Thursday, July 4, 2024

Skywalk we of love verse 1 STARDAYZ JULY 4 UNIVERSAL SUUN

THE SUN CANCARE STAR SIRIUS happy 4TH JULY USA ... moon GEMINI stars of ACAPELLA and music by HEY PANEAGLESONG SKY WALK OF LOVE learn so much more with THE GREAT SOLAR SUUN on URTH here we are working into the multi-dimensional awareness.. enough is ALL IS.. I am NUSTARADAMIS.. born Adam's Marshall AH stargazer (Peter) PANU the one universal solarist... most likely was Nostradamus.. you can SEER this but lets be real.. it is true Humanity will approach 3 days of darkness 2036/37.. but the NU AEGIS beyond all the old Astro local and the ZEUS civilization is 2025 is ending the simulation affect so let me share the SOLARISM of SOLAR UNIVERSAL ZODIAZ discovered in 2010 as 28 signs in 13 days and the SUUN in the Galactic New year December 18. the REAL NU YEAR and celestial event of 2025 January 1 and election as the Solar NUniversal enters Aries with Neptune while we watch 6 months ahead the URTH events in multi-dimensions and the mars uranus summer 2024 with the Beryl Hurricane and active storm season and the AI ALIENATION effect which is a PANDORA box opened by Man but better to not draw to it or listen to false media and the implosion of psychic forces or control module of the Dark Lord and Orion de-construction which has everyone under the SPELL and goggly Spell Checker modulation and listening to mediums and mistaken identifiers like the words God and Eck or Ohm and all that mental program Media madness hypnotism as we see in all ADVERTS and ADVERSIONS the drug medical political busy.NISS argumentative agreived greedy GMO self convinced human food drink obsessive sex-genetic behaviorialism etc etc all goes on Put-IN the Trump-peter Bi-polar Den simulation and hypnogogic which very few want to acknowledge, but lets face it if we are reborn than all of us have been and are now also back playing the game or hiding out in our back yards brain stems and the familiar faces recalled in our common lives friends or enemies until we become real FRENEMIES that is friends of ALL IS and the Universal nu unity and so here share thank you OWL which is the 18th SOLAR SIGN in Virgo ala Michael jackson naturally .. I am HEY PANEAGLESONG Solarist Universal galactician blogspot and on the STAR ROCK SUMMER 2024 WILDSTOCK CONCERT TOUR...check your stationary view and let the real OPEN being of Light ON... ANGEL EYES you've got those angel eyes bright blue gold green grey wonderfulize... living waters and solar fire you got those angel eyes Diamonds rubies emerald sapphires ALL IS Gemstones pearls shine in your eyes gifts of light in those angel eyes rainbow shades of brilliance sighs IS your golden heart light of love solar fires and living water flows taken by peaceful waterfalls beyond creation of those angel eyes IS land stand no more want no desire giving all Life see you've got the angel eyes EXEGIS XX paneaglesong album of
the SOL position of the lunar sky in 13 days of 28 signs
are you an eagle owl or a golden bear
a dolphin unicorn king or the whale?
the prince'ss gemstone crown Hercules and Swan
the wolf lynx cat healer serpent or Sage?
the SOLARIS is your sum total or ALL IS SOL DAYZ
the solar galactic UNIVERSAL and true NU wave
this is the NU AEGIS of 2025
where we sky walk in the real love of Life

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