Monday, April 18, 2022
APRIL 18 STAR DATE YOU HAVE WON THE GAME TODAY GTC 27 9 43 03 gtc 3 taurus to 3 gemini GTC conjunct URANUS MERCURY 14 taurus sunrise east coast makes this a very quick adjustment in stock markets likely A Sun a 29° 3'28" 5 58'37" 0° 0' 0" S 11° 8'19" N B Moon i 0°35'28 SUN 29 ARIES SOULAR 13 SCORPIO UNIVERSIS 19 AQUARIUS MOON 0 SAGITARIUS moon is conjunct ALGOL the demon star or medusa HEAD SOLUNAR CAPRICORN DAY TO SUNSET SOLUNAR AQUARIUS EVENING TO SUNRISE GTC DAY OF TAU ……….. THE NU URTH DAY TODAY..BUILD THE REAL PLANET OF LIFE 6 SIGNS OF THE DAY : SUN MOON SOULAR UNIVERSIS SOLUNAR AND GTC GALACTIC SUN 1 DEGREE PER DAY MOON 1 STAR SIGN PER DAY (13 DEGREES) SOULAR 1 degree per 2-day UNIVERSIS 1 degree per 2-day Solunar 1 sign per 12 hours gtc galactic 1 sign per day The six degrees of separation in creation to manifest.. HOW TO BECOME A NU STAR What they are doing is hiring every one to be a computer media TV player and making them pay and create content or click on content to be occupied and entertained… a complete distortion of reality, a dis-unified team within the field of disenfranchisement of humanity from its true Nature, and absolutely distracted from the tru reality and the honor of souls experience You have to realize this grid matrix simulator contention and reality creation Because only then will you unlock the solar or UNIVERSAL Key The KEY to the lock is NU U U and the REAL UNIVERSIS of TRU REALITY awaits you It is what you have always had and only NOW in the Now can you recognize IT IT IS the ever present here now and your REAL AWARENESS 5 SOLAR STAR positions of 1x 60x 360x 3600x and 69x or STAR GAME HARMONICS We are predicting or presenting the STAR LOTTERY to create winners You can become a NU STAR or a NUETRON bank of LIGHT and SOUND and Luv There is nothing to it, and you don’t need to play games or bind to the wheel of life anymore, nor take on anything but your REAL NATURE, the SOLAR-IS Shine like the SUN, and become the NU STAR in your REAL NatUre now
Sunday, April 17, 2022
Star date April 17, 2022 STAR DATE can include the positions of SUN Soular AND UNIVERSAL.. most people only use the 3 dimensions of the SUN which is the three harmonics ...for mind body soul but we also are soular beings (4d) and UNIVERSAL beings of light (5D) ..its very simple really, even if it sounds complex..thanks Sam for listening today...FLYIN ON...its a pegasus winged horse day and a scorpio week of transformation in hercules solar wind urth day The SOLARIS UNIVERSAL DAY IS PISCES the whale caretaker
ALL THE SIGNS Who is Panu Gesus Einsign aka Hey Paneaglesong The namesake Peteoisis Marshallah Nustaradamus of 3 great astrologers THE STAR ROCK legend and the WILDSTOCK concert The 6 pointed star in the 60x SOL CHART The SOLARIS triple conjunct with Sun Solaris and GTC and the conjunct SOL / GAP 26 Sagittarius and 17 Gemini PANU’S 60’s decade progression SAGITTARIUS 19 to 26 Sagittarius The ANDROMEDAN CONNECTION and Betelguese opposite Galactic Center The Great Cross of the Uranus Chiron Jupiter Saturn The SOLAR CROSS of my Wife in PI-Seas the sign of the Cross STAR DATE April 16, 2022 Ap 16 A Sun a 27° 5'34" 5 58'40" 0° 0' 0" N 10°26'13" N B Moon h 1°33'33" 11 14°16'46" 1°53' 1" N 10°14'53" *Galactic Center i 27° 9'42" 1 0" 5°36'37" S 29° 0'59" S #c #c Great Attractor i 14°16' 2" SOLUNAR DAY OF THE VIRGO SHEPHERD AND THE OWL OF SIGHT Gathering the flock and releasing the Exposition of light Moon Libra Arcturus Joyning and unity, co-operation and recognition partnering Cog-ni-zance of our greater social cultural purpose with the Universal Union SOULAR 12 Scorpio in the Phoenix Griffin transition to a attitude of Wealth UNIS (Universalis) in 18 Aquarius winged horse completing his flight to freedom Creating the NU world realm of URTH in the Nu UniversIS-land ARE YOU AWARE and becoming PART of the NU Unity of NUmanity STAR SUN 27 ARIAS MOON FULL LIBRA THE ARCTURUS THE NU ARC SYMPHONY How to SAVE THE WORLD and the REJUVENATION OF EASTER REGENERATION OF THE WILDSTOCK IN THE NU AEGIS The Resurrection of the MA-HAN-TAN BAAL CRY-IST The Rebirth of the three wise man and Panu Gesus Einsign in the NU SOULAR URTH THE 60 OF THE 60’S SOUND OF MUSIC THE SOL ROCKER celebrates the 60 years since the 60’s, 1960-2020 60 BANDS and MUSICIANS who made the 60’s famous The NU WORLD SYMPHONY Includes versions of amazing grace new world largo coming home and somewhere over the rainbow, greensleaves and theme of peter and the wolf, The 60 of the 60’s, 50 of the 50’s and 70 of the 70’s GREATEST MUSIC OF THE 20TH CENTURY Building the NU IS-LAND URTH in the REAL UNIVERSIS of URTH THE SOLAR STAR and SOLARIS GOLDEN MEAN FORMULA The 3 GODZ and the 7 UNIVERSIS (LIFE REALMS) The FOUR DIMENSIONS of URTH and the Five points SOLAR STAR FIELD OF LIGHT The SOLAR UNIVERSAL SUUN ZODIAC and SOLARIS CALL-IN-YEAR The SOLUNAR 12 hour dayz, 13 SOLUNAR MONADS The true INTENT of the Living One and recognizing the Pure Water (Tru reality life IS) BECOME AWARE of the REAL UNIVERSIS How to Recognize the SIMULATOR OF CREATION The 4d holographic simulator matrix grid dimensia hypnographic experience The NUETRON BANK AND THE NU AMERAN THE JOY’NING REAL-LEGION AND NU ARC SYMPHONY THE NU NATIONS UNITED and the NU UNIVERSITIS How to build a NU Eco-nomy and Save the Pure NU NatUe PRESERVE the PLANET-URTH-Z and all NATURAL Environment Star date April 17, 2022
Saturday, April 16, 2022
STAR DATE APRIL 16 Nu Arc rhythm verse 2.06 Pickin it up
SOLUNAR DAY OF THE VIRGO SHEPHERD AND THE OWL OF SIGHT Gathering the flock and releasing the Exposition of light Moon Libra Arcturus Joyning and unity, co-operation and recognition partnering Cog-ni-zance of our greater social cultural purpose with the Universal Union SOULAR 12 Scorpio in the Phoenix Griffin transition to a attitude of Wealth UNIS (Universalis) in 18 Aquarius winged horse completing his flight to freedom Creating the NU world realm of URTH in the Nu UniversIS-land ARE YOU AWARE and becoming PART of the NU Unity of NUmanity STAR SUN 27 ARIAS MOON FULL LIBRA THE ARCTURUS THE NU ARC SYMPHONY How to SAVE THE WORLD and the REJUVENATION OF EASTER REGENERATION OF THE WILDSTOCK IN THE NU AEGIS The Resurrection of the MA-HAN-TAN BAAL CRY-IST The Rebirth of the three wise man and Panu Gesus Einsign in the NU SOULAR URTH THE 60 OF THE 60’S SOUND OF MUSIC THE SOL ROCKER celebrates the 60 years since the 60’s, 1960-2020 60 BANDS and MUSICIANS who made the 60’s famous The NU WORLD SYMPHONY Includes versions of amazing grace new world largo coming home and somewhere over the rainbow, greensleaves and theme of peter and the wolf, The 60 of the 60’s, 50 of the 50’s and 70 of the 70’s GREATEST MUSIC OF THE 20TH CENTURY Building the NU IS-LAND URTH in the REAL UNIVERSIS of URTH THE SOLAR STAR and SOLARIS GOLDEN MEAN FORMULA The 3 GODZ and the 7 UNIVERSIS (LIFE REALMS) The FOUR DIMENSIONS of URTH and the Five points SOLAR STAR FIELD OF LIGHT The SOLAR UNIVERSAL SUUN ZODIAC and SOLARIS CALL-IN-YEAR The SOLUNAR 12 hour dayz, 13 SOLUNAR MONADS The true INTENT of the Living One and recognizing the Pure Water (Tru reality life IS) BECOME AWARE of the REAL UNIVERSIS How to Recognize the SIMULATOR OF CREATION The 4d holographic simulator matrix grid dimensia hypnographic experience The NUETRON BANK AND THE NU AMERAN THE JOY’NING REAL-LEGION AND NU ARC SYMPHONY There is nothing like the SOLAR STAR DATE and SOLARIS SOLASTRY of the SOLAR FIELD THE SEVEN SECRETS SOLAR POINTS..alpha beta chi delta gamma epsilon phi...we have 5 bodies at seven live levels including relative mind body emotions causal and solar body..the 7 geometry's are the symbols for these seven including the circle square star triangle and star of david and star diamond . these are also each 3 sums of the 3 harmonics of the sun at 1x 60x and 3600x and the circle of 360x which all play in the SOULARIS of the SOLAR STAR used in lottery for proof example and demonstration of model...spectacular and relative also to the 6 godz and the SOLAR FIELD or SOLARIS as sum total of the SUN thus this is the golden mean formula and the creation map but also the relative of BEYOND CREATION in the REAL UNIVERSIS which is our awareness of real being in its full sense, not just physical or perception or feeling, thus ALL IS...the godz are the sun saturn in our solar system and the galactic center, also the great attractor as number 1 or the REAL 0 empty heart of the creation black hole universal physical and dark matter creator...then also the MESSIAH or messier complex which is our local field of galaxies and we an include the andromeda as our galactic partner, acting as a kind of female bond pact or practioner of unity within our solar field all sounds complicated but really quite natural simple and basic ..the summation of each thing is an ISNISS ITSELF which is all things are in one, and the one in all, and each is itself, not within or without or within time space distance,..this paper by my five personas bodies panu gesus einsign hey paneaglesong peter adams see galactician blogspot
ALL THE SIGNS Who is Panu Gesus Einsign aka Hey Paneaglesong The namesake Peteoisis Marshallah Nustaradamus of 3 great astrologers THE STAR ROCK legend and the WILDSTOCK concert The 6 pointed star in the 60x SOL CHART The SOLARIS triple conjunct with Sun Solaris and GTC and the conjunct SOL / GAP 26 Sagittarius and 17 Gemini PANU’S 60’s decade progression SAGITTARIUS 19 to 26 Sagittarius The ANDROMEDAN CONNECTION and Betelguese opposite Galactic Center The Great Cross of the Uranus Chiron Jupiter Saturn The SOLAR CROSS of my Wife in PI-Seas the sign of the Cross THE NU NATIONS UNITED and the NU UNIVERSITIS How to build a NU Eco-nomy and Save the Pure NU NatUe PRESERVE the PLANET-URTH-Z and all NATURAL Environment
Friday, April 15, 2022
STAR DATE APRIL 15 NUSTRADAMUS 2022 Solar Scribe secrets of REAL Univers...
NU U U PRESENTATION the NU YU AM AH ALL EYE IS NUUAMALLISIS this is the seven sound or the seventh life level REALIZATION the REAL NU U U IS ALL IS NU NOW shared by HEY PANEAGLESONG sing the NU U U and watch your dream VISIONS WWWE WORLD WIDE WAKE UP CALL STAR DATE solunar gemini sunrise and DAY OF CANCARE CARING FOR THE UNIVERSE SOULAR IN 12 SCORPIO THE FIRST TRIAL OF HERCULES UNIVERSAL 18 AQUARIUS as the WINGED HORSE reaches for its freedom moon LIBRA in the ARCTURUS where we joyn the sea of UNIVERSAL spirits becoming aware of the social cultural milieu in its multi-universal sense and recognition of real love which is this ISNISS, not human divine or relation but true association with all life Through Scorpio 12, we might expect to find a sense of sovereign bearing... one is the example, the representative, the ambassador of a sense of independence. Or, we might find a sense of being in a foreign land, of not fitting in like a native son, yet carrying oneself with a dignity in accord to one's own homeland. Scorpio 12° "Beware your thief of the night." | Sabian ... Search domain sabiansymbologist.wordpress.com › 2021 › 10 › 27 › scorpio-12-an-embassy-ball Scorpio 12° An embassy ball This is a symbol of human imagination as the most effective corrective for man's allegiances, and of the social dramatizations which enable each person to know whether his over-all loyalties are bringing him the self-fulfillment to which he aspires.
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
STAR DATE Galactic Center i 27° 9'41" SOULAR 11 SCORPIO GALACTIC 17 AQUARIUS WHAT CAN WE BE A PART OF which makes sense with the REAL UNIVERSIS SUN 24 ARIES Aries 24 "Here is a great mystery." The Span of Examination Phase 24 Fire Element ° An open window and a net curtain blowing into a cornucopia REALUTION the reveal of the tru reality is the solution to the great mystery, entry into the real UNIVERSIS and recognition of the TRU REALITY LIFE IS This Star Date Moon in Virgo the SOLUNAR ARIA Aries and Heroes of the Universe SOULAR position in Scorpio 11 the TRIAL OF HERCULES what can you do to become the IS WHAT IS THE HIGHER RESPECT of our PASSION for Life and RELEASE of Burden WATER BEARER AQUARIUS rising with the WINGED HORSE PEGASUS into the REAL Universe Today the Sun at 24 Aries is an insightful dynamic of realization in the Individual forum. The Moon is Waxing to the full moon in 2 more days, gaining Light and gravity of Earth Aries in the Spring month of Hope, and the Virgo Moon of perfection, co-working health and education of the real Nature, Earth Pragmatism and elemental study of Life There is a TRIAL OF HERCULES with the Scorpio Soular 12 which is our heart of recognition going through transformation and dynamic transition to a more realized state The aquarius 18 Universal position is creating the most Aquiescent response to both the Universal position and our relative humanitarian and altruistic correspondence The three main position daily are the SUN, SOULAR and UNIVERSAL These are the 3 Universal Position degrees of the Sun, the degree of the Sun to the Galactic Center and the SOLARIS degree of the sum total of the Galactic Center. We have daily three positions to be aware of the 3rd dimensional world we live in This is the 9 total Universal positions corresponding to all 9 digits AS IT IS the SUN SOLAR AND UNIVERSAL, the 3 dimensions of the SUN 1x 360 and 3600x and the 3 GODZ of the GT Galactic GA Great Attractor and MI the Messier (Messiah) WILDSTOCK WOODSTOCK REMEMBER 50 YEARS ON video by PANEAGLESONG WWW.SOLROCKER.BLOGSPOT.COM and STAR DATE APRIL 13 MOON IN THE GEMMA conjunct MESSIER THE MESSIAH Go forth and multiply, You are the great SHEPHERD and Prescient of Nu Amer who IS The PRESCIENT and what is PRESCIENCE The real Prescient is the Living One, with all beings in all universIS all the time The Prescient of NU AMER is the one who recognizes the NU URTH in this CONTINENT that is the CONTINENCE and CONTINUITY in the NU World on the NU ARC here in the NU URTH Realm are 7 Continents of NU EU AMER PALU AMAZ ASAI AFRI These are nations united NU in themselves continents and world zones All the Prescient is the One AWARE of these and ALL IS, that all EXISTS of itself, freely, clearly, purely and each is of the ALL IS, the REAL UNIVERSIS, and here now in this URTH Tru Reality The Prescient is here to share this REAL AWARENESS and make it real for ALL who will recognize Like the spice of Dune, the Mu-Ad-Dib is the living one or PRESCIENT who is AWARE NUETRON BANK and the SOLAR STAR LOTTERY PROJECT This is a viable beneficial altruism non-interest banking sharing project which will include Star Lottery and BINGO-LOT and STAR DATE presents NUETICS all on with the NU Urth NUMan with the NU UNIVERSITIS
WILDSTOCK WOODSTOCK50 “All the videos, songs, images, and graphics used in the video belong to their respective owners and I or this channel does not claim any right over them. FREEDOM PEACE LOVE MUSIC NATURE ENVIRONMENT CONCERTS FESTIVALS GREAT SONGS PANEAGLESONG FREESEUM GARDEDEN SOLARIUM MAGNOLIA TRAIL See all the Star Rock Videos Wildstock shows STAR ROCK legend Apocalypse Armegeddon
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
APRIL 5 STAR DATE SUN SABIAN 16 ARIES Spirit healing Inspiration: We know little of how much unseen entities and spirits help us during our time of rest. Today: Consider this: Brownies… those spirits of other dimensional reality who do love to help out so much… dance in order to shift and balance our energy... MOON gemini CONJUNCT ALDEBERAN STAR of the Brand New Idea or Branded humanity underneath or raising the hidden universal mind awareness Gemini is time of travel plans communications education mobility understanding intelligence or diction, learning and activities or media SOULAR LIBRA day of peace beauty partnerships and the Messiah connection with ALL social or interpersonal relationships and group involvementEvening SCORPIO and transitions transformations or trials of Hercules in the personal becoming more universalSoular galactic is 7 scorpio BRINGING HIDDEN THINGS TO LIGHT generally a time of transformation and conflict or remonstration and Universal is 13 aquarius A BAROMETER or WATER METER..A barometer This is a symbol of man's great love (UNIVERSALITY) for living his experience in advance, (SOLAR ADVANCEMENTS) and of his gift for meeting every possible contingency by an effective estimation of his own potentials.(SHARING WHAT IT IS WE KNOW)
Monday, April 4, 2022
STAR DATE April 4 SOLAR SCRIBE II You'R in Heaven Now
STAR DATE april 4 2022 with HEAVEN NOW lyrics
PANEAGLESONG The One Universal
SOLUNAR in libra generally the heart of love and good will peace and sanctuary PARTNERING
SOULAR scorpio the dragon transformation and trial of Hercules
UNIVERSAL Aquarius Finding our water bearer and being humanitarian altruistic and progressive THE WINGED HORSE approaches Heaven AWARENESS of the universal field OF SOLAR LIGHT
The SUN 16 ARIES : Spirit healing ...We know little of how much unseen entities and spirits help us during our time of rest. Today: Consider this: Brownies… those spirits of other dimensional reality who do love to help out so much… dance in order to shift and balance our
Moon in Taurus conjunct ALGOL
fixed triple star indicating the three headed monster god the good bad and ugly
Algol is near the foot of Orion (centaurs feet) or the negative pole of the Hunter
Being under the control of negative force, manipulated or denigration and control domination
What happened to johnny cash and Hank Williams
where is prince tom petty and john lennon
they're in Heaven and heaven is here
Now don't ever leave, your real awareness is real
your in the eternal and its always now here
Lyrics for second paneaglesong "Corona Virus FEAR ( in key of Jesus minor)
Walking into the fear and taken off the streets eliminate your meetings
take away your free voicing and you don't know what to say
don't know what they mean and if you follow to understand
your not listening to anything but they're games on TV Screens
got to find your own way out to see what really you've got
Got to try to reach out......and you can be bleeding ALL
Got to stay on your feet behind closed doors watching the TV store
They've taken it all under control, the Reptile Alien landlords
goggley maninsanto mersick and awake all night trying to figure it out
lost spiritual freedom religion only serving they're believing
and all there deceiving eternal speaking what they're grief is
for following the leader and Mr Trumpeter
Peter pan got lost in fantasy land and all you cannot see is on hand
Don't shake the hand of the Rich Ellen D tinkerbell or Bill Gates of Hell
and Captain Tom Hanks locked in the same reality
the prison chain and natural environment is only down the way
poisons are here nothing left but your own channel of fears
you'r taking away to your tears
and all the streets and chemical trail treason in the air
and nothing left but rats cuts and boils with the poisoned seals
taken down and keep believing in they're religions and he's Just G-sus here
coming back saying I cant help you here
and if you will will do NU U U
you will use the REAL AWARENESS and you will see...
you will BE and free true Pure and real in the eternal here
nothing more you will need and you will be You'R ALL
virus FEAR or FREEDOM Keep Being Real
Sunday, April 3, 2022
STAR DATE APRIL 3 NU Arc symphony All verse 6.10
THE SEVEN SECRETS SOLAR POINTS..alpha beta chi delta gamma epsilon phi...we have 5 bodies at seven live levels including relative mind body emotions causal and solar body..the 7 geometry's are the symbols for these seven including the circle square star triangle and star of david and star diamond . these are also each 3 sums of the 3 harmonics of the sun at 1x 60x and 3600x and the circle of 360x which all play in the SOULARIS of the SOLAR STAR used in lottery for proof example and demonstration of model...spectacular and relative also to the 6 godz and the SOLAR FIELD or SOLARIS as sum total of the SUN thus this is the golden mean formula and the creation map but also the relative of BEYOND CREATION in the REAL UNIVERSIS which is our awareness of real being in its full sense, not just physical or perception or feeling, thus ALL IS...the godz are the sun saturn in our solar system and the galactic center, also the great attractor as number 1 or the REAL 0 empty heart of the creation black hole universal physical and dark matter creator...then also the MESSIAH or messier complex which is our local field of galaxies and we an include the andromeda as our galactic partner, acting as a kind of female bond pact or practioner of unity within our solar field all sounds complicated but really quite natural simple and basic ..the summation of each thing is an ISNISS ITSELF which is all things are in one, and the one in all, and each is itself, not within or without or within time space distance,..this paper by my five personas bodies panu gesus einsign hey paneaglesong peter adams see galactician blogspot THE MAJOR UNIVERSAL SOULAR ASPECTS OF EARLY APRIL 2022 Mini semi-circle at 28 DEGREE triunial aspect (scorpio-sag-capricorn) GT physical dimension GPA third dimension GP and midpoint with Pluto Pluto Capricorn is the institution of the dark lord world business control order The Sagittarius is the Universal freedom and expansion of consciousness The Scorpio is the control Algol (algorithym of the simulated URTH reality) Stuck between a rock and a hard place is man in the lower realms learning our way out of the control matrix mind code genome manipulation alienation Square URANUS Semi Chiron over sextile or square USA SUN and quincunx or chiron opposite USA SATURN WAR IN UKRAINE and ULTERIOR ECONOMIC CONTROL MONOPOLY Saturn Aquarius trine USA mars and semi Neptune Neptune Jupiter conjunct opposite USA Neptune The PANEAGLE SOLAR GALACTICIAN 7 LIFE LEVELS AND MY 5 SOLAR POSITIONS THE PANU GEJUS EINSIGN and PETERISIS MARSHALLAH NUSTARADAMS I am Peter Adams (physical) Hey paneaglesong (eagle heart) and PaNu/GesIS (3D Causal) Psiensign (Psi-Chi Mental 4D) and ZOLAR (Soularis) Star 5D I am PANU-U AH-NAM-ALL-IS “T’here is one and it’s true reality life IS” The LIVING ONE on 7th level SOLAR life level and the Ophiuchus wounded healer ChirUS Sage Universal navigator Acapellan of the NU UNiverSIS Home is the Freeseum music studio SOLARIUM observatory museum Floriva Magnolia trail and Gardeden Blue Pott Spring park STAR DATE April 3, 2022 GTC 7 scorpio GTU 13 aquarius GPA 26 Scorpio conjunct ALGOL 254 136 240 = 630 = SOLIS GA 26 sagittarius #b *Galactic Center i 27° 9'37" 2 0" 5°36'36" S 29° 0'59 Great Attractor i 14°15'56" 1 A Sun a 14°19'45" 5 59' 9" 0° 0' 0" S 5°38'58" N B Moon b 17°46'34" 6 12°18'10" 0°27'59" S 16°40'57" N STAR DATE SIGNS APRIL 3 Solunar LEO the golden bear AT play in the fields (heavens) of the LORD Sun 15 Aries sabian Theme: Inter-dependence Inspiration: All the entities of reality exist interdependently; all life is found within a grain of sand. Today: Excellent day to re-align with core identity, with who you really are, with what it is you deeply desire AN INDIAN WEAVING A BLANKET Moon Taurus in the Camelephant Soular galactic 7 Scorpio BRINGING HIDDEN THINGS TO LIGHT The formula is: sustaining-ideal-universal-specializing-social-sensitive. Dr. Marc Edmund Jones provides the official meaning of this Sabian symbol in his work, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology: This is a symbol of the absolute integrity Universal 13 Aquarius MOVE YOUR WINGS SO I CAN SEE A barometer This is a symbol of man's great love for living his experience in advance, and of his gift for meeting every possible contingency by an effective estimation of his own potentials
Saturday, April 2, 2022
Friday, April 1, 2022
STAR DATE APRIL 1 FOOL'S GOLD OVER THE RAINBOW If you find yourself wishing on a STAR or hoping for a golden sun MUSIC become the star and shine like the SUN You are a being of light Somewhere over the Rainbow acoustic electric NU Arc by paneaglesong SABIAN 13 aries BOMBS THAT FAIL TO EXPLODE A bomb that has failed to explode is now safely hidden from discovery. symbol: A bright steel cross-sword with a handle of gleaming copper, above it a heart of gold from which stream shafts of golden light. THE SOLUNAR PISCES WHALE with Neptune life i n the Ocean, the MIGRATION OF BIRDS WHALES heading towards the North Star SOLUNAR aries EVENING sunset of the Hero activism and Personal independence Becoming part of the REAL NATURE and expressing this Real nature enthusiastically Moon in Aries in the HERO REVOLUTIONIZE every activity with purposefulness Don't let traditions old ideas and outdated religion or social institutions get in your way or impede your progress... STAR DATE 709.8.36 SUN 11 ar 49'28" Saturday will begin with the Taurus conjunct Uranus JOYN THE REAL NATURE ENVIRONMENT unexpected but realistic and unique universal science ideas integrations Seeing the true Realm, the real NU Urth in the Real UniversIS The UNIVERSAL 13 Aquarius THE GOLD EAGLE...MOVES YOUR WINGS SO I CAN SEE symbol of man's great love for living his experience in advance, and of his gift for meeting every possible contingency by an effective estimation of his own potentials. Aquarius is the Water Bearer, a man or woman bent down on one knee holding an upturned urn on one shoulder. The vessel is open at both ends. Aquarian mind focuses universal energy in such a powerful way that it manifests in the solid form of water, which flows into the collective life stream as Grace and Love as shared by THE GOLD EAGLE message of aquarius Greetings Courageous Rainbow Tribe of the New Edenic Conscious Co-Creation InSpiritus Today is Now Day 8 of 10 Galactic Activations portals in a row. We have 2 more days until we traverse through the Omega Portal to free consciousness from all false timeloops and negative programming of all nefarious projections. Solaris is projecting and transmitting the highest codes and frequencies to assist Gaia And all her children in this Great Ascension and Awakening Process. We enter Galactic signature Kin 153 Red Planetary Skywalker as we walk the Heavenly skies as the Red Phoenix rising from the ashes of the old to Bridge the Energy of the New while remembering the lessons of our Journeys. We balance both worlds, internally and externall
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