Sunday, March 20, 2022


STAR DATE MAR 20 709.801 SOULARS TODAY Galactic 1 scorpio the centaurus wake of the flood The rise of the phoenix or griffin bird of freedom Solar 1 aries Lunar 6 scorpio Moon in scorpio very distinct passion and presence of taken the real viewpoint Mercury conjunct Jupiter the most intelligent, best communicatios, freedom to travel or express Solunar Aries day of the hero Athletics adventure independence activism Day galactic sabian BRINGING HIDDEN THINGS TO LIGHT Scorpio 7° Deep-sea divers This is a symbol of the absolute integrity of man's nature at root, dramatized here by his insatiable determination to plumb all experience to the depths and to uncover the illimitable reaches of potentiality in his world of everyday relationships UNIVERSAL sabian 7 Aquarius A child born of an eggshell Fragile, breakable, frangible... Walking on eggshells, egg on your face, brittle, fragile, capable of being easily broken, shattered, laying an egg, scoring a big goose egg... all these common words and expression can fit in This can be reversed to be inversion or taken oneself out of old consciousness That is not being of the old order or control domination, release of stigmata and karma SUN 2 aries Solunar Gemini Universal 1 scorpio gtt SOLARIS 7 aquarius gti A TALE OF TWO CITIES March 20 2019 Across two lifetimes and three lost realms What happened during the 666 day (mar 18/19 2022) George Washington had open heart surgery James Madison returned verdict of the family civil law suit Thomas Jefferson held the players championship George Fox traveled overseas to help free UKR These members of Pan’s family unit and friends In my own Peter Marshall PANEAGLE aka PANU the Son of Avon Franklin Adams wrote the NU Arc symphony and founded the SOLARIS ARC Solarscope STAR DATE call in year SOLARSCOPE and The 4D GODZ Great Attractor Galactic Messier and Andromeda THE 4D galactic center G-GT-GTC-GTD The 4 SUNS 3 harmonics of Sun and GTD Sun 1x 60x 360x and 3600x 3 SOLARIS of GTC/SUN (Solaris sum total) SUN I GTC-I AND GATD-I 4 Soulars of the SUUN Sun Moon Solunar GTT The SUN 1X, 60x – second sun, moon degree and 3rd degree of GT (galactic center) THE 7 SOULARS Sun moon solunar and GTT SUN-I GTC-I and GTD-I Every person can be become solarized Every person can discover their Universal Position Every person can discover the real awareness Every event in time can be related directly to each person and every event of a person life is relative to Solarity, the soulars and the sun positions These are the SOLAR KEYS TO GALACTIC TIMING Subtitle OUR SOLARIS UNIVERSAL POSITIONING Discover THE NU AEGIS will End the old AEGIS of Zeus End of the bible veda koran and horror-scopes Horo Sha Akash and Horus Ra All-ah Chy-ist Illuminati Annunaki Egyptian Mesopatamian Atlantis Babylon and Draco Eridanus Orions and Cetus Cepheus and Algol Betelguese lord rulers popes queens monarchs presidents czars reptilians alienation and covidity

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