Sunday, October 17, 2021


STAR DATE OCT 17 Solunar Dawn Aria of Life and energy SOLUNAR day of the TAU controllers STAR ALGOL dark star demonism How the Urth is being Manipulated Moon in Pisces the heart of the Whale Caretakers and spiritual creativity The SOLAR Lions in the Light Shining The Universal Aquarians Water Bearing Flights of the Winged Horse The Rich Men who control the world Are revealed or reviled as Revealation Every SHARIA STAR DATE of the SOLAR-IS today SUN MOON SOLULARS AND SOLAR UNIVERSAL SUUNS October 17 star date 756 501.1026 DAY OF CENTAURUS MOON PI-SEAS of the WHALE Caretakers SOLUNAR DAY OF THE TAU Star ALGOL dark star de-man control To become aware of the Tau Controllers (Economics by monopoly, media dominion) HOW AMERIZONIA IS BUYING THE WORLD So they can travel world wide freely So they can live unrestricted or protected So they can deciminate propaganda mono-operate the AI Intelligence program manifest media control genocide populations monopulate and monopolize Own every piece of land for their use Slave addiction prison planet dominion WHO ARE THESE MEN ACTING AS AGENTS OF THE SIDEREALITY (Holographic projection matrix Simulator) Bhellgate, murdockter, bozzo, maninsanity, mersick, trumpeters, Kocks zuckerborg and trumpeters How do we get the world free of these DARK BRAT CONTROLLERS and MONEY MADNESS MODULE MANIPULATORS If we could get them to give all the UNEARNED UNEARTHLY INCOME Release the monopoly illusion of deception and co-dependence And the idea requiring business control for by and of governments FOUR PURPOSES OF THE NU-TRON E-CONOMY Create a world wide interest free investment sharing development Instead of charging the minnions for food, medicine and energy Wherever possible eliminate the control by cash or virtual money Freedom of choice for people in a natural and humane setting Create a natural contributism integrated and universal environment CREATE A NUTRON BANK To share and manifest the huge investment sharing contributism To eliminate co-dependence on interest market brokerage banking DISCOVER YOUR REAL NATURE AND THE REAL UNIVERSIS What is your NU NatUral and NU-Universal positioning NUETICS and the Nu URTH STAR LOTTERY AND REAL WINNING OF LIFE ALTRUISM LOTTERY PROJECT NUSA Invitation to players in every state/nation Create our own E-CONOMIC banking community HOW THE LOTTERY GETS AWAY WITH ITS TAX The lottery is a tax and the lottery also taxes on winners This is double down taxation of players Neither tax is actually legal or agreed to by the people The lottery TAX was imposed originally before the USA existed became a sovereign nation by the british ruling class in 1600’s This proves the lottery was created before America And that it was instituted as a Tax model for Monopolization As government runs a monopoly on both taxation and income including the lottery as prime example of an illegal operation which they themselves have declared illegal, thusly the government by its own intitutionality needs to Either 1) shut itself down or obey its own constitunionality Or 2) at minimum eliminate the taxing of winners or at best make the lottery a non-monopoly play profit making tax program which only benefits the government and takes from the poor to continue the monopolization of the rich

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