Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Angel Eyes Story Starday Febu 13.14 paneaglesong

STAR DAY STORY thus I share the NU AEGIS STARDATE FEBRUARY 14 VALENTINES DAY moon in Taurus (the torus urth ring) and SOLAR day of GOLDEN BEAR LEO and the GREAT CAT LYNX or link to the REAL LIGHT with the PANEAGLESONG title ANGEL EYES be great filled with LIGHT and let your SOLAR BODY shine.... thanks wonderful LUV You've got those angel eyes no need telling lies don't need to wonder why no need any more lifetimes either here we watch all that's going wrong it's not your cause you won't have the you'r not all alone your story it's all in your skies and you've got the angel eyes paneaglesong Starday with the SUN mercury aquarius winged horse Pegasus good flights in the sky Seers doing real purposes moon Arians arise the hero heroines independent initiatives what Andromeda queens here do your best act in good motives the NU stars shine as you are in your angel eyes the solar day is Gemini acapella sayers sing your songs www.solrocker...www.galactician hey paneaglesong

panu comments... biden (bi-polar) is with china via tik tok... the awakening tsunami is less a huge wave and it is more of the level of humanity becoming aware of the psychic emotional media agenda dark control...but it is not a nu wave of getting beyond it and the psy mind is our second mental level (4d emotional intelligence which is psychic, metaphysic and subconscious mind bridge.)...... okay most cannot access the 5D SOULAR....have no real method or connection developed or practice which I call SPEX spiritual exercises of the NU WAVE... this is a 3x7 of the 3 waves and 7 rays or life levels (using the 5 bodies of mind phys emote causal and solar with open full awareness simply using the sound NU U U or other wise our real AWARENESS this technique simple but it can also be a natural solaristic and universal unity of our real being ... yes this excitement shared is the REcognition of the NU HUMAN (nuhumanity) with the SOLARITY (sol sun-unity) body...there is a break split in america with the old vs new and the people want to fight to be real true and pure but it is split to getting america back or the old country which is an old context which the reps like but it is merely the obedience to the ruling authority, not a free movement beyond the old...CHRISSY... your opinions about biden trump etc are really best not said or shared because our view is no important and any way its just a show of PATRI-IDIOTS as you well know... secondly the election process is so corrupt and all controlled by media which hyes trump biden are working and yet if you stand that biden or clinton is the corrupt instead of the fact is is all theft...of the soul mind body of everyone and we are all initiating this SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL stones sing why after all it is you and me and we are agreeing to it, simple as can be even as we speak of it...myself included here Yuck...but outside the personal issues..? .can we feel be and become SEERS of the free true and pure and maybe really create a NU AMERIA or continent of PAN AMERIKA which is mexico canada included with caribbean IS-LANDS as a unified set which is beyond the political borders and economic control stations cities and pockets of TEX-ASS or SEE-IT-ALL or FLOW-RIVER-A all competing with each other instead of full sharing open unified and not dominated or control centered ...while still existing as free beings just as we all are...but none want to recognize this NU UNITY...or NATIONS UNITED NU..,,in PALUNESIA Pacific rim and JAH/PAN / AUSTRALIGIS (other NU nations of the Pacific rim) we are all SOLAREANS on the star rock realm and NUMANH AND WOMAHN here now

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