Tuesday, March 15, 2022

STAR DATE MAR 15 709.727 HARVEST MOON Living in Real Time

STAR DATE March 15, 2022 Gardeden views panu Solarium freseum wildstock floriva home THE NU ARC of 315 709.728 LIVING IN REAL TIME AND SOLAR IS NOW There is so much more here and what we see and know LOOK DEEPER Sabian SUN PISCES 27 (26˚ - 27˚) A harvest moon THIS FULL MOON March 18 coming Moon in Leo Golden bear and the Ursa Majoris How California and the SolarIS are at odds or involved with the Saturn Lord (Satan) and the korporate elites demonstrating their power SOLUNAR cancer evening of the family of man As events unfold Ukraine Russian and American are intertwined in a control conditioning program Soular day of The Hunter Orion and Gemini Capella This is adventurous day of gathering knowledge Expressive communication and travel organization There is movement mobility and transition Translation of ancient knowledge into present awareness or using real awareness to know what is real of past experience SOULAR DAY 27 libra as the Galactic center lines harmonically with our SUN SOULar This brings a certain recognition of the NU URTH and our SOULAR field of Light here
The Dream of the Two Horseman of the Star Rock ...I dreamt I was in the mountains (on a vision quest) in Dakotas, as the illuminated set of very big Horses came flying above like helicopters, which was the similar dream vision of Black Elk Indian Shaman of the four grandfathers (four horseman of the apocalypse) in the sky, heralding the NU AEGIS and Solar field of Light, the end of the old Aegis of Zeus and the Abrahamic Egyptian Sumerian and Atlantean ISTORY This dream signifies the renewal of the true real-legion from the old tradition (Rock armegeddon) and return of the Native people (Indian nation) to his Urth Heaven or Happy Hunting ground, in this time a revival on the NU ARC (Symphony of NUmanity) before the real Apocalypse of world war III and the AI (artificial intelligence) ALIENATION take over marketing plot of the Dark Brat Controllers Full moon in Virgo the Shepherd gathers his flock and by Information of True Navigation of the Real Universis Expansion of the Solar Field of Light This is a real Sun FLAIR (Solar Flare) Electromagnetic storms on the way this March More interruptions of EMR WAVES frequency and communication networks Expansion or involition of EMR media control 5G grid .network (IN Violation of human rights) Possible destruction of Satellites by Solar Flares Increase of Tornado Alley and earthquake possible George Washington gets heart surgery James Madison receives judgement of his Civil Case John Adams creates the NUetron Bank Mrs. Adams (Laura Linney) attempts to free herself and family from persecution and control of the Dark lords Brats Korporate Reptilian mafia business government Sabian 26 pisces A NU MOON THAT DIVIDES INFLUENCES An old emotionally charged memory can bring one to repetition or inspire a new course: take your pick. Today: New moon symbolisms are ever about fresh starts , new beginnings of seed significance. When things of the past are re-called through memory ...

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