Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Flag Song in NU Ameria pt 1 STARDAYZ MAY 28 spiritual PANEAGLESONG
THE universal SUUN is this year in PISCES and is currently conjunct SATURN at 18/19 PISCES and It will remain in close conjunction during this galactic universal poosition and its retrograde this summer
Monday, May 27, 2024
Flag Song in NU Ameria pt 1 STARDAYZ MAY 28 spiritual PANEAGLESONG
LYRICS ... WHAT ARE WE LIVING FOR where is the open door beyond the cause of wars as you will or not to follow authoritarian codes when you wonder what to give to its not here the .gov .biz monopoly lords and our real purpose recognize life itself don't need a flag anymore TO BE beyond the prison planet we are the ALL IS TRULY to echo great canyon star rockers know building to the next level to be a sure humanity catch the GREAT WAVE to know sincerity find soul answers know what IS right and light in a NU Heart we are ALL the REAL ONES in NU AMERIA hear the chords singing true all one NU ALLE NU ALL AH NU AH
NU ARC D'ESTINY E-Bok Synopsis. Part 5
Saturday, May 18, 2024
Aurora Borealis Sunglow NU CREATION StardayZ May 18
today may 18 is venus is conjunct uranus and also the mars conjunct aries node of the moon and WOW also the addition is sun jupiter in the star groups of torus the golden ring and the in the relation of the solar sign the River Eridanus group 13 days in mid may... so may the force be with you etc.....it is time to INITIATE YOUR GREAT PLAN FOR THE NEXT YEAR ... the MOON IN LIBRA IS CONJUNCT THE MESSIER MESSIAH COMPLEX OF LOCAL GALAXIES IN virgo space which is the day star moon in the gemma group libra related to people born in september near summer solstoice... SOLS or SOULS CHOICE what to do with your own sun jupiter node and universal position as well on urth what to make the best most unique special advanced and universal attitude to recognize within your own sphere or the real side of light and life as you will and can always do here and now but this opportunity to recognize and realize as well as projectively activate and keep on the target or the vision as you will...best by hey paneaglesong the solarist galactician and founder of the solar universal ZODIAZ
AURORA BOREALIS lyrics song by hey paneaglesong tuning 77554 ..0443 5543 0443 5543 dress up in your moonglow as the soul knows and the sun grows bathe in the great sunglow just as what your heart shines in the AURORA BOREALIS 57770 77770 77770 779900 (descend this chord form on 5th/7th frets) AURORA BOREALIS GO UP middle strings HARMONICS notes 00xx 22xx 44xx 55xx 77xx 99xx 77xx 07755 77550 77550 As you shine like the morning star takes my breathe away in your sunlight while you sleep with your moon dream eyes around your universe the aurora borealis flies 0443 5543 0443 5543 dress up in your moonglow shine in your real sunglow feel as the golden heart knows live in life as the sun grows AURORA BOREALIS up notes 00 22 44 55 77 99 77 VERSE 2 such a very busy day again we each create our own song a day now rest in dreamland you'r all ready made while you sleep in your sweet beauty bed the end of the world never ends fly on the aurora borealis AURORA BOREALIS in the great light show rainbows all over your skies the aurora borealis lights up the night wake up blue as northern winter lights the AURORA BOREALIS
Monday, May 13, 2024
Beyond your sun shine love verses stardayz may 13
well what you may not know is uranus in taurus 21 degree is lined up with the SOLAR LINE of 21 taurus STAR GPS through London and points NW AND SE on this line (down to south america)..so this is a kind of revolution or progressive for england as they highlight both lost queen and sometime soon (next 7 years) to be king son of princess Diana and the new gobal POSITION or empire change t'here of economics AI tech and alienation among the people and community of immigrants and original settlers (roman germanic,, etc) now becoming more universal .. its important but its also much the same...controllers see to that dominion mostly to the material negative psychically and electronically manipulated.. well there is also the progressive elements of humanity as best we can despite the potential collapse or radical uranian disruption of old ideals and systems or adaptation necessary for the world nation or even one world government to distance from or include us in.. our choice where it will go but it looks automatic and well.. kind of strange..here is my own share in the higher PSIENCE or practice of NU U openly shared by this SOLARIST PANU.. BREATHING METHODS (through the nose only) shared not exclusively but as a understanding sharing this idea could be beneficial to your healing and WELL BEING NU TECH the practice of NU SOUND methods and Singing NU U it is not a religion science technical business gov edu or forced educational system www.galactician.blogspot.com NUSTAR ADAMIS presents the SOLAR ZODIAZ daily we have the SUN and MOON and also the SOLAR and UNIVERSAL These are presented in both OLD ASTRO SIGNS and the NU ZODIAZ SIGNS SIGNS may 13 torus the golden ring ELEPHANT prosperityMOON LEO creative character and SUN light STAR group the CAT LYNX AND LIONSOLAR Sunrise Aquarius and SUNSET Pisces the WINGED HORSE PEGASUS and evening star DENEBProgressive Universalism and Universal Empathy caretaking artistry colors yellow blue aquamarine orange green EURTH tones STARDAYZ numbers 23 27 6 10 8 3 sun 23 ta 25'10" 23 2 TORUS elephant moon 3 le 22'44" 3 5 LION CAT gtc 27 sa 11'44" 12 43 pisces whale solar 25 11 AQUARIUS KING
Thursday, May 2, 2024
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