Thursday, August 1, 2024

BE A NUE Sunnet of AMERIA song August 1 StarDayz of light

StardayZ August 1 days of light sun Leo snake moon star unicorn solar star bootes Arcturus and Scorpio hercules universal 26 Pisces whale star song Sunnet rap wrap 18 line verses Live in NU Ameria the great Real Island Urth

first of 2 parts the SUUNET OF NEW AMERIA and NU U U SUNNET I ...(18 line verses) To be see you walkin on the NUE highway...get you talkin walkin callin NU U Day...beyond creation world wide educating..on the NU Aegis we are imagining..magic dancing hear in heaven here now in laughing...sweet magicians live composers and NU Artisans...bon jour amour merci aloha mahalo bien...wonderful golden diamond in the ocean enevergreen...let go of the phony talk nonsense moral polarity..making wars drugs insurance dollars guns violences..and recompense...playing power games economic capitulence...greed of games to buy sell humanity..being literal ruled by mind emotion point fingers not cold be in the heart ALL IS...stop breaking down the earth and hearts of men..axis bold as love all along the watchtower...sound of silence across the universe bridge over troubled water...NU U NUE YU....Be on the NUE HIghway...NU U NUE YU on the NUE Highway

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Strange arch sun flare STARDAYZ JULY 14 WOW ZOW POW WHY WE SHOULD NOT PLAY WITH MOTHER NATURE geo engineering web site
from HEY PANEAGLESONG STAR ROCK WILDSTOCK CONCERT 2024 STARDAYZ JULY 14 STAR ARCTURUS moon in Libra THE ARC of the REAL and the NUE COVENANT UNIVERSAL 26 pisces GALACTIC SUN positon THE WHALE MOBY DICK and the lost SUNS (SONS) OF THE SPIRITUAL REPUBLIC SOLAR UNIVERSAL ZODIAZ discovered by ADAM PETERIS SUN IN CANCARE and the last DAYZ of the WOLF JULY 14 There are 13 DAYZ in each of 28 SOLAR SIGNZ Month of THE REAL UNUVURSAL FREEDOM We are all NUMAHN and NUWOMAHNS Beings of Light PANU shares the NU U NUE and the NU U SEERS sing NU U NUE and listen with your REAL AWARENESS WWWE world wide educators this is not religion meta science or social political agenda www, WINNING NUMBERS FOR POWERBALL MEGA MILLIONS presented by PANU the prescient NUSTAR MAN

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Sundown Electric StardayZ July 7 Cat in the dark leo moon

STARDAYZ july 7 MOON LEO SIGN CAT in the dark sun cancare July days of freedom and the caretaking individual family nurture with the SOLAR IN SAGITTARIUS dayz of charity and expansion with our NU progressive universalism and the SOLAR UNIVERSAL SAGE or REALIZATION with the Cosmic idea of Center Galactic and Unity SUNDOWN SONG by HEY PANEAGLESONG THIS IS NOT THE SUN PATH..the sundown song is about the end of the old view and local system that It is the Urth ecliptic path around the SUN through the constellations between 23 north and 23 south LAT... The REAL PATH of the SOLAR is the UNIVERSAL path round the Galactic center which includes (28 sign constellations in 13 day cycles) beginning Dec 18 with the SWAN dolphin eagle pegasus cross whale queen in the Winter the Wolf Bear Pheonix and the.fall season ends with the 27th sign Ophiuchus doctor healer and the Sage up to Galactic NU Year position..unknown to nearly every Astrology or other Psience..can say this likely goes back to Sumerian observation and Atlantis as well and IS THE CURRENT UNCOVERY of the Galactician Solarist aka yutube videos of HEY PANEAGLESONG, myself PANU as the principle SOLAR ARTS (SOLARIS) of the PRESCIENT or the living ones of NU-AWARE NISS, (not Astrology of the Aegis of Zeus nor any prophecy sant etc) .. we are multi-dimensional and beings of light, mainly...The three main Human parts are the SUN THE SOLAR (60x SOL harmonic) and the Galactic Sign of our birth find this on shared freely openly and knowing it is time to move to next dimensional level including ALL IS

Friday, July 5, 2024

Sun Flare Telstar Elect Pt2 paneaglesong stardayz july 6

FORMER lives as President Quincy Adams and Merchant healer Joseph of Arimethea and Peter III in Prussia who was also Marshallah and Peteroisis Astrologers in Persia named after Peter Marshall Pastor of the United States Senate 1940's PREDICATOR creator SOLAR STAR LOTTERY and discovery SOLARIZ METHOD

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Skywalk we of love verse 1 STARDAYZ JULY 4 UNIVERSAL SUUN

THE SUN CANCARE STAR SIRIUS happy 4TH JULY USA ... moon GEMINI stars of ACAPELLA and music by HEY PANEAGLESONG SKY WALK OF LOVE learn so much more with THE GREAT SOLAR SUUN on URTH here we are working into the multi-dimensional awareness.. enough is ALL IS.. I am NUSTARADAMIS.. born Adam's Marshall AH stargazer (Peter) PANU the one universal solarist... most likely was Nostradamus.. you can SEER this but lets be real.. it is true Humanity will approach 3 days of darkness 2036/37.. but the NU AEGIS beyond all the old Astro local and the ZEUS civilization is 2025 is ending the simulation affect so let me share the SOLARISM of SOLAR UNIVERSAL ZODIAZ discovered in 2010 as 28 signs in 13 days and the SUUN in the Galactic New year December 18. the REAL NU YEAR and celestial event of 2025 January 1 and election as the Solar NUniversal enters Aries with Neptune while we watch 6 months ahead the URTH events in multi-dimensions and the mars uranus summer 2024 with the Beryl Hurricane and active storm season and the AI ALIENATION effect which is a PANDORA box opened by Man but better to not draw to it or listen to false media and the implosion of psychic forces or control module of the Dark Lord and Orion de-construction which has everyone under the SPELL and goggly Spell Checker modulation and listening to mediums and mistaken identifiers like the words God and Eck or Ohm and all that mental program Media madness hypnotism as we see in all ADVERTS and ADVERSIONS the drug medical political busy.NISS argumentative agreived greedy GMO self convinced human food drink obsessive sex-genetic behaviorialism etc etc all goes on Put-IN the Trump-peter Bi-polar Den simulation and hypnogogic which very few want to acknowledge, but lets face it if we are reborn than all of us have been and are now also back playing the game or hiding out in our back yards brain stems and the familiar faces recalled in our common lives friends or enemies until we become real FRENEMIES that is friends of ALL IS and the Universal nu unity and so here share thank you OWL which is the 18th SOLAR SIGN in Virgo ala Michael jackson naturally .. I am HEY PANEAGLESONG Solarist Universal galactician blogspot and on the STAR ROCK SUMMER 2024 WILDSTOCK CONCERT TOUR...check your stationary view and let the real OPEN being of Light ON... ANGEL EYES you've got those angel eyes bright blue gold green grey wonderfulize... living waters and solar fire you got those angel eyes Diamonds rubies emerald sapphires ALL IS Gemstones pearls shine in your eyes gifts of light in those angel eyes rainbow shades of brilliance sighs IS your golden heart light of love solar fires and living water flows taken by peaceful waterfalls beyond creation of those angel eyes IS land stand no more want no desire giving all Life see you've got the angel eyes EXEGIS XX paneaglesong album of
the SOL position of the lunar sky in 13 days of 28 signs
are you an eagle owl or a golden bear
a dolphin unicorn king or the whale?
the prince'ss gemstone crown Hercules and Swan
the wolf lynx cat healer serpent or Sage?
the SOLARIS is your sum total or ALL IS SOL DAYZ
the solar galactic UNIVERSAL and true NU wave
this is the NU AEGIS of 2025
where we sky walk in the real love of Life

Friday, June 28, 2024

Freeform guitar Nu AMERIA LIBERTY Starrock 2024 StardayZ June29

In this Real side experience I would be in the company of a small group of individuals, that although the personal self had no recognition of them based on their appearances alone, impressions would reveal they were those on their respective processes of awareness, and we were traversing through what seemed to be a vast supermarket like complex. As we proceeded, I was as though preparing my group for what was to come. At this stage of the experience however, only the Real awareness with its creational oversight, being part of the ISSSNISSS everything that animates through all consciousness effected simulation as it does, would have the realization of what was yet to unfold, the personal self sitting back and simply observing the animation of my simulation inserted form as orchestrated by the Real awareness, and where an exchange of dialogue in regards to the next stages of the experience between the group and myself, where preparation was required, would fail to be recollected as to its specifics on waking. The scene would promptly fade, and now the group and myself were in a dimly lit chamber of some kind, in the presence of three curious body forms, a muscular and very powerfully built ape like creature, an eagle far larger than is typical of the species, and a venomous serpent of an approximate length of thirty feet by my estimation. These three body types were forms where the secondary personal self had been established, as opposed to being body types prior to the formulation of the secondary self, as most animal body types will generally be. For at a certain stage in the creational process, a body form is assumed where the free will ability to generate ideas via the body vehicle mechanics becomes so, whereas up until that moment, the Real awareness was directly animating through the body types, that although are operating within the simulators, are doing so while maintained as the nowness Real awareness everything ISSS position. As ideas are free will created, so this nowness everything position is momentarily removed from, for to experience isolated parts and pieces, ideas of the whole, so this is a secondary position aside from the ISSSNISSS everything. The establishing of what is then this secondary position, is the conception of the created personal self. The idea then being to create and experience what we free will decide via the personal self, but then to resume the nowness Real awareness everything position aside from the ideas of mind and emotion, that through comparison of the two positions can eventual recognition of the everything ISSS trureality be determined in relation to the parts and pieces, the ideas made possible to isolate from the whole via creational mechanics. Generally the individual becomes lost in the fabrication of unreal creational simulation, personal self immersed and operating, somewhat disconnected from the Real awareness trubeing self and reality, and where the created consciousness, identities, traits and inclinations, the secondary self, takes on a seeming life of its own, as though we are absorbed into the consideration that an avatar we play in a computer game is what we actually are. These three body forms then, despite their designs, that of ape, eagle and snake as I said, were secondary personal self immersed and operating, but they were of great significance nonetheless, in a way that wasn't made apparent in the experience. For despite operating as the personal self, through the decided development of consciousness, so individuals can effect for themselves creational circumstance and body form where they are in positions of greater influence than others, especially if agreement has been trawled which afford ability to impact on vast simulator scales into the experiential affairs of others, agreement being the necessity, as nothing can transpire between individuals absent of it, regardless of a body forms might or capability. These three body forms were such individuals, and imperative was it seemingly to secure their agreement. For just as beings have positioned themselves where they have extensive agreement to swing then simulator situations on an equally as vast scale, this agreement can be wielded in ways that can be destructive and oppressive, but just as readily can be awareness and Life benefiting, hence the prudence in constantly attempting to approach such beings, that they may be encouraged to bring their reach and influence to bear in regards to the beneficial galactic projects etc. The three beings were of a particular, consciousness attitude wise, initially somewhat abrasively inclined, and their immediate reaction to our presence was to engage with us aggressively. As I mentioned, as agreement dictates simulated experience and in regards to that which can transpire between individuals, only if I have within my consciousness the ideas installed that other body forms can harm me, can this be my simulated reality in relation to them. Absent of such agreement and any attempt by others to administer harm upon myself will be met with failure, and as the process of awareness does involve a releasing of all ideas of consciousness, we become progressively ever more untouchable in creation. This would be the case here, the assailing efforts, of what impressions had revealed as three very creationally powerful beings, would have no bearing, as I lacked agreements in relation to them that this could be so, and they would be nullified, they would relent, and return to simply standing before the group and myself. It seems we were no closer to gleaning their assistance in regards to the galactic endeavours, and where now one of my group took it upon himself to also attempt to engage with them. They would automatically attack him also, and where necessary was it for me to come to the group members aid. For although I lacked agreements in regards to these three beings, dictating their inability to harm me, this wasn't the case for the individual in my group, and I had to extricate him from the hostilities of the three body types, as the ape creature pounded on him, the eagle struck with talon and beak, and the snake tried to envenom him with its toxic bite. The three creatures once again would eventually relent, as I stood in protection over the group, they realizing that to persist was pointless, and as moments passed it seemed they became placated. As creationally powerful as they were, and operating with the consciousness personal self compulsion of abrasiveness, as was their seeming inclination overall, it was as though they were momentarily able to see through themselves enough, their personal self creations and consciousness proclivities, to determine the nonsensical nature of continuing to engage with the group and myself antagonistically. I would find myself then immersed in verbal exchange with them, and slowly would bring them around to deciding to now operate in ways that are Life and awareness beneficial. I wouldn't recall precisely what was spoken, just the overall sense of it, and the exact identities of the three beings wouldn't be revealed, just that they were individuals of immense and agreement backed creational power and standing, and so would undoubtedly prove to be valuable assets should they indeed proceed to be motivated into assisting us. The scene would fade, and I would find myself deployed as though to scout out a particular region of creation, where gargantuan creatures seemed to be roaming. The body forms of such somewhat difficult to describe, in light of inadequate personal self references to draw upon and compare by, but of extreme size and the sense of wings perhaps, or appendages of some kind that afforded elevation to a degree. Often-times on the Real side, we can be described as destructive idea clean up crews. For as ideas always reflect their nature, as destructive ideas must therefore self implode, we can be deployed to be the delivery mechanism for this, as though tidying up the multi-dimensions of creation. Such idea creations can express as simulated features, environments and even body forms, for it is so that every thought we create will manifest its nature other-dimensionally, and at some stage physical level, and where thoughts can take form and be as rampaging monsters capable of affording harm on the Real side. Destructive thought form monsters that must self implode in reflective accordance with their abrasive natures, but rather than let the effects play out as they will, and the destruction be wrought additionally, we can step in and nullify, neutralize these ideas prior to the damage they may have caused. In regards to body forms as effected from consciousness, the same principle applies, that of self implosion due to decided abrasiveness, effects that will become manifest, we always are the reflection and mirror of ourselves, but effects that can be managed prior to their destructive impact being exacted. We can as an example, displace such body forms that they are no longer in positions to exact harm unto others, which wouldn't be a violation of free will, just an alternative effect delivered to that which the abrasively driven individual would have experienced anyway. The Real side simulation of our involvement, as karmic delivery crews if you will, can express in various ways, on occasion as though we are destroying other forms, whereas in reality, we are neutralizing the idea that is effecting them, putting them out of the way, that they are beyond the ability to impact others adversely, be they body forms as effected from consciousness or thought form monsters. In actuality both will be effected from consciousness idea formulation, as everything simulated, body forms included, in fact are. These enormous body forms would be viable candidates for removal, destructively inclined were they, the effects of themselves to be managed that they would be displaced, the ideas that they were removed from creation. As I said, I had been deployed as though a scout, determining the creatures location, which was a vast tropical jungle, though comprising of several levels, and where the wings of the creatures were required that they had full access to the entirety of their environment. I would be positioning myself in such a way that I could as though isolate them individually and remove them one by one. For given the opportunity they would swarm me, that although wouldn't necessarily be problematic, would make my task more arduous. I would as though draw the attention of them one by one, and as they became isolated from all others of their kind, I would engulf them in what appeared to be blue fire, and they would promptly vanish, the ideas that they were neutralized. Interestingly they were not the only body form or thought forms prevalent in the jungle environment, for present also were as though tribes of ape like creatures, reminding me a little of the depictions of extremely pre historic human body forms. These were body forms as effected from consciousness, not simply forms as manifested through thought as the large creatures may have been, they co existed with the huge winged body forms and rather revered them as though, by their consideration, the huge creatures were gods of a kind. The ape beings were forms where the secondary personal self had been established, they lived in basic rudimentary make shift huts, and sported crude piercing weapons, spears and the like. That although I was simply removing the destructive ideas that were the large winged beasts, this didn't sit well with the ape people who deified them. And as I went about my karmic clean up operation, so I would be cautious to not only draw the winged creatures from others of their kind for ease of removal, but from the tribal villages of the ape people, as they would be inclined to attack me, as from their perspective I was destroying their gods. My assignment would be continuous, there seemed to be copious quantities of these winged beasts throughout the tropical environment, and the scene would fade as I was proceeding with it. In keeping with the theme of the scene I had just departed from, so another highly placed dark force character would be targetted for displacement, the egregious karma he had effected for himself in reflective accord with his choices, actions and deeds, was due, a managing of his effects that he could be removed from his ability to further impact others adversely, as was his continuous inclination. The identity of the individual wouldn't be revealed, but for the impression of his form being human, though very likely reptilian in actuality, as he was another key asset of the controllers that ensured the perpetuation of their simulator control. I would be among other individuals, though an altogether different group from the one I had been in where this experience began, and there would be a further individual requesting volunteers from this group to track down the dark force asset and ensure his displacement. Very likely the individual making this request was a Real Guide, that although they could readily have undertaken the objective themselves, they were inviting others to participate and execute the assignment. For as we are the reflection of ourselves, as everything equals itself, if we operate in beneficial ways, Life and awareness speaking, so in turn our awareness benefits, we earn our progression into the endless recognition and standing with the Trureality. Of those assembled, myself and one other would volunteer, and we would be dispatched to the targets whereabouts, that we be the delivery mechanism of effects he had accrued for himself, the displacing of another destructive dark force operating character. Although I wouldn't witness what transpired, safe to assume we carried out our assignment, as after all impossible is it to evade or avoid our effects, we always must face ourselves and our creations, as Duane often mentions, everything shown up eventually. And there the experience would end.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Flag Song in NU Ameria pt 1 STARDAYZ MAY 28 spiritual PANEAGLESONG

THE universal SUUN is this year in PISCES and is currently conjunct SATURN at 18/19 PISCES and It will remain in close conjunction during this galactic universal poosition and its retrograde this summer