Sunday, May 8, 2022


STAR DATE MAY 8 THE NU UNUVUERSAL URTH The SEVEN DAILY SIGN POSITIONS OF THE SOLAR UNIVERSAL ZODIAC SUN 19 TAURUS MOON LEO THE GOLDEN BEAR SOLUNAR ARIES THE HERO SOULAR 21 SCORPIO UNIVERSALIS SUN 27 AQUARIUS the SOLAR KING (SOLARIS OF GTC in 3D) GOD-IS LIBRA 27 (SOLARIS OF THE GTC-4D) MIDDAY 18 TAURUS SOLUNAR 15 ARIES GODIS 15/16 LIBRA MOON 13 LEO DAY MOVEMENT GODIS 4 libra to 27 libra GODIS is the SIGN Moon 7 leo to 20 leo SOLUNAR 0 aries 11am to 0 Taurus 11pm The moon is in one SOLAR sign per day and the GODIS is in 2 SOLAR signs per day The SOLUNAR is in 2 SUN SIGNS PER DAY MAY 8 THE UNIVERSALIS is at 27 AQUARIUS conjunct the USA MOON ANNOUNCING THE NU SOLASTRY (REAL SOLAR UNIVERSAL SUN DATE) AND THE SOLAR ASTROLOGY OF THE NU AEGIS On this day in AMERICA is the ANNOUNCEMENT of the NU AEGIS In FLORIVA Magnolia trail and ADAMIS Blue Pott Springs From our GARDEDEN SOLARIUM FREESEUM garden observatory studio And this INTRODUCTION to the NU STAR of the SOULAR ASTROLOGY (SOLARIS) WE LIVE on NU URTH in the NU UNIVERSIS IF WE RECOGNIZE THE TRUE REALITY LIFE IS THIS is our REAL UNIVERSAL POSITIONING How can we get over the 3D LIMITED ALIENATED REPTALIEN MONO-POLITIC SPACE GOD LAW The SOULAR adventure of THE UNIVERSAL NUMAN Getting over the BIPED BI-POLAR MONO-CHROM-ADDICT Hypno-graphic (ONE ROUND WORLD VIEW) NOT to end the creation view or the natural world existence or our one world reality of Earth Humanity AS we MAY combine the VIEW of the ONE ROUND WORLD and the TRU FALTY TOWER Flat Earth Round ENTER the TRU UNIVERSAL REALM of the DISC-OGRAPHY of this UNIVERSAL URTH It will take 3 years for this UNIVERSAL SOCIAL CONTRACT to become an apparent reality Even as the WORLD CONTROLERS also SEEK to manifest their Agenda of HUMAN DOMINION of URTH THE AMERIGINAL MANIFESTO APPENDUM : How we become Universal Humanity of the Original Real People It is not that we disapprove of government business religion or education or science or economic-politic But we do not agree to or support WAR WAGING or 3D life world WAGERING In USE of media resource control finance or weapons of medicine machinery chemicals and people by WMD’s (weapons of media drugs money) and EMPTY (Electronic Money Politic Tech (Terrorism) and ENSLAVEMENT (Corporate domination) and SELF (Self-indulgent self-imposed self-convinced) ELF (Errorism by Legal lawyer fail-safe Folly) We simply do not approve and do not agree to the policy or practice of such DIS-HUMANITY or UN-NATURAL activity or the covert and overt exercise of TECH and AI artificial imposed intelligence as WE at L.E.A.R.N (Living Educative Arts of Real Nature) TO SHARE These truths which appear to be self-evident and without agenda or control manipulation of any kind 3 BODIES THE SUN SOULAR AND UNIVERSAL SUN BODY is the SOLAR SYSTEM MOON body is the ORBIT of Physical Earth SOLUNAR is the Orbit of the Soular Plane (emotion and heart of Urth) The SOULAR is the light body or real body of the Planet and all People The Universal body is the REAL SOLARIS or whoe body of REALITY These are the AGENCY of NUMAN beings in this REALM The True Universal REALM is this combined whole URTH as a Unuvursal member planet or world URTH is the name for our multi-dimensional body in this TRU REALM The world is not a realm or a space time dimensia or any more than a hypnographic hologram projection This being so, we must be able to identity it for its limitation and reference them for our PROJECTION TO BECOME AWARE of the TRU REALITY and our TRU REALM of which we are never apart Here is but the One and it’s Tru reality LIFE IS

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