Sunday, December 24, 2023
MY NEW SONG REAL UNUVERSAL DAY as my Chiron 3 degree is always conjuncted by the Sun on Christmas (in my 5th house with mercury at 0 Cap trine my virgo ascendent rising Star Regulus) and the moon is gemini conjunct my own moon sign Orion Aldebran star) lyrics "Everyday is christmas everyday is new years every days is easter and thanksgiving too its on the NU Wave we swim in the golden river to shine like the great suun as we become the real NatUre treasure tree and mountain of Light (GTC) emerald forest (Urth) in the field of dreams as your a diamond in the OceanUS... its real its real its real and we got you golden lyrics by PANU Paneagle o Chiron / Mercury capric conjuncted by retrograde mercury and SUN in Capricorn THIS IS MY COMING OUT begin with the NU YEAR as GTC moves through final days of Capricorn and the Eagle Star Aquila and then into Aquarius for the year the winged horse Pegasus and the King Cepheus (SEE FREE US) and sing with orpheus this SOLAREAN and SOL ROCKER (Star Rock legend story) by PANEAGLESONG the Prescient (the aware one) IN real ONE NUNIVERSIS present by GALACTICIAN.blogspot SHARES this the TRU REALITY LIFE ISNISS (all life reflects this ISNISS) and in our own IS Universe being aware AS THIS full moon in Cancer is the Unicorn sign *(Elon Musk may be prepare some new AM-erian and E-PLANET effort demonstration by also that we each in our solitude efforts to become aware but also see how to make or build a community and true E-conomy with the NU Urth AWARENESS with such as Terran's and Gaia's with a Universal recognition Natural Environmentalism this NU AEGIS begins with this next Full Moon in Leo and AQUARIUS lets see what we SEERS see and know and make it REAL in the most REAL WAYS we can.. here is one program idea I call for REAL to R-ECOGNIZE I-NTEND E-DUCATION A-WARENESS L-UV in the R.I.E.A.L Ameriginal (North American continent Nation) NU-E-Unity/Urth LEGION..A Solastry Arts and Gamma Ray recognition revelation realution from NUSTARADAMIS on the NU WAVE in the NU AEGIS now...
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
SUNKING song Original hum melody SOLARIS REVEAL
..I have been in the Z plane all my life, especially since 1970 the greatest year in music Peter Panu the universal Galactician am ON going now HEY PANEAGLESONG 500 original songs and founder SOLASTRY the SOLAR ARTS which is unknown unrecognized most advanced REAL SOLAR STARS (so called Astrology formerly) and I have discovered the solar star lottery method also Adams Gol method but here greatly SOLARIS and the Real Universis of 7 levels...remember sound of music and the 7 children singing do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do and we have the 7 life levels or planes dimensions and the fibonacci sequence and tesla 3-6-9 all play into this real model I might call PSIENCE before all the literal minded math heads gets all bent out of shape or spiral downward into the black hole of doubt and abysmal mundane thought...but its really quite mathematical all of it IS and so your wonder is a whole LIST IC view too, which I just love seeing and thanks and Yes I would like to show or share this WISE-ASS-DOME or Bob Ross Method of STAR SCIENCE or SOLAR UNIVERSAL POSITIONING which is basically our earth around the sun (ecliptic path old astrology) and our SUUN around the Galactic Center as the 4th dimension position with the inclusive 28 sign 13 day cycle constell (Constant (fixed) Stars) with a GALACTIC NU YEAR DECEMBER 18 (3 days ago) and this discovery of SOLARIS 7D as the sum total of the three D levels celestial longitude and latitudes (make 6d) and add the (1d 60xx 3600X) as a significant addition along with the 3 godz (GPA GTC MSI great attractor Galactic center Messier complex) as also having significant expression or demonstration of cause and affect here in our 3D small world (Yeah Disney got caught in it too) so I wonder if you would adventure into this NU UNIVERSAL and help unfold the mystery of the SUNZ PLANZ and STARZ this from an Astrologer of some 2 to 5 milleniums on the planet probably more for discovery'Z to come like building Zhe NU URTH.and seeing the SeventhZ dimension ... my song SEVEN HEAVENS and many others freely shared..Yes I still have a head anyone if you send your birth date time place here I will share the 7D solar map and SOLARIS as example demonstrate the JOYZ of real STAR GAZing ... or go no PHUNNY business please.... PURR FECT TIBEES ... we have a NU language to fact NU U U is a song sound word which I know is a great help open door view port..."there are many wonders... wonderfully beautifully and truly
Monday, December 4, 2023
Great Rock Opera Jesse.sings GRACE and PERFECTION with AVE MARIA DEC 5 S...
Sunday, December 3, 2023
Indian freedom paneaglesong STARDAY dec 3 2023
this week dec 3 solar cycle of ophiuchus sag healer ends....sagittarius sage weeks are here..INDIAN FREEDOM days and nature spirit recognition...we complete the galactic new year dec one very big aspect occurs,JUPITER SEXTILE LILITH taurus and jupiter goes backwards and is planning a whole lot for next year but it meets lilith this week in virgo which is earth arts of life and to express the great feminine and the sense of natural possession..that is our soul life is real,, as beings of light and solareans...the lilith can be included as one of the 2 rulers of venus signs...libra most likely,best ,and natural taurus earth for jupiter will ride alongside the coattails or blonde locks as the case may be looking for and finding not only a warm partner love but also may well be the greater wonderfull beautiful and golden by the time jupiter catches up to the lilith virgo degree moving ahead of the centaur as he makes his way into new adventure territory and real discovery of the real urth planet, and true realm of the realized or recognized beings we all are of but do not see or know directly...this is the adventure then that is on now for all of us to know who we really are and what it is we are becoming or actually...always on the advent of a new lilith girls your seeking someone of the centaur now who is really both a spiritually aware and a real seer as well of what is good in love as well....a balanced man with a open good well as tHAT Part of yourselves that is also of these characters...abundance AND freedom are also available to those of this and the groups which truly represent choice is the NU U friends who are seers and singers both and welcome any to discover the real solar field of light as the solarist universal as the galactician.blogspot,, welcome any seeker or visionary and light beings to this new adventure..which includes the feb 1 pluto and galactic center union at 0/1 AQUARIUS,..a very big deal it is then,, be aware and welcome the good change and if you can rise above the creation model and plutonnian traps of psyche and alienation going on reptilianism we have all sensed for some time...but love is love in any field so giving it a lot is far better than any hey paneaglesong free universal
Saturday, December 2, 2023
Sky Rain STAR DAY SOLAR SAGE paneaglesong writing
STAR DAY DECEMBER 2 THE 11 SAGE healer shaman doctor Moon Leo the GOLDEN BEAR and UNIVERSAL light bold and strong HEART OF THE LION and the GREAT NAVIGATORS, music of HIGHWAYMAN The players and developers of NU NATIONS UNITED and REAL UNIVERSIS OPHIUCHUS The days of the SOLAR SAGE and the Freedom Truth playing with the favorites but taking care of underdogs DISCOVER UNIVERSALISM SOLARISM AND NATURALISM
LYRICS SKY RAIN on NU Universe Arcsity on NU UNIVERSE ARCSITY Sky rain walking on blue rock loving eyes concert light Walkin on blue sky hearing listening singing NU U.. Blue wave ocean sky bright song heart it's so simple Walking on blue sky...wave on sing shine on star rock Shine like the sun open your eyes let the mind fly on NU Arc NU U Arch rise fly sing shine open you too Opera NU pray ray star light walkin by the talking Your living water what is your living waters flow in blue sky water fly sing ocean life ah up light eyes Another excellence hey paneaglesong
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