Sunday, January 30, 2022


STAR DATES JAN 30 what lies ahead The END OF THE days of truth… We must enter the days of love, to expound the NU reality SABIAN 12 AQUARIUS evening sunset jan 30 especially in social arenas, the upward climb proceeds at a different pace. The emphasis on social hierarchy is further characterized by highs and lows. This regards a social criteria which men like trumpet use platform to continue to be authority and leader choice decisions even if not in office and the media lead government and people continue to allow and accept in whatever form, usually destructive, which given any man or group the right to control or authorize what we should accept GT 9 LIBRA the social cultural march to oblivion continues as humanity follows the space god IDOL and the feminine design fashion system of control value and idealization of humanity and celebrity or economy Moon in Capricorn conjunct Pluto SOLUNAR IN CAPRICORN SUNRISE rather the coldest day of the year and AQUARIUS sunset and evening in USA as the free spirited communication and how the social world media culture exhibits misinformation and untruths or absorbed distortions and distractions of reality or our human experience..thusly speaking as if GOD or as A SPACE GOD who had some unknown voice we need to echo or share..natural human identifications used for economic cultural domination and world DUMBED DOWN Meanwhile the football parade continues… ZABIAN 11 AQUARIUS TODAY WE FIND the venus redirect, finally after a long spell of distance from the greater good or abundance, the threat of the Russians recedes in ukraine, another test market of the russian war and terror devices.. The prep now for the olympics which will be carried without audiences, as it like much of the world moves into a virtual media control and financing.. Jan 30 fla The 12 UNUS or SUUNS.. the ARUN, SOULAR ARIES, AND SO TUN, GUEN, )GEM AN… the CUUN THE DUNE, THE EUN, THE VUEN VIRGO VIEW FINDER.. lune or loon, the scion or SCUNE… the jup or juun… the cap or capun..the aun, and the puun or Aun 11 aquarius ZABIAN sign for the day MAN TETE A TE WITH HIS INSPIRATION The solar man IS ONLY BEGINNING TO SEE HIS REAL POSITION IN THE UNIVERSE… This is the Sagittarius sunrise and Capricorn day sunset of dolphin.. the sag discoveries of our dream visions or insights.. the moon in Capricorn is the great storm in the north and cold overtakes the planet..the dark lord makes his statements of dominion, as we see its effects in the covidity and media directed advisory of an authority in command… football has its main events of 2 playoff championships…the galactic soular in 4d is in the signs of the virgo nature of united thought or a universal environmental observations.. paneagle writes on the USA HISTORY and progression to 250 years and shares the galactic METHOD of SOULAR POSITIONS or the GALACTIC KEYS TO SOULAR TIMING.. this is the FOUR GODS OF GTC, GREAT, MESSIAH and the Andromededa partners..all having much more to do with worldly realms or URTH realities than we recognized…

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