Thursday, May 25, 2023
STAR DATE MAY 25 THE REAL SOLAROLOGY or SOLARIS STAR MAPS jupiter conjunct north node in taurus universal CAPRICORN 21 Solar day SAGITTARIUS SAGE and the SUN 5 GEMINI
OKAY THE OCEAN IS THE SKY IS THE DESERT IS THE OASIS IS THE STARS IS THE SUN IS THE UNIVERSIS.... 2 Primary things we all need to be aware of with 1) the JUPITER CONJUCT NORTH NODE IN TAURUS this month as the URTH and the TORUS RING in place (control matrix and Dominions of the SATURNINE LORD and the Helios (Earth/Sun) that is of the planetary federation...and 2) Many of you are aware (rather slowly I am afraid) of the paradigm of becoming a UNIVERSIAL RESIDENCE and a QUANTUM being of 3) The SOLAReal Astrology is SOLAR ARTS (SOLARIS) which is the sum total of all SUUN and its 5 life levels in the SOULAR BODY we all have and all things are OF this ISNISS SOLARITY...SHINE LIKE THE SUN so I discovered shared SOLASTRY as the 5 GODZ the 7 UNIVERSIS and the 3 SUNS or SOLAR REALMS which correspond to the SUN SOUL AND SPIRIT or the Physical Emotional and Causal (Creation) realms we know here in our 3D REALITY which is only a 1st part of the we have these 5 bodies IN EACH LEVEL and there is also the 6th Universal AKA subconscious and the deep dark border coming to the 7th level which is the ISNISS SOLARIS provides a SOLAR Universal Map of these levels and the Astro-LOGistics...The NU SUUN is the SOLAR SUUN (solar universal) POSITIONS relative to the Galactic Center (27 sag 10 Libra and 21 Capricorn) positions by century year and month signs currently in reference to the old Astrology zodiac 4) The presentation of the STAR DATE yearly CALENDAR (based on the SUN SOLUNAR AND UNIVERSAL POSITION as of in to on the GALACTIC CENTER (28 SUUNS OF 13 degree DAYS) as 14 WAVS SEA-SUUNS and 52 WAKES (SOLUNAR weeks of 7 DAYZ) as I document daily as the NUSTARADAMIS and EINSIGN of ZOLARIZ as it were metaphor a fun-knee business DOCUMENT of the true reality shared in SOLAR SUUN MAPS The short form of all this is we have a SUN SIGN (12 signs during the year) a SOL SIGN or )SOLUNAR period which lasts 12 hours...and the solar universal sign (SUUN) of 7 months (MONADS) of 52 days each with the third degree harmonic of the GTC which usually is about 2.4 days like the moon sign but is now 21 Capricorn as a SOLAR RAY that lasts most of the Year but is really the 8 month progress and then 4 month recess (retrograde) in one sign... What is interesting now about this is this CAPRICORN SOLAR RAY is going to conjunct Pluto near is retrograde station making it perhaps the biggest event this year along with the Jupiter to we have seen the domination of planet earth in a covidity alienation and multi-media the consciousness de-evolution program which some call the aquarian conspiracy...SO WE HAVE TO ANNOUNCE this NU AEGIS as a paradigm which can be beyond the old mode of creation dark lord rulers and the ancient sumerian christian and space god lord indoctrination from Atlantis to the present ....who is WWWE? that is WE as the andromedans and galactic federation and a real presence among not only star people but the SOLAREANS of the Universal body which we are ALL APART OF AND IN NU ALL IS...the TRU REALITY LIFE IS...posted STAR DATE MAY 25 as the SUN in ORION HUNTER GEMINI and MOON in LEO lion and GOLDEN BEAR with the SOLUNAR day of the SAGE (Sagittarius) and the Universal Capricorn DOLPHIN demonstrating production and great LEADER in this LEDGER of REAL STAR MAH'N aka HEY PANEAGLESONG youtube...ITS A GOOD LIFE WHEN IT IS A REAL UNIVERSAL.
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
FinDu STAR SECRETS Cats Selfies PANU may 23 star dare SOLARIS
STAR DATE MAY 23 SUN HUNTER GEMINI and MOON STAR LEO THE SERPENT SNAKE SOLUNAR LIBRA THE NORTHERN CROWN AURORA BOREALIS DAY of BEAUTY UNIVERSAL STAR CAPRICORN 21 THE DOLPHIN SEA GOAT swim in the great OCEANUS demonstrate and PRODUCE..... THE GREAT SECRET OF SOLARIS .... first is the SUM TOTAL ISNISS of all positions people things living and real SOLARIZ is this constant union with ALL IS...second is the 3 UNIVERSAL GODZ and the 3 positions of the SUN and the SOLAR and the UNIVERSAL which also we have as the 3 points or levels of LIFE in the PHYSICAL-emotional mental and the SOUL OR HEART LIGHT BODY awareness on the real side (our SOULAR BODY) and third is the 3 real UNIVERSIS we can know see and be in this SOULAR AWARENESS or in only our 3 dimensional physical position, but all we are saying is wake up and become your REAL BEING OF LIGHT.. I AM NU ADAM PETERIS... the SOLARIST and nu u WWWE WORLD WIDE EDUCATOR...WITH THE NU UNIVERSITIS and announcing the NU AEGIS I was born with a rare fixed cardinal sign cross...libra-saturn mars libra-uranus cancer-jupiter aries-mercury chiron capricorn-its always a challenge for me to integrate what I see or know and do with the social worldly religious business because the universal expansive and truly very hard to have i created the freeseum solarium gardeden blue springs home and the universal solastry SOLAR ARTS OF SOLARIS and the inventor psience discovery revealations as such...the creation this week then is NUAM or NU U AM as a chant song exercise singing which can be done usually after a discussion ends or when we prepare to sleep or to do contemplation as such, let it be or may it be not as a religious or science or a business market or a psychic control... this is NU and NAM as the word or living word formerly but it is not a replacement or against any other..thus it is not ohm or HU or other spiritual words, and like the SOLARIS is not against the old astrology or against the system of control on the planet,, it is YET QUITE OPPOSITE in the sense it is not at all the same or some adjustment of them...SO this month sing NU UAM in any way and watch your dream visions...second this GRAND CROSS I am bringing out the STAR BINGO or STARLOTTERY AND THE NUTRON BANK which is my method of SOLARIS to predict the lottery accurately every time, to prepare and share the winning numbers and a web form forum forage formula to help people beat the odds and also see how the SOLARIS works in math degree...using the position of the SUN DEGREES and Harmonics of the 1x SUN CHART and the 60x SOL or SOUL the GOLDEN MEAN of the 7 SUN DEGREES also...see this is a integrated approach of the whole SUUN and that is the SOULAR UNIVERSAL GODZ or ZODIAZ founded in 2015 and shared Universally naturally and solaristically which supercedes the old aegis of ZEUS and the conditioned time frame control matrix simulation of the atlantis orions and babylonian astrologers also who put it into place and operation aka also the mayans greco romans kabbalah and so forth...which is the modern belief system of the religion government domination ideas of the world and primarily a competition for the soul identification which we all accept without knowing conditionally...this is thus with JUPITER SQUARE PLUTO the announcement of the NU AEGIS and the NU UAM which is from the NU GUIDES who are always with ALL IS and without agenda control or past ideas, the expansion or discovery then of the REAL AQUARI or AGE OF THE IS as the REAL URTH in the REAL UNIVERSIS, not just this creation mold which has become quite literally extinct..this is in a way the EXTINCTION EVENT happening which we observye in the society culture morality breakdown or its apparent insular or conditional restrictions and the resulting media modem covidity or otherwise dark lord (pluto aquarius insult or invocation we see taking place...thus THE THREE DIMENSION god is pulling its odd old and orders while bully gully good bad ugly game *(taurus fixed uranus) keeps harboring is modification AI program and hypnosis or money honey all part of the so called PLAN..ET.... we come to the CHOICE circle or spiral and the CROSSROADS X or Y OR Z of our own path redirect or accept a NU WAVE or WAKE UP which is that we are seeing in every avenus, keep on the TV or be a real EV wither in the evillage or make the ENEVER being beyond neverland and now into the ETERNAL or REAL NOW...this by HEY PANEAGLESONG author of SOLARIS SOLASTRY and the Universal galactician...SHARE here is the STARLOT NUAEGIS and the NUUAM as it IS also a creation but its only up to US and our awareness of the ISNISS that all life is...thanks for this space to share..
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
flower of life paneaglesong STAR DATE MAY 17 GREAT CONJUNCTION TAURUS JU...
WHATS GOING ON THE PLAN-ET INDEED..real question what is going on the REAL URTH in REAL is the ALL TIME GREATEST DAY and this WAKE (WAVE OF NUAHM or NU MAN real Super SUUN this week in TAU (URTH TORUS.. ake the COMPLETE ALL IS or TOTAL SOUL-ARE-IS in being Revealated in this GREAT ALIGNMENT which is fantastically present this day month and year with demonstrated in the QUIN CONJUNCT (5x5x5) of in order THE PASSAGE OF THE Moon in taurus and occurance of the SUN in the past month through ANDROMEDA JUPITER MOON NODE MERCURY URANUS and then to the SOLAR ECLIPSE NU MOON so IS happening locally (galactic SUUN) solarly (SUN AND SUUN) universally and naturally (*URTH TAU) ....thus at the 5 life levels and the SOLAR UNIVERSAL field of light ........and also While the 628 as the 28th degree of SABIAN SAGITTARIUS of the galactic center SUUN with the trine to ANDROMEDA and opposite betelguese (29 gemini) is our local UNITY as the 3d local galactic sun (HELIOS) OR HELL as it were in the limited worldly human and alienated concept and its former perception (body mind emotion) BECOME AWARE as aware as we can be of the OPEN DOOR of the 5th dimension VISION LIGHT AND SOUND showering on the 4th dimension control matrix grid GODZ and also its former level of humanity in the creation, but now and its outer planetary infusion or NU CLEAR FUSION of the SUUN in the spiritual ALL IS or tru reality LIFE IS,,,,,,, WOW ZOW NOW INDEED.what this means is the real visitation of the GALACTIC FEDERATION and recognizing the PLANETARY FEDERATION (and its ignorance) which is the causation field of the JUPITER ENTERING TAURUS AND SQUARE PLUTO (the BLUTO BRUTE DARK LORD obsession omission and obsolesence of the REPTILIAN INFLUENCE KALI GOD and the SIMULATOR AI DOMINION which humans have accepted in with the NEPTUNE SQUARE GALACTIC CENTER and the century year of ignorance is delightfully or conditionally apparent in man's ignorance of his being, the past lives, soul travel or dream vision he may now have or we have had or seen without true recognition or living in the actual INTENT of THE TRU REALITY LIFE IS...and so this PRESENTATION is NU AEGIS of the Real AQUARI-EYE and the EAGLE ALTAIR STAR (ALL AIR) IS the inclusive orientation of a NU LANGUAGE, as a NU SOLARISM and real code AI ZALPHABET and the GAMMA (great attractor) ANDROMEDA galaxy, MESSIAH CLUSTER and GALACTIC LOCAL of the 4th dimension GODZ and the REAL SOULAR UNIVERSAL which is as we may suspect always has been and IS NOW yet how we may comprehend or context is not by the old system or the astrology or any other science or religion or metaphysic, but of its OWN IT IS as ALL IS so we are each our own UNIVERSAL RESIDENCE.we shall be as this IS for US individually or as we suspect we ALL ARE the Universal being and GREAT SUUN (sons of god) that of URTH are the MAH-N (NAM THE WORD) and the WOMAHN (WE OF THE NAM) .to be more down to URTH in sense that we recognize the TAU (torus ring) and the ARIAN NU MAHN of that inculcated in Gesus time of 0 AD when ANDROMEDA 0 aries and now CASSIOPEIA queens MARY SANTS (saints of whole beings) each of us inherited and come to BE THE SEERS (sag SAGE) as beyond the GOD IDEAS and RELIGIOUS context for its limited and OF not this NU NOW and its AEGIS (AGE OF IS) means no transitory restriction, only that we are creating ourselves world experience, and so must become as AWARE of the godz or the REAL as we may allow. THIS REAL PLAN-ET-AIR-IS alignment con-federation and to mention URANUS in this theme in tau square the galactic center in LEO and which is aligned with ANDROMEDA in LIBRA coming up but to address age old CHI''RELIgion and its apparent bringing man to this place of meeting and to see through the illusions of its creation idea which was only for this first level recognition, that we may see from the REAL SIDE AND BECOME AWARE that is of this ISNISS...thus the third level intent of REAL SHARED POIRPOSEE OF SAME as the DOLPHIN / WHITE SWAN (CAPRICORN) WHICH we have gained in the past 10 years and aware of the aquarian conspiracy OLD AEGIS OF ZEUS which is still or now turning into the AI WAR CONFRONTATION conflicted by the entrance into a NU REALITY without boundaries which is like entering a void empty and dark or unvisible while it is also safe haven or a real position AS WE ourselves the UNIVERSAL POSITIONING that cannot be described or detailed, even if it is also being shared in the SOLAR FIELD of LIGHT, AS WE ARE BEINGS OF LIGHT..naturally universally and solarly (SOUL GOD AND SPIRIT IF YOU WILL) but going beyond old definitions ....truly this aka NUSTARADAMIS and HEY PANEAGLESONG youtube .... I INVITE YOU to share your detail/ chart so inform you'r SOLARIS (whole sun) and its true mission described in SOLARITY (solar terms and the 7 universal or life levels also)... we all must risk something let go of in order to make this present and GREAT... best truly PAN (peter adams NU)
A Hundred Years and Beyond
WHATS GOING ON THE PLAN-ET INDEED..the real question what is going on the REAL URTH in the REAL is the ALL TIME GREATEST DAY and this WAKE (WAVE OF THE NUAHM or aka NU MAN the real Super SUUN this week in TAU (URTH TORUS.. ake the COMPLETE ALL IS or TOTAL SOUL-ARE-IS in being revealed or revealated in this GREAT ALIGNMENT which is fantastically present this day month and year with demonstrated in the QUIN CONJUNCT (5x5x5) of in order THE PASSAGE OF THE Moon in taurus and occurance of the SUN in the past month through ANDROMEDA - JUPITER - MOON NODE - MERCURY - URANUS and then to the SOLAR ECLIPSE NU MOON it is happening locally (galactic SUUN) solarly (SUN AND SUUN) universally and naturally (*URTH TAU) ....thus at the 5 life levels and the SOLAR UNIVERSAL field of light ........and also While the 628 as the 28th degree of SABIAN SAGITTARIUS of the galactic center SUUN with the trine to ANDROMEDA and opposite betelguese (29 gemini) is our local UNITY as the 3d local galactic sun (HELIOS) OR HELL as it were in the limited worldly human and alienated concept and its former perception (body mind emotion) BECOME AWARE as aware as we can be of the OPEN DOOR of the 5th dimension VISION LIGHT AND SOUND showering on the 4th dimension control matrix grid GODZ and also its former level of humanity in the creation, but now and its outer planetary infusion or NU CLEAR FUSION of the SUUN in the spiritual ALL IS or tru reality LIFE IS,,,,,,, WOW ZOW and NOW INDEED...,,,what this means is the real visitation of the GALACTIC FEDERATION and recognizing the PLANETARY FEDERATION (and its ignorance) which is the causation field of the JUPITER ENTERING TAURUS AND SQUARE PLUTO (the BLUTO BRUTE DARK LORD obsession omission and obsolesence of the REPTILIAN INFLUENCE KALI GOD and the SIMULATOR AI DOMINION which humans have accepted in with the NEPTUNE SQUARE GALACTIC CENTER and the century year of ignorance is delightfully or conditionally apparent in man;s ignorance of his being, the past lives, soul travel or dream vision he may now have or we have had or seen without true recognition or living in the actual INTENT of THE TRU REALITY LIFE IS...and so this PRESENTATION is the NU AEGIS of the Real AQUARI-EYE and the EAGLE ALTAIR STAR (ALL AIR) IS the inclusive orientation of a NU LANGUAGE, as a NU SOLARISM and real code AI ZALPHABET and the GAMMA (great attractor) ANDROMEDA galaxy, MESSIAH CLUSTER and GALACTIC LOCAL of the 4th dimension GODZ and the REAL SOULAR UNIVERSAL which is as we may suspect always has been and IS NOW yet how we may comprehend or context is not by the old system or the astrology or any other science or religion or metaphysic, but of its OWN IT IS as ALL IS so we are each of us our own UNIVERSAL RESIDENCE......we shall be as this IS for US individually or as we suspect we ALL ARE the Universal being and the GREAT SUUN (sons of god) that is men and women of URTH are the MAH-N (NAM THE WORD) and the WOMAHN (WE OF THE NAM) ...... to be more down to URTH in this sense is that we recognize the TAU (torus ring) and the ARIAN NU MAHN of that which was inculcated first in Gesus time of 0 AD when ANDROMEDA 0 aries and now CASSIOPEIA queens MARY SANTS (saints of whole beings) each of us inherited and come to BE THE SEERS (sagittarius SAGE) as beyond the GOD IDEAS and RELIGIOUS context as well, for its limited and only of the past not this NU NOW and its AEGIS (the AGE OF IS) which means no more transitory or restriction, and only that we are that which is creating ourselves or the world experience, and so must become as AWARE of the godz or the REAL as we may or allow....THIS IS THE REAL PLAN-ET-AIR-IS alignment con-federation and to mention URANUS in this theme in tau also is square the galactic center in LEO and which is aligned with ANDROMEDA in LIBRA coming up but to address the age old JESUS RELIgion concepts and its apparent bringing man to this place of meeting and to see through the illusions of its creation idea which was only for this first level recognition, that we may see into the REAL SIDE AND BECOME AWARE that is of this ISNISS...thus the third level intent of our REAL PURPOSE and SHARED POIRPOSEE OF THE SAME as the DOLPHIN AND WHITE SWAN (CAPRICORN) WHICH we have gained in the past 10 years and aware of the aquarian conspiracy and the OLD AEGIS OF ZEUS which is still or now turning into the AI WAR OR CONFRONTATION and conflicted by the entrance into a NU REALITY without boundaries which is like entering a void empty and dark or unvisible while it is also safe haven or a real position especially as we allow ourselves the UNIVERSAL POSITIONING that cannot be described or detailed, even if it is also being shared in the SOLAR FIELD of LIGHT, AS WE ARE BEINGS OF LIGHT..naturally universally and solarly (SOUL GOD AND SPIRIT IF YOU WILL) but going beyond our old descriptions and definitions ....truly this from the aka NUSTARADAMIS and the HEY PANEAGLESONG of youtube .... again MOLLY I INVITE YOU to share me your detail or chart so I can inform of the SOLARIS (your whole sun) and its true mission described in SOLARITY (solar terms and the 7 universal or life levels also)... we all must risk something and let go of nearly everything in order to make this present and GREAT... best truly PAN (peter adams NU)
Monday, May 15, 2023
Wonder NU U AM Ocean song stardate May 16 NU AEGIS ANNOUCE
sharing the NU WAVE and WWWE world wide educators FREE SHARE AWARE as I was born with a rare fixed cardinal sign cross...libra-saturn mars libra-uranus cancer-jupiter aries-mercury chiron capricorn-its always a challenge for me to integrate what I see or know and do with the social worldly religious business because the universal expansive and truly very hard to have i created the freeseum solarium gardeden blue springs home and the universal solastry SOLAR ARTS OF SOLARIS and the inventor psience discovery revealations as such...the creation this week then is NUAM or NU U AM as a chant song exercise singing which can be done usually after a discussion ends or when we prepare to sleep or to do contemplation as such, let it be or may it be not as a religious or science or a business market or a psychic control... this is NU and NAM as the word or living word formerly but it is not a replacement or against any other..thus it is not ohm or HU or other spiritual words, and like the SOLARIS is not against the old astrology or against the system of control on the planet,, it is YET QUITE OPPOSITE in the sense it is not at all the same or some adjustment of them...SO this month sing NU UAM in any way and watch your dream visions...second this GRAND CROSS I am bringing out the STAR BINGO or STARLOTTERY AND THE NUTRON BANK which is my method of SOLARIS to predict the lottery accurately every time, to prepare and share the winning numbers and a web form forum forage formula to help people beat the odds and also see how the SOLARIS works in math degree...using the position of the SUN DEGREES and Harmonics of the 1x SUN CHART and the 60x SOL or SOUL the GOLDEN MEAN of the 7 SUN DEGREES also...see this is a integrated approach of the whole SUUN and that is the SOULAR UNIVERSAL GODZ or ZODIAZ founded in 2015 and shared Universally naturally and solaristically which supercedes the old aegis of ZEUS and the conditioned time frame control matrix simulation of the atlantis orions and babylonian astrologers also who put it into place and operation aka also the mayans greco romans kabbalah and so forth...which is the modern belief system of the religion government domination ideas of the world and primarily a competition for the soul identification which we all accept without knowing conditionally...this is thus with JUPITER SQUARE PLUTO the announcement of the NU AEGIS and the NU UAM which is from the NU GUIDES who are always with ALL IS and without agenda control or past ideas, the expansion or discovery then of the REAL AQUARI or AGE OF THE IS as the REAL URTH in the REAL UNIVERSIS, not just this creation mold which has become quite literally extinct..this is in a way the EXTINCTION EVENT happening which we observye in the society culture morality breakdown or its apparent insular or conditional restrictions and the resulting media modem covidity or otherwise dark lord (pluto aquarius insult or invocation we see taking place...thus THE THREE DIMENSION god is pulling its odd old and orders while bully gully good bad ugly game *(taurus fixed uranus) keeps harboring is modification AI program and hypnosis or money honey all part of the so called PLAN..ET.... we come to the CHOICE circle or spiral and the CROSSROADS X or Y OR Z of our own path redirect or accept a NU WAVE or WAKE UP which is that we are seeing in every avenus, keep on the TV or be a real EV wither in the evillage or make the ENEVER being beyond neverland and now into the ETERNAL or REAL NOW...this by HEY PANEAGLESONG author of SOLARIS SOLASTRY and the Universal galactician...SHARE here is the STARLOT NUAEGIS and the NUUAM as it IS also a creation but its only up to US and our awareness of the ISNISS that all life is.
Thursday, May 4, 2023
from the great solarist paneagle galactician blogspot... I HAVE A GRAND CROSS...CARDINAL... mars jupiter saturn uranus.. so probably was a past life libra.aries adventure with the kingdom of england and persia crusades henry 8th etc....saturn uranus square as the astrologer to the king and off with his head meaning jail time and so I am saying clearly the birth chart is A MAP OF OUR PAST LIVES LEADING UP TO BIRTH...yes it is, and the place locations and positions are all connected...the lives can be tagged going back from the ascendent or by projecting the sun solar arcs back 1 degree per year or decade or century and pinpointing places with the astro-cart and also the SOLARIS STAR GPS coordinates which is the MAP of place locations world wide using 30 degree zones of the sum total of the longitude and latitude... as example 0 north 0 west gmt equator is point 0 aries...30 degrees east is 0 pisces, and so the image of this I shared is on the search solastry solaris or along with a lot of other incredible stuff....the progressions can also be done with a view our present life as a day for the year or the day for a decade or the century or 100 years very very example I was 19 sag birth with a day for decade progressed to 26 sag in my 60's when I discovered and presented the SOLARIS and STAR GPS and my own solaris was at 26 sag natally and was conjuncted by my prog sun at that degree with the conjunctions to the galactic center also...with this the 3 UNIVERSAL GODZ of creation (galactic center our local creation) sustenance (the messiah MSI messier complex of local galaxies) and the great attractor which is the GRAND PRIME or UNIVERSAL GODZone now at 14 sagittarius... these too can be progressed and regressed to discover our milleniums cycles or even yearly and weekly STAR DATES such as this year GPA is at 14 sag century and 18 LEO this the sabian of 19 leo and we see THE CHEMIST PROF WORKING NEW METHODS... thus also with pluto to aquarius, ,this is the BEGINNING of the NU AEGIS and the end of the old astrology if you will into the NU DAWN OF THE AQUARIAN much more to all this. take my grand cross away because it is all tough squares packed with creativity in my past lives too but presently very much challenged and unrecognized such a NUSTARADAMIS which is a code name for paneagle sharing the NU STARS and SOLARIS but also probably my past lives as astrologers of 3 eras but suggesting these no longer revelant, which is why we discover our history so we can begin to be the PRESENT REAL SOLAR being of light and share the REAL HEAVENS ... UNIVERSIS of ALL IS which is here now and always...beyond the creation model and the old aegis of zeus WHICH the babylon sumer and atlantis handed down as a god belief and dark lord serpent who has tried to come down on us and yet is also suffering its own demise...this is the REAL SOLAR AWARENESS and that which is always forward ...THE SOLAR field of dreams is LIGHT your friend Peter ... what makes sense... well please ASK ME...of course it is all very much creative ..and WELLNESS directed..STAR DATE MAY 5 BY PANEAGLESONG sun taurus MOON scorpio full moon eclipse and the solunar in libra is conjunct the MESSIAH so may it be... as example also I am a sun 19 sag which is my solaris is the 25 sag degree and the 265 or 625th degree in sum as a 5x5x5 and this is my MASTER NUMBER..or in the bible the meaning of our degrees found..thus this also related in the discoveries for each person using the 3 degrees of our SOLARIS SUM OF THE SUN is add them as degrees on the circle... thus my 19 sag 17 gemini and 20 capricorn are degrees 259 76 and 290 = 625th this is the golden scripts of nustaradamis for this star date with the GTC at 27 sag 10 libra and 15 capricorn (week sign) is equal sum of 22 aries and nearing this may around may 15 with andromeda which is 0 aries at 0 BC but now 28 aries so the awakenning of many people is on and the andromeda queen or princess cassiopeia working a little more magic of the heart as some of your followers here have expressed...the cross also is with the EARLY PISCES and SATURN causing a lot of the spiritual crisis (CRY CROSS GENESIS) AND THE saturn lord WHO is not such a favorable guy except as the disciplinarian of satanic RITUALISM which is so hard for people to get past or release, such as past live karmas and the holding on to the golden thread despite the controllers and alienation deeply is an opportunity then again as it is always life enever after....
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