Wednesday, April 13, 2022


STAR DATE Galactic Center i 27° 9'41" SOULAR 11 SCORPIO GALACTIC 17 AQUARIUS WHAT CAN WE BE A PART OF which makes sense with the REAL UNIVERSIS SUN 24 ARIES Aries 24 "Here is a great mystery." The Span of Examination Phase 24 Fire Element ° An open window and a net curtain blowing into a cornucopia REALUTION the reveal of the tru reality is the solution to the great mystery, entry into the real UNIVERSIS and recognition of the TRU REALITY LIFE IS This Star Date Moon in Virgo the SOLUNAR ARIA Aries and Heroes of the Universe SOULAR position in Scorpio 11 the TRIAL OF HERCULES what can you do to become the IS WHAT IS THE HIGHER RESPECT of our PASSION for Life and RELEASE of Burden WATER BEARER AQUARIUS rising with the WINGED HORSE PEGASUS into the REAL Universe Today the Sun at 24 Aries is an insightful dynamic of realization in the Individual forum. The Moon is Waxing to the full moon in 2 more days, gaining Light and gravity of Earth Aries in the Spring month of Hope, and the Virgo Moon of perfection, co-working health and education of the real Nature, Earth Pragmatism and elemental study of Life There is a TRIAL OF HERCULES with the Scorpio Soular 12 which is our heart of recognition going through transformation and dynamic transition to a more realized state The aquarius 18 Universal position is creating the most Aquiescent response to both the Universal position and our relative humanitarian and altruistic correspondence The three main position daily are the SUN, SOULAR and UNIVERSAL These are the 3 Universal Position degrees of the Sun, the degree of the Sun to the Galactic Center and the SOLARIS degree of the sum total of the Galactic Center. We have daily three positions to be aware of the 3rd dimensional world we live in This is the 9 total Universal positions corresponding to all 9 digits AS IT IS the SUN SOLAR AND UNIVERSAL, the 3 dimensions of the SUN 1x 360 and 3600x and the 3 GODZ of the GT Galactic GA Great Attractor and MI the Messier (Messiah) WILDSTOCK WOODSTOCK REMEMBER 50 YEARS ON video by PANEAGLESONG WWW.SOLROCKER.BLOGSPOT.COM and STAR DATE APRIL 13 MOON IN THE GEMMA conjunct MESSIER THE MESSIAH Go forth and multiply, You are the great SHEPHERD and Prescient of Nu Amer who IS The PRESCIENT and what is PRESCIENCE The real Prescient is the Living One, with all beings in all universIS all the time The Prescient of NU AMER is the one who recognizes the NU URTH in this CONTINENT that is the CONTINENCE and CONTINUITY in the NU World on the NU ARC here in the NU URTH Realm are 7 Continents of NU EU AMER PALU AMAZ ASAI AFRI These are nations united NU in themselves continents and world zones All the Prescient is the One AWARE of these and ALL IS, that all EXISTS of itself, freely, clearly, purely and each is of the ALL IS, the REAL UNIVERSIS, and here now in this URTH Tru Reality The Prescient is here to share this REAL AWARENESS and make it real for ALL who will recognize Like the spice of Dune, the Mu-Ad-Dib is the living one or PRESCIENT who is AWARE NUETRON BANK and the SOLAR STAR LOTTERY PROJECT This is a viable beneficial altruism non-interest banking sharing project which will include Star Lottery and BINGO-LOT and STAR DATE presents NUETICS all on with the NU Urth NUMan with the NU UNIVERSITIS
WILDSTOCK WOODSTOCK50 “All the videos, songs, images, and graphics used in the video belong to their respective owners and I or this channel does not claim any right over them. FREEDOM PEACE LOVE MUSIC NATURE ENVIRONMENT CONCERTS FESTIVALS GREAT SONGS PANEAGLESONG FREESEUM GARDEDEN SOLARIUM MAGNOLIA TRAIL See all the Star Rock Videos Wildstock shows STAR ROCK legend Apocalypse Armegeddon

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