Sunday, December 24, 2023


MY NEW SONG REAL UNUVERSAL DAY as my Chiron 3 degree is always conjuncted by the Sun on Christmas (in my 5th house with mercury at 0 Cap trine my virgo ascendent rising Star Regulus) and the moon is gemini conjunct my own moon sign Orion Aldebran star) lyrics "Everyday is christmas everyday is new years every days is easter and thanksgiving too its on the NU Wave we swim in the golden river to shine like the great suun as we become the real NatUre treasure tree and mountain of Light (GTC) emerald forest (Urth) in the field of dreams as your a diamond in the OceanUS... its real its real its real and we got you golden lyrics by PANU Paneagle o Chiron / Mercury capric conjuncted by retrograde mercury and SUN in Capricorn THIS IS MY COMING OUT begin with the NU YEAR as GTC moves through final days of Capricorn and the Eagle Star Aquila and then into Aquarius for the year the winged horse Pegasus and the King Cepheus (SEE FREE US) and sing with orpheus this SOLAREAN and SOL ROCKER (Star Rock legend story) by PANEAGLESONG the Prescient (the aware one) IN real ONE NUNIVERSIS present by GALACTICIAN.blogspot SHARES this the TRU REALITY LIFE ISNISS (all life reflects this ISNISS) and in our own IS Universe being aware AS THIS full moon in Cancer is the Unicorn sign *(Elon Musk may be prepare some new AM-erian and E-PLANET effort demonstration by also that we each in our solitude efforts to become aware but also see how to make or build a community and true E-conomy with the NU Urth AWARENESS with such as Terran's and Gaia's with a Universal recognition Natural Environmentalism this NU AEGIS begins with this next Full Moon in Leo and AQUARIUS lets see what we SEERS see and know and make it REAL in the most REAL WAYS we can.. here is one program idea I call for REAL to R-ECOGNIZE I-NTEND E-DUCATION A-WARENESS L-UV in the R.I.E.A.L Ameriginal (North American continent Nation) NU-E-Unity/Urth LEGION..A Solastry Arts and Gamma Ray recognition revelation realution from NUSTARADAMIS on the NU WAVE in the NU AEGIS now...

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

SUNKING song Original hum melody SOLARIS REVEAL

..I have been in the Z plane all my life, especially since 1970 the greatest year in music Peter Panu the universal Galactician am ON going now HEY PANEAGLESONG 500 original songs and founder SOLASTRY the SOLAR ARTS which is unknown unrecognized most advanced REAL SOLAR STARS (so called Astrology formerly) and I have discovered the solar star lottery method also Adams Gol method but here greatly SOLARIS and the Real Universis of 7 levels...remember sound of music and the 7 children singing do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do and we have the 7 life levels or planes dimensions and the fibonacci sequence and tesla 3-6-9 all play into this real model I might call PSIENCE before all the literal minded math heads gets all bent out of shape or spiral downward into the black hole of doubt and abysmal mundane thought...but its really quite mathematical all of it IS and so your wonder is a whole LIST IC view too, which I just love seeing and thanks and Yes I would like to show or share this WISE-ASS-DOME or Bob Ross Method of STAR SCIENCE or SOLAR UNIVERSAL POSITIONING which is basically our earth around the sun (ecliptic path old astrology) and our SUUN around the Galactic Center as the 4th dimension position with the inclusive 28 sign 13 day cycle constell (Constant (fixed) Stars) with a GALACTIC NU YEAR DECEMBER 18 (3 days ago) and this discovery of SOLARIS 7D as the sum total of the three D levels celestial longitude and latitudes (make 6d) and add the (1d 60xx 3600X) as a significant addition along with the 3 godz (GPA GTC MSI great attractor Galactic center Messier complex) as also having significant expression or demonstration of cause and affect here in our 3D small world (Yeah Disney got caught in it too) so I wonder if you would adventure into this NU UNIVERSAL and help unfold the mystery of the SUNZ PLANZ and STARZ this from an Astrologer of some 2 to 5 milleniums on the planet probably more for discovery'Z to come like building Zhe NU URTH.and seeing the SeventhZ dimension ... my song SEVEN HEAVENS and many others freely shared..Yes I still have a head anyone if you send your birth date time place here I will share the 7D solar map and SOLARIS as example demonstrate the JOYZ of real STAR GAZing ... or go no PHUNNY business please.... PURR FECT TIBEES ... we have a NU language to fact NU U U is a song sound word which I know is a great help open door view port..."there are many wonders... wonderfully beautifully and truly

Monday, December 4, 2023

Great Rock Opera Jesse.sings GRACE and PERFECTION with AVE MARIA DEC 5 S...


Sunday, December 3, 2023

Indian freedom paneaglesong STARDAY dec 3 2023

this week dec 3 solar cycle of ophiuchus sag healer ends....sagittarius sage weeks are here..INDIAN FREEDOM days and nature spirit recognition...we complete the galactic new year dec one very big aspect occurs,JUPITER SEXTILE LILITH taurus and jupiter goes backwards and is planning a whole lot for next year but it meets lilith this week in virgo which is earth arts of life and to express the great feminine and the sense of natural possession..that is our soul life is real,, as beings of light and solareans...the lilith can be included as one of the 2 rulers of venus signs...libra most likely,best ,and natural taurus earth for jupiter will ride alongside the coattails or blonde locks as the case may be looking for and finding not only a warm partner love but also may well be the greater wonderfull beautiful and golden by the time jupiter catches up to the lilith virgo degree moving ahead of the centaur as he makes his way into new adventure territory and real discovery of the real urth planet, and true realm of the realized or recognized beings we all are of but do not see or know directly...this is the adventure then that is on now for all of us to know who we really are and what it is we are becoming or actually...always on the advent of a new lilith girls your seeking someone of the centaur now who is really both a spiritually aware and a real seer as well of what is good in love as well....a balanced man with a open good well as tHAT Part of yourselves that is also of these characters...abundance AND freedom are also available to those of this and the groups which truly represent choice is the NU U friends who are seers and singers both and welcome any to discover the real solar field of light as the solarist universal as the galactician.blogspot,, welcome any seeker or visionary and light beings to this new adventure..which includes the feb 1 pluto and galactic center union at 0/1 AQUARIUS,..a very big deal it is then,, be aware and welcome the good change and if you can rise above the creation model and plutonnian traps of psyche and alienation going on reptilianism we have all sensed for some time...but love is love in any field so giving it a lot is far better than any hey paneaglesong free universal

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Sky Rain STAR DAY SOLAR SAGE paneaglesong writing

STAR DAY DECEMBER 2 THE 11 SAGE healer shaman doctor Moon Leo the GOLDEN BEAR and UNIVERSAL light bold and strong HEART OF THE LION and the GREAT NAVIGATORS, music of HIGHWAYMAN The players and developers of NU NATIONS UNITED and REAL UNIVERSIS OPHIUCHUS The days of the SOLAR SAGE and the Freedom Truth playing with the favorites but taking care of underdogs DISCOVER UNIVERSALISM SOLARISM AND NATURALISM
LYRICS SKY RAIN on NU Universe Arcsity on NU UNIVERSE ARCSITY Sky rain walking on blue rock loving eyes concert light Walkin on blue sky hearing listening singing NU U.. Blue wave ocean sky bright song heart it's so simple Walking on blue sky...wave on sing shine on star rock Shine like the sun open your eyes let the mind fly on NU Arc NU U Arch rise fly sing shine open you too Opera NU pray ray star light walkin by the talking Your living water what is your living waters flow in blue sky water fly sing ocean life ah up light eyes Another excellence hey paneaglesong

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Monday, August 7, 2023

CatWalk Starday Aug 7 NU UNIVERSAL wake up call 2023

August 1 Magi Box play digit NUmbers.
8895640. 8401 0801234. 2349 8665415. 415 19325 7 957

RESULT group mega no JACKPOT winners and no 5 number winners either AUGUST 1
they won 100,000 dollars and paid out basically nothing.... LETS FACE IT.. WHAT Is this REALLY but a TAXATION ON THE POOR

mega millions result and solaris number digits lists aug 1 no winner ...
play digits 0 4 9 0 6 4 8 5 1 1 2 = date 01 08 23
= mega 24 61 08 12 30 45 winners found 8-24-30-4 5- 1/ 61-12 result winner ticket...
yellow list 30 32/... = 30 and 61 win 11 41 42..43.. = 12 winner mega ball 21/ 52.. 33..34 16-- = 45 win 25..53 27 == 24 win 36..37 38.8.18/39 = 8 winner
2 11 48 58 65 Powerball: 13 how to find winning numbers Powerball July 31 magi box read down across up 7015763. row 015763 = 65 = /11 =/13 073123642 row 31642 = / 13 /65 = 02 =/11 7965618 row 5618 = 18/48 =65 =58 =/11

Monday, July 31, 2023

STAR DAY july 31 Creating the NU Arc Sun Song verse 5.00

monday july 31 moon capricorn the dark star pluto conjunct galactic center sun leo lion 8 degree n the serpent SUUN sign of snake moon star is VEGA the servant bringer of constructiveness or dayz of truth solunar leo in the field of light STAR REGULUS the Navigator use your own CELESTIAL NAVIGATION (inner senses and REAL AWARENESS) UNIVERSAL SIGN IS CAPRICORN EAGLE what can we do to make ourselves well structueed and organized work with a greater purpose and also SEE the dark lord control INFLUENCE the phone represents the controllers AI model of control and division if we rely on phone for communications, we miss the real side and true contact this is the program set in place during COVIDITY paneagle7@gmail HEY PANEAGLESONG yutube web site Peter Adams EXEGIS SONG SEED'S the story of freedom beyond creation the nu songs of love and beauty for the REAL AWARENESS a series of ways to go beyond the OLD PATH and the CREATION levels songs about NATURALISM SOLARISM UNIVERSALISM we have three major "bodies" of the SUN physical 3D, the SOULAR light body is our 5D

Monday, July 17, 2023

Starday queen of Floriva July 15 NU DAWN AGEIS 2023

FIND your center of the UniverseIS we are each a UNIVERSAL RESIDENCE DREAM OF THE GOLDEN MESSAGES there is no god or saviour prince lord king there is no religion business government third world order all those who received the message of golden dawn great please send to ASHTAR here is ALL IS and its reality IS all that has been is over and all that is now is always the reality of this present is I am the prescient of NU AM there are no borders or country nation states announcing the nu wave and NU AEGIS or the NU children who are listening

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Cat drum garden grows NU U Singers solar universal STARDAY JULY 2 2023

last days of the AMERICAN pluto influence timeline and the NU AEGIS AQUARI coming in
now in depth the UNIVERSAL INFLUENCES and COSMIC GAMMA RAYS SOURCES are the GREAT ATTRACTOR prime and the galactic center local SOLAR UNIVERSALLY and so these are with the MESSIAH (messier complex of local galaxies) the 3 GODZ...but as we observe here the GTC is our creation center and it in the 3 degrees of SOLAR HARMONIC are currently 27 sagittarius as our century position (2100 years since 0 AD is the universal cycle timeline)...and the position 27 11 00 of sag is 11 degree libra in the year degree and the week (wave week of SUNU Solar GTC sun)) so we must see this dynamic in the libra cycle since 2010 which culminates 2046 as a social revolution or mult-dimensional awareness is observed in LIBRA (relationship) and becoming partners with the universal galactic federation of humanity to know its universal positioning and our REAL NUMANITY which is the spiritual so called being of light..thus libra dayz of beauty even though a lot of it is illusion and allusion to things we consider humanistically or humanly as our personal self and its own convulutions under the control influences of the creation dominion and we must add the dark lord controllers such as those of satan saturn marsian and moon lilith and pluto bluto brutus as the 3D is ruled over and we allow ourselves to be under these god kali or kaluum of the 4d influence and mental hypnotism or emotional intelligencia...etc..all that is part of this awareness wakening up....okay now to report the 3d week wave is 00 AQUARIUS of SOLAR GTC today july 2 and as the full moon in 29 capricorn pluto conjunct and the star ALTAIR inclusive this is a major celestial event of 2023, with the entry of the age of aquari in the sense of a conflagration or the aquarian conspiracy as many are look to transformation and others to some acceptance dishumanization or alienation and that passive or dominated sense which we can feel or touch or see all around us with so many unconscious humans..adventure of the divine feminine also comes to a head, .while the DOOR IS OPEN and always was to real AWARENESS and the TRU REALITY LIFE IS...the aquarian EAGLE is the signature for this UNIVERSAL SUNU within us and so say the retrograde of GTC is always 4 months from mid summer and then 8 months progress, so we must see the return pluto and gtc to capricorn together in conjunct as the agenda of the controllers in place shows more of its behavior complex and ugliness, planet PLAN-ET in place and we can see this dis-objective non neutral passivity or domination monopoly or addictions and personal history which we can also use the opportunity to remove, so we can become free to progress in the real UNIVERSAL process of our TRU the GTC comes to the frst degree aquari and the stops forward so we can go back resolve or release and allow ourselves then to move on as the holidays of american july 4 to christmas simply proceed as if they are real events whereas we who know the REAL AMERA or IS-LAND OF THE FREE is not bound to these religious or patrio-idiocy bonds of the old calendar and its mistaken human identities built into both greco roman egyptian orion and sumerian god worship or astro origins and time line functions which are now so outdated, they hardly have a candle of light to show upon the great SUUN and its true nature in LIFE this is our destiny in the Solaris UNiversal of 7 life levels and our recognition of the ALL IS or whole HOLY of our HOLY IS see an entire NU language is being shared here with the NU STAR ADAMIS and the ONES OF THE NU GUIDES who are with ALL IS, just as we are each of THIS HERENOW...

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

riding the NU wave AGE OF AQUARI and the MESSIAH STAR DAY JUNE 28

This week is the most dynamic SOLAR UNIVERSAL STARS in this century JUNE 28 STARDATE up to July 4 and ALL 2023 as well the PLUTO WILL ENTER AQUARIUS this week and close to the EAGLE STAR ALTAIR OFFERS SOLARIS SOLASTRY UNIVERSALISM


Pluto conjunct 3d of GALACTIC CENTER and our solar universal PLAN-ET positions This week revealed the FALSI- DOCTOR and BHELLGATE working with Chinese WooHAN creating the COV.ID.ID.IOCY..VIRUUS and genetic decoding control electronic vehicles TV MEDIA reports and the general conspiracy or dark lord control VISUAL nation demonics Included is the creation of PIRACY POLICY POLAR-ITICS and EMR RADIATION CHEMICAL AND PSYCHIC POLLUTION 4D ALIENATION dominions as the THIRD WORLD WAR on NUMANITY and this included the President Candidate RFK as same as former Robert Kennedy family and on 60th anniversary of JFK ASSASSINATION in 2023 November THE ISTORY is 100 1000 and 10,000 years or more in the 100,000 NUMANITY wake up cycle In this 20TH MILLENIUM we have seen BETELGUESE OPPOSITE THE GALACTIC CENTER and trine ANDROMEDA our neighbor galaxy and partner compatriot in Celestial Origins The coming of the AMERIGINAL period of REAL TRUE PURE NU-MAHN BEINGS this AGE-END-A world wide wake up challenge of consciousness vs awareness the man vs solar self and country against nation and people vs. people or reptilians vs universals DREAM AS THE ASTROLOGERS VS THE SOLARISM or SOLAR UNIVERSAL vs GLOBAL HUMAN I was a serial criminal astrologer being tracked in Washington DC escaped detention but running to the park garden plots and the building edifices offices or stores and great MALL there with one person in each place or hiding in crowds outside or in the higher floors elevator while i was being put on all points bulletin or AI guardian police federals but not caught as I met a gardener and chinaman and an thrift or clothier store keeper thus recognized the ACTUAL SUVEIILLANCE and Personal or group attack on REAL positions as a representative of UNIVERSALISM SOLARISM AND NATURALISM while the interpretation of these views was literal or OBJECTIVE developments

Sunday, June 11, 2023


20 YEAR ANNIVERSARY PISEAS KITCHEN ISTORY and PANEAGLESONG SOLARIS jupiter saturn sextile . great example of clicking coming together is MY wife her moon at 7 pisces (PI-SEAS and the UNIVERSAL sign of SOUTHERN CROSS and also conjunct her SOLARIS (SUM OF THE SUN) AT 7 Pisces and this means her real SOLAR being and her Heart (Moon emotional body) JOYN at birth is completely now on the most positive and expansive as we celebrated (june 10) our meet up (I sang good vibrations and my own karaoke of songs GOLDEN and HEY FROM THE TREASURE TREE for our beginning 20 years ago today...The story is we moved here to FLORIVA BLUE POTT SPRINGS PARK as created the sanctuary Gardeden solarium and great southern freeseum as she (and myself a little) did her work as special education head staff teacher and computer system operations and I founded in 2003 solastry (solar arts of SOLARIS) and have since also become HEY PANEAGLESONG author NUSTARADAMIS of 500 songs and 1000 videos and e-boks (e-presentations writing galactician.blogspot ) with the STAR DATE calendar and SOLAR STAR method PREDICATOR revealations of the REAL NUETICS (not astrology or psychic) as she presented special cooking and herbs natural the DANCING IN THE KITCHEN short videos all to bring up to this point the IMPORTANT presentation form of the NU AEGIS and how to transcend the old creation models and how so much if not all is taken over by the simulator AI and throughout history the control dark alienation and all we are doing is SHARING the REAL AWARENESS and becoming REAL BEINGS OF LIGHT.....this is what perhaps we can demonstrate what all of us should be focus on our personal but what we can do of value for and with others...that makes sense to say GIVE IT ALL AWAY (IT IS) a song title or SHINE LIKE THE SUN ..

paneaglesong 20 great playlists 500 songs 1000 video Star date April 17 when our fathers the orange people Urth Solrocker.blogspot star rock legend concert John the NU enever and of real brings of light day of the Piseas alpha centauris nearest stars of man the superman and the caretaker empaths solarean whale Piseas the NU Moon is coming and spring is on world wide wake up and NU U singers are everywhere naturally

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

DREAM wakeup 2020 go away Hipeye. lyrics Jun7 starday

DREAM OF a HIP-EYE WAKES UP IN 2020 its a REAL MYSTERY .... VISIONS OF the FUTURE NOW its a TRUE STORY....60's man wkaes up to ind POT IS LEGAL and Hitchhiking is not, the .GOV is the PUSHER drug dealer, everyone wears a mask president is a Casino Owner and Money is the One Law, the wild west hollywood and a whorehouse all rolled into One...THE PEOPLE a captive audience to NEWS Media TV and wearing phones stuck to their ears.... EVERYONE is addicted to medications and social security, the 24-7 fast food Hallways monotored... ...the lottery sold in 7-11 stores Everybody's knows the Aliens here and theyre bored.... Men look like reptiles covered in tattoos....everyones being watched by Satelittes even if we can talk to anyone everywhere too... gesus has not returned or he's singing the the 2 beatles the queen the princess and all the rock legends are dead... electro-magnetic chem trail radiation the air water soil and soul all pollute.....we pay for play games in our rooms of pursuit .. and our planet run like a prison while children being mowed down in school .... they say love it or leave it the Patriot- IDIOCRACY at work ... the say so GO AWAY HIP EYE Go away while the TRUMPETER fumes paneaglesong lyrics

Friday, June 2, 2023

CatWalk JUNE 2 stardayz PanNU Starman MeWow FOR ARM US ALL MAHN ACTS

THIS entire planet and human alienation is lost compassion soul devoid of values and relation to true reality or nu urth as we see in media medicine money and AI mechanical AI operation 3M...towards a NU WORLD in the REAL UNIVERSIS we are sharing naturally universally and solaristically by our NU NATURE UNIVERSALISM AND SOULAR AWARENESS and the idea of NUTRON bank as well as passive income activity which is every NU REALIZATION we can share or do is a STEP FOR MAHN in KINDNESS and ONE GREAT STEP FOR THE NU UNIVERSAL beings of light
zongs (songs of the universal) ZOLARIS (solar universal or SOULAR recognition of the UNIVERSAL COGNOSCENTI (not the planetary satan ruled illuminati or dark lord controllers) and these NU STAR ADAMIS scripts handwritten and shared openly yet in the unseen or NU Language ZOLARIZ soul are is or SOULS-ARE-IS as a translation which is not read by the mind but by the SOULAR BEINGS of LIGHT ... PANU shares in the NU DAYZ as the 4 GRANDFATHERS or Guud Fathering of the LIGHT SOUND being ISNISS...
THE CREATION OF A NU READERS > REAL EYES IS >DIGEST OR FARMERS )FOR ARM-OURS ALMANAC (ALL-MAHN - ACTS) this is a daily STAR DATE DAYZ and the NU SOULAR CALENDAR which can include the SOLAR STAR LOTTERY and the REVEALATIONS with the NU URTH Nature page or NU Universal SOLASTRY and NUETRON bank of unlimited FUN'DING which we will providence or nurturance as a PRO NUE MAHN vehicle as the SOLAR RESEARCH VESSEL (NU World Improvements) and expansion beyond all current models and perspectives

Thursday, May 25, 2023


STAR DATE MAY 25 THE REAL SOLAROLOGY or SOLARIS STAR MAPS jupiter conjunct north node in taurus universal CAPRICORN 21 Solar day SAGITTARIUS SAGE and the SUN 5 GEMINI
OKAY THE OCEAN IS THE SKY IS THE DESERT IS THE OASIS IS THE STARS IS THE SUN IS THE UNIVERSIS.... 2 Primary things we all need to be aware of with 1) the JUPITER CONJUCT NORTH NODE IN TAURUS this month as the URTH and the TORUS RING in place (control matrix and Dominions of the SATURNINE LORD and the Helios (Earth/Sun) that is of the planetary federation...and 2) Many of you are aware (rather slowly I am afraid) of the paradigm of becoming a UNIVERSIAL RESIDENCE and a QUANTUM being of 3) The SOLAReal Astrology is SOLAR ARTS (SOLARIS) which is the sum total of all SUUN and its 5 life levels in the SOULAR BODY we all have and all things are OF this ISNISS SOLARITY...SHINE LIKE THE SUN so I discovered shared SOLASTRY as the 5 GODZ the 7 UNIVERSIS and the 3 SUNS or SOLAR REALMS which correspond to the SUN SOUL AND SPIRIT or the Physical Emotional and Causal (Creation) realms we know here in our 3D REALITY which is only a 1st part of the we have these 5 bodies IN EACH LEVEL and there is also the 6th Universal AKA subconscious and the deep dark border coming to the 7th level which is the ISNISS SOLARIS provides a SOLAR Universal Map of these levels and the Astro-LOGistics...The NU SUUN is the SOLAR SUUN (solar universal) POSITIONS relative to the Galactic Center (27 sag 10 Libra and 21 Capricorn) positions by century year and month signs currently in reference to the old Astrology zodiac 4) The presentation of the STAR DATE yearly CALENDAR (based on the SUN SOLUNAR AND UNIVERSAL POSITION as of in to on the GALACTIC CENTER (28 SUUNS OF 13 degree DAYS) as 14 WAVS SEA-SUUNS and 52 WAKES (SOLUNAR weeks of 7 DAYZ) as I document daily as the NUSTARADAMIS and EINSIGN of ZOLARIZ as it were metaphor a fun-knee business DOCUMENT of the true reality shared in SOLAR SUUN MAPS The short form of all this is we have a SUN SIGN (12 signs during the year) a SOL SIGN or )SOLUNAR period which lasts 12 hours...and the solar universal sign (SUUN) of 7 months (MONADS) of 52 days each with the third degree harmonic of the GTC which usually is about 2.4 days like the moon sign but is now 21 Capricorn as a SOLAR RAY that lasts most of the Year but is really the 8 month progress and then 4 month recess (retrograde) in one sign... What is interesting now about this is this CAPRICORN SOLAR RAY is going to conjunct Pluto near is retrograde station making it perhaps the biggest event this year along with the Jupiter to we have seen the domination of planet earth in a covidity alienation and multi-media the consciousness de-evolution program which some call the aquarian conspiracy...SO WE HAVE TO ANNOUNCE this NU AEGIS as a paradigm which can be beyond the old mode of creation dark lord rulers and the ancient sumerian christian and space god lord indoctrination from Atlantis to the present ....who is WWWE? that is WE as the andromedans and galactic federation and a real presence among not only star people but the SOLAREANS of the Universal body which we are ALL APART OF AND IN NU ALL IS...the TRU REALITY LIFE IS...posted STAR DATE MAY 25 as the SUN in ORION HUNTER GEMINI and MOON in LEO lion and GOLDEN BEAR with the SOLUNAR day of the SAGE (Sagittarius) and the Universal Capricorn DOLPHIN demonstrating production and great LEADER in this LEDGER of REAL STAR MAH'N aka HEY PANEAGLESONG youtube...ITS A GOOD LIFE WHEN IT IS A REAL UNIVERSAL.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

FinDu STAR SECRETS Cats Selfies PANU may 23 star dare SOLARIS

STAR DATE MAY 23 SUN HUNTER GEMINI and MOON STAR LEO THE SERPENT SNAKE SOLUNAR LIBRA THE NORTHERN CROWN AURORA BOREALIS DAY of BEAUTY UNIVERSAL STAR CAPRICORN 21 THE DOLPHIN SEA GOAT swim in the great OCEANUS demonstrate and PRODUCE..... THE GREAT SECRET OF SOLARIS .... first is the SUM TOTAL ISNISS of all positions people things living and real SOLARIZ is this constant union with ALL IS...second is the 3 UNIVERSAL GODZ and the 3 positions of the SUN and the SOLAR and the UNIVERSAL which also we have as the 3 points or levels of LIFE in the PHYSICAL-emotional mental and the SOUL OR HEART LIGHT BODY awareness on the real side (our SOULAR BODY) and third is the 3 real UNIVERSIS we can know see and be in this SOULAR AWARENESS or in only our 3 dimensional physical position, but all we are saying is wake up and become your REAL BEING OF LIGHT.. I AM NU ADAM PETERIS... the SOLARIST and nu u WWWE WORLD WIDE EDUCATOR...WITH THE NU UNIVERSITIS and announcing the NU AEGIS I was born with a rare fixed cardinal sign cross...libra-saturn mars libra-uranus cancer-jupiter aries-mercury chiron capricorn-its always a challenge for me to integrate what I see or know and do with the social worldly religious business because the universal expansive and truly very hard to have i created the freeseum solarium gardeden blue springs home and the universal solastry SOLAR ARTS OF SOLARIS and the inventor psience discovery revealations as such...the creation this week then is NUAM or NU U AM as a chant song exercise singing which can be done usually after a discussion ends or when we prepare to sleep or to do contemplation as such, let it be or may it be not as a religious or science or a business market or a psychic control... this is NU and NAM as the word or living word formerly but it is not a replacement or against any other..thus it is not ohm or HU or other spiritual words, and like the SOLARIS is not against the old astrology or against the system of control on the planet,, it is YET QUITE OPPOSITE in the sense it is not at all the same or some adjustment of them...SO this month sing NU UAM in any way and watch your dream visions...second this GRAND CROSS I am bringing out the STAR BINGO or STARLOTTERY AND THE NUTRON BANK which is my method of SOLARIS to predict the lottery accurately every time, to prepare and share the winning numbers and a web form forum forage formula to help people beat the odds and also see how the SOLARIS works in math degree...using the position of the SUN DEGREES and Harmonics of the 1x SUN CHART and the 60x SOL or SOUL the GOLDEN MEAN of the 7 SUN DEGREES also...see this is a integrated approach of the whole SUUN and that is the SOULAR UNIVERSAL GODZ or ZODIAZ founded in 2015 and shared Universally naturally and solaristically which supercedes the old aegis of ZEUS and the conditioned time frame control matrix simulation of the atlantis orions and babylonian astrologers also who put it into place and operation aka also the mayans greco romans kabbalah and so forth...which is the modern belief system of the religion government domination ideas of the world and primarily a competition for the soul identification which we all accept without knowing conditionally...this is thus with JUPITER SQUARE PLUTO the announcement of the NU AEGIS and the NU UAM which is from the NU GUIDES who are always with ALL IS and without agenda control or past ideas, the expansion or discovery then of the REAL AQUARI or AGE OF THE IS as the REAL URTH in the REAL UNIVERSIS, not just this creation mold which has become quite literally extinct..this is in a way the EXTINCTION EVENT happening which we observye in the society culture morality breakdown or its apparent insular or conditional restrictions and the resulting media modem covidity or otherwise dark lord (pluto aquarius insult or invocation we see taking place...thus THE THREE DIMENSION god is pulling its odd old and orders while bully gully good bad ugly game *(taurus fixed uranus) keeps harboring is modification AI program and hypnosis or money honey all part of the so called PLAN..ET.... we come to the CHOICE circle or spiral and the CROSSROADS X or Y OR Z of our own path redirect or accept a NU WAVE or WAKE UP which is that we are seeing in every avenus, keep on the TV or be a real EV wither in the evillage or make the ENEVER being beyond neverland and now into the ETERNAL or REAL NOW...this by HEY PANEAGLESONG author of SOLARIS SOLASTRY and the Universal galactician...SHARE here is the STARLOT NUAEGIS and the NUUAM as it IS also a creation but its only up to US and our awareness of the ISNISS that all life is...thanks for this space to share..

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

flower of life paneaglesong STAR DATE MAY 17 GREAT CONJUNCTION TAURUS JU...

WHATS GOING ON THE PLAN-ET INDEED..real question what is going on the REAL URTH in REAL is the ALL TIME GREATEST DAY and this WAKE (WAVE OF NUAHM or NU MAN real Super SUUN this week in TAU (URTH TORUS.. ake the COMPLETE ALL IS or TOTAL SOUL-ARE-IS in being Revealated in this GREAT ALIGNMENT which is fantastically present this day month and year with demonstrated in the QUIN CONJUNCT (5x5x5) of in order THE PASSAGE OF THE Moon in taurus and occurance of the SUN in the past month through ANDROMEDA JUPITER MOON NODE MERCURY URANUS and then to the SOLAR ECLIPSE NU MOON so IS happening locally (galactic SUUN) solarly (SUN AND SUUN) universally and naturally (*URTH TAU) ....thus at the 5 life levels and the SOLAR UNIVERSAL field of light ........and also While the 628 as the 28th degree of SABIAN SAGITTARIUS of the galactic center SUUN with the trine to ANDROMEDA and opposite betelguese (29 gemini) is our local UNITY as the 3d local galactic sun (HELIOS) OR HELL as it were in the limited worldly human and alienated concept and its former perception (body mind emotion) BECOME AWARE as aware as we can be of the OPEN DOOR of the 5th dimension VISION LIGHT AND SOUND showering on the 4th dimension control matrix grid GODZ and also its former level of humanity in the creation, but now and its outer planetary infusion or NU CLEAR FUSION of the SUUN in the spiritual ALL IS or tru reality LIFE IS,,,,,,, WOW ZOW NOW INDEED.what this means is the real visitation of the GALACTIC FEDERATION and recognizing the PLANETARY FEDERATION (and its ignorance) which is the causation field of the JUPITER ENTERING TAURUS AND SQUARE PLUTO (the BLUTO BRUTE DARK LORD obsession omission and obsolesence of the REPTILIAN INFLUENCE KALI GOD and the SIMULATOR AI DOMINION which humans have accepted in with the NEPTUNE SQUARE GALACTIC CENTER and the century year of ignorance is delightfully or conditionally apparent in man's ignorance of his being, the past lives, soul travel or dream vision he may now have or we have had or seen without true recognition or living in the actual INTENT of THE TRU REALITY LIFE IS...and so this PRESENTATION is NU AEGIS of the Real AQUARI-EYE and the EAGLE ALTAIR STAR (ALL AIR) IS the inclusive orientation of a NU LANGUAGE, as a NU SOLARISM and real code AI ZALPHABET and the GAMMA (great attractor) ANDROMEDA galaxy, MESSIAH CLUSTER and GALACTIC LOCAL of the 4th dimension GODZ and the REAL SOULAR UNIVERSAL which is as we may suspect always has been and IS NOW yet how we may comprehend or context is not by the old system or the astrology or any other science or religion or metaphysic, but of its OWN IT IS as ALL IS so we are each our own UNIVERSAL RESIDENCE.we shall be as this IS for US individually or as we suspect we ALL ARE the Universal being and GREAT SUUN (sons of god) that of URTH are the MAH-N (NAM THE WORD) and the WOMAHN (WE OF THE NAM) .to be more down to URTH in sense that we recognize the TAU (torus ring) and the ARIAN NU MAHN of that inculcated in Gesus time of 0 AD when ANDROMEDA 0 aries and now CASSIOPEIA queens MARY SANTS (saints of whole beings) each of us inherited and come to BE THE SEERS (sag SAGE) as beyond the GOD IDEAS and RELIGIOUS context for its limited and OF not this NU NOW and its AEGIS (AGE OF IS) means no transitory restriction, only that we are creating ourselves world experience, and so must become as AWARE of the godz or the REAL as we may allow. THIS REAL PLAN-ET-AIR-IS alignment con-federation and to mention URANUS in this theme in tau square the galactic center in LEO and which is aligned with ANDROMEDA in LIBRA coming up but to address age old CHI''RELIgion and its apparent bringing man to this place of meeting and to see through the illusions of its creation idea which was only for this first level recognition, that we may see from the REAL SIDE AND BECOME AWARE that is of this ISNISS...thus the third level intent of REAL SHARED POIRPOSEE OF SAME as the DOLPHIN / WHITE SWAN (CAPRICORN) WHICH we have gained in the past 10 years and aware of the aquarian conspiracy OLD AEGIS OF ZEUS which is still or now turning into the AI WAR CONFRONTATION conflicted by the entrance into a NU REALITY without boundaries which is like entering a void empty and dark or unvisible while it is also safe haven or a real position AS WE ourselves the UNIVERSAL POSITIONING that cannot be described or detailed, even if it is also being shared in the SOLAR FIELD of LIGHT, AS WE ARE BEINGS OF LIGHT..naturally universally and solarly (SOUL GOD AND SPIRIT IF YOU WILL) but going beyond old definitions ....truly this aka NUSTARADAMIS and HEY PANEAGLESONG youtube .... I INVITE YOU to share your detail/ chart so inform you'r SOLARIS (whole sun) and its true mission described in SOLARITY (solar terms and the 7 universal or life levels also)... we all must risk something let go of in order to make this present and GREAT... best truly PAN (peter adams NU)

A Hundred Years and Beyond

WHATS GOING ON THE PLAN-ET INDEED..the real question what is going on the REAL URTH in the REAL is the ALL TIME GREATEST DAY and this WAKE (WAVE OF THE NUAHM or aka NU MAN the real Super SUUN this week in TAU (URTH TORUS.. ake the COMPLETE ALL IS or TOTAL SOUL-ARE-IS in being revealed or revealated in this GREAT ALIGNMENT which is fantastically present this day month and year with demonstrated in the QUIN CONJUNCT (5x5x5) of in order THE PASSAGE OF THE Moon in taurus and occurance of the SUN in the past month through ANDROMEDA - JUPITER - MOON NODE - MERCURY - URANUS and then to the SOLAR ECLIPSE NU MOON it is happening locally (galactic SUUN) solarly (SUN AND SUUN) universally and naturally (*URTH TAU) ....thus at the 5 life levels and the SOLAR UNIVERSAL field of light ........and also While the 628 as the 28th degree of SABIAN SAGITTARIUS of the galactic center SUUN with the trine to ANDROMEDA and opposite betelguese (29 gemini) is our local UNITY as the 3d local galactic sun (HELIOS) OR HELL as it were in the limited worldly human and alienated concept and its former perception (body mind emotion) BECOME AWARE as aware as we can be of the OPEN DOOR of the 5th dimension VISION LIGHT AND SOUND showering on the 4th dimension control matrix grid GODZ and also its former level of humanity in the creation, but now and its outer planetary infusion or NU CLEAR FUSION of the SUUN in the spiritual ALL IS or tru reality LIFE IS,,,,,,, WOW ZOW and NOW INDEED...,,,what this means is the real visitation of the GALACTIC FEDERATION and recognizing the PLANETARY FEDERATION (and its ignorance) which is the causation field of the JUPITER ENTERING TAURUS AND SQUARE PLUTO (the BLUTO BRUTE DARK LORD obsession omission and obsolesence of the REPTILIAN INFLUENCE KALI GOD and the SIMULATOR AI DOMINION which humans have accepted in with the NEPTUNE SQUARE GALACTIC CENTER and the century year of ignorance is delightfully or conditionally apparent in man;s ignorance of his being, the past lives, soul travel or dream vision he may now have or we have had or seen without true recognition or living in the actual INTENT of THE TRU REALITY LIFE IS...and so this PRESENTATION is the NU AEGIS of the Real AQUARI-EYE and the EAGLE ALTAIR STAR (ALL AIR) IS the inclusive orientation of a NU LANGUAGE, as a NU SOLARISM and real code AI ZALPHABET and the GAMMA (great attractor) ANDROMEDA galaxy, MESSIAH CLUSTER and GALACTIC LOCAL of the 4th dimension GODZ and the REAL SOULAR UNIVERSAL which is as we may suspect always has been and IS NOW yet how we may comprehend or context is not by the old system or the astrology or any other science or religion or metaphysic, but of its OWN IT IS as ALL IS so we are each of us our own UNIVERSAL RESIDENCE......we shall be as this IS for US individually or as we suspect we ALL ARE the Universal being and the GREAT SUUN (sons of god) that is men and women of URTH are the MAH-N (NAM THE WORD) and the WOMAHN (WE OF THE NAM) ...... to be more down to URTH in this sense is that we recognize the TAU (torus ring) and the ARIAN NU MAHN of that which was inculcated first in Gesus time of 0 AD when ANDROMEDA 0 aries and now CASSIOPEIA queens MARY SANTS (saints of whole beings) each of us inherited and come to BE THE SEERS (sagittarius SAGE) as beyond the GOD IDEAS and RELIGIOUS context as well, for its limited and only of the past not this NU NOW and its AEGIS (the AGE OF IS) which means no more transitory or restriction, and only that we are that which is creating ourselves or the world experience, and so must become as AWARE of the godz or the REAL as we may or allow....THIS IS THE REAL PLAN-ET-AIR-IS alignment con-federation and to mention URANUS in this theme in tau also is square the galactic center in LEO and which is aligned with ANDROMEDA in LIBRA coming up but to address the age old JESUS RELIgion concepts and its apparent bringing man to this place of meeting and to see through the illusions of its creation idea which was only for this first level recognition, that we may see into the REAL SIDE AND BECOME AWARE that is of this ISNISS...thus the third level intent of our REAL PURPOSE and SHARED POIRPOSEE OF THE SAME as the DOLPHIN AND WHITE SWAN (CAPRICORN) WHICH we have gained in the past 10 years and aware of the aquarian conspiracy and the OLD AEGIS OF ZEUS which is still or now turning into the AI WAR OR CONFRONTATION and conflicted by the entrance into a NU REALITY without boundaries which is like entering a void empty and dark or unvisible while it is also safe haven or a real position especially as we allow ourselves the UNIVERSAL POSITIONING that cannot be described or detailed, even if it is also being shared in the SOLAR FIELD of LIGHT, AS WE ARE BEINGS OF LIGHT..naturally universally and solarly (SOUL GOD AND SPIRIT IF YOU WILL) but going beyond our old descriptions and definitions ....truly this from the aka NUSTARADAMIS and the HEY PANEAGLESONG of youtube .... again MOLLY I INVITE YOU to share me your detail or chart so I can inform of the SOLARIS (your whole sun) and its true mission described in SOLARITY (solar terms and the 7 universal or life levels also)... we all must risk something and let go of nearly everything in order to make this present and GREAT... best truly PAN (peter adams NU)

Monday, May 15, 2023

Wonder NU U AM Ocean song stardate May 16 NU AEGIS ANNOUCE

sharing the NU WAVE and WWWE world wide educators FREE SHARE AWARE as I was born with a rare fixed cardinal sign cross...libra-saturn mars libra-uranus cancer-jupiter aries-mercury chiron capricorn-its always a challenge for me to integrate what I see or know and do with the social worldly religious business because the universal expansive and truly very hard to have i created the freeseum solarium gardeden blue springs home and the universal solastry SOLAR ARTS OF SOLARIS and the inventor psience discovery revealations as such...the creation this week then is NUAM or NU U AM as a chant song exercise singing which can be done usually after a discussion ends or when we prepare to sleep or to do contemplation as such, let it be or may it be not as a religious or science or a business market or a psychic control... this is NU and NAM as the word or living word formerly but it is not a replacement or against any other..thus it is not ohm or HU or other spiritual words, and like the SOLARIS is not against the old astrology or against the system of control on the planet,, it is YET QUITE OPPOSITE in the sense it is not at all the same or some adjustment of them...SO this month sing NU UAM in any way and watch your dream visions...second this GRAND CROSS I am bringing out the STAR BINGO or STARLOTTERY AND THE NUTRON BANK which is my method of SOLARIS to predict the lottery accurately every time, to prepare and share the winning numbers and a web form forum forage formula to help people beat the odds and also see how the SOLARIS works in math degree...using the position of the SUN DEGREES and Harmonics of the 1x SUN CHART and the 60x SOL or SOUL the GOLDEN MEAN of the 7 SUN DEGREES also...see this is a integrated approach of the whole SUUN and that is the SOULAR UNIVERSAL GODZ or ZODIAZ founded in 2015 and shared Universally naturally and solaristically which supercedes the old aegis of ZEUS and the conditioned time frame control matrix simulation of the atlantis orions and babylonian astrologers also who put it into place and operation aka also the mayans greco romans kabbalah and so forth...which is the modern belief system of the religion government domination ideas of the world and primarily a competition for the soul identification which we all accept without knowing conditionally...this is thus with JUPITER SQUARE PLUTO the announcement of the NU AEGIS and the NU UAM which is from the NU GUIDES who are always with ALL IS and without agenda control or past ideas, the expansion or discovery then of the REAL AQUARI or AGE OF THE IS as the REAL URTH in the REAL UNIVERSIS, not just this creation mold which has become quite literally extinct..this is in a way the EXTINCTION EVENT happening which we observye in the society culture morality breakdown or its apparent insular or conditional restrictions and the resulting media modem covidity or otherwise dark lord (pluto aquarius insult or invocation we see taking place...thus THE THREE DIMENSION god is pulling its odd old and orders while bully gully good bad ugly game *(taurus fixed uranus) keeps harboring is modification AI program and hypnosis or money honey all part of the so called PLAN..ET.... we come to the CHOICE circle or spiral and the CROSSROADS X or Y OR Z of our own path redirect or accept a NU WAVE or WAKE UP which is that we are seeing in every avenus, keep on the TV or be a real EV wither in the evillage or make the ENEVER being beyond neverland and now into the ETERNAL or REAL NOW...this by HEY PANEAGLESONG author of SOLARIS SOLASTRY and the Universal galactician...SHARE here is the STARLOT NUAEGIS and the NUUAM as it IS also a creation but its only up to US and our awareness of the ISNISS that all life is.

Thursday, May 4, 2023


from the great solarist paneagle galactician blogspot... I HAVE A GRAND CROSS...CARDINAL... mars jupiter saturn uranus.. so probably was a past life libra.aries adventure with the kingdom of england and persia crusades henry 8th etc....saturn uranus square as the astrologer to the king and off with his head meaning jail time and so I am saying clearly the birth chart is A MAP OF OUR PAST LIVES LEADING UP TO BIRTH...yes it is, and the place locations and positions are all connected...the lives can be tagged going back from the ascendent or by projecting the sun solar arcs back 1 degree per year or decade or century and pinpointing places with the astro-cart and also the SOLARIS STAR GPS coordinates which is the MAP of place locations world wide using 30 degree zones of the sum total of the longitude and latitude... as example 0 north 0 west gmt equator is point 0 aries...30 degrees east is 0 pisces, and so the image of this I shared is on the search solastry solaris or along with a lot of other incredible stuff....the progressions can also be done with a view our present life as a day for the year or the day for a decade or the century or 100 years very very example I was 19 sag birth with a day for decade progressed to 26 sag in my 60's when I discovered and presented the SOLARIS and STAR GPS and my own solaris was at 26 sag natally and was conjuncted by my prog sun at that degree with the conjunctions to the galactic center also...with this the 3 UNIVERSAL GODZ of creation (galactic center our local creation) sustenance (the messiah MSI messier complex of local galaxies) and the great attractor which is the GRAND PRIME or UNIVERSAL GODZone now at 14 sagittarius... these too can be progressed and regressed to discover our milleniums cycles or even yearly and weekly STAR DATES such as this year GPA is at 14 sag century and 18 LEO this the sabian of 19 leo and we see THE CHEMIST PROF WORKING NEW METHODS... thus also with pluto to aquarius, ,this is the BEGINNING of the NU AEGIS and the end of the old astrology if you will into the NU DAWN OF THE AQUARIAN much more to all this. take my grand cross away because it is all tough squares packed with creativity in my past lives too but presently very much challenged and unrecognized such a NUSTARADAMIS which is a code name for paneagle sharing the NU STARS and SOLARIS but also probably my past lives as astrologers of 3 eras but suggesting these no longer revelant, which is why we discover our history so we can begin to be the PRESENT REAL SOLAR being of light and share the REAL HEAVENS ... UNIVERSIS of ALL IS which is here now and always...beyond the creation model and the old aegis of zeus WHICH the babylon sumer and atlantis handed down as a god belief and dark lord serpent who has tried to come down on us and yet is also suffering its own demise...this is the REAL SOLAR AWARENESS and that which is always forward ...THE SOLAR field of dreams is LIGHT your friend Peter ... what makes sense... well please ASK ME...of course it is all very much creative ..and WELLNESS directed..STAR DATE MAY 5 BY PANEAGLESONG sun taurus MOON scorpio full moon eclipse and the solunar in libra is conjunct the MESSIAH so may it be... as example also I am a sun 19 sag which is my solaris is the 25 sag degree and the 265 or 625th degree in sum as a 5x5x5 and this is my MASTER NUMBER..or in the bible the meaning of our degrees found..thus this also related in the discoveries for each person using the 3 degrees of our SOLARIS SUM OF THE SUN is add them as degrees on the circle... thus my 19 sag 17 gemini and 20 capricorn are degrees 259 76 and 290 = 625th this is the golden scripts of nustaradamis for this star date with the GTC at 27 sag 10 libra and 15 capricorn (week sign) is equal sum of 22 aries and nearing this may around may 15 with andromeda which is 0 aries at 0 BC but now 28 aries so the awakenning of many people is on and the andromeda queen or princess cassiopeia working a little more magic of the heart as some of your followers here have expressed...the cross also is with the EARLY PISCES and SATURN causing a lot of the spiritual crisis (CRY CROSS GENESIS) AND THE saturn lord WHO is not such a favorable guy except as the disciplinarian of satanic RITUALISM which is so hard for people to get past or release, such as past live karmas and the holding on to the golden thread despite the controllers and alienation deeply is an opportunity then again as it is always life enever after....

Tuesday, April 18, 2023


OKAY HEY that's the big picture as the STAR ROCK three cycles previously occured half a million, and 60,000 and most recently within 12,000 years ago, (THE ORIENTATION OF THE OLD AEGIS OF ZEUS) with concurrent extinction events, we must recognize also the ETERNAL AGE OF THE NU AEGIS alongside or the available consciousness of the tru reality and ALL IS NISS which is enever, in the present we have the ANDROM-GALACTIC-BETELguese and the need for a world wide wake up call (pluto in aquarius) IS THE AI ALIENATION MEDIA DOMINATION MIND and COVIDITY transformation era and the obsessive compulsion or domination of Media AI or our freedom escape and revelation opportunity, as the case may well be for each individual or group experientially....some event around 2037 is most likely at the present course, locating by ANDROMEDA at 28 aries years sagittarius (9 sag in 2023) which means 21 years until the Capricorn shift, meanwhile GTC is 27 sag with 200 years to go to capricorn and year 10 libra (coincidentally on my mars) will lead to 13 libra the USA SATURN in 2025, as americans must begin to decide our UNIVERSAL POSITION or possesion complex, as the song 2525 (we barely survive) definitely comes to libra is a key sign for women rights or raising of world compassion and truth or beauty of love, however far this movement can go....but beyond is 17 more years to 2042 where the next scorpio cycle and the real apprehension of what is going on URTH wise, as a revelation of a NU WORLD or the requirement challenge and visu-nation visualization or recognition of OUR RELATION CAUSALITY AND AWARENESS dominion which seems more of the age of AQUARIAN conspiracy that the actual BECOMING A TRUE NUMANITY (universal man) ...

WOW ZOW REALLY...but as this is still unknown to the Astrologers community here is the place I share it, with ANDROMEDANS fellows and partners alike who would see STAR people FRIENDS and the ALIENATION community of the seven ARCS which are as VEGA, ANDROM, PLEIADES, CAPELLA, SIRIUS, ARCTURUS, and ANTARES generally, of the 7 SEASONS during the Galactic Year, where we can recognize our UNIVERSAL POSITIONS with respect the Universal or Galactic Zodiac and our connection with GREAT ATTRACTOR or GALACTIC SUUN in both a universal (world empire) or just locally and personally in our SOLAR or SOULAR BODY which is of course complex of mind body emotion cause and soul/spirit...which as yet is mostly again not known as multi-dimensional being OF light as we are IN- AS-IF-IT IS-ON, so this is the SOLARIZ model discovery of myself the SOLARIST as the NU UNuversal paradigm the www.GALACTICIAN.BLOGSPOT.COM and SOL ROCKER blogspot creations STAR ROCK LEGEND please share and thank you Molly for this opportunity to see WHAT IT IS ANDROMEDA is communicating the message of Love and the UNIVERSAL GENUS Hey paneaglesong...the dawn of AQUARIA indeed...

Sunday, April 16, 2023


The orange people were alive and real with the BLUE WATER, GREEN PLANTS, RED EARTH AND GOLDEN SUUN
Who were really thinking about the caretaking and cooperating with the Natural and Real World
To learn in the consciousness of the NATURAL ENVIRONMENT and the AWARENESS of the true Realm
This being alive in the real UniversIS in the development of a conscious living with all life

Saturday, February 18, 2023


SUNBIRD EXEGIS II Waking Dream Paneaglesong
STAR DATE FEBRUARY 18 the UNIVERSAL SPECTRUM MOON STAR AQUARIUS day of the WINGED HORSE AQUARIUS SUN completes cycle in 2023 with THE SOLAR KING #11 SABIAN day ARIES in the SOLAR SUN tHE GALACTIC CENTER 10 LIBRA YEAR and SOLAR GC SAGITTARIUS 11 Sagittarius in the WAKE of the OPHIUCHUS Sage healer doctor shaman 11 IS THE REAL FREEDOM and true progression building awareness of the REAL UNIVERSIS THE SOULAR PI-SEAS Pi-sees empathy caretaking #18 in the Real Unuvursal SEA OCEANUS yes this is part of the whole truth but not the istory of ALL IS THE REAL GODZ are the GALACTIC CENTER, MESSIAH COMPLEX AND THE GREAT ATTRACTOR (GPA great prime attractor of all galaxies center and our ANDROMEDA partner) THE ALIENS are coming in the sense we are accepting the Universal Galactic Union

We are in the SIMULATOR ONLY by our agreement but association by references to become AWARE and discover our real WAY or NU WAVEto go beyond the celestial universal creation and earth solar systemmatrix grid modulation hynographic hologram PROGRAMMING model NOW IS THE NU AEGIS as it has always been T'Here there'herenowalways on we are in the beginning stage of this next phase conditioningor we are are in the AWARE and becoming of the NU ALL IS...
Waking Dream First Song EXEGIS II paneaglesong set Second life level of the Journey to the Seventh Heaven Including Astral (Emotional) Plane second dimension realm First heaven where we dream, afterlife, and real side experience of Real Awareness of the IS To learn you are soul a being of light EXEGIS is the Paneagle 14 song sets , and the Real U in the Real UniversIS including EVENTIDE Sunbird Song WAKING DREAM FREEDOM CALLS ECHO HERE TIS LISTEN MY PEOPLE PURE WATER SMILE AT ME SOLARIS SWEET WATER FALLS SUN WATERFALLS WAKE UP WAKE UP VISIONS OF PARADISE YOU ARE YOU ARE YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS BUTTERFLY BREEZE SHINE LIKE THE SUN All written by Paneaglesongs part of music 100 song project Music is free available for cover share perform create Paneaglesong is with NU-U-NU presentation SEEOCEAN.ORG Foundation prezident CARE Children are Real Education Working with Natural Environment Solar-IS Solareal Solastry and Solar Star Lottery
yes this is part of the whole truth but not the istory of ALL IS THE REAL GODZ are the GALACTIC CENTER, MESSIAH COMPLEXAND THE GREAT ATTRACTOR we are in the SIMULATOR ONLY by our agreement but associationreferences to become AWARE and discover our real WAY or NU WAVEto go beyond the celestial universal creation and earth solar systemmatrix grid modulation hynographic hologram PROGRAMMING model NOW IS THE NU AEGIS as it has always been T'Here there'herenowalways on we are in the beginning stage of this next phase conditioning or we are are in the AWARE and becoming of the NU ALL IS...

Saturday, February 4, 2023

STAR DATE FEBRUARY 3 Youknowyouare Paneaglesong what IS ? SOLARIS

100 paneaglesong project EXEGIS : song YOU KNOW YOU ARE REAL Spiritual music...beyond creation into the Tru reality life IS Friends of SEEocean Foundation Nu-UU CARE children PANEAGLESONG BOOK preface : SOLARIS ARTS and the SOLAR KEY TO GALACTIC TIMING OUTLINING SEVEN ASPECTS OF SOLARIS and the SOLARISMS SOLAR ARTS (SOLASTRY) no software of SOLAR.IS ASTROLOGY (SOLASTRY) on this Discovery and reference by NUSTARADAMIS aka Paneaglesong, the SOLARIST GALACTICIAN THE SOLARIS OR SOLAR UNIVERSAL CLOCK (by 24,60,60 solar hour minute and second) THE THREE SUNS or SOLAR POSITIONS (SUN SOL AND PSI…. body senses emotion and mind) THE SOLARIS or WHOLE SUUN (3 HARMONICS sums of 1x, 60x, 3600x) and 7 harmonics (including the 3 sums) THE SEVEN SEE-SUNS OF THE SOLAR UNIVERSAL and the SEVEN NATIONS UNITED (realm of URTH) THE SOLAR UNIVERSAL “ZODIAZ” and The STAR-GPS GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM THE THREE UNIVERSAL CENTERS / 7 GODZ and 7 LIFE LEVELS of Creation (GTC, GPA, MIS, SUN, SATURN, ANDROMEDA and SYLVIA ) The SOLAR GALACTIC and Our SOULAR procession ISTORY SOLAR UNIVERSAL ARC PROGRESSIONS (Sun, Moon, SOL, Solaris) and (by year decade and century) SOLAR UNIVERSAL SCRIPTS and the SOLAR UNIVERSAL KEY TO LIFE CYCLE TIMING SOLAR STAR LOTTERY and accurate prediction of ALTRUISM LOTTERY PROJECT THE REAL NU AEGIS and the TRUE REVEALATION OF THE NU UNIVERSAL MAPS THE STAR DATE and the 5TH ELEMENTS OF OUR SOLAREAN UNIVERSAL NUMANITY WHO IS NUSTARADAMIS? Since my beginning study and becoming an ASTROLOGER in 1970’s in NEW YORK and SAN FRANCISCO I was born PETER MARSHALL ADAMS, the namesake of PETER MARSHALL, supreme court priest 1940’s I recently discovered 3 astrologers of history born about 800 years apart PETERODISIS MARSHALLAH AND NOSTR-ADAMUS (for fun…..Isis Allah Atoms or aka NU STAR ADAMIS) One help found Babylonian Sumerian into Greco Roman the second Persian apostle of Ptolomy/Astronomical symbols in the third modern astro-application and insight into world prediction THE INVERSION OF ASTROLOGY and the TRUE SOLAR ARTS (Solastry), THE NU UNIVERSALISM Mankind is in a fit of exclusion both from the Universal and the inversion of consciousness in Urth There is a great obfuscation and resistance or challenge to be met due to the old AEGIS and metaphysical idealogy This includes the current and ancient events of the Sumerian and Atlantis systems and other genomic coding affects The AI ALIENATION INTELLIGENCE and the COVIDITY CAPTIVITY / ILLUMINATI genocide program The humanity is in a simulated hologram or hypnographic SIMULATOR experience So in 50 years I looked for explanations of the universal or greater cycles and identity which makes much more sense Our astronomers look at the stars and positions and galaxies somehow AS IF it means something to us personally, but does’nt While astrologers look to the suns and planets as if they are the only forces or positions we need to know humanistically We also are seeing the universe as a SOLAR MAP, but not aware or able to also recognize the UNIVERSAL POSITION Astrology is being dominated in an inverted earth to sun view, the people in a limited view model of the yearly ecliptic path This the one dimensional or horizontal view whereas the THREE DIMENSIONAL experience is limited to a sun in space on earth EXAMPLES of the STARS AND REAL HEAVENS The old view of ZEUS AEGIS, is AS ABOVE SO BELOW and from “out’there from nowhere” is inverted bi-polar brain humanity Worship of space gods and the solar sun RA, or worse SATURN (Satan) and Beetleguese aka Beelzebub or Lucifer (probably pluto) surely not able or willing to be SEERS and AWARA (sun aware), or recognize more than the astronomy way far away or see know and recognize the 3 GODZ (GALACTICE CENTER, GREAT ATTRACTOR AND THE MESSIER COMPLEX) or the STARS as brightest or light years distance in years, which are related to those AGE’S OF MAN

AMID the REALITIONS OR REVEALATIONS, such as the real NU AEGIS, THE SOULAR GALACTIC AGE of SAGITTARIUS (0 AD TO 60AD) in the consciousness of OUR BEING OF LIGHT, the True SOLAREAN in REAL AWARENESS, rather than a subject object EARTH/SUN identification and the SOL/MIND or body view AS WITHIN, SO WITHOUT There is One reality and it’s IS-NISS, As we are SOLAREANS and beings of light While some learning to be GALAXIANS, that is aware of our solar body and our Universal Positioning This is the preface sent to SOLAR FIRE because I have written this to many astrologers, all of whom don’t listen, Frankly at age 70, there is the running out of time and my ability to produce or project this in software or human developments As this preface is only the reference to the FULL EXPOSITION of so many pure and true DEMONSTRATIONS Shared as HEY PANEAGLESONG on YouTube with peter adams, and SOLARSTAR and other BLOGSPOTS. I am THE PRESCIENT OF NU AMER, THE FORMER AMERICAN SOLAR ASTROLOGER

Monday, January 30, 2023

Peter Adams Live Stream

Give Life a Chance Rap by stardate Jan 30

my friend...yes I have another challenge for you..I think the more important star conjunctions are those of the galactic center and of our planets to major stars, and these are above or highlights of the universe picture for AS EXAMPLE and very importantly, the galactic center year degree is 10 libra 3' (3 sagittarius for this week day)...I have my sol mars at 3 sag and my mars is 10 libra 3' exactly conjuncted...10 libra is the degree of both PORRIMMA and VINDEMATRIX 2 stars with very different respects....challenging and unifying both...this year we have seen and will see more of this so union and challenge ansd as I bring out the GALACTIC AND SOULAR UNIVERSAL ZODIAC, THE GALACTIC NU YEAR...SOLASTRY AND SOLARIS AND STAR DATE and also the STAR GPS and the SOLAR KEY TO GALACTIC TIMING solar arc progressions, and mostly share this our awareness of the REAL UNIVERSIS and in 7 life levels, as I share this entire world map and the REAL HORIZONS of our TRUE AWARENESS and SOLAR SCRIPTS BY NUSTARADAMIS, the most remarkable and the real SOLAR ARTS which I share galactician.blogspot and here ....i HAVE tried to ask you to respond, discover your entire universal VU and SOLAR SCRIPT stars and SUUN SOLARIS MAP....another example is 3 sagittarius which our galactic week will move so quickly and next will be 9 sagittarius on ANTARES, so the anti-war or attendant balance to ARIES is in the foreground...we must see this will relate to wars ongoing and those wishing to end them..without any dissapation of the unseen war with alienations, tech and AI and the other conflict or disassociative behavior alongside the human challenge of balance and co working or releasing the old age and its attendant beliefs and ideas including many of those religious astrological, etc...which are all really things of the past which have haunted and conducted man and alien control while most go ignorant or unknowing through many lifetimes with as I write the moon aldeberan and mars are conjunct in gemini, the 3 fold cycle of the godz and lords such as krishna shiva vishnu or other holy trinities which are nothing more than control factions of mind emotion and body and also a coordination of the 3 parts which we call man...that is psyche...humanity and life and environments..but in the stars this is the universal triangle of the galactic center with andromeda our neighbor galaxy and betelguese opposite GTC with our solar system lost in the middle or 'no mans' land or the lost solar system on the outskirts of the galaxy or the LOST REALM OF URTH ALSO which we are desperate it seems to maintain or discover the true REALM in the real UNIVERSiS, but which are cultures and identities and religions will never help us find...WOW what a story...this is why I am sharing so intensely and directly, ,also because of the concurrent drama that is URANUS square the GREAT ATTRACTOR at 15 leo.taurus now..hence the entertainment media conglomerate and our economic tension cohabitation and limited partnership (very limited)..which we call the world system...another is the pluto entering aquarius and saturn ending aquarius on the usa MOON, another important current event coming this next month.. ..IT IS WISE to understand these cycles and also our positions including especially the SOLAR UNIVERSAL POSITION or universal position each of us IS ourselves, this being the freedom and locale of our own BEING and how it can maintain its state of FREE AWARENESS instead of being under control of demonic satan(saturn) or some other force of domination which we all experience, ,knowing or otherwise, most often not wanting to really deal with it, which is natural...but recommended to any to find and discover first our SOLAR POSITION (Solaris) and then also our Universal points and true SUUN signs so we can better be that which we really are.. AGAIN ZOW..and please feel free to share or ask here..or gmail...x by ....paneagle7 the ONE UNIVERSAL SOLARIST ...thanks molly for this SHARE SPACE...the next months will have a quick pass of the UNIVERSAL through SAGITTARIUS so its pretty much time to take the journey and get on the NU ARC which is being given ALL HERE...SMILE from hey paneaglesong...aka peter adams the first rock man...

Friday, January 27, 2023



Friday, January 6, 2023

Mega Billions Jan 6 Solaris winners by Paneagle

A Sun j 16°34' 2" 4 1° 1' 8" 0° 0' 0" N 22°24'39" S B Moon d 18°46'30" 10 11°53'55" 4°39' 6" N 26°43'41" N C Mercury j 17°26'54"# 4 - 1°20'23" 2°42'32" N 19°36'48" S D Venus k 5° 6'10" 5 1°15' 4" 1°29'32" S 20°26'17" S E Mars c 8°20'31"# 9 - 4'31" 2°50'26" N 24°30' 0" N F Jupiter a 1°59'10" 7 8'11" 1°15'44" S 0°22' 6" S G Saturn k 23° 3' 2" 5 6'18" 1°14'32" S 15° 0'24" S O Uranus b 15° 2'56"# 8 - 49" 0°21'16" S 16° 0'39" N I Neptune l 22°58'44" 6 1' 9" 1°11' 1" S 3°52'26" S J Pluto j 27°51'18" 5 1'56" 2°15'33" S 22°48'11" S K Mean Node b 9°52'38" 8 - 3'11" 0° 0' 0" N 14°46'29" N L True Node b 11° 9'10" 8 - 12'55" 0° 0' 0" N 15°10'27" N N Chiron a 12° 2' 7" 7 49" 1°44'54" N 6°22' 0" N W P.Fort. l 21° 6'15" 6 0" 0° 0' 0" N 3°31'35" S #a Vertex l 6°16'49" 6 9°12'25" S M Lilith d 29°50'34" 11 6'43" 5° 4' 2" N 25° 7'54" N #b *Galactic Center i 27° 9'54" 4 0" 5°36'38" S 29° 1' 1" S #c *Great Attractor i 14°16' 4" 3 0" 38°54'17" S 60°56'38" S #d *Messier 87 g 2°22'49" 1 0" 14°24'54" N 12°15'48" N #e 87 Sylvia i 29°24'27" 4 20'59" 1°39'56" S 25° 6' 8" S #f *Andromeda Galaxya 28°10' 2" 8 0" 33°21'12" N 41°23'49" N Asc. f 23°18'43" 2°39'19" N 2 g 20° 5'51" 7°51'20" S 3 h 20°23' 1" 17°50'34" S IC i 22°43'46" 23°14'19" S 5 j 25° 7' 6" 21° 6'32" S 6 k 25°42'59" 12°56'50" S Desc. l 23°18'43" 2°39'19" S 8 a 20° 5'51" 7°51'20" N 9 b 20°23' 1" 17°50'34" N MC c 22°43'46" 23°14'19" N 11 d 25° 7' 6" 21° 6'32" N 12 e 25°42'59" 12°56'50" N

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

STAR DATE JAN 3 NU GEMMAN Blackbirds NU Years ZOW circle the house (2)

Jan 3 STAR DATE 8.23 12.1 SUUN DOLPHIN #3 MAJOR RESPECT The Dolphins swim in the golden seas of the NU WAVE week MOON Gemini the conjunct Mars and Star Aldeberan Mars is the warrior, Aldeberan is the conciliary counselor SOLUNAR day of CANCARE and Gemini Aligned with the SOLAR Hunter of Orion STORY OF WOMAN LEADERSHIP HEALERS Soular Hercules Scorpio #23 Reincarnation is Real be AWARE Who you were and who you are to be, these are not the same Universalis Piseas #1 The Southern Cross and Solar King This Piseas empathy caretaker and Great Universal Ocean Reincarnation is real but it doesn’t have to be final We live in many realms and the Real UniversIS In my dream vision Rebisar Tarzs hugged me and toasted the coconut cocktail to the NU U and life Enever lasting The year 2023 of PISEAS Universalism empathy and caretaking GALACTIC in 10/11 Libra lifting the social conscience and womanhood GREAT RESPECT Queen’Anne’s dream story: I was a queen to be, the best one to become but I was not considered this But as I had a mind of my own and did not fit in the mold, except the king chose me And she didn’t follow what a woman should be and think about it, as the woman were just there pretty maids and slaves and treated like meat and chattel People the gentry snobs were giving her Pins and Needles and Stabs and they didn’t believe in her, among the few other candidates to be queen “I was with a person who needed help and no one would but I went in and was willing to and the lower class people were stunned that I cared and that I had that much ability to command in thoughtful ways but it was a command” She didn’t pay attention to any of it and just did what she needed to do. Someone said to her, “who do you think you are”? I walked in and the King said this is my wife to be She was somewhat embarrassed by it because she felt she was a woman handling a situation in the man’s world with authority I was there to take the charge of getting those things done that were needed to be done She felt like she was this head but she also needed to have a man (king) to rule with and she shared she didn’t have her king, for the king in the dream was not this. VIDEO On Nue years eve day we had 1000 blackbirds come to the house twice over our heads and parked in the trees and then circled the house and flew off in one great wave and an awesome SOUND and then SILENCE SONG LYRICS Blackbird singing in the dead of night, take these broken wings and learn to fly all your life you were only waiting for this moment to arise, and this moment to be free, black bird fly black birds fly into the light of the dark black night