spiritual divine or human It is the true recognition in REAL AWARENESS of ALL IS, not denominational or universal secular or personal literal or possessive This is where the personal self meets the road and discards its own value view or self convinced attitude Today the SOL ASTROLOGER PANEAGLE as the WOUNDED HEALER Takes charge of the NU-UNIVERSAL COMMANDMENT or POSITION of NU NATURAL HEALING The E’BOK Dancing In The Kitchen IS freely available to any upon request SEVEN SUUN STARS are Vega Deneb Andromeda Pleiades Capella Sirius Arcturus Antares 7 STARS IF WORKD KARMA Vega Archenar Algol/Eridanus River Betelguese Canopus Arcturus Draco The GREAT SECRET of the NU AGEIS The NU AEGIS IS HERE but man thinks it is the NU AGE OF AQUARIUS or the OLD AGES OF ZEUS They are looking to the past, and following the LIVING WORD of the ANCIENTS, which is not old or ancient, but always HERE NOW Men are constantly referring to the past and never to the present. Living in the tradition. They use the educated systems of religion science and law to present the control mind set of human domination Our focus of attention is on the past media, ideas and psyche, the stories of old, The god warships of devotion, ideas and beliefs, the space god worship and the idolization of human beings or saviour saint and guru lords and gods The original blueprint of man to become a hybrid reptilian alien robot android or some such mentalized automaton BUILDING of the NU AGEIS is ever present, and here now we know its SHARIA I am building the NUTRON BANK and the NU URTH In the REAL NU UNIVERSIS of the NU UNIVERSITIS OF THE NU ARC (WAVE) WITH THE NUMAN of NUMANITY If you take all of this literally, you will miss the real idea and not know the TRU REALITY LIFE IS Each of us builds our own NU ARC and shares the real NU NATURAL ENVIRONMENT Naturally There is no need to repeat or devote ourselves to this control model, but there is a need for all to end the old model Or at least to build upon this NU U within your own self-sustaining or Universal Realized BEST PLAN B.E.S.T P.L.A.N is to become the essence sound truth and perfect living All IS NU Natural This is the NU GENESIS NU AEGIS and NU GESUS of the TRU REALITY life ISNISS Are you not tired of the old world of the lords of karma and the Reincarnation on Earth Of the Polarity of competition survival and threat of death struggle slavery and co-dependence and environmental degradation caused by man in genocidal behaviorial economics and medical media mediums Of genocidal political business and reptilian mind or legal domination control sets And the false worship of gods men or ideas within the warship of an ALIENATION project And Do you want to live in the past god or false worship or live in the NU Now as ALL IS Astrology of the SOLAR ARTS IN SOLASTRY as the MISSION IMPOSSIBLE In astrology the birth chart is a chart of this lifetime, so they say. In ASTROLOGY the node is the karma lord, and we are always under its siege. In Solastry the chart is our past lives up to the present, and a projection of future only if we accept it In Solastry we choose to identify with any aspect of Solar Universal or the Sun as we wish The chart of one day ahead is the progression of our lifetime, which we can live if we choose to accept it We can choose to be in any universe, any world, any life, or prospect, and this is our TRU NU-INHERITANCE of ALL The past does not need to repeat, and the future does not have to be dependent on the past or the future projection The ancient models of numbers and Numismatics is all included The data for the Astrology is always one day off. This is the great secret of Astrology The actual date or data is the day ahead of this moment, for this moment now The same progression of one day a year can also be applied to a day for a decade, century or millennium We can discover the past and present and future now with the place, position And STAR or SOLARIS GPS This GPS is also called GALACTIC POSITIONING SYSTEM or UNIVERSAL POSITIONING We can use this for the hour minute and day of our time and for this lifetime and year The charts of the birth are the same, always one day off, and appearing to be for this life The reality is What man is observing is the past, like seeing the big bang here and now in all moments and present tense This also like viewing a star light years away, we are seeing the STAR as it was that many light years ago ALL POSITIONS have vastly changed since then, just as by adjusting or altering our view now in the present, changes all past and futures just as what we believe we see now is the future now present here and now Our view or perception is so much like this, vastly different then our REAL AWARENESS which sees ALL IS now As you view with REAL AWARENESS, you will SEE this old view of reality is nothing, and the NOW is all there IS You will also SEE and KNU all that is NOW, and what is REAL, and so not fooled by appearances or our History The real ISTORY is this now. ALL IS NOW, all legends and past mysteries solved, all present and accounted for today All divine myths crushed, all god like references naught, all spiritual perceptions only relations, and all wonderIS NOW THE BABTISM OF FIRE and the HEALING WATERS There is a place near here with a Babtismal Spring called BLUE POTT SPRINGS It is a secret place with a pool of bubbling spring waters shaped like a pot Near the blue springs park in north floriva, where I live in the Freeseum Solarium and Gardeden, Floriva Surrounded by 3 rivers that meet in the SUWANNEE park of Twin Rivers the Alapaha and Withlacoochie A place once resident of Native Indians and then the Slavery trade and African then Iginal Americans of North America Probably also home of Aztecs and Mexican as well as European settlers who built the mounds in Missouri Center of the great volcano and the Great Rock Meteor SEVEN E-BOKS BOOKS of D’ESTINY and the HEY PANEAGLESONG The E-Bok Is a Virtual Book and the online WEB works of Paneagle EBok 1 D’ESTINY in double trilogy 3 books in one (2001) EBok 2 SOULOGY (2012) E bok 3 STAR ROCK LEGEND and the WILDSTOCK concert by HEY PANEAGLESONG (2019) E bok 4 DANCING IN THE KITCHEN (2015/2022) e-bok 5 SOLARIS and Solar Key to Galactic Timing (2021) e-bok 6 NUETICS (constant update since 2014 and onward) e-bok 7 THE ISTORY of the NU SHARIA (work in progress) As a mirror of the TRU REALITY and the SEVEN SEE-SUNS, SEVEN HEAVENS and SEVEN REALMS We have seven such sanctuaries now, which are PUERTO NUEVO, PONT MAINE, BLUE POTT SPRINGS And also in LINDSAY ONTARIO and the CAPELLA and also BADLANDS – YELLOWSTONE – YOSEMITE There is a wave shaped like a NU which is 9 points in North America from Alaska BC to Baja then Arizona to Dakota to Minnesota South again to Floriva and then north to Maine and Quebec and Maine and then on to Nova Scotia This is the kingdom of NU AMER also, that is the 6th NU Nation United of Free beings of Light Here we may unite all of the the America’s or at least describe a reference that could be this That is to become ONE UNITED NATION NU ALL IS STAR ROCK CONCERTS and the 13 LOST LEGENDS What songs deliver the message of WILDSTOCK and the FREEDOM DANCER ONE LOVE by PAT BENATAR REMEMBER by Greg Kihn AXIS BOLD AS LOVE by Jimi Hendric SONG OF THE WIND by Carlos Santana LITTLE FEAT Listen to your Heart and GOOD TIMES Joe Zawinul Freedom SONG INTO THE MYSTIC by Van Morrison AFRICA by TOTO LITTLE WING by Eric Clapton and Cheryl Crow GUITAR GENTLY WEEPS Harrison tribute solo by Prince IMAGINE by John Lennon BLOWS against the EMPIRE Jefferson Airplane Song of SEVEN by YES Jon Anderson

Wednesday, December 22, 2021


walk out the door paneaglesong battle hymn of the free republic
STAR DATE DEC 22 THE DAY OF THE MASTER NAVIGATOR (solarist) 12-22-2021 ARTIFICIAL emotional intelligence AI VS. NU NATURAL or UNIVERSAL intelligence Galactic Center g 8°55'56 THE SOULAR POSITION 56 CANCER in the PROCYON STAR, the Noble heritage of the young man with a mission, caretaking and nurturing humanitarian and naturalism (freedom) SOLUNAR Sun j 1°32'18" 4 1° 1' 6" 0° 0' 0" N 23°25'43" the SUN IS FAR SOUTH AS IT GOES S B Moon e 15°25'44" IN LEO benefits those of signs Capricorn Leo and Virgo SUN 2 CAPRICORN SUNSET SABIAN Three stained-glass windows, one damaged by bombardment. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE In Capricorn 2, we find a situation of bombardment such that one of three stained glass windows is damaged. Think of it this way: one stained glass window is broken allowing pure un-filtered light in; or, the destructive attempt to raze all three stained glass windows is futile... sacred space cannot be destroyed
MOON MID LEO IN THE SNAKE SERPENT constellation of the DRACO the SECRET OF THE SUN and what we can do for REAL HEALING with THE VENOM OF LIGHT The practice of the G5 global electronic surveillance and invasion SIN-DROME and GENOME genocide code of immoral and unnatural medicine and environmental practices and effect on humanity, death spiral set in place and avoidable still
Quest or question, YES THIS GENUS is the NU Aegis sound word G-NU U IS like Gesus as Jesus and no accidents...the real NU FUTURE PROGRESS awaits us ALL NOW. The UNIVERSAL is 21 Capricorn through the Dolphin swimming in the Universal Ocean, and is approaching Pluto, the 11th day of Christmas as it were tomorrow TAKE THE JOURNEY BACK TO THE FUTURE The SUN position is Sabian CAPRICORN 1. An Indian chief demanding recognition. HOW TO DEAL WITH WHATS COMING.. A SIGN OF illusiveness The formula is: sustaining-critical-efficient-specializing-physical-experimental.
PRESENTING THE NU AEGIS and its approaching dawn or SUNRISE
Capricorn 1°may find it convenient or necessary to arouse the war spirit — perhaps under a very slight provocation — in order to more firmly The scene presents an extremely dynamic situation. taking the offensive. As The group-life demands constant activity and challenges in order to remain healthy THIS IS MY MERCURY POSITION.. a former indian chief…now returns to speak his ELDER speech or alternative to the reality view of men To realize man is in a state of obedience or slavery and welcome this because he makes money to survive and his devotion to a god makes him feel alive This is the dawn of the NU AEGIS, meanwhile the BLACK HOLE UNIVERSIS of CREATION are constantly revealing themselves in more unoriginal ways of the GDZS or UNIVERSAL CENTER These Universal centers are black holes of immense gravity which pulls everything in their orbits to them, meanwhile in the universe, they represent our SOULAR GODS of Creation Unlike gods with some magical or holy powers, they are simply automoton’s of the AI ROBOTICISM and UNIVERSAL SENSES which are highlighted by the five forces of physics, EMR, and heat To escape the gravity well of dark force matter control execution, across the deep dark border, wherein free will and unified ‘spiritual’ realities of five solar bodies and seven life levels These Realms or Realities all must be understood and recognized, then allow or agree only in TRU REALITY LIFE ISNISS The fifth GDZ is The SHAPLEY CLUSTER at 8 Scorpio, the ‘black hole of Calcutta or the 4th dimension, IS as Shapley is drawing the Great Attractor to it, while Andromeda is drawing the Galaxy into its union in the next billion years or so it also it happening now as is all creation, all IS in this present moment
Now presently the NU Universal Positioning and the WWWE world wide educator in my 8th decade 2021-2031 Here I become the PAN GESUS EINSIGN combination of Universal Real-legion and Panoramic Solarism anti-christ non-religious anti-science univeralism and anti-pandemic paneagle

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

TAIL OF SEVEN CATS dec 21 2021 SOLARIS TODAY win lottery video

SOLAR STAR DATE Dec 21 fla Here we have the day entry the WINTER SOLSTICE SOLUNAR ARIES HERO the SOLAR DAY of the Princess Queen Andromeda and A HOME IS A CASTLE The Lunar day is the Cancer/cusp much of the end of days, the final day of the FALL see-sun, I saw the full moon falling in my drive to the store, just above the horizon, it fell quickly below Earth The Horizon then covered by the Trees, its disappearance mirroring the end of the world or Man And the former God ideas religions and psychology of man all for naught and done and gone This with the Comet LEOnard and the RISE of the solar ARC VESSEL which is the TRU NU U This Christmas star REVEALATION was then on eclipse Sun to Galactic Center Nu year Galactic Center g 8°55'42" SOULAR star 12 Cancer EVERYONE IS INDOORS, A CAPTIVE AUDIENCE Moon is completing Cancer (Water) and entering Leo for 2.5 days, 60 Hours of the Lion Light Play leader The UNIVERSAL STAR is 0-7 Capricorn which is the day of ENTRY OF WINTER SOLSTICE The dark or Saturnine Lord is in the grip of humanity with its control rules and limitations of physical laws and science religions governments, which relates to Venus in Capricorn retrograde through Jan 30 This is a house of creation built in the old AEGIS (BIG BANG AND THE UNIVERSAL DIMENSIA) The Universal position of the Sun is in the sign of the Cat . TALE OF THE SEVEN CATS where In the Solar world, the CATS ARE KING Actually like at our house, CATS RULE like the queen….Everything is a metaphor for reality Take our seven cats, of which we had 3 die, and probably will or have been reborn, and we have four living cats, plus three adult human Cat people Each of the four are unique, totally different, even if of the same mother One is big large male and independent, outside cat, only wants meat and has never been fixed. One is large female and the princess of the house, all white with a blue and white eye The third is thinner, loves milk and chips, is isolated (likes his own privacy and company) The fourth is the HIP-PIE, the baby caretaker Maine coon long hair from different parentage, Gives as much love as he gets or more, the PI The four alive are PI (PI-See) YODI (Yo-D) JOSEA (Joh-see) and NU (Nume) They are reflections of the 3 adults and One living spirit of our house They are also reflections of JESUS, PI EINSTEIN, Princess DIANA and the NUMAN Otherwise known as Psience (science + religion) the queen (lord and rulers) and the God man + Saviour of which in our house we have the Happy Monk or NUman spirit soul, the Princess queen divine feminine, plus the Lord or Ruler (D’Rock Yahway/Josea) and the PI Einsign (Soul psi-entist Student/teacher) The 7 CATS also represented the seven signs or stars…in the Universal field of Light There are human Cancer Aquarius and Sagittarius, then the Pisces (PI), the Libra (princess), the Arian (Masculine) or father, and the Leo/Virgo Golden SUn of God (NUme or NUman)… These the stars of the Bear, Winged Horse or Eagle, The Crab or Cancare, The Sage of Antares Ophiuchus, the Pisces Deneb Spirit, The Libra Arcturus Bootes Sheperdess, and the Andromeda King or Lord Hero Arian father of Man Our house is the home of the great cook, great Solarist and the Great Super (bowl) sports Fan We have been part of 3 super bowl wins and 3 State football champions, 3 books on Solar ARTS, and seven SEED’S music by Paneaglesong, and the Cook Book of Dancing in the Kitchen and SOULOGY Add the realizations of the Universal Dimensions, and the five solar bodies of man, and the AI Diimensia hologram matrix prison which man calls Life on Earth ruled by government money and law science and religions, in the Covidity experiment experience Sixth is the living prophecy of Millenium transformation or PI SEAS revealations of modern times And seventh is the NU U of the Real Living Word (Life itself (Solar IS IS) and the NU UNIVERSAL NUMANity These are sum total of the SOLARIS or seven heavens of the stars suns and signs of the Universe S.O.L.A.R.I.S is a function description of the REAL UNIVERSIS and the metaphors of TRU REALITY life IS As Art imitates life, life imitates Art in the SOUL ARTS of Creation where the Universe begins and ends All is LIFE WITHOUT END, and this is the REAL NUMAN on Real URTH in the REAL UNIVERSIS There is in the NU AEGIS then no past present or future, but only here now as we create or live in it The REAL NU AEGIS has no heaven hell and like Imagine is not a place or space or time Every word is really a metaphor for all ISNISS that is each thing is an ISNISS itself in ALL IS The language and code of words and letters is this self same association relativity of reality creation Read SOLARIS TODAY on youtube and REEL TO REAL THURSDAY DEC 23, The MOVIES THAT NEVER WERE GREAT, that demonstrated the great vision or TRU REALITY LIFE IS The HOWARD THE DUCK, ISHTAR, and the 1941 Biggest movie flops in history We can include Star Wars issue parts 3 6 and 9, which were actually parts 1 4 and 7 in the series Total flops in my estimation as was all the remakes in history for the most part, nothing of the original 1941 THE BAD MOVIE FLOPS OF ISHTAR AND HOWARD THE DUCK In 1941, Hysteria grips California in the wake of the bombing of Pearl Harbor. An assorted group of defenders attempt to make the coast defensible against an imagined Japanese invasion, in this big budget, big cast comedy. Members of a Japanese submarine crew scout out the madness, along with a Captain in Germany's Kreigsmarine (Navy) The synopsis may give away important plot points. Synopsis December 13, 1941. One week after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, and on a beach in northern California, a young woman, part of a 'Polar Bear' swim club, goes for a swim in the ocean alone and naked to only to find a Japanese submarine surfacing under her. The movie features an ensemble cast including Dan Aykroyd, Ned Beatty, John Belushi, John Candy, Christopher Lee, Tim Matheson, Toshiro Mifune, Robert Stack, Nancy Allen and Mickey Rourke in his film debut. The story involves a panic in the Los Angeles area after the December 1941 The manic, satirical mayhem of 1941 seems more metaphorical and prescient now than it did when released. It shows Americans running around losing their minds when they think a threat is imminent,. As much of a comic pileup 1941 is, it’s still my favorite Spielberg. Maybe it’s because I discovered it at a young age where I watched Looney Tunes cartoons and Three Stooges shorts religiously and, when I wasn’t doing that, I was smashing toy cars together during playtime. As someone who got a kick out of witnessing the most hilariously cartoonish, destructive stuff, 1941 was right up my alley Unlike most of Spielberg’s work, which is often earnest and serious, 1941 is straight-up silly. The movie begins in smart-ass meta fashion, with Susan Backlinie, AKA the skinny-dipping girl who was the first victim in Jaws, skinny-dipping again, but this time being picked up by the periscope of a Japanese submarine, en route to Los Angeles. Six days after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, the commander (that iconic Akira Kurosawa regular Toshiro Mifune) of this sub is looking for something stateside to hit. (Kudos to Spielberg for avoiding vilifying the Japanese, making them look just as lost and clueless as the people they’re going after.) The 80s had more than its fair share of infamously bad movies and high profile flops. Not many of these, however, enjoy quite the same notoriety as Ishtar. As a star vehicle for two of the most respected actors of the time, Dustin Hoffman and Warren Beatty, the 1987 comedy-adventure had hit written all over it The film had an ultimate budget cost of $55 million but only earned $14 million at the North American box office, leading the film to be known as a major box office flop. Ishtar was nominated for Worst Picture and Worst Screenplay in the 8th Golden Raspberry Awards, the film won for worst director. That the plot involved failed performers singing bad songs took a leap of faith that audiences would go along for the ride. Those chances were diminished by the huge awareness of the film's cost, Thirty-three years later, it's easy to see that Hollywood applied a double standard to the brilliant Elaine May. The story revolves around a duo of incredibly untalented American songwriters who travel to a booking in Morocco and stumble into a four-party Cold War standoff. tells the story of two clueless wannabe singer/songwriters (Hoffman and Beatty) who travel to Morocco to get their big breakthrough. There, they become enmeshed in an outlandish CIA plot that involves secret agents, assassins and blind camels. Universal Studios' 1986 Howard The Duck, however, was such a disaster at the theaters that it only brought in $5 million its first weekend and ultimately made $16 million in the states alone. That's a far cry from MCU's highest-grossing films, which Forbes dubbed the 2018 Avengers: Endgame the highest-ranking of them Howard the Duck The 1986 box office flop Howard the Duck has gone on to become one of the most infamous Marvel movies ever made. Its puppets and costumes in the movie looked cheap and cringy, and the less we say about the movie's creepily themed plot, the better. Like Ishtar, the Flop Era first, I always planned to cover Howard the Duck.Because just like Ishtar, Howard is a notorious flop. And I wasn't sure why. Because when Howard himself appeared in the Guardians of the Galaxy end credits, I was like, hell yeah, bro. That's because this is the first movie in the series that I've actually seen before, and I remember enjoying it. "Howard the Duck" was the first Marvel movie. Universal Pictures "Howard the Duck" is surely not what comes to mind when people today think of Marvel movies, but it was actually the first one, and it was produced by George Lucas. As a whole, the movie, about a duck from another planet who accidentally lands on Earth to stop an alien invasion, is bonkers.

Monday, December 20, 2021

STAR DATE DEC 20 Light on the solar vessel paneaglesong verse 3.24

STAR DATE DEC 20 #c *Galactic Center g 8°55'26" SIGNS VIRGO GEMMA AQUARIUS MOON CANCARE AND THE STAR SIRIUS SOLAR UNIVERSAL 26 VIRGO THE SECOND DAY OF THE MESSIAH AND THE DIAMOND GEMMAN which comes on December 25 Dec 21 STAR DATE coming WINTER SOLSTICE Sabian 30 sagittarius for the evening of DEC 20 THE POPE Clear All. Blessing The Faithful: The bridge of blessing The regard with which you hold your newborn child, is the regard of the eye of blessing. THE MESSAGE : Take the time to see your love ones, friends and community. Regard them all with the eye of blessing... unconditionally. Simply bless everyone you see. That is the meaning of the Sun in Sagittarius 30. Every human being longs to be blessed. Blessing is so simple... you can give it away like twinkies. is to shift perspective so profoundly, that having nothing is regarded as extremely wealthy, that having much is a curse of poverty, that dashed hopes are the strength building gift you have always longed for, that being frozen in fears is the warmest fire burning. SOULAR DAY GEMINI the ACAPELLA MESSENGER speaks UNIVERSAL day of the 21 SOLUNAR DAY IS AQUARIUS with a profound interest in humanitarian or progressive universalism, sciences and independent or unique expression and utilitarian objective Sabian when the HEART IS IN FULL GEAR Sagittarius 29° A fat boy mowing the lawn THE contribution of familiar experience to the refinement of selfhood, given emphasis by the full self-expenditure required for any satisfactory acceptance TO shift perspective so profoundly, that having nothing is regarded as extremely wealthy, that having much is a curse of poverty, that dashed hopes are the strength building gift you have always longed for, that being frozen in fears is the warmest fire burning. THIS SABIAN is also a projection into the next century as the 29th degree Sag will be the SOLAR UNIVERSAL DEGREE in the next century. It is very possible what Paneagle shares in the SOLAR NU UNIVERSAL will not be realized for about 100 years The LUNAR CANCARE is the sign of protection family caretaking and also freedom or security from danger, the tomb of man or prison planet must be observed as it is, A ROSE translates (dies) and then is left to wilt or disappear There is always a Universal day and a Soular Universal position and also a SOLAR and our SUN positions of 24 hours in one degree per day Included is also the SOLUNAR position or SOL which last 12 hours in one sign The subtle CLUE to the real SOLAR DATE What a difference a day makes In the past 20 years I have created or discovered the SOLARIS SOLAR ARTS and the REAL UNIVERSAL POSITIONING I also had been trying to find the key to win the LOTTERY using SOLARIS and SUN ASTROLOGY positions for the past 7 years The great secret of the SOLAR KEY TO GALACTIC TIMING is the one day or one degree ahead in all aspects. This is the same idea as the SABIAN SYMBOL degree which is one degree ahead of the point of aspect, such as the 21st degree is all degrees in 20 to 21. The subtle clue revealed that the solar date timing was one day ahead of the actual drawing. This did not make sense to me because If the day ahead was the clue, then how can the drawing be done one day ahead of the drawing in real time The same number plus one will appear in the sol second sun degree every day 24 hours apart This means that the solar first degree of the sun that also moves 1 degree in 24 hours ahead This will be more likely in the previous date drawing done at same time of day Every aspect has its ‘live period’ which is actually the time leading up to the exact aspect occurring, and solar returns are the same. where the solar return of the year ahead will be the decider of the progression for the year behind So the solar return or the solar day of now will only be the revealed for the year prior leading up to the exact, The real solar return is the year ahead date, just as the solar day of the drawing is always one day ahead of the draw. THE COMET LEO AND THE CHRISTMAS COMET A COMEDY OF ERRORS The Christian era is done. Long live the King, the king is dead They say the Christmas comet is an angel of light, but also is interpreted as a presentation of a false teacher This comedy has brought an end to the Christmas celebration and another covidity wave, along with worldwide control agenda and Vaccination program It would be very easy to say this was paneagle as Pan Gesus Einsign, the founder of NU AEGIS or the NU MESSENGER It really is that there is no Christ Allah God Mahanta lord or that the Christian era was nothing but a man made or alien created projection The old calendar set in place was used to maintain the status quo and co-dependence on the old AEGIS and the JESUS Christianity of Paul and the Romans Used primarily for economic and personal interests of the leading or dominant religious or race groups included men, and white illuminati or Christian brotherhood The interpretations of comets and saviors are all the same mish mash of distorted distractions and social distancing being utilized in a constant media stream The opportunity is always NIGH to bring in REAL AWARENESS of the Real UniversIS and the SOLAR or SOLAR-ISNISS Universal Positioning This is not a frame calendar timeline or agenda program of Reptilian or Alien Design or a Universal ASTRO-LABE prediction model THE THREE GODZ AND THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING For centuries Astrologers have been looking for the REAL SOLAR KEYS to the Universe, or at least Human or Earth relativity to it. The consistent Tunnel Vision of man has always been as above so below, or the Universe is out there, and we are Under or within it. Literal minded and objective reasoning could not discover or proof an Astrological key to the Universal creation The object of the Earth to the Sun was the focus and directed to planets passing through constellations in the ecliptic plane Of course it was not the earth passing through the Universe, but rather our position view of the solar system to the Earth The inverse is that nothing is moving, all is in fixed positions, even if from our point of view everything moves daily, all the time. Meanwhile we are static or stagnant, immovable object planet being transported around the sun, while it’s really our sun that is moving through a field of light, humans take the position these movements mean our changes in human behavior HOLOGRAPHIC ASTROLOGY and the GREAT BLACK HOLE CENTERS OF THE UNIVERSE Our SUN does spiral through the Universe and creates a whirlpool of light when the stars are centered around our viewpoint to the heavens The same spiral is seen from our Hubble telescope as a galactic swirl of 5 spans or waves from the galactic center to its outer edges As we view this galaxy from one of the outer edges, we may see it also from the flat plane cluster of stars in a galactic flat line billion light years across We are positioned between the Galactic spiral alone in the great space but also among the Messier ID or center of cluster of local galaxies This spiral link is likened to the Musical Noter signature and the seven chords of the Universal song and the Universal Field of Light That is Spiral from the center of our galaxy around to the edge of the spiral through or on the Great Attractor and to the Messiah cluster as another Spiral field of light THE SEVENTH DAY ADVENTURE In becoming aware of the five bodies and seven life levels, I had seen the SOLARIS as a seven level system This is the SEVEN UNIVERSAL REALMS OR ALL ISNISS, SOLARIS is the seventh level or TRU REALITY LIFE IS We have Five levels (realms) and bodies that are in creation, the sixth is the sub universal basement or subconscious, and the deep dark border As a SEER of the SOLAR-IS and the NU SEVEN NATIONS UNITED, and SEVEN NUCONTINENTS and the SEVEN MONTH STAR CALENDAR This is based on our solar position on urth and the universal with the Galactic New year The THREE GODZ and the HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE Galactic spirals, symbolic references, numeric codes, associated relativity, and black hole universal centers (GODZ) We can discover the creation of a matrix in this universal codex which is the observation or perception of creation The four GODZ are GTC MSI GAP AND as galactic center, messiah, great attractor and Andromeda There is also our SUN and we can include SATURN as the planetary lord of our local solar system Each of these in three dimensions gives the system or solarism of each as a local position In creation or 3D universe But the real Universe is 7 dimensions, so these are the limited frameworks or boundaries of our local universe creation The fourth dimension or 4D of the GODZ is the next level harmonic which actually rules all below, that is controls or commands or maintains our local universe Thus as the smallest is the greatest, we have the 1X 60X and 3600X but we also have the 60x60x60 (21,600) which is the same as the years of each solar age. There realty is not NU or OLD AEGIS, or AGE because time is an illusion or not at all, The REAL AEGIS is always the present enever here now and NOWHERE ISniss These 3 are as three dimensions of body, emotion and mind known as the physical mental and astral level. The 4D is the level of creation or causation, cause and effect, and thus mostly man is ruled by those who control this dimensia. The fourth dimension of the godz and sun and planets is what predicts the Lottery or world events in the current year or date. That is the dimensia which is the implant of domination or hybrid genetic code in man and the potential of AI or artificial intelligence known as GOD to most People do not see these references as to space gods or powers that be, the chemical elements or forces of nature and life But more so, they don’t see the belief or worship adoration model is repeated in this cosmic or universal picture Thus we can show the Messiah for example as the SUN OF GOD, not GOD ITSELF which is the Gamma ray center black hole lord GREAT ATTRACTOR Nor that our own Galaxy can be called KAL or GAL-actic in action of Kaluum or three headed god, that is a being but not god, although it pretends to be This would be like me saying I am Jesus or ISIS of Egypt or lord the Master Saint or ALLAH even if these were real or that I or we had the direct link to them Every day I write the UNIVERSAL STAR DATE AND SOLAR EDITORIAL Always a work in progress or a daily update into the present NOW Founder Paneagle SOLAR UNIVERSAL GALACTICIAN Petoisidis is the DA VINCI of Solastry (SOLAR ARTS) Marshallah is the ISIS Gesus descendent of the Babylon Judean of the Real NUAbballah Nustradamus is the NO-astro-Adam-us the anti-christ of SolarISm Former friend of Yeshua Joseph of Arimethea, the Black Elk Indian Shaman and Robert Louis Stevenson of Treasure Is-land Grandson of AVON Adams impresario who promoted Yascha Heifetz “God’s Fiddler” in 1917 as a child prodigy So I have a pedigree, but its all a so what too, because its not a personal view, or leadership icon, not at all or in the least

Saturday, December 18, 2021


#freedom,#music,#beautiful,#natural,#newmusic,#Songwriting,#natural world,#save the planet,#environmental,#special education,#god,#soul,#signs,#nature,#solaris,#universe,#rap,#song,#beauty,#angels,#gods,#light,#sound,#songs,#great,#best,#list,#today,#stars,#horoscopes,#solar,#water,#religion,#unity,#jesus,#physics,#cure,#spirituality,#religions,#truth,#galaxy,#cats,#care,#real,#jobs,#Seeocean,#opportunity,#diseases,#ascension,#SEX,#heaven,#einstein,#genesis,#numbers

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

STAR DATE dec 15 NU Arc On the BOARDWALK Solar Vessel AI CHING

THE STAR DATING BY paneagle///////// with a relative list of top 70 brightest stars in order for POSITION USING THE RELATIVE LIGHT NUMBER OF EACH STAR AS SIRIUS NUMBER 1, BRIGHTEST

STAR DATE DEC 15 Sun i 24°24'13" 4 1° 1' 2" 0° 0' 0" S 23°19'10" S B Moon b 21°46'22" #c *Galactic Center g 8°54'14" soular 14 aries and 8 libra UNIVERSAL galactic 24 VIRGO sun 24 sagitarius solunar pisces sunrise 25 sag sabian A chubby little rich boy rides on a hobbyhorse of bright colors and wishes for hazards he may never know. Kozminsky sign A ruined castle by a waterfall, near which is a naked woman holding a bunch of grapes to an old philosopher who, seated on a rock, is studying a manuscript. Solunar sunset day aries THE HERO STAR DATE DEC 15 Sun i 24°24'13" #c *Galactic Center g 8°54'14" Soular 14 aries and 8 libra UNIVERSAL in the GEMMA DIAMOND of the OCEAN OF LIFE Galactic 24 VIRGO CO-WORKERS WITH THE SUN sunrise 24 sagitarius SABIAN Sagittarius 24: A bluebird standing at the door of the house. Opportunity calls... The 'bluebird' symbol suggests that good things lie ahead just outside the door. It is a bluebird of opportunity. But the challenge (this is a 4th degree in the 5 degree series) lies in pushing off into that open land of opportunity. solunar sunrise pisces DAY of SOLAR ARC of the COVENANT OF THE LIVING ONE Solunar sunset day aries THE HERO making your real direct UNIVERSAL AWARENESS MOON taurus THE UNIVERSAL URTH and our REAL UNIVERSAL POSITIONING TAURUS TAU URTH BUILDING THE TERRA GAIA URTH AND NU NATIONS UNITED NU UNIVERSITIS by and for and with ALL NUMANITY SABIAN 25 SAGITTARIUS tonight and tomorrow Dec 16 25 sag sabian A chubby little rich boy rides on a hobbyhorse of bright colors and wishes for hazards he may never know. Kozminsky sign A ruined castle by a waterfall, near which is a naked woman holding a bunch of grapes to an old philosopher who, seated on a rock, is studying a manuscript. Here is the REAL-EVOLUTION of Astrology..presenting truthfully...WOW.WOW..This is important document'ARIA' I agree as the NU UNIVERSAL WAVE especially because I have SUN SAGE and SOLARIS with the GTC (and the sol mars (ARES) all in Sagittarius and my North NODE in Pisces in 7th house, both will be neatly conjuncted at the same time in January 2022 as I AM INTRODUCING the NU AEGIS, and SOLAR-IS which is the most important dramatic and Real NU WAVE of NU UNIVERSISTIS...including the ANDROMEDA at 9 to 10 Sagittarius which is our partner galaxy shining its light on the LOVE BEAUTY AND WONDER of Tru Reality, which we can discover become and know truly in the most direct way, Universally, and even Physically AWARE of our purpose to be here now and know what LIFE IS...SPECTACULAR this is now because THE SOLAR GALACTIC NEW YEAR happening DECEMBER 18 in 3 days with the Full Moon Eclipse in Gemini as Venus goes retrograde the following day, the Capricorn old fart dart smart ass Korporate crapheads with the Pluto capricorn USA return indicating furthur transformation completion and the AI ALIENATION agenda keeping the world locked in and blocked up in the WALL built ala pink Floyd in 1980, now 60 years on after the Uranus Pluto Virgo Conjunction of the 60's when the AGE OF AQUARIUS was supposedly being conceived but only keeping everyone stuck in the planetary system and Saturnine lord rulership matrix code of the Astrological and metaphysical but hardly touching the REAL UNIVERSALIS and only a beginning is this, or to say it is the RETURN TO THE ORIGINAL BIG BANG in the sense of the ONE ETERNAL MOMENT always NOW, and all creation cycles and passing of time is always done, not really existant, and this SOLARIS revealation becoming much more than a thought or idea, but the ORIENTATION into the actual NU NOW, ENEVER and Always ON...this note by HEY PANEAGLESONG invitation to celebrate the NU GALACTIC SOULAR YEAR DECEMBER 18 2021 and prepare or be AWARE of the 2022 transcendence transformation and translation into the NU AEGIS, as well as we are able or will allow..the galactician blogspot SOLASTRY paneagle NU Arc symph part 2 verse 4.01 On the Vessel paneaglesong NU Arc symph part 2 verse 4.01 On the Vessel paneaglesong STAR DATE dec 15 NU Arc On the BOARDWALK Solar Vessel - YouTube
STAR DATE *Galactic Center g 8°54' 5 A Sun i 23°23'12" S 23°16'21" S B Moon b 9°53'49" S 12 latitude SOULAR 5 ARIES the SOULAR ends pisces during the day and the andromeda queen or princess …..ARETHA and the SUUN of our partners with the Universal SOLUNAR CAPRICORN SUNRISE SUNSET AQUARIUS most of the world is ruled by Pluto venus conjunction this day, occupation with money and productivity Sunset the winged horse Pegasus flies through the night sky and the universal awareness of real light is available, opening the Universal Doorway or Gateway to the REAL UNIVERSIS MOON TAURUS 10 IS THE TAURUS day of the CAMEL-LEOPARD GALACTIC 24 VIRGO WEEK OF THE SHEPHERD COMES TO AN END, WE ENTER THE WEEK OF THE MESSIAH AND GEMMA DIAMOND GTC SOULAR ARIES GTC UNIVERSAL VIRGO…SHEPHERD “Most of the ‘indoctrinated’ LiteralMinds of the FiveBody People in Creation have no idea they have been Cleverly Manipulated into Agreeing with the invented MarketingPloy from Those who Kontrol Others in This DesignatedMatrix. Quote by duane Heppner on NU U U presentation WWWE world wide educators

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

STAR DATE DEC 14 NU All IS LIGHT The real best Plan

STAR DATE DEC 14 the REAL BEST PLAN The real PLANZ is not this planet solar system play at all, but the Universal AWARENESS in full ISNISS or ALL IS recognition and true INTENTION of THE TRU REALITY LIFE. THE BEST PLAN is Be(come) Essence (IS) of Sound (and Light) True Perfect Love Always NU This is to BE the best we can be in the Essential (ISNISS) of Heart (Soul, Sun) in True (honesty, genuine, benign) Altruism tru and IS perfect no matter which way of Loving Universal Altruism and Always Here Now (ALL ISNISS) The question that is in your mind that you can answer or even ask will be not answered in your mind or by reality or the business acumen but only by our true recognition and real awareness IS DO you know why you don’t have anything to respond to or share or have a question to ask or say something or show that this has such great value, no more than this is Good or Bad, nor do you seem willing to find out or try to incorporate into your own life presentation, And why most of you do not ask about being with or part of the NU reality or NU AEGIS, the TRU Tru Cloud Atlas being presented by Paneagle or the NU friends The SOULAR research vessel building the NU URTH IN THE NU UNIVERSIS with the NU NATIONS UNITED and NU UNIVERSITIS and NUetics (NU Tech) YOUR PLACE IN THE SOULAR YEARZ by the GODZ of the Universe The GODZ of the Universe are not the Gods of Man, being the created warship of the ALIENATION set in place time by the ORIONZ Enki and Enlil The true worship is not religions or science or metaphysics or Astro-physics or any of this We do have a relative universal field of light which includes the source origin point of universes, galaxies and stars or suns as gravity well black holes centers This relative field includes the GTC GAP MSI as our soular, universal and galactic field in the local universe, and including AD as Andromeda, our partner galaxy Each of these is set in 4Dimensions from the Universal position or 5th field of SOLAR LIGHT These are the five universes of which man has his own relative five bodies which are all part of creation and our dimensional experience We can describe our five bodies but also the experience of the five bodies of the GODZ or the five life levels in our local SOULAR UNIVERSIS Each of the five levels has its distinction in time as generally like years months days hour and minute of Universal Time These are 72 years for each degree in the GDZones, and also in the relative variable SOULAR time by 1 year, month, day of 12 hours, and 24 minutes The SOULAR year for each of the four GODZ is a key relation we can relate in both current and relative future or past events in our lifetime progression In 2022 the ANDROMEDA is 9 to 10 sag, and GALACTIC center is on 10 libra, as the primary local influence There is also the GAP great attractor ay 16 Leo prime universal directive and the MSI messier Complex at 14 gemini. These can be translated also in SOLAR UNIVERSAL signatures of AD in Camel Leopard, GTC in Gemma Diamond, GAP in the Snake, and MSI in the Orion Hunter These describe Numanity in the swirl of its own creations, such as URTH BOUND control, or worship of gemstones and beauty, the medical technology domination or serpentine effect and the Orion space god control hunt or predator behaviorism (reptilianism) which is ongoing drama of mankind. The greater universal affect is the GREAT ATTRACTOR which is at 15 to 16 Leo THIS YEAR and will be poignant at this degree and sign with our own positions. A prime example of TOM BRADY the STAR of football whose sun is in middle Leo, during his 2 super bowl years of 2020/2021. This great attractor was also lined up with our SUUN as Barack Obama was president, and back in the past when the sign was Cancer enduring the OJ Simpson trials (so this influence is not always positive or forgiving) and the Barry Sanders key running back for Detroit in the 90’s BY the year we also have the MESSIAH which is at century mark 2 Libra but in the year of 13 to 14 Gemini. This was aligned with the descendent of USA and marked the NU cycle of both the SOCIAL CULTURAL MEDIA program and the AI artificial intelligence as a counter revelation of the ALIENATION agenda in place for centuries Man is in his transitional phase from the former genomic code and to the Universal or REAL GALACTIC Union and multi-dimensional awareness This phase probably dates Mankind to the 2200 date of the incoming AGE OF CAPRICORN or the SWAN which in deed he/we has/have entered into currently But the greatest choice is whether Man will allow himself to become AI as an artificial intelligence dependent on machines and technology, or will he become free of the universal INFLUENCE and Viral Influenza as one example where Pandemonium (Pandemic co-dependent systems) or star science reverts back to our physics or our going beyond the science and math or religion of co-dependence on all but true Natural or Universal respect THE IMPLANTATION of the ALIENATION agenda and genome and epigenetic CODE Centuries ago, whenever, the ALIEN nation program on man was implanted, probably as BETELGUESE head star of Orion entered 0 ARIES, sometime about 24 centuries ago, as Betelguese is always opposite the galactic center for milleniums, and trine andromeda, so the current Human Civilization probably initiated in a genome adjustment or prior to the ATLANTIS. Its more likely that the original blueprint was some 26,000 centuries ago. HOW WE CAN AND ARE MANIPULATED BY IDEAS The idea you accept even if not true do cling to the literal mind and make us believe they are real. This is the implantation idea, which is the same process which the ALIENATION has composed on man in his belief or faith in space gods or some intelligent being in control of the Universe or our lives and destinies These ideas can be very emphasized by certain words, and insistent, incessant, and even incorporated in our mind set, This like the word GOD which doesn’t exist in a space time reference or our mind body connection but all hold to it in some ancient echo which we hope or want to be real or otherwise, become dependent on, even if it really has no reality, because the word mind association has been implanted in man or IMPLANETATED in the world. For example if we are told something like “you are planning to leave” and it is not the case, it can still or is being held to or created by your belief in the idea is not WHAT WE ACCEPT AS REAL or know to be REAL is not what REALITY IS, and no matter what we feel or see or sense or think of it, it is no more real than this. 2021/2022 with capricorn pluto and retrograde venus...last dacan of capricorn...conjunct USA PLUTO..also on the sun of J.BozoZorro's PRESIDENT of AMERIZONIA...the agenda of the Korporate brats medical COVIDITY and MANSANITY...(monsoon co. man of crazy COCK brothers...zuckerborg Mersick Gekko and BhellGates macro-world takeover AI ALIENATION known as agenda 2030.. Venus retrogrades over all positions of birthdates King MLK Elvis and Mohammad ALI...there is a lot more to this but the program in place since last century coming to fruition or Ruination depending I suppose on our point of there an end or a beginning here...maybe...maybe not..again do we see things from only one dimensional Earth perspective or the 3Dimensional earth world, (man nature sun)...or are we aware of the REAL UNIVERSAL and the true SOULAR dimensions of Reality the choice this 2022 IS...what have we to SEE and KNOW as SEERS or of the NU nations united, NU UniversiTIS and NU URTH in the REAL UNIVERSIS and OCEANUS...lots of words to describe but what the reality IS...the korporate BRATS and LORDS of dark controllers are so busy at work making sure we dont SEE or BE IN THE REAL imagine as John Lennon said (moon in capricorn).... The degrees of the CAPRICORN derivation.. Bezos Capricorn, also among ALI MLK AND ELVIS, betty white, dolly parton and kevin coster, and the USA pluto conjunct in 2022/23, the opposition to USA mercury in 2020/21 which occurred during the COVIDITY pandemic, the korporate AGENDA of the Propaganda Alienation and NEPTUUNE IN PISCES motivation of three corporats presidents bankers executiives of Goggly Morgana and Kock brothers, and the Uranus in Taurus can be included as Queen Elizabeth and other of Hollywood Disneylanders Eisenstiens noticed as Neptune opposed California state sun, and now as Uranus squares Saturn from taurus to Aquarius

STAR DATE *Galactic Center g 8°54' 5 A Sun i 23°23'12" S 23°16'21" S B Moon b 9°53'49" S 12 latitude SOULAR 5 ARIES the SOULAR ends pisces during the day and the andromeda queen or princess …..ARETHA and the SUUN of our partners with the Universal SOLUNAR CAPRICORN SUNRISE SUNSET AQUARIUS most of the world is ruled by Pluto venus conjunction this day, occupation with money and productivity Sunset the winged horse Pegasus flies through the night sky and the universal awareness of real light is available, opening the Universal Doorway or Gateway to the REAL UNIVERSIS MOON TAURUS 10 IS THE TAURUS day of the CAMEL-LEOPARD GALACTIC 24 VIRGO WEEK OF THE SHEPHERD COMES TO AN END, WE ENTER THE WEEK OF THE MESSIAH AND GEMMA DIAMOND GTC SOULAR ARIES GTC UNIVERSAL VIRGO…SHEPHERD

Saturday, December 11, 2021


STAR DATE DEC 11 GALACTIC CENTER 23 VIRGO SOULAR 23 PISCES MOON ARIES / end of Pisces Begin Aries the Camel-LEOPARD R.E.S.P.E.C.T Serving the burdened humanity the Andromeda queen and the Prince of Peace The UNIVERSAL in VIRGO the Shepherd Choices of Gathering the Flock in the heaven of REAL AWARENESS or our human social culture SOLUNAR sunrise of the Cancer familiars caretaking and sympathetic response SOLUNAR SUNSET of the Leo Lion and the Courageous creative and company of Children STAR DATE DEC 11 2021 SOLARIS AND THE SOLAR RETURN : The most fascinating study There is a great shift going on in the Solar Universal where the degrees are all shifting ahead in the NU AEGIS The Nu AEGIS is really the time of now, in the ALL IS AND NU UNIVERSAL where we learn to recognize the Tru Reality Life IS, In the ALL IS and SOLARIS which is the SOULAR UNIVERSAL positioning. The Enever time is always HereNow, and we are IN ASOFITISON This is not of science, religion or a metaphysics or Human Psyche Social or creation consciousness. Today is the birthday of Paneagle, the great Solarist, one universal galactician the founder of SOLASTRY The SUN is midpoint between the Galactic Center and the Great Attractor at 20th degree of Sagittarius The sun will conjunct the Galactic Center on Dec 18/19 and was conjunct the great attractor on Dec 4/5 Paneagle was born with the Solaris (sum total of sun) conjunct the Galactic Center (26 sagitttarius) and the Sol (second sun 17 Gemini) conjunct the second Great Attractor SUUN This truly appears to be my SOLARIS D’ESTINY and the SOULAR-IS Revealations by PAN GESUS This is the SOLAR-IS and the NUETICS or NU-ARC-Tech which is really ON THE SOULAR RESEARCH VESSEL ALL this was experienced as a BURDEN OF PROOF of the SOLARIS presentation here now! December 11 1951 the sum numbers are 2 5 11 7 21 3 The Sagittarius sun is at 19 17 50 Soular return is 19 Sag 17 Gemini and 20 Capricorn I was born with Rising Star of Regulus the Navigator, also known as the Little King (In Leo the Lion) The Rising in Virgo trine Mercury and Chiron at 0 Capricorn (Winter solstice) and 3 Capricorn (Christmas) Progressions of cycles include the SUN progressed from birth year 19 Sag to 20 Capricorn in 1980, the year of my first translation into NU Awareness And then 14 Aquarius my SOL MOON degree in the 2010’s and now to The SOL progressed from 17 Gemini (On the Star Rigel) to 22 Gemini (Capella) in my first decade (1960), to 0 Cancer (SUMMER solstice) opposite my Mercury (in the 1980’90’s) And then conjunct Uranus at 12 Cancer (2001 (and square my joynt Libra Saturn of USA 9/11)) Now progressed to its current position at 23 Cancer which is my wife’s Sun and our life in the 2010’s/2020’s I was born with a GRAND CROSS of 4 planets that has progressed to exact oppositions of Saturn Libra and Jupiter at 14 Aries and Chiron opposite Uranus at 10 Cancer/Capricorn which has formed a CROSS in this past decade in my chart, completing the CROSS to BEAR of the NU SOULARIS OR SOLAR ARC which is our SOULAR UNIVERSAL POSITIONING The progression by decade of the SUN from 19 Sag is now at 26 Sag conjunct my SOLARIS (sum of sun) in the 2010’s Now the SOLAR ARC of my decade SUN is approaching the Galactic Center in the next 10 years (2020’s) at 28th degree of Sagittarius This month in 2021 the SUN conjunct the Great Attractor on the New Moon Eclipse, and the full moon in gemini will be conjunct the Great Attractor There is also the completion of the Saturn Uranus square (Aquarius/Taurus) on Christmas 2021 as COVIDITY hits its fifth wave of Omicron and will be all over the world through the winter 2022… This is the physical aspect of human creations and the great common ignorance of Holy Worship and Science Religion Business Government and ALIENATION Agenda. This mirror of the genesis resurrection and reincarnation cycle of lifetimes and repeating human ISTORY, that which is seemingly neverless endless or fathomless to man, And is universal bound in the three dimensions man accepts as Reality. What is really shifting is our entire comprehension of the Real UniversIS and the Galactic Union. The trine of Betelguese Andromeda and Galactic Center is nearing the shift in the AGE OF SAGITTARIUS (Christian Era 60 AD – 2200 AD) These eras began as Andromeda entered Aries in 0 AD during the Christ times, and as Betelguese entered Gemini a century before that 100 BCE. The former or OLD AEGIS of ZEUS was instituted in the original Atlantis or Lemuria by the space Gods of Orion Enki and Enlil and then repeated AD NAUSEUM throughout all time. The progressed CAPRICORN of the USA in 2022 is directly related to Solar events on Urth of the Strange Korporate plan and Alien control dominion. This agenda put in place from the original America Takeover of the Continent, to White European Ruling Economic Class and English as controlled by English speaking Countries The primary Capricorns of this time are actors Kevin Costner Dolly Parton and Betty White and previously by the famous ELVIS MLK AND MUHAMMAD ALI all considered kings, coincidentally offering freedom of religion (Allah/Moslems, Christianity and music theatre (rock and roll) and all are born in the sun in last decan of Capricorn
PETER SOLAR RETURN Moon conjunct neptune venus conjunct pluto capricorn Mercury sextile Jupiter Saturn square Uranus Chiron sextile Lilith And decade CROSS aspects Saturn opposite Uranus Chiron opposite Jupiterbr

Thursday, December 9, 2021


The PANEAGLE STAR ROCK LEGEND AND WILDSTOCK CREATION MYTH THIRD VIDEO IN THE SERIES.. wonderful it is the principle idea story movie STAR ROCK legend POEM AUTHOR PANEAGLE ORPHEUS The videos WILDSTOCK 8 STAR ROCK VOICES STAR ROCK LEGENDS CREATION STORY STAR ROCK TRILOGY WILDSTOCK 28 the ORIGINAL VERSION ** Wildstock 8 songs this land cover j cash terence boylan dancing shoes cover rocky nelson travelin man love is strange buddyholy cut out the song love is strange .. in half.. WORLDWIDE BROADCAST TELETHON theme Wildstock 2021 PEACE LOVE MUSIC FREEDOM BEAUTY AND THE TRU REALITY LIFE IS END THE CULTURE OF VIOLENCE SAVE THE CHILDREN, NATURE AND ALL LIFE The Wildstock 8 countdown to Woodstock 50 Reunity concert Songs love is strange Travelin man cover This land is your land j cash live The NU Universal awareness of the NatUral Environment We Can SAVE the children, the world and all LIFE Make It SO just DO IT 3 Star Rock Epochs and Greatest Concerts Ever Woodstock, Live Aid, and Wildstock Star Rock Legend Armegeddon and Apocalypse Why Woodstock 50 reunion failed WHAT WOODSTOCK 50 DID and Did Not Do Why Woodstock 69 was a failure Why is Wildstock the Enever Band Story Organizing the greatest concert ever weekend of August 16-17-18 30 videos for WILDSTOCK 19 include 100 songs and the STAR ROCK LEGEND Creation Myth THE STORY OF FLAVA VALCANA and her SONGS To save love freedom and wildstock The true ISTORY of MAN BY PANEAGLESONG EAGLEWORKS PANDATA2000 P Marshall Adams Author writer composer inventor WWWE world wide Educators and NU U U presentations President SEEOCEANUS work with Real NatUre SOLARIUM FREESEUM GARDEDEN MAGNOLIA TRAIL JENNINGS Solar Observatory Freedom Museum Garden Joy’n IN Solrocker blogspot videos by peter adams THE FIRST ROCK MAN Galactician blogspot Seeocean org DEC 9 STAR DATE editorial THIS connection of GTC and OUR SUN is opposite the full moon at 28 gemini ...conjunct BETELGUESE and the elements of the coyote trickster and yes elements of the witch bitch and kali INFLUENCE which has been at odds or in company with man and the ALIENATION agenda going on for milleniums just as Andromeda is also trine to these and so the partnering union with the galactic union, adding the invasive alien COMPETITION for taking over mankind (again this has been on for centuries)...and the obvious manipulation of beliefs space god ideas and the rest of the long time genetic and psychic emotional control body which we have and use but also the spiritual development process..WOW all here for the ears and eyes... here is my STAR DATE comment DEC 8...The BIG BANG AND THE UNIVERSAL GODZ In the beginning IS and this was the living one There is but One and its REALITY IS All NUMANITY is a STAR and the light of the SUUN ever shining Become the NU URTH in the REAL UNIVERSIS The BIG BANG IS NOW and creation is finished, the end of end is here, The book of the NU AEGIS and EXEGIS and NU REVEALATION The Genesis Exegis Realution and Ynari Vidya once known as the Babbler Co-Ran Rigged Vida Now the names are changed to allow the consciousness to become AWARE And the unconscious mirror hologram alienation hypnosis reflection to be released This is the objective of the ONE DAY ONE TIME ONE BIG BANG of THE TRU REALITY ISNISS ALL IS ISSUEE MAGAZINE…PUBS of articles and books or astrological journals online Are you still doing this ASTRO-MANDA wikiup articles publishing...? I have the YOD finger of GOD of venus in quincunx to jupiter and moon ..very tight in 5th degree I am the one universal galactician solarist who founded this..STAR GPS, SOLAR UNIVERSAL ZODIAC, SOLARIS AND THE SEVEN SUUNS and SOLAR KEYS TO GALACTIC TIMING and SOLAR ARC PROGRESSIONS all breakthroughs in the field of SOLASTRY which is THE NU REAL ASTROLOGY..for the NU AEGIS...the namesake of 3 famous astrologers PETERoris MARSHALLah NuastrADAMS..paneagle7 galactician blogspot SPECIAL SONGS YOU NEVER HEARD SPECIAL SONGS YOU NEVER HEARD - YouTube ANNIE LENNOX WAITING IN VAIN Annie Lennox - Waiting in Vain - YouTube THE NU AEGIS IS HERE NOW THEY ARE ALL MISSING IT Everything is being hidden manufactured or distorted as mankind is being MANaged and CONtrolled to maximum extents Meaning while we are finding this out, discovering or reveling or even REVEALATING, the beat goes on, the madness continues And the realization of the conflict or competition for LIFE WORLD AND MAN is the primary evidenced in every movie and mad world event, as well in the distorted coordinated and social distancing movie of COVIDITY and the POLITIC world competition REEL TO REAL MOVIE ISTORY SHOW : Movie COWBOYS and ALIENS : Themes of War and Freedom and the Western Pan-o-rama THE PAN-NO-DRAMA or Life in Self recognized or personal HE-MAN’S (Oh my Spheres) vs the ALIENATION Where in the real HE-MAN-IS-SPHERES of the UniversitUS we are discovering the REAL URTH in the REAL UNIVERSIS Might as well be the history of the world vs. the ALIENATION prophecy or the Humanoids and the Reptilians Or the Three Stooges vs. the Munsters, or Vampires (Mobsters) vs. Big Cats (Media Cat Fan’atics), or the Alien Warships vs Space Gods Worship The ISTORY of how man is Manipulated or the planet is under attack from Reptilian or Alien competitive forces (warships) The general belief system hostility and faith hope orientation of religion government business and media tech marketing schemes In the centuries ago when the humans were first visited created or obfuscated by the Orions and the Mind Matrix genome coded humanity This western drama demonstrates in the American west included the Alien Technocratic dimensia invasion or uni-lateral cross pollination of ideas into experience that is the ongoing world reality of the controllers vs. will and its intention to discovery We wish to discover or know the real ISTORY through the media monopoly of movie film distrubutors in sci-fi fantasy and horror Where the alternative history of the real world is unseen or unknown, hidden or alternatively created or modified by media magicians This all was sourced in the human origins and the probable genome reptilian-human hybrid creation experiment at least as old as Atlantis where the combined survival of the fittest and the procreation of social sexual racial or nation generations was produced Something like a slave race in coded mentalized program for the purposes of mining gold and precious gems but also psyche and emotional enslavement to passions of the mind or body that which we also assume is a conditional acceptance of what LIFE appears to be, one life one lifetime one body and one world one-dimensional existence in a two or severely limited 3 dimensional experience The Aliens vs. Humans in the wild west provides us with a mutual enemy polarity which can unite good and bad guys, in a way which is identifiable but not easily sourced in consciousness or known in our REAL AWARENESS, which has been obfuscated into the limit viewpoint or social consciousness and the ego self identity and literal or personal view This movie deliberately breaks this mind idea barrier with the aliens appearing in the 1800’s, beyond the common context of either ancient times, or the present new awareness being recognized in these limited fashions of the science fiction or horror genre film STAR DATE Galactic Center g 8°53'47" #d SOULAR 47 PISCES CREATIVITY AND ARTISTRY the GALACTIC CENTER 53 VIRGO THE UNIVERSAL 46 VIRGO moon 6 PISCES Sol DAY of the WHALE PI-SEAS Caretakers of the WORLD united in the Spirit of EMPATHIC response SOL SUNSET EVENING IS THE ARIAN HERO the Activist of a Physical motivation or choices of personal interest with a greater or heroic purpose in the IS-LAND of the enterprising initiative and SOLUNAR respect for the Universal Positioning Moon in Pisces conjunct DENEB IN THE SIGN OF THE CROSS Continue the work of ISTORY ACCURACY and Organization skills throughout this MONTH is the PERFECT OF ORDER There is a necessary awareness of the matrix consternation and development in extreme processing Manipulation of technology environments and human social organizations The themes of this movie include the racial deferences, the scientific relativity or the religious occupations of men in areas beyond god, that is like as miners, sportsman, or gunfighting, various moralities of sex or money or power The finale is an orientation where the sides of both good and bad characters attempt to work together against the ALIENS who are as eager to GET THE GOLD as the MEN are either manipulated into either gold fever or attempted murder, whichever serves their purpose other nature spirits in different locales, meanwhile also sensing the Heritage in dreams visions such as the CHITZENNEITZYN of Mexico Aztec site where the local INDIANS gave up the gold bullions to the Spanish invaders, another representation of the historical effort of THE ALIENATION to either create or control or form domination of human and mammalian species and reptilian agendas The GOLD AND GEM MINING of the WESTERN US is clearly notable as the sight of numerous park land places I personally had many experiences with the West Is-lands such as meeting Indian guides or seeing ELVES in Yellowstone, and I think such as the GRAND CANYON SEDONA ZION canyon de chelly AND MANY OTHERS dramatic strip mining of the ALIEN original invasion force so this is another example of the conflicted and domination model of war between the states robbers or cops as nations or institutions of man under alien direction or invested interest in ALIEN TECHNOLOGY which is being either offered or demonstrated by their use Thus also we can include the AREA 51 and other western military stages such as Nevada or Utah or Colorado mountain nuclear underground site and ROSWELL, another visitation program center or the Texas Marva Lights or other numerous ALIEN projects The RICH ISTORY of the western hemisphere America’s from Peru to Canada has catapulted the Monster Mash of world domination including the Mayan and Aztec Religious ‘sacrifices’. We the AUDIENCE are asked to SUSPEND DISBELIEF, and to sacrifice our own morality or principles, or beliefs, to extend beyond our own barriers or censor, and to discover the hidden reality and fourth dimensia which is being used as tap line influences and the adapatations such as hero worship or our own lack of cooperative or association which the lead characters must do in order to crash the warship or defeat the worship of things beyond our kin or knowledge. Picture COWBOYS AND ALIENS

Wednesday, December 8, 2021


The BIG BANG AND THE UNIVERSAL GODZ In the beginning IS and this was the living one There is but One and its REALITY IS All NUMANITY is a STAR and the light of the SUUN ever shining Become the NU URTH in the REAL UNIVERSIS The BIG BANG IS NOW and creation is finished, the end of end is here, The book of the NU AEGIS and EXEGIS and NU REVEALATION The Genesis Exegis Realution and Ynari Vidya once known as the Babbler Co-Ran Rigged Vida Now the names are changed to allow the consciousness to become AWARE And the unconscious mirror hologram alienation hypnosis reflection to be released This is the objective of the ONE DAY ONE TIME ONE BIG BANG of THE TRU REALITY ISNISS ALL IS

RETROGRADE OF VENUS 2021/22 This Venus retrograde will last from December 19 to January 29, 2022, when Venus stations direct at 11 degrees of Capricorn. From January 29-March 1, 2022, we will experience our post-retrograde shadow phase. Government shutdown America in lockdown Capricorn 26 pluto enters dec 7 to dec 25 VENUS RETROGRADE December 18, 2021, at 26°29' of Capricorn. People been talkin' Inspiration: Social groups can be all-a-flutter, best ignore any gossip mutter. Today: If people have been talking about us, lets… how does the song go?… lets give them something to flock about. Good day to bring uplifting messages of purpose to separate parties Here in Capricorn 27, A mountain pilgrimage. there is a shift to an awareness that one must get off the couch and start up the hill again. The sense of climbing high by starting low is emphatically enforced The Capricorn 28 sabian A LARGE AVIARY group master of cosmic influences CLAIRAUDIENCE The enjoyment of spiritual values by the soul able to familiarize itself with their implications. Birds symbolize spiritual forces, and the aviary presents us with a picture of these forces or desires contained within a mind open to the light of psychic or Soul realities, and bringing joy and harmony to the consciousness. The strenuous ascent represented by the preceding scene changes into a picture of familiarity with inspiring experiences. Yet this familiarity may also suggest a lack of spontaneity and of the thrill of discovery. To use modern terms, the peak experiences have become those of a high plateau, at which level one may lose one's sense of direction at times group mastery of cosmic energies. The youthful effort to reach the summits of cultural and spiritual attainment has settled down into a complex state of inspiration — a state which at times may bring confusion because of the multiplicity of the voices to which one has become open. One may speak here of CLAIRAUDIENCE, meaning a capacity for being responsive to many inner voices. People been talkin' Inspiration: Social groups can be all-a-flutter, best ignore any gossip mutter. Today: If people have been talking about us, lets… how does the song go?… lets give them something to flock about. Good day to bring uplifting messages of purpose to separate parties Chatter Thought for what others are thinking and saying bring scattered clouds of discontent. Powerful emotions can amplify the belief in a noisy space where being heard pluto return of 252 year cycle in 2022 The Bozzo Amerizonia takeover serving the Alienation and AI takeover A SONG OF THE LOST ANGEL DEC 8 THE VOICE OF THE 7 GODS and HOW HE THEE IT CREATED THE WORLD HOW THE GTC GAP MESSIAH ANDROMEDA SOULAR SATURN AND THE SUUN CREATED THE WORLD’S GREAT SOLARIST PANEAGLE CAT FOOD BATTERIES THE GREAT ATTRACTOR UNIVERSAL GOD ENTERS 16 LEO..YEARLY POSITION DEGREE THE STORM ENDED, ALL NATURE REJOICES IN BRILLIANT SUNSHINE. KEYNOTE: The surge of life and love after a major crisis. The symbol speaks clearly for itself. How brilliant the light after the long "night of the soul" The sunshine floods the sleepy village street, a storm has left everything drenched Holding a position of nobility, as one whose guaranteed optimism can reliably anticipate the sunshine after a storm (16) Longevity Releases body and mind from negative emotions Leo 16. An angel appears to lost travelers and shows them the right direction. STAR DATE DEC 8 *Galactic Center g 8°53'42 SOULAR DAY OF THE CROSS the UNIVERSAL DAY OF THE REGULUS CELESTIAL NAVIGATOR the OWL NATURAL WISDOM SUN 17 sabian day Sagittarius 17 WE ARRIVE "An Easter service" written in large letters, with a smaller entry written and circled above reading "early a.m." Sagittarius 17, we find a sense of having broken out, broken free You will find the theme in Christianity always of the tomb or sacrifice, death as translation, and liberation or resurrection Real freedom is here now, real NUuniversIS always pure true and real, enevergreen and true time is enever now Eve SUN at Sagittarius 18
SOLUNAR Capricorn day of the DOLPHIN and aquarius night of the WINGED HORSE Galactic center The Galactic Center (which is at or near Sagittarius A, a compact radio source) is the center of the Milky Way galaxy, has been confirmed by the Max Planck Institute to be a massive black hole SIDEREAL ASTROLOGY WHERE THE EMOTIONAL OR SUPRA PHYSICAL BODY OF MAN IS DISCOVERED This is nothing more or less than a sheath or first level like the dream level which most experience in sleeping or early waking state Re: Galactic Center (GC Sag) - 2°07' Sagittarius…the SABIAN of humanity during this century is 3 sagittarius TWO MEN PLAYING CHESS. It's interesting to note that a lot of situations have people tiptoeing around, trying not to have things explode. Chess is a game of taking the other out, but one has to be careful - in taking someone else out, one could put themselves at risk…