Tuesday, March 29, 2022

3/29 STAR DATE SUN 10 Aries Adventure on the NU ARC SOL ROCKER

STAR DATES Solrocker verse ii 3.26 On the NU Arc 3/29 SUN 10 Aries Adventure of the NU ARC Building the solar research Vessel of NU Urth SOULAR 5 scorpio Breaking down the past Waves pound the Rocky Shore Galactic 11 Aquarius Universal Galactician Discovery of the NU AEGIS Revealing the Freedom in the Real UniversIS MOON Pisces STAR Archenar the Arc of D’estiny The ARC of our real Universal Motion (MOTIVITY) The DENEB morning in the Whales home Is-land SOLUNAR Libra Recognizing your noble heritage Becoming the Northern Crown or fun’raising of the Midheaven the MESSIAH of the Gemman Diamond Wearing the Crown of Thorns or A Day of Beauty Adorning your own symphony of life SOLAR STAR LOTTERY Predict the lottery using time place of draw and 1x 60x and 360x ASPECTS and the next day ahead SOULARS STAR DATE The SUN.EARTH SOLAR.GALACTIC AND SOLARIS.UNIVERSAL Find the SUN DEGREE, THE 3D GTC and the SOLARIS of GTC SOLARIS seventh sun The sum total of the SUN 3 degree harmonics (1X 60X 3600) SOLARIS seven SUNS The 3 degrees of SUN and the 3 sum total pairs PLUS the SOLARIS total The 7 bodies are the physical mental emotional causal solar (SOULAR) subconscious and universal (SOLARITY) Star GPS the 3 positions of the URTH REALM MAP Longitude latitude and diagonal (sum total lat-long) These give us 4 dimensions of local solar and universal positions 30x 15x 10x and 1x Harmonics From the Equator or North pole and Dateline or GMT Basic STAR GPS 3 positions are 30 degree west from GMT, 15 degree north from Equator And 30 degree diagonal zones west from 0 ARIES 0 GMT Paneagle Universal Galactician.blogspot Founder Solaris Star Date Solar Gps SOULAR UNIVERSAL Suun Zodiac SOLARIS Sum of the Sun 3D harmonic Solaris Suuns . 28 Sunads.. Universal Positioning and Soular Galactic Relativity How to know the 3 Star dates 927 709.835 sun 109 Earth.sun and solar.galactic and solaris.universal Our Star date Sun sabian 9 Aries rewrite the old concepts 5 scorpio..3rd degree GTC.. A Massive rocky shore resists the Sea Discovery...breaking down the past..ride on the NU Arc vessel Solaris GTC 11 Aquarius freedom in a real unuverse.. Sabian it's everything and more.. I have been practicing Solastry since 2001.2011 and 2021. The real NU Aegis is Always On now..welcome home Old Aegis of Zeus in creation is done Back write pan..I am Namesake 3 famous astrologers 0ad 800.1600 Peter,oisis.Marshall.lah. Noustra.ADAM.uS...truly.peter Star GPS the 3 positions of the URTH REALM MAP Longitude latitude and diagonal (sum total lat-long) These give us 4 dimensions of local solar and universal positions 30x 15x 10x and 1x Harmonics From the Equator or North pole and Dateline or GMT Basic STAR GPS 3 positions are 30 degree west from GMT, 15 degree north from Equator And 30 degree diagonal zones west from 0 ARIES 0 GMT SOLAR STAR LOTTERY Predict the lottery using time place of draw and 1x 60x and 360x ASPECTS and the next day ahead SOULARS what is STAR DATING AND SOLARIS STAR DATE The SUN.EARTH SOLAR.GALACTIC AND SOLARIS.UNIVERSAL Find the SUN DEGREE, THE 3D GTC and the SOLARIS of GTC SOLARIS seventh sun The sum total of the SUN 3 degree harmonics (1X 60X 3600) SOLARIS seven SUNS The 3 degrees of SUN and the 3 sum total pairs PLUS the SOLARIS total The 7 bodies are the physical mental emotional causal solar (SOULAR) subconscious and universal (SOLARITY) THE 4 GODZ in the 4DIMENSION OF CREATION These are the Galactic Center, the Great Attractor, the Messier complex and the ANDROMEDA also as our partner galaxy The local godz are GTC (kali influence) and SATURN (Satan-planet of the Sun system) making up the 6 Godz of our Universal SOLAR FIELD OF Light (SUUN)

Friday, March 25, 2022


song for the flowers of life paneaglesong instrum tracks

Thursday, March 24, 2022


STAR DATE 3/24 SUN 5 ARIES sabian A TRIANGLE WITH WINGS Always on NU Arc coming in verse 1 nu paneaglesong SOLUNAR SAGITTARIUS Hours of the Wisdom keepers soul travelers and world adventurers Moon in Sagittarius DAY OF THE SAGE SOULAR UNIVERSAL DRAGON spring summer 22 In the SEASON OF STRANGE STORMS In the human earth world the 7 years of Uranus in Taurus, sabian SUN 5 ARIES sabian A TRIANGLE WITH WINGS Lift-off Inspiration: The mathematics of relationship go like this: one plus one equals a triangle with wings. Today: Outrageous expressions of individuality are softened by sensibilities that have no need to shout. Expect excitement. The capacity for self-transcending. This is the symbol of the desire to reach a higher level of existence, of pure aspiration or devotion, of bhakti. What has emerged in the first phase of the process of differentiation is becoming aware of the possibility of further up-reachings. Today Lunar WAKE (2 days) of the SCORPIO 3 The answers are appearing A HOUSE RAISING COMMUNITY BUILDING THIS WAKE (week of days) is in the SOULAR monad of the CENTAURUS whereby we recognize the community of Griffin Pheonix and rising out of the ashes This speaks of the need for folk to help to pull things together, whether it is the building of a barn, a home, a community, an idea, a project, a belief, anything that binds people together. This Symbol shows people coming together in order to commune together and build and accomplish something. Rather than going it alone, great things can be achieved if everyone works and pulls together. UNIVERSAL aquarius 9 flag turned into an eagle This aquarian rides the leadership flag While the winged horse acquires itself in free flight Loyalty leads me upwards This is ongoing beyond all the old world structures The formula is: manipulating-ideal-ingenious-specializing-social-responsible. SABIAN AQUARIUS 9 UNIVERSAL IDEALS They dynamic incorporation of new social values in individuals who exemplify the spiritual potential and greatest significance of these values. Dedicated to the proposition that all men are created eagles. Feeling what to think may be the catch phrase for the day. It is as if thoughts and ideas come to life, are animated, through the felt quality that motivates them. THE SOLAR CLOCK and THE NU AEGIS this is the CALL IN YEAR of DAYZ in the SOULAR UNIVERSAL (GALACTIC YEAR) Our Helios (SUN SOL) travels across the universal ocean in a 26,100 year cycle The Solar Galactic year begins December 18 as the Sun aligns with the Galactic Center This gives our UNIVERSAL POSITION relative to the Sun with the Galactic Center Our primary position for milleniums is caught between Betelguese and the GTC and is trine ANDROMEDA our closest partner galaxy which we will merge with Billions of years In the real UNIVERSIS we exist aware of these universal 'BODIES' in our own individual Star which is like a STAR within the SOLAR FIELD OF LIGHT and orbiting with the Galaxy center but with its 5 spiral arms of Light, we also have our own 5 Universal bodies which are related to the multi-dimensional spectrum of physical, emotional, mental, causal and solar thus we who can see this 5th dimensional SOLARITY are able to become AWARE and in this recognition, they or we can begin to create or ATTEND in the real UNiversSIS No longer is the old simulated reality of the OLD AEGIS ZEUS gods of any affect or control SOLAR EDITORIAL DUPLICATION Pete/REPEAT replication EFFECT What we see in this world is the same in the universal and our personal realm where each is replicated or duplicated, that is either a fabricated reality or a controlled simulation which we duplicate or repeat ad nauseum, like history or lifetimes or in family sex birth process, as well in business or cultures and also inculcated or used in the takeover of nations corporations or peoples, such as America taking over the native tribes or the federal government taking over the (united) states, step by step, or as it was in in Russia and Ukraine or China and the Asian countries, without actually having to take over the land or property, but more a ‘space’ dominion which is more or less virtual or in hypnographic control, such that the united (nations) set of countries is being taken over by the business monopoly elite and its own agenda being processed, such as genocide, covidity, population control, media and electro magnetic autonomism, elimination of boundaries by the creation of border policing and control markets, using medicine weapons and resources, especially food and drugs in a co-dependent and behaviorial addiction or patriotism as all are unified elements which all countries share, resources, survival requirements especially of co-opted natural physical property. This is the current human conditioning ALIENATION

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

STAR DATE march 22 NU WAVE ON ARIA lets get physical

MARCH 22 STAR DATE 709.801 SUN 3 ARIES LETS GET PHYSICAL Solunar Leo day of Light Sunset of the Golden bear Afternoon of the Lion MOON in Sagittarius adventure freedom expansion Finding your own way Seeing the connection with the Antares or anti-christ This is an anti-warrior or warrior of peace SOULAR sign 1 Scorpio REEL TO REAL movie of life Stars of the CENTAURUS and Alpha Centauri How we create a virtual reality or simulation of reality in real space time (Life) Each of us created our reality Depending on our attitude agreement and associations Centaurians include Hillary Clinton, Bill Gates, and Winona Ryder Growing Ceannolilies the Floriva Tulip Flowers We have blooming in our Gardeden the most beautiful red cano-lilies this spring…every year we get a lily blooming flower of some kind in our garden. The soil is rich and black, formerly a tobacco farm, unlike most of the land in our county and florida which has sandy soil. Letter to my brother Jeff I met with Bob Budwick, the pro at Suwannee Live Oak. He loves Jethro tull and I gave him a box set of vinyl the 20 YEARS history of Tull. He loves the album Aqualung. He also said he knows you, through JAGA. He said it takes a great deal of effort to produce the events, news and communications, so I realized how much your doing freely as president of the association. So I got the reason for your busy schedule. You work hard. Bob thanks you also. He said he thought each club should donate something like $100 to the organization. That same day I played with Mike a former miner and gold farmer. He said he plays with Christian golf group Thursdays, I helped him putting and hitting the ball straighter. It was a good round. So I gave to both of them. When I got home, we watched the movie WALKING WITH HERB which should be called GOLF with Herb because it depicted a world golf tournament with a spiritual guide character helping Herb a 65 year old to become a winner…yeah its just a little funny parable but I relate to the lead character played by Edward james olmos (Head Jim Almost) as the old man with a Jesus guide making a comeback to golf and the art of love and giving. So have a look. Don’t expect a great ‘golfer’ view but it was fun.

Sunday, March 20, 2022


STAR DATE MAR 20 709.801 SOULARS TODAY Galactic 1 scorpio the centaurus wake of the flood The rise of the phoenix or griffin bird of freedom Solar 1 aries Lunar 6 scorpio Moon in scorpio very distinct passion and presence of taken the real viewpoint Mercury conjunct Jupiter the most intelligent, best communicatios, freedom to travel or express Solunar Aries day of the hero Athletics adventure independence activism Day galactic sabian BRINGING HIDDEN THINGS TO LIGHT Scorpio 7° Deep-sea divers This is a symbol of the absolute integrity of man's nature at root, dramatized here by his insatiable determination to plumb all experience to the depths and to uncover the illimitable reaches of potentiality in his world of everyday relationships UNIVERSAL sabian 7 Aquarius A child born of an eggshell Fragile, breakable, frangible... Walking on eggshells, egg on your face, brittle, fragile, capable of being easily broken, shattered, laying an egg, scoring a big goose egg... all these common words and expression can fit in This can be reversed to be inversion or taken oneself out of old consciousness That is not being of the old order or control domination, release of stigmata and karma SUN 2 aries Solunar Gemini Universal 1 scorpio gtt SOLARIS 7 aquarius gti A TALE OF TWO CITIES March 20 2019 Across two lifetimes and three lost realms What happened during the 666 day (mar 18/19 2022) George Washington had open heart surgery James Madison returned verdict of the family civil law suit Thomas Jefferson held the players championship George Fox traveled overseas to help free UKR These members of Pan’s family unit and friends In my own Peter Marshall PANEAGLE aka PANU the Son of Avon Franklin Adams wrote the NU Arc symphony and founded the SOLARIS ARC Solarscope STAR DATE call in year SOLARSCOPE and The 4D GODZ Great Attractor Galactic Messier and Andromeda THE 4D galactic center G-GT-GTC-GTD The 4 SUNS 3 harmonics of Sun and GTD Sun 1x 60x 360x and 3600x 3 SOLARIS of GTC/SUN (Solaris sum total) SUN I GTC-I AND GATD-I 4 Soulars of the SUUN Sun Moon Solunar GTT The SUN 1X, 60x – second sun, moon degree and 3rd degree of GT (galactic center) THE 7 SOULARS Sun moon solunar and GTT SUN-I GTC-I and GTD-I Every person can be become solarized Every person can discover their Universal Position Every person can discover the real awareness Every event in time can be related directly to each person and every event of a person life is relative to Solarity, the soulars and the sun positions These are the SOLAR KEYS TO GALACTIC TIMING Subtitle OUR SOLARIS UNIVERSAL POSITIONING Discover www.galactician.blogspot.com THE NU AEGIS will End the old AEGIS of Zeus End of the bible veda koran and horror-scopes Horo Sha Akash and Horus Ra All-ah Chy-ist Illuminati Annunaki Egyptian Mesopatamian Atlantis Babylon and Draco Eridanus Orions and Cetus Cepheus and Algol Betelguese lord rulers popes queens monarchs presidents czars reptilians alienation and covidity

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

STAR DATE MAR 15 709.727 HARVEST MOON Living in Real Time

STAR DATE March 15, 2022 Gardeden views panu Solarium freseum wildstock floriva home THE NU ARC of 315 709.728 LIVING IN REAL TIME AND SOLAR IS NOW There is so much more here and what we see and know LOOK DEEPER Sabian SUN PISCES 27 (26˚ - 27˚) A harvest moon THIS FULL MOON March 18 coming Moon in Leo Golden bear and the Ursa Majoris How California and the SolarIS are at odds or involved with the Saturn Lord (Satan) and the korporate elites demonstrating their power SOLUNAR cancer evening of the family of man As events unfold Ukraine Russian and American are intertwined in a control conditioning program Soular day of The Hunter Orion and Gemini Capella This is adventurous day of gathering knowledge Expressive communication and travel organization There is movement mobility and transition Translation of ancient knowledge into present awareness or using real awareness to know what is real of past experience SOULAR DAY 27 libra as the Galactic center lines harmonically with our SUN SOULar This brings a certain recognition of the NU URTH and our SOULAR field of Light here
The Dream of the Two Horseman of the Star Rock ...I dreamt I was in the mountains (on a vision quest) in Dakotas, as the illuminated set of very big Horses came flying above like helicopters, which was the similar dream vision of Black Elk Indian Shaman of the four grandfathers (four horseman of the apocalypse) in the sky, heralding the NU AEGIS and Solar field of Light, the end of the old Aegis of Zeus and the Abrahamic Egyptian Sumerian and Atlantean ISTORY This dream signifies the renewal of the true real-legion from the old tradition (Rock armegeddon) and return of the Native people (Indian nation) to his Urth Heaven or Happy Hunting ground, in this time a revival on the NU ARC (Symphony of NUmanity) before the real Apocalypse of world war III and the AI (artificial intelligence) ALIENATION take over marketing plot of the Dark Brat Controllers Full moon in Virgo the Shepherd gathers his flock and by Information of True Navigation of the Real Universis Expansion of the Solar Field of Light This is a real Sun FLAIR (Solar Flare) Electromagnetic storms on the way this March More interruptions of EMR WAVES frequency and communication networks Expansion or involition of EMR media control 5G grid .network (IN Violation of human rights) Possible destruction of Satellites by Solar Flares Increase of Tornado Alley and earthquake possible George Washington gets heart surgery James Madison receives judgement of his Civil Case John Adams creates the NUetron Bank Mrs. Adams (Laura Linney) attempts to free herself and family from persecution and control of the Dark lords Brats Korporate Reptilian mafia business government Sabian 26 pisces A NU MOON THAT DIVIDES INFLUENCES An old emotionally charged memory can bring one to repetition or inspire a new course: take your pick. Today: New moon symbolisms are ever about fresh starts , new beginnings of seed significance. When things of the past are re-called through memory ...

Friday, March 11, 2022

STAR DATE march 11 NU Arc quick step UNIVERAL PROPHET

NU ARC FAST INSTRUM verse 5.10 STAR DATES 311.2022 709.726 SUN 22 PISCES SABIAN A PROPHET BRINGING DOWN THE NEW LAW FROM THE MOUNTAIN Moon cancer the WOLF Sirius and the American involvement Russia-Uk War What everyone pays attention home security family and control influences Economic and personal survival interests as US is measured with biological weapons as a threat of russia propaganda and reality of use SOLUNAR POSITION day of the Libra crown of diamonds and aurora borealis The Messiah expresses discontent as the PROPHET Pan Gesus Einsign speaks the NU DISCOVERY of the spiritual republic and the creation of the NU URTH HOW WE PROJECT WORLD EVENTS IN RELATION TO UNIVERSAL POSITIONS There is a cold war in eastern europe and the economic gas-aholism WMD threat Is an attack on humanity, by all involved, Attempts at a unified agreement are being made, despite the war machinery deployed With the SOULARS at 26 Libra on the ARCTURIAN bridge of LIGHT to BALANCED UNIVERSALISM while we are about to enter the scorpio phase of the centaurus spiral of economic transformation (GTC 27 9 26) Solis is at 2 aquarius and this Solis at 3 aquarius 12-13 of march Solis at 6 aquarius march 14-15 and the same time SOULAR position of the sun goes to the galactic scorpio position (SCUTUM galactic arm) This SOLIS position will be at 666 on 6 Aquarius after this weekend around march 18th THE STAR DATE CALL IN YEAR The three ways to SET THE DAYS TABLE and report the STAR DATE By the signs and degree by the degrees itself by the sum of the degrees Or the four signs of the year month day and SOLARIS We can also make the 28 signs of the SUUN, 14 signs of the Month monad and 7 stars constells But generally we have all 28 signs appear in each of the century year month or day… Thus the YEAR is in 10 Libra entering the Northern Crown and Aurora Borealis The Month is the 25 libra in the ARCTURUS DIAMOND And the UNIVERSAL STAR is 18 tau the Camelephant building a NU Urth BUILDING A NU SPIRITUAL REPUBLIC AND SAVE THE WORLD THE NUURTH UNIVERSALIS And the NU AMERA CABINET Consisting of 7 people, a secretary of state, advisors of the treasury and the human relations truth and security advisors and the universalism representative or nations united affiliation We will not create direct association with any legal educative religious or national entity or agenda of personal medical financial scientific or media programming bias or influence of private interests monopoly, In other words no gov edu rel or sci. bank But in a universal altruism and non-individual motivation or perspective Can’t be bought moved or controlled Unless by willing consent and the agreement of the populus or whole And take no action, create no laws or force any ideas of any kind Ruling not by law or force of might but of full trust in true nature and real guidelines set of truth love and freedom by relative acceptance in the present moment HOW TO PREDICT WORLD EVENTS USING SOLARIS Star date march 10 SUN 21 Pisces Solunar in leo Moon in Gemini STAR Betelguese The mind set and insight is not benign Duplicity manipulation identification Bi-polar with false idols racial cultural political national or personal Attempts at discussion and communications with universal positioning or media two dimensional referencing of 3 dimensional problems meaning social humanitarian psizophrenia (psychic dimensia) HOW TO PREDICT LOTTERY USING SOLARIS March 9 PB 11:00pm Result 13 22 34 51 67 10 Play 21/52 33 39 wins 4 Suns soulars lunars 13 52/21 34 7 39/10 exact six wins Suns 19 33 24 4 8 4 16suni 16di Soulars 52 57 43 12 lunars 16 30 24 37 suns lunars soulars = wins 13(43/12) 22/52 33/4/4 37/8, 24/24 nox 16nox

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Amazing Grace ZOW Jesus verse 6.25 Star Date march 9

Star Date 3922 709.724 Star date march 9 SET YOUR TABLE The evening meal is the symbol of the rewards of the day's labours Sabian 20 pisces "A table set for an evening meal" Moon in Gemini conjunct STAR CAPELLA the messenger charioteer SUN PISCES begins UNIVERSAL POSITION of the CETUS WHALE Caretakers of Planet We are destroying the Earth SOLUNAR Leo the GOLDEN BEAR having fun WAKING UP from the winter NAP Don't take things personally, Make no Assumptions, Do your Best, Live and JOY'n IN fully THE SOULAR ON STAR ARCTURUS the social cultural control ALIENATION is identified we must see the REAL NU ARC on the Solar Research Vessel of URTH This is a school and control experience dominion which we are learning to transcend transmute and transform or comprehend how to SHARE THE REAL UNIVERSIS SPEX SPECIAL PRACTICE EXPOsition EXPERIENCE https://innever.blogspot.com/2020/08/spex-spiritual-light-exercise-nu-u.html PETER EAGLE EVER'N'EVER SOLAR UNIVERSAL THE MUSIC: HEY paneaglesong from the treasure tree PETER EAGLE EVER'N'EVER SOLAR UNIVERSAL THE MUSIC EN'EVER THE BAND paneaglesong EN'EVER THE BAND "En'ever the music lives, Eternal the LIFE sound current IS" EXEGIS MUSIC 100 PROJECT 7 SONG SEED'S We are listening to the LIVING ONE and ALL IS within US and the SOULAR body is alive I will send you videos and ensure your welcome to view SPEX spiritual exercise SOLAR PRACTICE EXPO using NU U and our Senses, Physical Solar and Universal body this procession of the equinox moves all the bodies 1 degree in 72 years, has polaris as north star 2100 and Vega in another 3000 years...If you want to know the real meaning of this, see SOLARIS by paneagle ..I AM discovery of STAR GPS and SOLASTRY solar arts which is not astrology, but more...there are seven continents or nations united NU Am (Amera), EU OZ or AMAZ and AU ASA and AFRI and the contients are on diagonals sw to ne, for example, and yes each is on a DESERT or Designated Earth zone which once bloomed (as in Pangeia) into the current form but its not flat earth or round rock world either, its the REAL NATURE in our REAL UNIVERSIS of NU URTH...but again only a description of the actuality, which is not bound in time space coordinates or dimensia, which is why we humans do not recognize it, and only our physics or science or religious presentations and belief systems so much smaller than the true Actuality ACT, but language is all that was once processed in human genome code or tools of the sumerian atlantean ideology and by godz of orions who forced creation changes and environmental degradation of the desert lands once mined and dined upon slaving humanity for gems resources and essential elements...OMG would be an accurate phrase here but itss all so much more than that, and only now becoming aware of the PRESSION which you describe...even the galactic center progresses one 72 year degree as does the great attractor which is the real center of universe black hole...thus an entire new CALL IN YEAR could be formed as I have done in SOLAR UNIVERSAL ZODIAC, to present also the 3 GODZ Universal positions and the SEVEN HEAVENS of the life Realms...see galactician.blogspot.com THE STAR DATE CALL IN YEAR The three ways to SET THE DAYS TABLE and report the STAR DATE By the signs and degree by the degrees itself by the sum of the degrees Or the four signs of the year month day and SOLARIS We can also make the 28 signs of the SUUN, 14 signs of the Month monad and 7 stars constells But generally we have all 28 signs appear in each of the century year month or day… Thus the YEAR is in 10 Libra entering the Northern Crown and Aurora Borealis The Month is the 25 libra in the ARCTURUS DIAMOND And the UNIVERSAL STAR is 18 tau the Camelephant building a NU Urth THE NUURTH UNIVERSALIS And the NU AMERA CABINET Consisting of 7 people, a secretary of state, advisors of the treasury and the human relations truth and security advisors and the universalism representative or nations united affiliation These have no direct association with any legal educative religious or national entity or agenda of personal medical financial scientific or media programming bias or influence of private interests monopoly, In other words no gov edu rel or sci bank And a universal altruism and non-individual motivation or perspective Can’t be bought moved or controlled Unless by willing consent and the agreement of the populus or whole And take no action, create no laws or force any ideas of any kind Ruling not by law or force of might but of full trust in true nature and real guidelines set of truth love and freedom by relative acceptance in the present moment

Sunday, March 6, 2022

STAR DATE MARCH 6 Beautiful paneaglesong verse 2022 6.56

TAR DATE MARCH 6 2022 709.724 PLANZ venus mars in entering aquarius huge shift in attention to UNIVERSALISM SOULAR WAKE 24 Libra A third wing on the left side of a butterfly Chaos theory... If a butterfly flaps a wing in Brazil, do tornadoes visit kansas? Perhaps, however the sense of Libra 24 is very alive to differences of the slightest sort. Imagine someone seeming fine, not remarkably different than on any other day The ability to develop, for inner strengthening, new modes of response to basic life situations. The butterfly is the ancient and traditional symbol of the results of the process of spiritual rebirth SOL Sagittarius day of the SOLAR FREEDOM make yourself wise, better choices Expansion of your universIS to know the REAL UNIVERSIS become a SEER Leaving the past behind and taking a journey across the world or the universe MOON TAURUS Leopard URTH DAY the practical and earth bound hemisphere of life Moon in CAMEL – ELEPHANT this evening and coming morning very earthy practical WE HAVE BEEN IN THE LIBRA WAKE for 2 MONTHs with about one more week to go Libra are: Relationships, Partners, Commitment, Socialization, Concern For and What We Project Onto Others, Marriage, Justice and Contracts, Etiquette, Grace, Diplomacy, Fairness, Harmony, Beautification, Balance, Clarity, Seeing Both Sides.and transmutation socialism In these past months the social welfare law and medical banking interest regulation and increasing government institutionalism We saw Russia Putin in Ukraine with a vast movement of people across borders The galactic center marches forth through 8 months from November to july Therein we have about 70 days in each SOULAR SIGN so April 2022 to June is Scorpio This likely will demonstrate the following Scorpio Centaurus Hercules and Pheonix or Dragon Thusly we are expecting fights conflict conditioning passion discord mistrust denial or transformation obsession and deterioization disruption or deception and manipulation or transformation Recession drama and agony or ecstasy and confrontation CHANGE OF THE GUARD or BORDERS BOUNDARIES AND ECONOMICS Floods tornadoes and droughts SABIAN 17 PISCES after the FLOOD comes the TIDE of NU AGEIS How will man adjust to his NU AWARENESS if he keeps to his past conditions Pisces 17: An Easter promenade Walk this way... The way into understandin

Tuesday, March 1, 2022


STAR DATE 3/1 SUUN SIGN period the SOLAR CROSS or FISHER KING to March 7 SABIAN 13 Pisces A SWORD IN A MUSEUM Swallow your words or be silent messenger.. Sometimes, we realise that we have to stop the battling, to not engage in useless struggles, to stop the arguing, to not put our stick into the spokes and cause upsets. Venus is bringing us some further realisations around this. Is it time to ‘lay down your sword’? Will you, or others, feel better? Do you feel you’ve outgrown having to prove yourself to others or to your self? SUNRISE day of the Dragon Scorpio release karma prepare Transformations and realizations, Sunset EVE of the Healer Walking in Awareness the truth Sagittarians SOULAR 22 libra Wake of the Flood Northern Lights and Southern Nights MOON Pisces Star DENEB the empath caretakers and Fomalhaut to overcome addictions Apply to ARCHENAR Star of the NU ARC SABIAN 22 libra 3 days A CHILD GIVING BIRDS A DRINK AT A FOUNTAIN This Symbol shows a giving nature, someone who usually goes Associated positions LIBRA 22 A child giving birds a drink at a fountain. SAGITTARIUS 7 Cupid knocking at the door. CAPRICORN 22 A general accepting defeat gracefully. PISCES 7 A cross lying on the rocks. ARIES 22 The gate to the garden of desire. GEMINI 7 An old-fashioned well. CANCER 22 A woman awaiting a sailboat. VIRGO 7 A harem THE SOULARIS-ID SUNDECK of CREATION In the true ALL IS, the SOLAR-IS is the sum total of all in its oneness In the SOULARIS-ID we have 9 positions of the SUN Universal Positioning The 6 Additional SUNDCK -BD or Solar Deck Bed positions gives us a POLARIS of the SUN This is life in the creation and solar field of light and our relative universal positioning SOULAR-ID for the DAILY Sun Solar Universal Requires our SUN position as the main view and what stars or planets are associated with the SOLUNAR day Heart of the day gives the 12 hour sign and general activity Third is the SOULAR (galactic sun relation) direction, using the 3rd degree of the GTC Adding the Moon for our 4th dimension human projection or daily life experience This SUN is 1 degree every day, SOLUNAR one sign 12 hours, Soular 3 days one degree and the sign of a 12 day cycle that takes us through A SOULAR monad (month) The Soular is our weather or world events designation and universal direction THE SUUN is the universal zodiac sun OF 28 SIGNS in 13 Day periods Coming from the Galactic Center, this is the 5th SOLAR position which we attribute There is also a SOULAR ID for the three GODZ (GOD ZONES) In the 4 Dimensions of each GALACTIC, (gtc) MESSIER (MSI), and GREAT ATTRACTOR (GDZ) that also has a connection to the Shapley Cluster (like our sun to the galactic center) And we can include ANDROMEDA which is like the Moon to our Sun Thus the entire Universal Picture has 9 dimensions of 13 soulars and 27 factors The SOLARIS is the sum total of any position or person, place, individual (Solastry) This is the actual image which astrologers and mystics have aligned with things like The SOLAR-IS is the sum total of the Solar positioning This all important position is the ALL IS of our own ISNISS in the SOLAR-IS field of light We have names for each position, but really all that matters is our Universal Positioning That is what we know and are able to SEE in the True recognition and Real Awareness This ISNISS is all secondary to the IS, so SOLARISTRY is secondary to SOLAR ISNISS and we know There is One and it’s reality IS The rest is only our identification reference or relation which we choose to accept Thus the mission impossible of the mansions and dimensia of creation Thus the godz identified as GAL MESSIAH or GREAT or even Satan (Saturn solar) or the NUDDHA ALLAH AMANI CHRISTUS is again only a metaphor or relation and none of it is anything but the IS which is the ISNISS itself Our perspective on the view of the universe or our natural human or global position Is dependent on our belief or attitude or attention or acceptance by agreement This being so, even the most advanced Science or Sophistry or Solastry Really means nothing in comparison or relative to what we allow or perceive as reality Einstein said with EMCS relativity that our universe is a creation of our observation Or that our relative position determines the reality we are perceiving So the only position of actuality is our determinate of our AWARENESS of what IS This determination is made up entirely of non-actualities until we recognize the IS The SOLARIS is only our determinate of reality that we projected into our creation This is through a simulator which acknowledges the simulation is a creation matrix But we can use or know anything through our reference, only to become able to recognize the ISNISS, which needs no reference or savior or god or perception