Monday, April 29, 2024

Our Position is Nu


Saturday, April 27, 2024

it's Unbelievable song universal view STARDAYZ April 28


HERE IS A UNIVERSAL VIEW.. our Urth is under orbit of sun which is under orbit of the galaxy so the real Universal is our SUUN or Inner position under the ORBIT of the galaxy and all the stars which make our solar map of the universal Zodiac, and as our sun has 3 positions in the 3D our SUUN or Universal position has 3 position which are under the Galactic or local Universal group of Stars, all cluster in an oasis which is a galaxy among millions of galaxies which is centered in the Virgo Cluster space known as the MESSIER and this (hint MESSIAH) is center of this local galaxy group which is among another set of Millions of Galaxies (if not trillions) which are centered or focal on the GREAT ATTRACTOR which is in the point of our LOCAL SUUN at 14 Sagittarius..and so we have these 3 GODZ (galactic, messiah, and GPA great attractor) and this is the real ZodiaZ of the Universal from our SOLAR POSITION which is currently this century at 27-28 Sagittarius, and because all this is largely unknown to most anyone, there is this NU View then which is the Universal Position we can view of our selves (personal) and the World and Sun system (our Natural being of Light) and thirdly the NU UNiversal which is that connection to ALL IS which is naturally not a space time or place or being or design or position of any kind...this can be discovered AND seen or by our own recognition and being IN real awareness which all words for we do not a map or a method or a religion or a system but because we are working in this system and within the creation, we must recognize what it is and what creation is in relation, only so we can see this by our own way or wave which is all.. and so know ALL IS here and now always and there we may be or JOYN with this and so from here now we can PROCEED with REALITY... smile it sounds like a lot but I share it with you because the SOLAR SUUN is now at 7 Pisces and will be in Pisces throughout the next 7 months so you dear friend sharing with US is one of those who may center this and become more or really AWARE just as you are now aware of all the hidden mis-identity and mistaken faux PA of the Human and the Alienation and all that.. so with you we are as AM I (PANU) not any kind of controller force or agenda personality but share this with you all as and HEY PANEAGLESONG youtube...Everyone is with this because this is ALL IS naturally but all are seeing it through the focal glass usually a one pointed human view or the 3D limitation and cannot see but the reflection of the mirror .. so it is WE LEARN and go on.. PISCES is the PI-SEAS PI number infinite Oceanus SEER with the SOLAR SIGNS WHALE and SOUTHERN CROSS caretaker empath and swimming in the great ocean US (UNIVERSAL

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Slide on the NU ARC paneaglesong STARDAYZ April 21

APRIL 21 STARDAYZ SUN TAURUS 2 SOLAR LEOPARD #10.. universal 5 pisces the creative artistry and playful SOLAR (creative light) ARTS Solar UNIVERSAL SOL sign CANCER LEO is the SIRIUS DOG STAR group URSA MAJOR golden bear afternoon of PARTY, FUN and LION hearted good will ambassadors moon LIBRA the GEMMA and moon STARS porrima and vindematrix pour your love and beauty shine like the SUN share and give yourself to ALL Be a Gemstone go beyond our overt self-identity and vindicative vanity SOCIAL WELFARISM APRIL DAYS OF HOPE inspiration individualism activism physical self expression TORUS the BULL old Astrology IS highlighted but is actually losing its hold on control let go the bull sh*t of the past ideas restrictions and lower laws PANEAGLESONG SLIDE ON THE NU ARC Paneaglesong for every day with the STARDAYZ Light signs and SHARE STARDAYZ gives the song and the sight sound with the daily SOLAR POSITIONS announcing the NU AEGIS has begun and with the JUPITER CONJUNCT URANUS a great movement world wide to create a non-government organization of UNITED FREEDOM for people interactive unified cooperative independence the NU 12 year cycle in the SIGN TAURUS to GEMINI and the ACAPELLA STAR VISION NUETIC communication education and real learning of the WWWE WORLD WIDE EDUCATORS BUILD THE NU URTH and SEE the NU WAVE of the REAL UNIVERSIS with the NU SEERS will be leading us to 2036 and the end of the OLD AEGIS Panu aka paneaglesong shares E-BOKS THE SOLARIS REAL UNIVERSAL SOLASTRY and the STAR ROCK LEGEND ROCK MUSICAL

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Soul in the Sun acoustic 1

STAR DATE APRIL 14 THE SOLAR IN GEMINI GOLDEN star CAPELLA and Moon CANCARE with the UNIVERSAL SUNU in PISEAS 2 and SUN sign ARIES 14 This stardayz IS THE pisces ARTISTRY EMPATHY care for the CUUL CATS (animals) AND RECOGNIZE THE REAL UNIVERSIS in the OCEANUS (ocean of life) moon CANCARE protect secure familial and environmental good food nurture star SIRiUS the syrians have a great concern for the planet and people, humanity, so be AWARE Aries 25 Arians are real Solareans with SOLAR EYES independent productive action solar Leopard #3 of 13 days IS TO be a SEER and communicate intention SOLUNAR GEMINI THE CAPELLA communication sing solo DEMONSTRATE the real Song
Every star world has a STAR DAYZ as we do on URTH with the FOUR POSITIONS (SUN MOON SOLAR AND SUNU (universal) SUN (1 degree per day and 30 signs per 30 day month) and MOON POSITIONS (moon is 2.4 days per lunar sign the SOL (solar sun sign of 12 hours) as the 4D or SOUL HEART position) and the UNIVERSAL SUUN is our alignment with the Galactic Center ( in celestial hour minute and day degree with 3D degree for each day generally) as our relative position in creation The STAR DAYZ has the Moon Degree and SOLARIS SIGN (28 signs in 13 day cycles of the SOLAR UNIVERSAL ZODIAZ, 1 STAR SIGN per day)SUUN
my music heritage thanks and share...Do have a world class cassette collection... beatles... hendrix... byrds..CSNY. england/america. all great bands..artists. 60's 70's best...nearly everything... its totally awesome. an encyclo-media of music... STILL SOUND GREAT... analog tape of course...largely unrecognized as a recording muse-FREE-seum...Including great music rock biography book collection and also a great CD plus box sets same virtually all the best rock soul blues jazz country music around the year of 1970...(basically 1960-1980) when it was real.. by HEY PANEAGLESONG music of the real spirit sun and soul author of star rock legend and wildstock concert 500 original songs artist songwriter writing a song a day and rarely heard except on youtube all freely shared with 25 music playlists JIMI HENDROCKS 60 of the 60's. etc...ENTER THE REAL UNIVERSIS and MUSIC OF THE REAL URTH NOW......I am also author of D'ESTINY and SOLARIS THE REAL SOLASTRY.. the one universal SolarArts Galactician inventor of SOLAR UNIVERSAL ZODIAZ

Monday, April 8, 2024

Real Solar Eclipse Gesus Returns April 8 2024


Wednesday, April 3, 2024

SOLARIS SEVEN Day Heaven Gesus EXEGIS WILDSTOCK 2022 concert

Guitar Sweet rhythm harmonics 77554 STARDAYZ april 3

STAR DAYZ sun aries 14 hero #14 moon aquarius EAGLE NU CALENDAR solar galactic SUUN 27 Aquarius STAR ALTAIR SOLAR ALIGNMENT CONJUNCT AQUARIUS MOON OF USA DO YOUR OWN THING and FIND YOUR OWN WAY STARLOTTERY.BLOGSPOT.COM PREDICATOR THE BILLION DOLLAR LOTTERY APRIL 3 WEDNESDAY DRAWING THE ECLIPSE IS COMING APRIL 8.. CERN IS GOING TO BE TURNED BACK ON IN SWITZERLAND MY STORY THE AMERIGINAL PANEAGLESONG SEEOCEAN SOLAR-IS JOSEPH OF ARIMETHEA ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON KING PETER III OF PRUSSIA How can someone be the descendent of the founders of the first music publishing company in the United States that sold to Columbia records, and write 150 songs in one year and not get anyone to listen on youtube or share with anyone else. How can someone write books on four different genre’ areas and not get one published or read online. How can someone discover the method of winning lottery number prediction and not find anyone in three years to invest in playing the number system to win, despite being willing to give all of it away freely and even create a free banking system for all people to share and earn or use to end the domination of the financial controllers? How can someone discover the true Galactic center position and the modern Galactic Zodiac, then discover the Solar-IS, the Solar Timing method and sum total of Real Position beyond the former Astrology, and not have anyone use the system or develop a school of Solarists or followers? How can this same someone go back to college and complete his psychology degree, and not be able to get a teaching position or a job of any kind with the town he lives in? How can someone recognize his entire set of past lives, including a life as Joseph of Arimethea, who both helped raise and bury Jesus, and began the first church of England in Glastonbury, was probably responsible for the Jesus bloodline and the legacy of the Knights Templar who fought the crusade, among others who wished to preserve the true Christian heritage, of this same someone who was Prince King Peter the III or Prussia and still be killed by his sister/wife after six months by her commandant General so she could have all the power, and as Robert Louis Stevenson the writer of the world’s best selling Novels, and for this famous works not receive more than a small reward of a favorable childhood in his current lifetime? How can someone become president of the SEE Foundation and which name is similar to the of Scientology that has seduced and abused its own people for knowledge and money to control its own property and corporation and not be able to raise either funds nor people participation, while offering to provide the truth and reality of the SolarIS and working in the Real Natural Environment and Children are Real Education to create both real awareness and real freedom, and offer free education of music and arts while observing and sharing the continued demise and destruction of human farming by the dark brats,reptilians and lord rulers of the space time creation? How can someone want to fall in love and never really have that love willingly surrender or returned to him lastingly. How can someone discover the path of Light and Sound and Real Awareness, and find the secret of the Real freedom as the Real U in the Real Univers-IS and know the Tru reality Life IS, and not have more than one person come to realize it or recognize the true way that he has found? Now he can also ask, how can someone discover he is among the few that have the sun and the sum total of sun (solarIS) be conjunct like the most famous in creation, Yogananda, Mozart, Einstein, and Myself, while knowing that the real Solar-IS is not a person place dimension body or sign of any kind, but the Tru reality that all seek for freedom beyond the realms of creation. And how can the world continue while the banker lawyers generals steal the control forces and the freedom of the people in military industry and social engineering, which is the developed systems of the mind emotion controllers and reptilian dark brat corporate executive financiers who could easily salve the harm of the natural environment which is being degraded and polluted to the greatest extent possible, while not ending the hunger poverty and criminal prison program set upon humanity in this world and actually of that extension through all realms of creation. How can all this continue on and exist in the face of all that has been discovered here. I had a dream this night, about being with Mick Jagger, ringing on his apartment bell, and then meeting him, and saying to him, Mick, you have millions of dollars and I have 150 songs, to ask can you help me? and he refers me to music publishers who live in a kind of city group housing complex making their own sad blues and city recordings and who would not consider my works beyond those that are commercial, even as I shared my history in music publishing and music taste with them, two especially who were drugged up sleepy headed and simply not really listening, except as it sounded interesting, as I went outside to find and film a mountain lake vista that appeared to stretch across the horizon and looked like Utah, being quite aware now and thinking this is dream travel is real experience. I thought how can this same someone be on the path of total awareness or the light and sound of God known as eckankar for 30 years, and not gain the requested initiations, nor be allowed into the inner circle of the group, nor given access to the true reality Life is, unless he himself had found it otherwise, which I did, and then share the Real Universe-IS or become one of the Real Universal Guides who have to be among those many who have existed throughout the centuries and in eterniry, always showing the True Way and the true Reality to those who would be willing. Being a very important first step for any real spiritual traveler of the NU-U and our real Universe-IS, I have realized building the NU world is the goal, and creating the solar research vessel project was a first step, I had to ask if the real Universal guides are real, and if the NU_U and writing of Duane Heppner are nothing more than the same sales pitch and unconscious use of the false hope and perception of reality, which has allowed all the other missings to exist? Is his use of the word sound HU as NU-U and the creation of the NU Guides like Rebazar Tarzs all a fabrication that they themselves will refuse to deny, or is this just another creation of the ECK Masters. I do not think not, and so IT IS as THE ALL IS, not the god concept or idea set down in the finite time space worlds or space gods of Man. Here I had to ask myself, is all this for myself of personal self interest only, of the ego, mind and emotional bias, and lacking in any true altruism or universal reality at all? And beyond this, is there any real need to develop anything, like the combination seeocean paneaglesongs and Solar-IS which is my own effort to be in light, sound and Universal Life or the real eternal world. What follows is the story of these awareness, and the ultimate ISness, as well as the absolute and Primordial history of the world’s, down to the present here now which is no-thing and surely nothing more than Life Itself. To know these and be of these is the true goal, not a person wish or enlightenment project or sound heaven freedom design.
preface for my next book and the FIRST E-BOK

Sunday, March 24, 2024

SUngazer NU Arc Symphony theme Part 1.2. acoustic STARDAYZ MARCH 24

GOFUNDUS SUBSCRIBE TO PANEAGLESONG STARDAYZ CHANNEL by sending $ to paneagle2000 at YAHOO for credit to receive returns upon winning lottery best DATE numbers for MARCH 24 14.6.17 numbers 4 85 3596 032424 3206 56 1 StardayZ March 24 Sunday moon star Messiah return Sun Aries 5 heroine queen #7 Cassiopeia Solar Sage Antareans Messiah is the Virgo messier cluster of nearby galaxies represents our higher purpose and mission work there is but one and it's reality IS...perfection and recognition Gdzs Star time Mapz of 3 universal Gdzs and 4 GAMMA gdzs include Gtc Galactic Andromeda and Great Attractor GAT our local star gravity center. neighbor Galaxy and GPA prime
PANEAGLE is the creator of SOLAR BINGO and STARLOTTERY blogspot STARDAYZ providing winning numbers freely around the world and the REAL UNIVERSAL ZODIAZ with the SUN SOLAR and UNIVERSAL MAPZ by SOLARIZ SUNDAY STARDAYZ 14.6.17 MARCH 24 SUN IN ARIES 4 SUUN QUEEN #6 MOON STAR MESSIAH VIRGO CLUSTER SOLAR SAGE DAYZ will be within the aura of SAGITTARIUS wisdom HERCULES courage OPHIUCHUS healer EVE OF THE SWAN dolphin peace and good will purpose could be like christmas eve UNIVERSAL AQUARIUS 22 The Masters of the Universe are not tour guide rulers controllers or dark lords of the ring but rather SANT of Universal LUV and REAL AWARENESS for all those who would be ALTRUISTIC and truly PROGRESSIVE INVENTIVE or SOLARISTIC

Sunday, March 17, 2024

800 Million LOTTERY LIFE March 17 StardayZ let us know you win

MARCH 17 SAINT CHRISSY DAY OF THE ANGEL PATRICK... SUN PISCES 28 WHALE #12 ONE MORE DAY OF THE WHALE...EMPATHY CARETAKERS such as CHRISSY DAY moon in CANCARE UNICORN the familial securing protective nurturing and the SOLUNAR DAYZ is star Antares sage sagittarius galactic center of our local creation and the Capricorn DOLPHIN SWAN evening with grace and wonderfulness if you can produce something or functional conservation.. here is my report on winning powerball numbers ZOW .. ZOLARIZ REPORT fantastic PREDICATOR POWERBALL march 16 NO JACKPOT WINNER UP TO 875 MILLION ON TUESDAY WIN #'s 44 12 57 61 23 POWERBALL 5 SOLAR BINGO ZOLAR CJX and GREAT GREEN *round some by 30/1/60 to MATCH WINNER RETURNS ALL SIX winners 30/1/2 = round 61 *5/5 13/14/15 round = 44 12/12 27*/26 = round 57 53/22 = *23 ROUND where A 14 = 44 S = 12 HN 53/22 = 23 X = 5 F 1 = 61 A S 27/26 = 57 ... PLEASE send email or view peter adams youtube SOLARIS hey paneaglesong you can find this list and become a part of those RECEIVING .. the prize is REAL LIFE OF PANU your NU friend.. VOTE FOR REAL FREEDOM TRUTH AND BEAUTY the FIVE PART REALUTION FOR REAL NU AMERIANS STOP WAR,,,,FREE ENERGY... NO TAXES... CLEAN AIR WATER SOIL pollution and environmental DO NO HARM HAVE NO THOUGHT OF VIOLENCE HATE FEAR nor BLAME SHAME ANGER NU AMERIA IS THE VIRTUAL CONTINENT OF NU AM in the AMERICA's we are SOLAREANS AMERIANS and NU UNIVERSALS Do you recognize intend and actualize or know see and be in REAL AWARENESS? DISCOVER THE PRESCIENCE OF LIFE AND THE TRU REALITY LIFE IS SHARE by the SOLARIST GALACTICIAN PREDICATOR PANU PANEAGLESONG naturalism universalism and solarism THE REALUTION and REVEALATIONS of GENUS the GENUSIS and EXEGIS with the REAL NU GUIDES and the wwwe WORLD WIDE EDUCATORS solar awareness and the ZOLARIZ founder of SOLAR UNIVERSAL ZODIAZ IN THE REAL URTH in the real UNIVERSIS

Monday, March 4, 2024

SOLARIS SEVEN Day Heaven Gesus EXEGIS WILDSTOCK 2022 concert

Another NuArc song Natural History muse.seum SOLARSTARDAYZ MARCH 5

STARDAYZ MARCH 4 IS THE moon capricorn the sea goat swan sun day PISCES 14/15 and the WHALE DAY 4 of the CETUS WAVE WAKE meanwhile the energy field we live in is poisoned and chem trailed and electro-radiated so there is no escape from the producers and dark control MANipulators so even if we are protecting ourselves, this constant space time invasion continues nearly unabated disturbing everything and everyone and we all may act its okay (well its not okay or not okay) it just IS in this reality so our real ESCAPE is the EXEGIS (Exodus from the EXISTENCE killers) so to speak ,,, as so beyond this field of protection and safety consciousness is the real tru reality life is and we only need be in this.. my NUETECHnigue is sing NU U U and do a field exercise NYUGA with the 7 life levels in the 3 space levels which puts one-us-we in the NU WAVE SOUND and to SOLAR EYES (SOLARIZ) ... (soul art vidya....seeing knowing being....and SOLAR light body (SUN AND UNIVERSAL) real elementals...this is STARDAYZ march 4 the SUUN SHINE in the WHALE CETUS (SEE IT US) march 1 to 12 and PI-SEAS in this sun realm on the planet URTH * Universal real terran home in the REAL UNIVERSIS and from there all we do is our choice and how to be with ALL IS.. Thanks for this space to write this comment and your own 6 techniques can be added to anyone wishing this PSY-ESSENCE in the creation to bring the ALL IS (wholeNISS) up to the present.. IT IS A NU AEGIS on this year...I am HEY PANEAGLESONG and the STAROCK (first rock man) concert of the NUSTARADAMIS here now always on beautiful and wonderful as we all are. Transcript

STARDAYZ MARCH 4/5 Dream Pan Wendy and the Oracle Fire dark lord

notes to Nicole (nicole isabella acting as channel and also is my niece's exact look a like to THIS IS US heroine and also was actor for LADY JANE GREY character again exact look and be alike soul )..being right is guud but really knowing is without words...yet they're is a word NU U U we use to be instant connect to ALL IS... I also use a SPEX Union (spiritual EXERCISE has 3 parts and seven levels) as a way to find or be REAL in that connection, something like being with nature completely but also with the Universal and the Solarism idea is Soular (SUN and inner Sun) that we are naturally calling it LIGHT..(.I also have 500 original songs and share these music videos freely as HEY PANEAGLESONG on youtube see LIVE FROM THE TREASURE TREE... Yes we can save the world or become the real which is better so that we know no saving necessary..With the NU YU and I AM no definitions ...thanks for the videos...we are working this NU AEGIS together.. STAR DAYZ MARCH 4/5 dayz SUN PISEAS 13 THE WHALE #4/5 SOLAR HEART moon SAGITTARIUS conjunct GALACTIC CENTER make the greatest freedom truth wisdom SAGE the outdoors expansion real-legions not religious actual awareness of ALL IS WHALE is caretaker empath sensuous familial and largesse SOLAR UNIVERSAL ZODIAC HEY PANEAGLESONG and THE PANSONGS of MARCH DAYS OF JOY'N IN the STAR BINGO LOTTERY PREDICATOR secret formula is quite simple and also complex Find all EXACT positive aspects (trines conjuncts) and ZERO points (planets positions near 00) We use all HARMONICS not just SunA so this is 7 levels including long-lat 3 levels each and the SOULAR SUN which is also the SOLARIZ (Z sum of 3 levels) PANU has founded SOLASTRY Solar Arts and the real MAGI is its natural universal and soularISm HOW TO SAVE THE WORLD... Beyond the becoming the real NU-Unity (NUN) or NUMANITY (MAHN) we can currently share the UNIVERSAL TRUST with a local E-CONOMY of NU-TRON which is an AI or VIRTUAL related to Physical PSIENCE and non-interest Bank Share As the program to win the lottery is a secret beyond consciousness or literal minded ideas Then build the bank trust while also the Universal capacity for development of Individual projects and support of those in this NU AM adventure.. This can be done somewhat by E-CONOMY IDEAS while more so there is the NU REALITY LIFE IS and our CHOICES in the present become dynamic. AS THIS IS WHAT WE DO NATURALLY and this is what we are UNIVERSALLY and Spiritually what we are SOLARISTICALLY or SOULARLY we enter the NU AEGIS as much as we step into it or allow become it ourselves THE NU AMERIA is the NU PAN AMERICAN continent We are all NU AMERIANS and true SOLAREANS of the NU URTH and NU Nations United

Saturday, March 2, 2024

PAN'Song to ALLIS star dayz march 3 Hear the WAKE UP Call

PAN'Song to ALLIS star dayz march 3 Hear the Call Acoustics Pans song for all IS..Hear the call wake up call be aware Wendy darling I see there we are in En'everland Gabriel's horn follows us home Tinkerbell hears the song away we go here En'everland. in all is ever now here is grace peace hopinland hear on beauty all ISland. flight Pegasus friendly skies solar eyes open light sound call wake in sight. fly o'er home every night sea of stars in OceanIS songs of Pan NUE All IS hear IT IS. at last make Us Sing and voices Cast music all the seas go fast Hear the call sudden ocean of All IS SONG
bryan adams 1969 STARDAYZ MARCH 3 MOON SAGITTARIUS SOLAR GEMINI AND STAR ERIDANUS THE RIVER SUN PISCES THE WHALE #3 dayz of empathy and joy in the JOYNt... i was 18 that year and we had all the great music and even a sense of freedom which didnt really exist but i began out of the mass psychosis singers waking up is hard to do unless its so easy to fall in love and all along the watchtower on the bridge over troubled water let it be in the sound of silence before the deluge and after the gold rush into the mystic and imagine all you need is 60 years on we see few if any really get this is the NU AEGIS or the REAL DAWNing AWE in the SUN RISE SOLAR SIGHT and GOLDEN dream is more than an idea to know see and be so it is without dreaming or mystique it is just ISNISS and this song singing at least the last 50 years on and a lot of those not with it at all in the past 60 who do not recognize the EASY RIDER 1969 AND FLY AWAY HOME or emerald forest and 2001 as metaphors of the STAR ROCK apocalypse world we are in and the prison planet control dark lords of the torus rings here working with the ALIENATION and the reptilian manifesto of AMERI-KAN and goggly amerizonia bozos and trumpeters like myself have to say we are in it not to win it but to be real and do true pure health zealth and even wealth ... I think you are tinkerbell HA HA I wrote this month past 7 songs PAN'S SONG ANGEL EYES WAKE UP IN THE MORNING doing SPEX spiritual exercise with a simple song NU U U is one so very guud GOLDEN ACAPELLA and thankful here to be able to share the sound light ON say hey paneaglesong on peter adams yutube always RIGHT ON beautiful comin a long time diamong in the ocean enevergreen and wonderful songs free as can be SMILE

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

STAR DAYZ Ameria Angel eyes Panu song FEBRUARY 27

STAR DAYZ FEB 27 SUN PISCES 9 SOLUNAR DAYZ VIRGO SHEPHERD COMING TO SHOW YOU MOON LIBRA 18 BEING IN BEAUTY LIVE IN BEAUTY GO IN BEAUTY NORTHERN CROWN and Bootes of ARCTURUS GTC 10 AQUARIUS THE UNIVERSAL progressive functionality and humanitarian DELIVERANCE end of the GAZA conflict sun mercury and saturn conjunct in pisces triple conjunct SWEEPING NORTH USA ICE STORM with HEAVY WIND SunE at south 8 and PISCES 9° 2'55" Moon g LIBRA 18°29'11" 7° South

Sunday, February 25, 2024

STAR DAY Living Water blue PI-SEAS and the Gemma

HOLLY MOLLY ...sun merc satan in PISCES the whale CETUS (SEA-SEE--SEAT US) and the NUUNIVERSAL SUN of the SOUTHERN CROSS stars of Deneb the Den Ebbtide of the Pisceas era going out.. I live in Pisces ville Florida north where the last hurricane shocked the entire area plant-ET tree humanity here and I would say the spirit is nearly not here and the angels standing around watching the cornered people do nothing or just stand on unfirm ground and e-conomic boondoggle (i.e gov .biz .relig etc) ... and still think there is hope to avoid the end of neptune in pisces and the saturn sitting on its ringed throne with all the crazy dancers in icon worship and patridiocism and building more fema housing for so called security which is largely that is a depressing view for also the UNIVERSAL sign of Aquarius bringing in changes and progressive universal or flights of sight and light will go to PISCES in Summer for the 6 months end of year, this will still carry the weight of all the old baggage and political confusion, the aires of war and conflict between, etc...with the crazy stupid election of 2 old men without a clue or the real CURE of universal solar and natural awareness and good will...something the PI-SEAS may hold or see VERY WELL but cannot seem to really get to integrate or align with the stars or ourselves as human beings...oh golly miss molly this is the real discussion...see UNIVERSAL for further visions of PANU and the NUMANITY on the real NU-URTH in the real UniversIS (multi-dimensional) ...where we go is a realm or a reality of awareness as beings of light, but for now we must and do be and are here for this WAKE UP and SMILE in the PI-SEAS AGE full circle... will you do a podcast ?? talk or share with others and PANEAGLESONG would like to be part of as the one universal solarist sharing freely again..

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Angel Eyes Golden wonderful paneaglesong Feb 25 starday MESSIAH LOVE REAL

jonathan livingston seagull inspiring books....also winged pharoah by joan grant (eqypt...we have all lived many lifetimes) stardate febu 25 moon in virgo to libra the MESSIAH which IS REALLY the god of all local galaxies centered in MESSIER VIRGO area... so this is one of the seven SUNU UNIVERSAL POSITIONS..we each have 1 of these and also we are each of all to be in touch or with MESSIAH is that unity with the so called CHRIST or SKY EYE that is the savior is our recognition of this unity with the living ones and the ones who are aware... these being the NU GUIDES and inclusive with all inner guides as we say, there is no exact definition there is only the ISNISS and ALL IS and that is the universal positioning of our REAL BEING ..SOLAR BEINGS OF LIGHT...yes STARS or SUNS of URTH not the SUN or HELIOS (Hell sun is this planet a prison to be sure and still a burning love will allow us to be THE LIGHT.. etc.. the Universal SUUN is in Aquarius all this spring ending its cycle in that WINGED HORSE PEGASUS winged white centaur bird flights of UNIVERSAL AWARENESS... crazy, change, freedom. waking up and intuitive realities are becoming true.. so here this message shared as the SOLUNAR is SUN PISCES aka SOUTHERN CROSS Universal SUN in this position this week wave (13 days in late february) and the STAR DENEB.. DEN of the EBB TIDE....HOUSE OF THE GREAT CROSS... this also connects to the WHALE and OCEANUS CETUS the great OCEAN which is our border to cross over to get into the REAL OR TRU REALITY LIFE IS, the seventh level where there is all ISNISS and we are ALL REAL with ALL LIFE, no opposites or polarity...the number 7... Libra is also the 7th sign in old zodiac, this is a day of love incoming...I wrote the ANGEL EYES and put lyrics into this recording here... hey paneaglesong

Friday, February 23, 2024

STAR DAY FEBRUARY 23-24 Oh NU Wave can we see Star song Ameriana

OH NEW DAY CAN YOU SEA BY DAWN'S AWE'SOME SIGHT AS WE SO ROUNDLY SAIL TO BE SINGING IN GREAT HEART THOU ART BRIGHT STARS IN THE NIGHT VIGILANT PURE AND BEAMING FOR THE REAL STARS DECLARE TRUE BLUE EYES AIR'ING BY TRUTH TRUST AND RIGHT THAT GREAT FLAGS ALWAYS HERE AS STARS PRIME MERRILY THE SEERS ART AT EASE ON THE IS-LAND STREAM WE ARE THE STARS BOLD AND BRAVE TO ALL GOLDEN SOUL FREEDOM IN AMERIAN WAY SONG of NU AMERIAN FREEDOM LYRICS BY PANEAGLESONG STAR DAYZ FEBRUARY 23-24 very physical joins with a spiritual Union SUN PISCES 5 Full Moon in Virgo DAYZE of the GOLDEN BEAR and the STAR REGULUS navigators and pure plays of directed purpose and utility including the UNIVERSAL SUUN in AQUARIUS and PEGASUS the white winged horse flying across the Universe Venus and Mars are in Aquarius and near the SUN OF FRIENDS OF THE AEGIS with the GALACTIC CENTER Our SUNU NUE position right behind this coming 2 weeks so I wonder what we are going to do with the NU WAVE AND THE universal URTH ... is it new funding ? or building a NU land or just being part of and creating more in our REAL Community r perhaps all of these including the primary water digging or other living water and which I would say includes Myself PANU as I am a SOL AQUARIUS too...SO PAN NUWS this week was a dream last night which was the atomic bomb and radiation went off it looks like Atlanta or eastern USA and it was actually going the war all around the world and I saw the huge cloud coming and it covered or went through all the places and the people I was with and killed them in a sense or turned them asunder but after the pass of cloud all I had I was aware all I had was my real awareness but in the place all was left devastated or empty of life except what I saw that included the phone coin machines of old but we couldn't get coins out of them or use was very limited to call and also there was no animals and we wonder where they were and the traffic of vehicles or people walking was very crowded and no one had anywhere to go and in a sense this is the zombie kind of thing or robotic AI ALIENATION...Yesterday I met 2 hikers a couple walking across the country and there were headed for the blue springs park and had an interest in our UNIVERSAL Hikers forum group facebook so I shared the NU AMERIAN song I wrote and sang for them aInd introduced the NU ZEELANDIS map which I will include the picture is basically a Z shaped land path trail space that has no cities and is on the 30th parallel line from FLORIVA where I am to texas and mexico BAJA then northeast the middle of the Z from desert east of san diego from mexicali palm springs to grand canyon to dakota's and winnepeg on the 50th parallel and then top line goes west across canada to british columbia and I think the area of the north and west part of the usa stateIS TO be called NU ZEELANDIS which is all spaces west of the BAJA TO DAKOTA and including those western united states canyonlands mountains and ocean and country to the Pacific (can add ALASKA and HAWAII perhaps as the land of the NU ZEERS, ALL SOLAREANS and NU AMERIANS...

The space is not owned by us nor a STATE OF CONTROL but, it is OURS as we are of IT just like NU U U which is really everyone's and I think of the the NU VU as that AMERIGINAL people and NU WAV ideas just sharing this gift here because THE NU AEGIS is ON-NOW and this is AFTER THE GOLD RUSH and the ADAM BOMB which went off in New York last year while I made the STAR ROCK movie 2023 concert presented.. SO 2 days ago unusual event as venus and mars conjuncted exactly we saw a METEOR come down in the NORTH and EAST USA and stayed visible for almost a minute at SUNSET wednesday and this morning report a NU PSIENCE finding the NUWS stated that 56 Million years ago there was a roque SUN that changed earth's climate and moved our orbit about 10% about the same time or near when Dinosaurs all died and so the STAR ROCK LEGEND story is also the great Meteophoric message in this modern millenium of impending end of the old AEGIS (3,200 BCE up to 2200 AD) and the possible rock APOCALYPSE or death end or finality of humanity or the natural world environment which is at risk or at least throws of great stress and loss for or to animals plants and man and this current GENUS REVEALATION or GENUSIS is possible with a progressive transcendence and transformation of the present GLOBAL and WORLDLY community as some NU SUUN may be a universal awareness going like a sun through US we are the world people and physically in our solar system and as had changed or altered ALL OF US to some degree (10%) and the earth climate which had once become the habitat for ALL life...perhaps the dinosaurs or the old rock world is fading just as in that time to now the star rock crash seems imminent or ongoing as they/we/us kill off man plants and animals currently or genocide consciousness and all the world like the words of the NU STAR AMERIAN SONG

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

STAR DAZES FEB 20-21 Coneheads EGG Generation NUE universal humanity

this week MARS AND VENUS are visible conjunction. Here is my star date note of FEB 20-21 WITH THE moon in cancer (NURTURE CARETAKE PROTECT SECURE SEEDS home family love) and the SOLARIS is in the NAVIGATOR position REGULUS STAR of the Lion...wonderful to share START A NEW ROMANCE or build a NU ECONOMY...mars initiates invites mobilizes activates with the feminine receptive... HERE is the PAN STARDAZES OKAY my stepson is an Aquarius 8 degree with the mars venus conjunction.The Universal galactic center this month is also at 8-9 Aquarius this week ..he's getting lots of new clothes, he's a GAMER online Web share player and his step dad (myself) is the one universal galactician solarist founder SOLASTRY and prescient of the NU AMeria living here in north floriva gardeden solarium blue pott springs as author starrock legend and the wildstock concerts by HEY PANEAGLESONG... so I have found the SOLAR UNIVERSAL (SUUN) zodiac and positioning and describe the 28 solar signs with this aquarius being the WINGED HORSE I could say this is the center now of the SOLAR Galactic Awareness and the REAL SOLASTRY which includes this remarkable union now (my soul or sol sign is 14 Aquarius and I am coming out with the STAR DAZES videos and other information not to mention the PREDICATOR program of STAR LOTTERY blogspot which accurately amazingly predicts the lottery...where we have SOLARIS is a great present to know but this is our sum total or what we are really to discover...MEANWHILE the world is on this Aquarian project of new advancement NUtech and Universal Awareness inventions change and progressive humanitarianism solarism universalism and adjustment to AI very much in the game if not the game itself, recognition by a larger body of humanity and the POLAR SHIFT also said to be on the forefront soon likely perhaps when the Galactic Center reaches 27 aquarius and the USA Moon in JUNE 2024 and then will enter Pisces summer/fall which to me spells the adjustment or resistance or lack of containment or resistance to the agenda of worldly or AI forces on the dark lord of the rings 4D planE(T) (satan/saturn rules the Earth prison physical solar system mostly hidden in the astral 4D plane(T) and emotional body agenda which is quite the aquarian conspiracy idea... for all of us who are trying to figure this out, we hardly know all the parameters and universal directions that are available or being sought on or magnetized in the AI TECH fields or our human life attitudes and visions...But we are on it in our various ways, here with Molly and my suggest is NU U U friends to be aware great wonderful golden beautiful of the WISDOM ANCIENT FOR TODAY or the NU URTH NUMANITY WE ARE...always PANU

Friday, February 16, 2024

STAR DAY FEB 16-17 I love YU sweet Acapella lyrics for SHARE ALL

STAR DAY FEB 17-18 MOON GEMINI ALDEBRAN SOLAR IN SCORPIO HERCULES and SUN STAR IN THE SOLAR KING CEPHEUS (SEE US) and the stories of lovers gamers and players i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i lovu LUV VU you i Do...its real and NU yu the luv yu lyrics paneaglesong AS IS it occurs to me your at the beginning of the solar day and america is at the end so my posts are always late and i would like to send them out early as you do ..not competing with you but joyning in I share the STAR DAY here feb 18 is the SUN AQUARIUS and Moon on ORION THE HUNTER dayz and star ALDEBRAN in Gemini while the SOLAR will be the 7TH DAY of Sagittarius/Ophiuchus healer into SWAN and Dolphin sea goat of the date 2.18. 5.7 final day of the week cycle and my share follows on the RECENT ECONOMIC AFFAIR story also..I live with a big gamer... your name eric the red game-are-on...ha star day report today febu 16 is about the healing of gamers players kelce swift affair kansas city shootings and endangered species humans and children being targeted which is also what KEVIN SMITH and DUNU talked about yesterday skype NU i think you'd find interesting too...It seems the media generated this entire fiasco or game result if you will....kelce and swift recognize their part even if they were and are being used as much as they also have all that identity and used it for themselves...backfired if you will and now heartbroken or notice still the attack on them is more than personal but the gift magi of investigating swift flight on jets or her objection to stealing of music rights is paramount to seeing the same american biz PORNOPOLY xxxx theft going on daily on all of us and the media goggly amerizona bozzo zuckerborg would make a great awareness lead to what is really going the paramount mistaken identity, ego narcissism and manopoly game which is quite opposite the tru reality life is and worked by the three headed god and its cohorts the influence and patri-idioticism to dominate or control and lead on an polluted or alienated virus attack or hack on us all. thus all these metaphors are like too real yet also not real anymore than the meteor crash they raise to have us afraid of the cosmos coming down on us sometime in the future or the same apocalyptic visions being made into movies constantly or the game choices we play or make which reveal the competitors but not the real hardwire runners underworld of the surface sticks in our heads like hypnotism and automatic robot behavior....just my take on this but the star rock music idea comes to me over the past 7 years to present the wildstock concert for freedom beauty and true tru cloud atlas alongside the real idea is about a unified NU Urth and Star world in maps or various solar positions which are posted in the hey paneaglesong youtube .....and i think now the bridge begins to be reached to the gamers players and social cultural third worlders or the nu economic system the dark controllers desperately want to maintain for themselves so its a conundrum...but i present the STARROCK as what if taylor and travis TA TA came on board with their money not to put it back into the corrupted but rather build a universal bank and nutron trust which the farmers too and we of all nations or even just NU AMERIA make which is the lands or spacer of AMERICA MEXICO CANADA and the Caribbean as one of 4 or 5 or 6 world continent spaces and the polar region too NU IN AS IF IT IS ON VIRTUAL NU Nations United which actually really support all players and participants without racial social cultural inter-national control conditions or domination which is really the whole issue not that we play games or record music creations or economic playing off MANOPOLY project for it is obvious war is never good, harming our environment shelter food or air water energy is abundant if used shared, and man against woman or any adversary does not win anything and extensive executive salary and bank accounting via self interest or interest banking has no real value place for who really needs millions of dollars except for huge jets and palaces of empty space worth nothing anyone really needs while so many have nothing and continue poverty in both rich and poor countries...yikes this IS but TA TA and others have got to be thinking about it when ten children and one football game make so little difference in the end result that the game plays on but we have to find each of us a REAL POSITION in the SOLAR FIELD OF LIGHT as A NUSTAR ourselves, or not if we so decide...that the NU CHOICE HERE to C....ANGEL EYES and Eric the Red it's a fUNDAY... to find a funDING business please share and lets see what happens...

Thursday, February 15, 2024

STAR DAY FEBRUARY 15 ENERGY SUN KING Guitar running instrum

THINGS ARE HAPPENING.. USA going through or beginning a major transformation or transition ...lasts 15 years up to 2037This is final year completed the Capricorn empowerment or promulgation corporate control and political executionThus we saw COVID medical estsblishment BUSH republican guard OBAMA  (black president BIDEN female vice president and TRUMP and the LATEST KELCE SWIFT who monopolized the super bowl and then at the kansas city celebration 1 person killed and 20 people children were shotThus the socialized IDENTITY of America is sorely at effect and worsening alongside the ATTACHMENT and AI CONTROL mediaand also the trust in government and institutions and banking money interests...thusly ukr/russ and israel palestine and dems vs reps is largely MANOPOLIZED that is monopoly money games o big business and korporat agendas... OUCH but it is also pointing to building a NU MANITYthis is a discussion like to hear what your UK FRIENDS are saying or doing if they can and beyond just WHAT'S GOING ON there with you,,... secondly myself the trip to NEW YORK following your trip out was fantastic and sang many with others or recorded them in caves central park imagine etc...documented on my shorts and videos HEY PANEAGLESONG youtubeplease share..    I continue to write a song everyday... the latest is ANGEL EYES  ... i spent 2 months in the city and sang acapella including one day outside the DAKOTA created a song THE PLACE WHERE JOHN LENNON DIEDi also sang GOLDEN at the benches across from the park view of YOKO;S HOUSE ..she has moved to upstate new york franklin county i think..the couple i sat with was yoko from japan and brazilian husband former dancers and i nearly stopped new york in its track (city went silent everytime I sang)true story.  so in florida we have our gardeden solarium and blue pott springs golden house and magnolia trailbut when the hurricane came and sent me to new york...the trees are all down except on our property front sidebehind and all around the trees are all down and it looks like a desert.. they have destroyed the forests here...there comes a time (neil young said) and that is for the people to unite, end the government money boondoggle, get a real position to holdwhere we really have a vote or a truth to live and not under this ridiculousness...whatever... my music web page is www.solrocker.blogspot.comi have also great playlists on youtube including 60 of the 60;s BEATLES ENEVER  (21 songs the beatles did solo after breakup 70'71also have a blogspot on JOHN LENNON REMEMBER also met people from about 50 countries in NYCi am working on the STAR LOTTERY as the predicator to raise real FUN..DING  s met a man from croatia who was now in michigan truck driver and really cuul.. I can see why you like ukraine people...and the women are good too...i wonder again if you know someone in ukraine would like to try invest in my lottery model or share with us the winnings...i thought to raise about 20 to 50 people with about 20 bucks a month should do it...then we can build a NUTRON TRUST banki suppose what we need is one person with a lot of money to invest but it has to be a truly altruistic motive hard to find in rich people...I suppose its pretty wild eyed but it is REAL... as the ALTRUISM LOTTERY PROJECTWWW.STARLOTTERY.BLOGSPOT.COMplease share but do not share with just anyone because we want to keep this within the good SIDE and the real PEOPLE seeing as most of the new music sucks...but it is changing... i think the NU GODSPELL music is my style too.. it is coming forthpeople are fed up with the social what say we... THE LAW OF LAWS or the LIFE OF LOVE this spring is a coming out....we have 6 months to the election...which looks really ugly and dominated by the dark lord of I say i am the PRESCIENT ...of the NU AMERIA... the prescient means the one who cares without agenda, naturalism and progressive universalismthe STAR ROCK ....legend movie which i made about 100 videos on NEW YORK trip is all about this...

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Angel Eyes Story Starday Febu 13.14 paneaglesong

STAR DAY STORY thus I share the NU AEGIS STARDATE FEBRUARY 14 VALENTINES DAY moon in Taurus (the torus urth ring) and SOLAR day of GOLDEN BEAR LEO and the GREAT CAT LYNX or link to the REAL LIGHT with the PANEAGLESONG title ANGEL EYES be great filled with LIGHT and let your SOLAR BODY shine.... thanks wonderful LUV You've got those angel eyes no need telling lies don't need to wonder why no need any more lifetimes either here we watch all that's going wrong it's not your cause you won't have the you'r not all alone your story it's all in your skies and you've got the angel eyes paneaglesong Starday with the SUN mercury aquarius winged horse Pegasus good flights in the sky Seers doing real purposes moon Arians arise the hero heroines independent initiatives what Andromeda queens here do your best act in good motives the NU stars shine as you are in your angel eyes the solar day is Gemini acapella sayers sing your songs www.solrocker...www.galactician hey paneaglesong

panu comments... biden (bi-polar) is with china via tik tok... the awakening tsunami is less a huge wave and it is more of the level of humanity becoming aware of the psychic emotional media agenda dark control...but it is not a nu wave of getting beyond it and the psy mind is our second mental level (4d emotional intelligence which is psychic, metaphysic and subconscious mind bridge.)...... okay most cannot access the 5D SOULAR....have no real method or connection developed or practice which I call SPEX spiritual exercises of the NU WAVE... this is a 3x7 of the 3 waves and 7 rays or life levels (using the 5 bodies of mind phys emote causal and solar with open full awareness simply using the sound NU U U or other wise our real AWARENESS this technique simple but it can also be a natural solaristic and universal unity of our real being ... yes this excitement shared is the REcognition of the NU HUMAN (nuhumanity) with the SOLARITY (sol sun-unity) body...there is a break split in america with the old vs new and the people want to fight to be real true and pure but it is split to getting america back or the old country which is an old context which the reps like but it is merely the obedience to the ruling authority, not a free movement beyond the old...CHRISSY... your opinions about biden trump etc are really best not said or shared because our view is no important and any way its just a show of PATRI-IDIOTS as you well know... secondly the election process is so corrupt and all controlled by media which hyes trump biden are working and yet if you stand that biden or clinton is the corrupt instead of the fact is is all theft...of the soul mind body of everyone and we are all initiating this SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL stones sing why after all it is you and me and we are agreeing to it, simple as can be even as we speak of it...myself included here Yuck...but outside the personal issues..? .can we feel be and become SEERS of the free true and pure and maybe really create a NU AMERIA or continent of PAN AMERIKA which is mexico canada included with caribbean IS-LANDS as a unified set which is beyond the political borders and economic control stations cities and pockets of TEX-ASS or SEE-IT-ALL or FLOW-RIVER-A all competing with each other instead of full sharing open unified and not dominated or control centered ...while still existing as free beings just as we all are...but none want to recognize this NU UNITY...or NATIONS UNITED NU..,,in PALUNESIA Pacific rim and JAH/PAN / AUSTRALIGIS (other NU nations of the Pacific rim) we are all SOLAREANS on the star rock realm and NUMANH AND WOMAHN here now

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Golden Acapella NY tunnel Being Wonderful. paneaglesong STARDATE FEBU 3


Wednesday, January 31, 2024



All these represent the ideas and polarized concepts of reality. That is the real difference is not a polarity, but we only see it when we point out the polarity. This is the human paradox (perception) and the NUman recognition. Let us see the differencing, as this…THE PLUS and MINUS or the _ and + or the male and female as positive and negative poles, but in stead of believing it is good or bad, or some such other interpretation, let us view the - + as a NUETRAL, which is both are as they are, yet outside the polarity, each sex as an example just is, not of the plus or minus, but as a causation, we find it is our choice what reality we wish to create, and so man and women created reality as a union, but also have separate or distinct reality, just as we also are ourselves each of us unique or distinct, creating our own simulated reality or creation, that is distinct from any other, and is itself an ISNISS, and so the same goes for the ALL IS of all reality and the ISNISS OF REALITY ITSELF, And this real awareness is quite distinct from perception or our view of reality, which is our A CAUSAL or ALL natural or NU Unity with ALL IS, depending only on our choice and view, which can be manufactured in the simulator, or created in our mind or under the control of the SIMULATED CAUSALITY or DARK LORD brats

Friday, January 26, 2024


SOLARIS FOR FLORIDA LOTTERY FANTASY FIVE DAY DRAWING JANUARY 26 by PANU THE ONE UNIVERSAL SOLASTRY (solar arts) ALTRUISM LOTTERY PROJECT STAR DAYZ OF THE MOON LEO the GOLDEN BEAR and SOLAR day of the ANDROMEDAN ARIES ARISE IN THE RED URTH SUUN AMONG THE ALPHA CENTAURI STAR DATE 307 51 12 .06 SOLARIS FANTASTIC LET US KNOW WHEN YOU WIN noble notable character fun playful creative showing leadership or self interest with friends physical and surviving warrior or hero thriving and independent initiative beginning of the week and weekend NUMBERS FOR FLORIDA DAY and MOST STATES GENERALLY d 20 10 21 12 3 13 34 16 29 9 major SUAS 10 11 2 12 6 1626 17 8 18 28 19 29 date dig 1 26 and 5 12 11 56 10 8 FOR ALL LOTTERIES AND MEGA MILLION FRIDAY JANU 26 RED TRINE 10 20 11 21 12 3 16 7 8 19 GOLDEN SUAS THIRTY 10 11 2 12 6 16 26 17 8 19 29 SUNA SUMON 30 10 12 6 16 26 17

Thursday, January 25, 2024

NUAllAH NU dream dance paneaglesong STARDAY JANU 24

THE QUESTION IS NOT AMERICA BUT IT IS TO BE A REAL AMERIAN... A NU MAN OF THE REAL URTH AND REAL AMER - CONTINENT SHARED (ala USA CAN MEX) Your support is noted as your the only one I see observing or responding at all and here with the FLAG but it does'nt mean much because AMERICA seems to be doing all the taking and little real GIVING. You didn't give me or USSA (US StarA) anything but a lot of phrases and ideas of a country split right down the middle by the mississippi the MISS IS PI or MISSING THE PI eternal number and the real spirit which falls far short of the vision anyone has of the REAL UNIVERSIS and the TRUE NATION.... I am the TRUMPETER not the TRUMP EATER and more the anti trump than the anti christ and not the TRU ump eater,,,,,,, and I like the USSA and NU AMER as a united nation and a true country of the people and the real NATURE.....A SOUL SOLARIZ who is SOLAR EYEzeD...A REAL SEER ........ GOOD FLAG WAS in the 1840's with LESS STARS but more LIKE A STAR about the time the robber barrons began and hit the train ride across the country and took over the gold and mountain pacific and Indian native lands... NOW ALL WE HAVE is what's left with a 300 million looking at the TV all day

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Song of the Free being of light opening AQUARIUS EAGLE STAR DAY JANUARY 22

SONG OF THE FREE BEING OF LIGHT paneaglesong PANU open the door.. star day january 22
sun 3RD DAY AQUARIUS EAGLE day 9 CREATIVE ARTIST and SOLAR DAY of the gemini HUNTER GATHERING and MOON IN GEMINI with BETELGUESE star of the ALIENATION and the busy mind...cross purposes when those on the left circle who say crazy and lost well they are the ones delimiting and the word is being limited because its nothing really we do not need to pay attention no mind or give it space or limitedness... just be with ALL IS and beyond this I am HEY PANEAGLESONG youtubby with the PURE REAL AND TRUE and the compassion unity and intention with the REAL AWARENESS which is what I HEAR ELLA and that is happening with my own but also with the ALL IS that is in my experience in the SOUND song word i sang GOLDEN ACAPELLA in new york for 2 months everywhere and drew the Universal close .....seeing hearing and being NU U U U instant tuning IN share freely 500 original songs, many written instantly and 1000 videos this week was LET THE LIGHT ON and WHATDAYAWANT HAHUMANU .with US/OUR/YOURS companion group of real purpose beings of light and all on the edge of the circle in the 5TH density (my number is 625...5x5x5) ... the SOLAR BODY is the 5th level density whatever and SOLARITY is being aware of IS (7th level unity) thisIN AS IF IT IS ON and SOLARIZ is the companion STAR FIELD where we are all STARZ and recognition makes all the difference..this year i heard "don't do anything the old way..there is if it doesn't work try something different...HA NU AH NAM (ANAMI ocean) and NU U happy NU URTH MAHN
by peter adams hey paneaglesong discover the REAL UNIVERSE AND BUILD THE NU URTH SING NU U U and LISTEN TO YOUR SUN ALWAYS ON BEAUTIFUL GOLDEN colors FUCHSIA TURQUOISE and VERMILLION (blue red and yellow pastel shades) 3 NU SONGS JANUARY 2024 song of the free and LET THE LIGHT ON and NU AH YODAY AH endless creativity write a song a day in 5 minutes and sing WITH ACAPELLA the Charioteer CAPELLA star is the hand of heaven with the golden heart and the pure true real body SOLARITY to this OPEN THE THIRD EYE AND EAR OF LISTENING you become a SEER SINGER AND SPEAKER with everyone is PRECIOUS everything is precious and everything we do is PRECIOUS ISNISS with ALL IS THE STAR ROCK LEGEND movie record creation myth of journey as SOL NU MAHN with the WILDSTOCK CONCERT greatest eneverband and musical theatre project


STAR DAY JANUARY 21 SUN AQUARIUS 1st degree Moon Gemini STAR CAPELLA the charioteer communication SOL travelers in the body of light SOLUNAR DAY is SAGITTARIUS the SAGE OPHiUCHUS and the SWAN DOLPHIN EAGLE River exegis freedom wake up calls hey paneaglesong this is the preliminary to the RIVER EXEGIS WALK RAP on the COVID (CO-OPTED WORLD) CORONA VIrus Mystery Condition and how to be truly FREE CLEAR PURE AND REAL. LISTEN TO THE SOUND, Hear the SONG OF LIVE IN THE TRU REALITY LIFE IS.... Peter Joseph and Mother Mary know this IS as do you..WORLD WIDE WAKE UP CALL....NU U YU very nice genuine version... Gordon was golden too...I have 500 original songs.. would you like to do any version of any of them HAPPY become part of the NU MUSIC movie called STARROCK and WILDSTOCK concert HEY PANEAGLESONG its a brand new year and the southern winter is about over so lets WAKE UP to other titles are LISTEN TO YOUR SUN SUN...BEAUTIFUL WONDERFUL and GOLDEN best peter adams

Friday, January 5, 2024

SUUN EXERCISE and SPEX Emerald Lady fender electric instrum STARDAY JANU...

my SUUN hey paneaglesong... take the pure drop of living water with the golden elixer and the divine honey nectar and the bread of life in your breath of peace and sing NU U U...then see your SOLAR LIGHT BODY with the ear of listening and the third (great eye) and the giant or great hand with the solar body and the golden mean connected to the SOLARIS or GREAT SUUN. now you have open the 7 levels at the 5th dimension and make your connection to the ALL IS and REAL UNIVERSIS of the emerald forest and field of dreams of the treasure tree (of heaven) on the mountain of light as you in the river of stars of the oceanus *dark matter and thus SOLARIZE this at both universal and solar level with the GALACTIC CENTER that is all here and in the GREAT WAVE OF NU U here you are Star of the Living One see