Saturday, April 27, 2024

it's Unbelievable song universal view STARDAYZ April 28


HERE IS A UNIVERSAL VIEW.. our Urth is under orbit of sun which is under orbit of the galaxy so the real Universal is our SUUN or Inner position under the ORBIT of the galaxy and all the stars which make our solar map of the universal Zodiac, and as our sun has 3 positions in the 3D our SUUN or Universal position has 3 position which are under the Galactic or local Universal group of Stars, all cluster in an oasis which is a galaxy among millions of galaxies which is centered in the Virgo Cluster space known as the MESSIER and this (hint MESSIAH) is center of this local galaxy group which is among another set of Millions of Galaxies (if not trillions) which are centered or focal on the GREAT ATTRACTOR which is in the point of our LOCAL SUUN at 14 Sagittarius..and so we have these 3 GODZ (galactic, messiah, and GPA great attractor) and this is the real ZodiaZ of the Universal from our SOLAR POSITION which is currently this century at 27-28 Sagittarius, and because all this is largely unknown to most anyone, there is this NU View then which is the Universal Position we can view of our selves (personal) and the World and Sun system (our Natural being of Light) and thirdly the NU UNiversal which is that connection to ALL IS which is naturally not a space time or place or being or design or position of any kind...this can be discovered AND seen or by our own recognition and being IN real awareness which all words for we do not a map or a method or a religion or a system but because we are working in this system and within the creation, we must recognize what it is and what creation is in relation, only so we can see this by our own way or wave which is all.. and so know ALL IS here and now always and there we may be or JOYN with this and so from here now we can PROCEED with REALITY... smile it sounds like a lot but I share it with you because the SOLAR SUUN is now at 7 Pisces and will be in Pisces throughout the next 7 months so you dear friend sharing with US is one of those who may center this and become more or really AWARE just as you are now aware of all the hidden mis-identity and mistaken faux PA of the Human and the Alienation and all that.. so with you we are as AM I (PANU) not any kind of controller force or agenda personality but share this with you all as and HEY PANEAGLESONG youtube...Everyone is with this because this is ALL IS naturally but all are seeing it through the focal glass usually a one pointed human view or the 3D limitation and cannot see but the reflection of the mirror .. so it is WE LEARN and go on.. PISCES is the PI-SEAS PI number infinite Oceanus SEER with the SOLAR SIGNS WHALE and SOUTHERN CROSS caretaker empath and swimming in the great ocean US (UNIVERSAL

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