Monday, April 29, 2024

Our Position is Nu


Saturday, April 27, 2024

it's Unbelievable song universal view STARDAYZ April 28


HERE IS A UNIVERSAL VIEW.. our Urth is under orbit of sun which is under orbit of the galaxy so the real Universal is our SUUN or Inner position under the ORBIT of the galaxy and all the stars which make our solar map of the universal Zodiac, and as our sun has 3 positions in the 3D our SUUN or Universal position has 3 position which are under the Galactic or local Universal group of Stars, all cluster in an oasis which is a galaxy among millions of galaxies which is centered in the Virgo Cluster space known as the MESSIER and this (hint MESSIAH) is center of this local galaxy group which is among another set of Millions of Galaxies (if not trillions) which are centered or focal on the GREAT ATTRACTOR which is in the point of our LOCAL SUUN at 14 Sagittarius..and so we have these 3 GODZ (galactic, messiah, and GPA great attractor) and this is the real ZodiaZ of the Universal from our SOLAR POSITION which is currently this century at 27-28 Sagittarius, and because all this is largely unknown to most anyone, there is this NU View then which is the Universal Position we can view of our selves (personal) and the World and Sun system (our Natural being of Light) and thirdly the NU UNiversal which is that connection to ALL IS which is naturally not a space time or place or being or design or position of any kind...this can be discovered AND seen or by our own recognition and being IN real awareness which all words for we do not a map or a method or a religion or a system but because we are working in this system and within the creation, we must recognize what it is and what creation is in relation, only so we can see this by our own way or wave which is all.. and so know ALL IS here and now always and there we may be or JOYN with this and so from here now we can PROCEED with REALITY... smile it sounds like a lot but I share it with you because the SOLAR SUUN is now at 7 Pisces and will be in Pisces throughout the next 7 months so you dear friend sharing with US is one of those who may center this and become more or really AWARE just as you are now aware of all the hidden mis-identity and mistaken faux PA of the Human and the Alienation and all that.. so with you we are as AM I (PANU) not any kind of controller force or agenda personality but share this with you all as and HEY PANEAGLESONG youtube...Everyone is with this because this is ALL IS naturally but all are seeing it through the focal glass usually a one pointed human view or the 3D limitation and cannot see but the reflection of the mirror .. so it is WE LEARN and go on.. PISCES is the PI-SEAS PI number infinite Oceanus SEER with the SOLAR SIGNS WHALE and SOUTHERN CROSS caretaker empath and swimming in the great ocean US (UNIVERSAL

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Slide on the NU ARC paneaglesong STARDAYZ April 21

APRIL 21 STARDAYZ SUN TAURUS 2 SOLAR LEOPARD #10.. universal 5 pisces the creative artistry and playful SOLAR (creative light) ARTS Solar UNIVERSAL SOL sign CANCER LEO is the SIRIUS DOG STAR group URSA MAJOR golden bear afternoon of PARTY, FUN and LION hearted good will ambassadors moon LIBRA the GEMMA and moon STARS porrima and vindematrix pour your love and beauty shine like the SUN share and give yourself to ALL Be a Gemstone go beyond our overt self-identity and vindicative vanity SOCIAL WELFARISM APRIL DAYS OF HOPE inspiration individualism activism physical self expression TORUS the BULL old Astrology IS highlighted but is actually losing its hold on control let go the bull sh*t of the past ideas restrictions and lower laws PANEAGLESONG SLIDE ON THE NU ARC Paneaglesong for every day with the STARDAYZ Light signs and SHARE STARDAYZ gives the song and the sight sound with the daily SOLAR POSITIONS announcing the NU AEGIS has begun and with the JUPITER CONJUNCT URANUS a great movement world wide to create a non-government organization of UNITED FREEDOM for people interactive unified cooperative independence the NU 12 year cycle in the SIGN TAURUS to GEMINI and the ACAPELLA STAR VISION NUETIC communication education and real learning of the WWWE WORLD WIDE EDUCATORS BUILD THE NU URTH and SEE the NU WAVE of the REAL UNIVERSIS with the NU SEERS will be leading us to 2036 and the end of the OLD AEGIS Panu aka paneaglesong shares E-BOKS THE SOLARIS REAL UNIVERSAL SOLASTRY and the STAR ROCK LEGEND ROCK MUSICAL

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Soul in the Sun acoustic 1

STAR DATE APRIL 14 THE SOLAR IN GEMINI GOLDEN star CAPELLA and Moon CANCARE with the UNIVERSAL SUNU in PISEAS 2 and SUN sign ARIES 14 This stardayz IS THE pisces ARTISTRY EMPATHY care for the CUUL CATS (animals) AND RECOGNIZE THE REAL UNIVERSIS in the OCEANUS (ocean of life) moon CANCARE protect secure familial and environmental good food nurture star SIRiUS the syrians have a great concern for the planet and people, humanity, so be AWARE Aries 25 Arians are real Solareans with SOLAR EYES independent productive action solar Leopard #3 of 13 days IS TO be a SEER and communicate intention SOLUNAR GEMINI THE CAPELLA communication sing solo DEMONSTRATE the real Song
Every star world has a STAR DAYZ as we do on URTH with the FOUR POSITIONS (SUN MOON SOLAR AND SUNU (universal) SUN (1 degree per day and 30 signs per 30 day month) and MOON POSITIONS (moon is 2.4 days per lunar sign the SOL (solar sun sign of 12 hours) as the 4D or SOUL HEART position) and the UNIVERSAL SUUN is our alignment with the Galactic Center ( in celestial hour minute and day degree with 3D degree for each day generally) as our relative position in creation The STAR DAYZ has the Moon Degree and SOLARIS SIGN (28 signs in 13 day cycles of the SOLAR UNIVERSAL ZODIAZ, 1 STAR SIGN per day)SUUN
my music heritage thanks and share...Do have a world class cassette collection... beatles... hendrix... byrds..CSNY. england/america. all great bands..artists. 60's 70's best...nearly everything... its totally awesome. an encyclo-media of music... STILL SOUND GREAT... analog tape of course...largely unrecognized as a recording muse-FREE-seum...Including great music rock biography book collection and also a great CD plus box sets same virtually all the best rock soul blues jazz country music around the year of 1970...(basically 1960-1980) when it was real.. by HEY PANEAGLESONG music of the real spirit sun and soul author of star rock legend and wildstock concert 500 original songs artist songwriter writing a song a day and rarely heard except on youtube all freely shared with 25 music playlists JIMI HENDROCKS 60 of the 60's. etc...ENTER THE REAL UNIVERSIS and MUSIC OF THE REAL URTH NOW......I am also author of D'ESTINY and SOLARIS THE REAL SOLASTRY.. the one universal SolarArts Galactician inventor of SOLAR UNIVERSAL ZODIAZ

Monday, April 8, 2024

Real Solar Eclipse Gesus Returns April 8 2024


Wednesday, April 3, 2024

SOLARIS SEVEN Day Heaven Gesus EXEGIS WILDSTOCK 2022 concert

Guitar Sweet rhythm harmonics 77554 STARDAYZ april 3

STAR DAYZ sun aries 14 hero #14 moon aquarius EAGLE NU CALENDAR solar galactic SUUN 27 Aquarius STAR ALTAIR SOLAR ALIGNMENT CONJUNCT AQUARIUS MOON OF USA DO YOUR OWN THING and FIND YOUR OWN WAY STARLOTTERY.BLOGSPOT.COM PREDICATOR THE BILLION DOLLAR LOTTERY APRIL 3 WEDNESDAY DRAWING THE ECLIPSE IS COMING APRIL 8.. CERN IS GOING TO BE TURNED BACK ON IN SWITZERLAND MY STORY THE AMERIGINAL PANEAGLESONG SEEOCEAN SOLAR-IS JOSEPH OF ARIMETHEA ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON KING PETER III OF PRUSSIA How can someone be the descendent of the founders of the first music publishing company in the United States that sold to Columbia records, and write 150 songs in one year and not get anyone to listen on youtube or share with anyone else. How can someone write books on four different genre’ areas and not get one published or read online. How can someone discover the method of winning lottery number prediction and not find anyone in three years to invest in playing the number system to win, despite being willing to give all of it away freely and even create a free banking system for all people to share and earn or use to end the domination of the financial controllers? How can someone discover the true Galactic center position and the modern Galactic Zodiac, then discover the Solar-IS, the Solar Timing method and sum total of Real Position beyond the former Astrology, and not have anyone use the system or develop a school of Solarists or followers? How can this same someone go back to college and complete his psychology degree, and not be able to get a teaching position or a job of any kind with the town he lives in? How can someone recognize his entire set of past lives, including a life as Joseph of Arimethea, who both helped raise and bury Jesus, and began the first church of England in Glastonbury, was probably responsible for the Jesus bloodline and the legacy of the Knights Templar who fought the crusade, among others who wished to preserve the true Christian heritage, of this same someone who was Prince King Peter the III or Prussia and still be killed by his sister/wife after six months by her commandant General so she could have all the power, and as Robert Louis Stevenson the writer of the world’s best selling Novels, and for this famous works not receive more than a small reward of a favorable childhood in his current lifetime? How can someone become president of the SEE Foundation and which name is similar to the of Scientology that has seduced and abused its own people for knowledge and money to control its own property and corporation and not be able to raise either funds nor people participation, while offering to provide the truth and reality of the SolarIS and working in the Real Natural Environment and Children are Real Education to create both real awareness and real freedom, and offer free education of music and arts while observing and sharing the continued demise and destruction of human farming by the dark brats,reptilians and lord rulers of the space time creation? How can someone want to fall in love and never really have that love willingly surrender or returned to him lastingly. How can someone discover the path of Light and Sound and Real Awareness, and find the secret of the Real freedom as the Real U in the Real Univers-IS and know the Tru reality Life IS, and not have more than one person come to realize it or recognize the true way that he has found? Now he can also ask, how can someone discover he is among the few that have the sun and the sum total of sun (solarIS) be conjunct like the most famous in creation, Yogananda, Mozart, Einstein, and Myself, while knowing that the real Solar-IS is not a person place dimension body or sign of any kind, but the Tru reality that all seek for freedom beyond the realms of creation. And how can the world continue while the banker lawyers generals steal the control forces and the freedom of the people in military industry and social engineering, which is the developed systems of the mind emotion controllers and reptilian dark brat corporate executive financiers who could easily salve the harm of the natural environment which is being degraded and polluted to the greatest extent possible, while not ending the hunger poverty and criminal prison program set upon humanity in this world and actually of that extension through all realms of creation. How can all this continue on and exist in the face of all that has been discovered here. I had a dream this night, about being with Mick Jagger, ringing on his apartment bell, and then meeting him, and saying to him, Mick, you have millions of dollars and I have 150 songs, to ask can you help me? and he refers me to music publishers who live in a kind of city group housing complex making their own sad blues and city recordings and who would not consider my works beyond those that are commercial, even as I shared my history in music publishing and music taste with them, two especially who were drugged up sleepy headed and simply not really listening, except as it sounded interesting, as I went outside to find and film a mountain lake vista that appeared to stretch across the horizon and looked like Utah, being quite aware now and thinking this is dream travel is real experience. I thought how can this same someone be on the path of total awareness or the light and sound of God known as eckankar for 30 years, and not gain the requested initiations, nor be allowed into the inner circle of the group, nor given access to the true reality Life is, unless he himself had found it otherwise, which I did, and then share the Real Universe-IS or become one of the Real Universal Guides who have to be among those many who have existed throughout the centuries and in eterniry, always showing the True Way and the true Reality to those who would be willing. Being a very important first step for any real spiritual traveler of the NU-U and our real Universe-IS, I have realized building the NU world is the goal, and creating the solar research vessel project was a first step, I had to ask if the real Universal guides are real, and if the NU_U and writing of Duane Heppner are nothing more than the same sales pitch and unconscious use of the false hope and perception of reality, which has allowed all the other missings to exist? Is his use of the word sound HU as NU-U and the creation of the NU Guides like Rebazar Tarzs all a fabrication that they themselves will refuse to deny, or is this just another creation of the ECK Masters. I do not think not, and so IT IS as THE ALL IS, not the god concept or idea set down in the finite time space worlds or space gods of Man. Here I had to ask myself, is all this for myself of personal self interest only, of the ego, mind and emotional bias, and lacking in any true altruism or universal reality at all? And beyond this, is there any real need to develop anything, like the combination seeocean paneaglesongs and Solar-IS which is my own effort to be in light, sound and Universal Life or the real eternal world. What follows is the story of these awareness, and the ultimate ISness, as well as the absolute and Primordial history of the world’s, down to the present here now which is no-thing and surely nothing more than Life Itself. To know these and be of these is the true goal, not a person wish or enlightenment project or sound heaven freedom design.
preface for my next book and the FIRST E-BOK