Sunday, January 30, 2022
STAR DATES JAN 30 what lies ahead The END OF THE days of truth… We must enter the days of love, to expound the NU reality SABIAN 12 AQUARIUS evening sunset jan 30 especially in social arenas, the upward climb proceeds at a different pace. The emphasis on social hierarchy is further characterized by highs and lows. This regards a social criteria which men like trumpet use platform to continue to be authority and leader choice decisions even if not in office and the media lead government and people continue to allow and accept in whatever form, usually destructive, which given any man or group the right to control or authorize what we should accept GT 9 LIBRA the social cultural march to oblivion continues as humanity follows the space god IDOL and the feminine design fashion system of control value and idealization of humanity and celebrity or economy Moon in Capricorn conjunct Pluto SOLUNAR IN CAPRICORN SUNRISE rather the coldest day of the year and AQUARIUS sunset and evening in USA as the free spirited communication and how the social world media culture exhibits misinformation and untruths or absorbed distortions and distractions of reality or our human experience..thusly speaking as if GOD or as A SPACE GOD who had some unknown voice we need to echo or share..natural human identifications used for economic cultural domination and world DUMBED DOWN Meanwhile the football parade continues… ZABIAN 11 AQUARIUS TODAY WE FIND the venus redirect, finally after a long spell of distance from the greater good or abundance, the threat of the Russians recedes in ukraine, another test market of the russian war and terror devices.. The prep now for the olympics which will be carried without audiences, as it like much of the world moves into a virtual media control and financing.. Jan 30 fla The 12 UNUS or SUUNS.. the ARUN, SOULAR ARIES, AND SO TUN, GUEN, )GEM AN… the CUUN THE DUNE, THE EUN, THE VUEN VIRGO VIEW FINDER.. lune or loon, the scion or SCUNE… the jup or juun… the cap or capun..the aun, and the puun or Aun 11 aquarius ZABIAN sign for the day MAN TETE A TE WITH HIS INSPIRATION The solar man IS ONLY BEGINNING TO SEE HIS REAL POSITION IN THE UNIVERSE… This is the Sagittarius sunrise and Capricorn day sunset of dolphin.. the sag discoveries of our dream visions or insights.. the moon in Capricorn is the great storm in the north and cold overtakes the planet..the dark lord makes his statements of dominion, as we see its effects in the covidity and media directed advisory of an authority in command… football has its main events of 2 playoff championships…the galactic soular in 4d is in the signs of the virgo nature of united thought or a universal environmental observations.. paneagle writes on the USA HISTORY and progression to 250 years and shares the galactic METHOD of SOULAR POSITIONS or the GALACTIC KEYS TO SOULAR TIMING.. this is the FOUR GODS OF GTC, GREAT, MESSIAH and the Andromededa partners..all having much more to do with worldly realms or URTH realities than we recognized…
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
STAR DATE JAN 25 2022 WILDSTOCK concert and SUCKERBORG metaverse
SUCKER-BORG and his VIRTUAL REALITY OF HUMANITY A TRU BLOOD SUCKER is a REPT-ALIEN who would DIS-enfranchise humanity in a ROBOTIZED virtual reality the ultimate ECONOMIC battle for survival of our SOULS Cells and Soils of Earth fighting against any NATURALISM BIOsphere and AIR Atmosphere or the Hydrosphere vs the Hypersphere of the Meta Verse where any real tru WORLD WIDE EDUCATOR WWWE would and should fear to tread, where there is no following the SUCKER BORG to freedom or truth in the REPTILIAN LAW of Copyrights and VIRTUAL MEDIA programming and COUNTING DOWN TO ARMEGEDDOM and AI DOMINATION If you feel reptilianized or recognize the PAN-indemic in NEVERLAND of social cultural and human ALIENATION, You’r seeing the GAME of life being played out in our BI-POLAR BRAIN and likey as not, unwilling or unable to pay attention to the TRU REALITY LIFE IS This IS ther agenda shared with BHELLGATE and BOZZOS and the other MURDOCKTERS and MAN-INSANITY MERSICKS and GO-EK-HO’S of PAD-VERTISING Thus if you will read between the lines, see the REAL TRU TRU and discover the CLOUD ATLAS of the WWWE and NUUUU presentation is here for you We have no agenda, idea or control principle, no business government media marketing religion or REAL-LEGION of enslaved prison planet populations WE DO have the NUminator who would not capitalize on your input or free share input into the system which only returns you controlled Monopoly And WE DU have the NUETICS or REAL NU-TECH of the tru reality LIFE IS and to SING NU U U in the REAL NU-UNIVERSIS of the REAL URTH That is we are ALIVE REAL AND TRUE, PURE to our SOLAR-ISNISS and NU-MANITY with the NU U presentation and WWWE SOLAR IS research vessel This report from HEY paneaglesong and the TREASURE TREE, as the PANU GESIS EINSIGN of the one Universal Solarist Galactician This is the SOLAR IS TODAY STAR DATE SHOW and Professor CATFUN With the Mister Rogers style of REAL SOLASTRY and SOLAR ARTS This is a SOLAR MANSION of the GREAT NU-MANISM which is only the counter and balance of the REAL SIDE
Monday, January 24, 2022
Saturday, January 22, 2022
Jan 22 fla NU SOLARIS STAR DATE *Galactic Center g 9° 5' 3" CENTURY OF THE SAGE, YEAR of the DIAMOND, month of the GEMMan (Numanity), and day of the Dolphin MOON IN LIBRA THE MESSIAH SPEAKS OF THE NU URTH SOULAR day of the (CAPRICORN) THE DOLPHIN SEA-GOAT how to build the NU WORLD The SABIAN 3 aquarius: A DESERTER FROM THE NAVY STANDS SUDDENLY AWARE OF A DAWNING TRUTH: FREEDOM IS NEVER THE RESULT OF COMPROMISE human independence carried to a point of extreme rebellion against things as they are, here emphasized in a disregard of all consequences for the sake of an immediate liberation of the spirit. SOLUNAR CANCARE SUNRISE SHOW you have a real CARE and CONCERN FOR YOUR FAMILY COMMUNITY NATURE ENVIRONMENT AND PEOPLE and SOLUNAR LEO THE GOLDEN BEAR SUNSET EVENING IS-lands in your EYES) HOW TO SOLARIZE YOURSELF : FOLLOW THE SUN This is not about following the sun on earth or its solar positions, or the universal ideas, but actually being the LIVING LIGHT of your own SUUN We create our own NU WORLD or REALM and have been doing this all along, although most are not aware of it. WE CO-CREATE OUR REALITY This is all based on our own recognition, which can be of the control system mechanism or ALIENATION protocol and human space god worship ideas Or it can be independent or inter-dependent on our own INITIATIVE or FOCUS attention attitude and direct connection with the NU U voice Making music is a natural art we can all do, with our without perfect pitch or good ears or voice, just because its real to voice or play So I created my own 5 part commune or liberated art life spirit space Here is SmithnAdams Blue Pott springs and magnolia trail of twin rivers FLORIVA is the Freeseum Gardeden Solarium A freedom music museum studio Food forest GARDEN sanctuary gateway to Floriva and the SOLARIS Universal observatory and multi-dimensional Portal center Now we have to realize the suspect of blocking or idolizing which humanity is doing with gods or social institutions This is an ALIENATION program which created the civilizations and the human control governments and business It is not morphing in the AI artificial intelligence program turning humans into reptilians or roboticism androids It is a media domination and manic depression mania of mind emotion co-opted and covid-ity operated medicine Which is all being claimed in the history and present as the one God at work in some whole earth bound form Although this really is the AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY of a new future tech age which is not the REAL NU TECH or REALITY The SEVEN CONTINENTS AND NU NATIONS UNITED There are on NU-Urth these seven NU-continents which are not just virtual space or flat earth concepts We share them to create the NU world without borders, that is of the UNIVERSALS who would accept the natural NU heritage The SEVEN NU OZ IS AH ALL EYZ IS The (NU-AM NU-IZ NU-AH NU-EUR NU-AF NU-ASA Nu-AUS and NU-PAU) THAT IS IS-LANDS of AMER AMAZ EUR AFRI/EAST NUASIA AUSTRASIA and palun (PaCalaska) Here is no reason to dissolve countries states or nations or even continents recognized currently nor to attack there sovereignty What this is as a UNIVERSAL PRESENCE AS a connection of NU-IS-LANDS of Sovereignty and relative position of free choice That is to establish a Universal house or temple world of our URTH reality in its multi-dimensions
Monday, January 17, 2022
Saturday, January 15, 2022
Friday, January 14, 2022
STAR DATE Jan 14 FRE-MUSEUM Solar NU ARC in the Vessel of Freedom PANU verse 2.34 SOLUNAR ARIA sunrise THE DAY OF THE ACTIVIST, inspecting developing and initiating SOLUNAR sunset OF THE TAU URTHMAN, how to build a REAL NU WORLD Moon in ACAPELLA the Gemini and Auriga messenger CHARIOT OF THE GODS Recognizing both the matrix and simulator holographic reality but also the TRU REALITY LIFE IS The SABIAN Capricorn 25 An oriental rug dealer Points to the strength to take a stand, make a choice and accept the full range of consequences for that choice. This indicates a strength of character that brings refreshing clarity in all areas of social interaction. SOULAR DAY OF THE GOLDEN BEAR, LION HEARTED and SNAKE CHARMERS Yes the sun is bright, the light is strong, very hot in the Australia, Cool in the North biosphere But this is natural and envigorating, especially to those in tune with nature The Golden Bear is the strong universal presence of the SUN in its BIG DIPPER pouring its light Let yourself get entertained by the Universe and all LIFE has to offer Build an icon if you will, but make it one of some TRU REALITY, not a manmade fabrication or an AI COMPUTER MODEL which is not real, such as a game of CHANCE, gambling or SIM CITY The prospect IS TO BE AS REAL AS POSSIBLE and certainly not among the enslaved population or prison planet agenda, but this is always our choice, to be EGO identified or ICON DEVOTED or free of all personal literal and controlled IDEALS and VALUES of a personal or institution. Star date #c *Galactic Center g 9° 2'24 24 LEO MR. TV : TRUMPETER PROMULGATION TV IS THE TUBERCULOSIS OF THE MIND Once we had the Nixon Watergate Scandal, 1974. In 2020 we had the great CAPITALIST INVASION and the TRUMPETER promulgation on the white house steps Neither was resolved where the white house leader was removed but the practices of unlawful constitutional ignorance was concerned, as both men were not imprisoned penalized or surrendered The TRUMPETER PROMULGATION is in effect his continuous use of media to communicate his practice and control of Republican mind set and government bodies and elected officials all being held accountable mostly only to the TRUMPETER and his cohorts, including governors and statesman and women who vow to re-elect or at least re-negotiate the renegade practice of law and legal professions HENCE among the effects of these E-CONOMIC Inbred stitutions were the huge amount of judges, devouring social security and parity of welfare, anti-environmental acts such as exhaust auto emissions and oil gas production and mining with no limits or stock markets including the adding and abetting of monopoly delivery systems such as AMERIZONIA and MANINASNITY MERSICK and GOGGLY BHELLGATE and DAYS-KNEE SUCKKERBORG who names cannot be displayed due to the patriotic idiocy act which allows them full invasion of our homes, computers internet and social institutions and media domination, ad nauseum, all which occurred before but must be included in the COVIDITY experiment and VAX TAX Medicine program ALIENATION agenda. This was and IS nothing less than a conspiracy of IGNORANCE, the same which allowed HITLER to come to power, and permits the WEALTHY to make money on every click and haste of speed and WILLFUL force, SO Lets not ignore all this, even if the real cure is simply to PAY IT NO ATTENTION at all. If we really ended the TRUMPETER promulgation, don’t you think we’d all be so much better off. But the only way is to turn ofF the TV, the great Tuberculosis of the Mind Magic Money Machine Mania, or at least stop watching commercial TV, the public News, and the EDGE advertising of the REPTILIAN program for huMANipulation and Alien AI intelligence programming WHY would we WANT the NEWS FEED TO STOP Feeding US?A and Humanity? IS at RISK! Every day when you watch commercial TV, the program of Capital Gain for the Rich is alive and well, stealing from every person and controlling our perspective and attention AD NAUSEUM They are all helping to destroy the natural environment and the HEALTH of every well human being THEY ARE FOLLOWING YOUR EVERY CLICK AND BAIT Using your meta data to access and then program your accord with the BIG G agreement with 5G media program and SELLING points THE ADVERTISING OF THE CONTROL DOMINION dummie down) keeos everyone in the locked box and TV View so they can DOLE OUT and promote their PRO-DUCE of NO-THING NISS This message from PANU GESUS EINSIGN alive and well in Floriva Pott Springs Solarium Gardeden
Thursday, January 13, 2022
Wednesday, January 12, 2022
Tuesday, January 11, 2022
Sunday, January 9, 2022
Saturday, January 8, 2022
Friday, January 7, 2022
STAR DATE JANUARY 7 2022 S0LARIS Enevergreen and the SOLAR suppression
you'r D'estiny is to become AWARE Become a SEER in your own way with SEE FOUNDATION seeocean org FREE share and LIVE pure true and real in the NU SEE now EXEGIS is the 7 SEE'd's free music youtube FREEDOM in REAL AWARENESS EXEGIS 1 WINE working with the natural environment EXEGIS 2 WAKING DREAM EXEGIS 3 BEYOND CREATION EXEGIS 4 THE LOST PANEAGLE TAPES EXEGIS 5 SOLARITY EXEGIS 6 PSI ESSENCE INSTRUMENTALS EXEGIS 7 SEVENTH HEAVEN TITLE AND MUSIC to be a announced 100 paneaglesongs of 7 see'ds D'estiny e-bok 3 in 1 Double Trilogy project by paneagle on amazon SAGE LIGHT EXIS D'ESTINY e-bok by paneagle on AMAZON Discover the real history and the tru ISTORY of LIFE on Earth KNOW THE KNU NU-U and the NU UNIVERSITY NU NATIONS UNITED and NU SEE IS-LAND REAL UNIVERS-IS email paneagle7 in the online virtual realm REAL FREEDOM Freseum online SOLARIS home site in Jennings florida
Thursday, January 6, 2022
STAR DATE jan 6 2022 Crystal Nu Arc sympathy for the Rainbow
*Galactic Center g 9° 0' 3 SOLAR STAR DATE 709 700.103 signs VIRGO THE SHEPHERD gathering the flock and the HERO or Heroine of the NU WAVE of the NU U U and tru INITATION in ALL IS Sun j 16°49' 0" 4 1° 1'10" 0° 0' 1" S 22°22'47" S B Moon l 15°56'36 SOLARIS 65 GALACTIC 189 180 3 = 12 or motion of the SUUN 22 pisces WHALE to the 3 ARIES The WHALE SWIMMING INTO THE NU OCEAN or the living in the GREAT WATER…the TRU REALITY of LIGHT and SKY URTH which is so much more than creation or this IS-LAND earth Star date JAN 6 SOULAR 3 ARIES DAY OF THE CROSS building the NU TEMPLE of URTH SUN EVE OPHIUCHUS SUN RISE SAGITTARIUS SAGE SUN DAY SWAN SEA GOAT SUN SET CAPRICORN DOLPHIN MOON IN PISCES… the MOON STAR ARCHENAR BUILDING THE NU ARC discovery of the NU Heart on the SOLAR RESEARCH VESSEL and the NU WAVE In the NU AEGIS we are building the NU URTH of the NU UNIVERSIS as a BRIDGE to the REAL UNIVIERSAL and the GREAT ENEVER of ALL IS Going beyond the creation dream and the fake alienation program (matrix code of human alteration (alliteration of the word or ideas of mind-control) The REAL AWARENESS is not perception or observation or a soul observatory or creation model, business marketing religion or belief space god devotion The power of visualisation - for better or for worse- is fully understood only by taking responsibility for whatever is within our care . SOLARIS today is ARIES thusly the ARIA OF LIFE, ALIVE on REAL URTH the SPIRIT or EMPATH becomes aware of the REAL UNIVERSIS as the CROSSROADS or CENTER is discovered, the great whale is that caretaker of URTH and the Hero (heroine) has then resurrected as the man drops the cross or burden to be Always ON the NU WAVE rises with the SUN THE SOLAR UNIVERSAL is at 0 Libra and with the MESSIAH in the true spiritual relation or union identity with the Living One and the ALL IS Messiah in this sense means ME-ALL-IS or the impersonal associate with the UNIVERSAL or prime-uni-literal (non literal universal) and the MESSIAH is always here in the cluster funk of galaxies or heavens suns and stars which we all are as ALL IS, a true CHRIST or ALLAH (IS AH-ALL) WE LIVE IN THE FRESEUM GARDEDEN here in our metaphoric REAL UNIVERS-ISNISS GESUS TAKES A BATH IN THE ENEVER BLUE POTT SPRINGS OF FLORIVA (VIDEO) TAKE CARE OF YOUR BROTHER, MAKE GOOD CARE OF YOUR NATURE RESPECT THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT AND ASK NOT OF YOUR SELF INTEREST THIS YEAR THE 10TH DEGREE OF LIBRA IS THE GALACTIC CENTER IT IS THE REVIVAL OF THE ANCIENT PRINCIPLE IN THE NOW MOMENT, THE NU AEGIS Here comes the LIGHT SOUND and BRILLIANT SONG of BEAUTIFUL on the NU ARC SYMPHONY We are each on the SOLAR RESEARCH VESSEL which is the BOAT HOUSE of the NU AEGIS To find your SOLARIS in the NU RESEARCH we each do in our own SOLARITY (with the singularity of the real UNIVERSIS) We each have five bodies in a wholeness (SOLAR-IS) which is AWARE TO recognize the intent of TRUE PURE SOLARIS is the CLOUD ATLAS of this ATLAS of the NU REALITY or the advanced SOULAR CONSCIOUSNESS That is we each are a STAR and in this heaven SUN comes the NU UNIVERSAL which ALL IS in the REAL UNIVERSIS YES your body is a temple but its only that, a house, a vehicle of which your REAL AWARENESS IS, It is also an observatory freeseum garden and path way or SOLAR-LIGHT or your BEING OF LIGHT ISNISS THE COLORS OF THE DAY ARE RED AND GREEN and also YELLOW with a touch of BLUE SOLARIS IS THE SOLAR ASTROLOGY (SOLASTRY) of the REAL UNIVERSIS And in this reference, do we see our relation (relativity) which is beyond science and mind to the tru observatory or SOLARIUM (solar I AM) THE CURRENT CYCLE of NUMANITY ON URTH The SOLAR MAN is housed in his temple which is TEMPLATE of the tru REALITY, the templar or SEER of the REAL UNIVERSIS The SOLAR cycle of the year is LIBRA in the cycle of 36 years of the SOCIAL CONSCIENCE which man is becoming CONSCIOUS of This soul consciousness IS not the social consciousness or some MEDIA driven concept of united nations and man in a cultural STIGMATA The stigmata holds or bind man to social institutions and cultural race sex or national identity and his tap lined references to god or satan or christ or allah The real AWARENESS knows these allusions and the long term ALIENATION program which man is under, in his genome or genetic code reflex dominion The DIMENSIA which we are discovering will lead to a GREATER TRANSFORMATION and the BEGINNING of a FULL EVOLUTION OF A REAL UNIVERSAL NUMANITY Currently we must recognize the E-VILL-AGE which has man in the grip and grasp of the MESSI- REPTILIAN or human mind controlled matrix in this past century The next century crossing the bridge or building the ARC of our Numanity through the SOLAR RESEARCH VESSEL and its constituent reality of THE NUMAN We are each the NU MAN and there is no master god guru teacher control principle law or belief idea of a science or religion or marketing business model YET to build a true NUTRON BANK, to catch the NU WAVE and to be on the GREAT LADDER of ISTORY is this story of our UNIVERSAL CENTURY ahead
Tuesday, January 4, 2022
JAN 4 STAR DATE soular sun of the aquarian king solunar day of the lion golden bear and golden child sunset eve of the virgo owl shepherd moon aquarius the altair night dawn and the aquarian eagle winged horse day THE DAY OF THE SOULAR KING is the GOLDEN CHILD or the true PATRIOTS OF FREEDOM This is also the MORNING of the GOLDEN BEAR as the sleeping giants who awakens the STARS as the STAR LIGHT SHINES ON ALL and each is this same STAR LIGHT. The evening is the VIRGO OWL and the shepherd of the SOLUNAR people or flock of acute observation and navigators NU GUIDES of real nature with NU U U as the GOLDEN DOORWAY of the SUUN The Moon in ALTAIR of the EAGLE during the night becomes the AQUARIAN EAGLE IN FLIGHT during the day and sunset the WINGED HORSE Pegasus rides before the KING (the real AEGIS of now) to shower on the real UniversIS or across the Universe the door to freedom is open We have an aquarian golden child who is a king in his universe of AI and computer game and his QB Tom Brady is the golden child of the Universe on Earth, ruler of the football super bowl which is the worshipped idol and ground based or earth lord so to speak who is related to the GREAT ATTRACTOR the center of the entire UNIVERSAL field. STAR DATE JAN 4 SOLARIS EDITORIAL WHAT IS THE SOLARIS OF THE GDZ AND THE SOLARIS OF THE SOULAR SUUN -4Dimensions of the universe?? The real reason no wants any real change IS BECAUSE the humanity is stuck in a locked box of control which they like to be in The agreement is the key, whether they are in accord or the will survive is dependent on the old system or AEGIS which they accept The reason the astrologers don’t want to know about the solastry is because it will prove the universe is the godz they worship and the old planet system is the local matrix which they are victimized or controlled by…revealing also the alienation culture of metaphyscics The reason the Christians don’t want the astrologers to predict Is that the real god they worship is a kaluum (kali divine kum see-men klue idea) three headed god and the galactic god of influence, the messiah msi As a saviour cluster of galaxies space god and the great attractor gap are the real godz -or = Just the mechanical operation of the universe the reason the lottery wants winners is so they can justify the theft of the taxation it invested in the reason the vax is vixen is because it delivers a poison to the system and counters the immune system except for the affect on the corona, thus the name OM MY CON (oh my god) which counteracts the poison they have been given for years in chemical food additives and drugs by medicine com the reason they want everyone to take the vax is to prevent the deaths extra count and to make sure the entire population is not only poisoned but also they are being eliminated in a slow death of immunity prevention which will give us a dimension of security which is actually fail safe measure to prevent further illness of the world from knowing they are being poisoned daily they also don’t want everyone to be fully aware of the theft of the mind and senses by the government supposed business market plan and media advertising bombardment including the detail of regressive medical practice and great profit of the stock market and drug agriculture com Paneaglesong 200+ songs and 2020 Visions AUTHOR, SONGWRITER, MUSICIAN, SOLARIS GALACTICIAN, INVENTOR EXEGIS I-VII music project 100 songs 7 SEE'D'S (2015-2020) "HEY from the Treasure Tree" SONGS including SWEET WATERFALL, EN'EVERGREEN, SOLARIS SEVEN, WHO YOU ARE, DIAMOND IN THE OCEAN, Paneagle is prescient of NU AMERA, the president of SEEOCEANUS Working with real NatUre and CARE Children are Real Future Now with WWWE world wide educators and NU U U presentation 400 videos include "WHATS GOING ON" PAN CURE ALL MUSIC guitar voice and instrumentals and VIDEOS are FREE SHARE and NU-UNIFY writing songs since 1990 and playing guitar since 1970 Peter is the grandson of the Impressario (Promoter) of the great 20th century violinist Yascha Heifetz who did first free concerts for charity Invitation to futureadvancenow.blogspot nuuupresentation 15 PANEAGLESONGS GREATEST HITS HEY PANEAGLESONG BRIGHT RIVER MAKE NO MISTAKES BEAUTIFUL BLUE WATER DIAMOND IN THE OCEAN ENEVERGREEN FLYIN FISHERMAN’S SONG GOLDEN SHINE LIKE THE SUN (IT IS) SOLARIS FREEDOM CALLS BEAUTIFUL LUV IS REAL ALWAYS ON BRIGHT RIVER SC'EE'D BY PANEAGLESONG BRIGHT RIVER MAKE NO MISTAKES BEAUTIFUL LUV IS REAL SUNBIRD SAVE THE WORLD ANGELS EXEGIS RUNNING FROM THE WORLD SONGWRITER RAZORS EDGE BLUES BUTTERFLY ON THE BREEZE FREEDOM CALLS SONG FORLOVE PAN’S CRICKET FAIRE BONUS TRACKS RUNAWAY DREAM MY PEOPLE LISTEN
Monday, January 3, 2022
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