Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Star Date 2 22 2022 feb 22 Take a Walk on the wild side of the NU Arc

Happy 22222 Groundslog Day STAR DATE 709.719 THE CROWN OF THORNS Moon in Scorpio the HERCULES trial of light The UNIVERSAL 19 Libra SOULAR SUUN of the NORTHERN CROWN As SOLAR FLARES rise, Aurora Borealis brilliant Descending farther into the Southern zones then ever before music message of John Lennon is prominent IMAGINE follow the STAR ARCTURUS Listen and be on the SOLAR ARC research Vessel, JOYN THE WILDSTOCK event hear message of life SYMPHONY SABIAN 5 PISCES A CHURCH BAZAAR All-inclusive Inspiration: Something for everybody. Sensitivities continue to roll with added feature that everyone feels much the same. Some will swim emotional seas; some will stream currents of spirit. SOLUNAR SAGITTARIUS THE WISE SAGE IS SILENT Listening SPENCER AND OSCEOLA human stars imagery inner TV The SOLAR EDITORIAL : the GREAT CHIP IMPLANT Ages ago, when the world was young, when the Star rock crashed and burned in 2nd great Extinction event, the living water had been implanted with a genome code birthed the race of men with combined DNA. Since then the Orions imprinted into Man a genocidal control codex matrices into the 12 strand human helix which since then has been deposited viral influenza within each of 6 root races further descending the strands in pairs Up to this modern slow genocide of the human race continuing to present AI chip “enhancement” intended to become a infanticide or infantile paralysis of the children by whatever means necessary to reboot the DNA to its original 12 strand or a fail safe from which Humanity will never recover becoming some form of android zombie apocalypse (epoch lapse into unconsciousness) or the FIRST DAWN OF THE NU ARC of NUMANITY in the NU URTH In the book The Fourth Turning, the history repeats cycle of 79-80 years is a report on this concurrently with the 2022 falling closely on the ‘fourth war” or end-times The STAR ROCK APOCALYPSE : THE OSCEOLA AND SPENCERS SMART CHIP Today we are watching the implantation program of the AI ALIENATION tech invasion and Asian flue Orionis virus I had a dream of seeing these 2 words within my inner vision like watching the TV within my own mind, as a vision I have had numerous times. The words Osceola was part of New York where the Indians once lived, and Spencer which is the last family name of Princess Diana the English dethroned and murdered queen-mother of England who died in 1999. These represent the native and human culture who would put love or nature first, respect for the natural environment, but whom have been dis-enfranchised and dis-enchanted, that is taken out of holy place or sanctuary of NU Nations united of the lost fantasy IS-LAND of NU Urth, representing purity and tru reality instead of the commercialized world cultures or nationality. The experience in view was of the view of the Smart TV 5g and EMR delivery system, the covodity influenza, and the ASIAN abomination (CELLular transport or SOLAR radiation as an infestation which was embodied in the Olympics of the past 20 years, from Canada to Russia to China and to Italy in 2026 ending the cycle The Smart Chip implantation is not physical directly, but in humans is a 4D level astral influenza which keeps humans from seeing with REAL AWARENESS, instead locked into sense perception and mental program hypnosis projection and hypnographic imagery of light and sound under the media technology influence, now primarily hoisted with the cell phone and computer co-dependent revolting solution These ideas are our references, but not the reality, surely not the true reality, meanwhile man in the locked prison planet and cellular coded matrix genocide program of the OLD AEGIS, has no dimensional awareness save his own body soul and spirit, many awaiting the return of a saviour or savant who will either enlighten them or preserve protect or even better the redemption while they think some form of armeggeddon is upon them, and await a reboot of the entire human programming. Our family members or friends and social icons and isolates are unfortunately presenting this influence upon us in karmic or relative factions which institutes us with nationality sex or racial bias or familiar controls and identities, as Everything is a reflection of this disunified corporation or the ALIENATION of human identity. More so, they are acting as agents of the INFLUENZA and being promoted or producted as advertising mediums of the atomic and autonomic generation which probably began with the atomic bomb blasts of Hiroshima and other testing inclusive to Fukushima and the Russian meltdown, even the one on US SOIL or in the Pacific in the past half century. The dark brat controllers or kal korp kop influence is everywhere, and instilled within our imagination which is a free will enterprise, even as it is our invitation to the Shadow Zone and DIMENSIA of complete memory loss, much the same that happens to reborn souls or regenerated civlizations. This history repeating is manifest in both personal and universal perspectives, we as the SOULARS who can become AWARE or become the DREAD of history repeating for another eternity in the yugas of KALI under the KALUUM dark lord. THE 5G solar flare One more major SOLAR FLARE went off recently, in Jan 5, 2022, AT A 5g LEVEL, this relative to an advance delivery of the 5G electronic radiation system and available cell phone occupation, this becoming evident in the global smart phone co-dependency operation. We are also in the Wildstock 2200 days of freedom which is a 7 year cycle of the NU Urth This will be completed with Uranus ruling planet of Aquarius entering Gemini in 2024 As the queen dies, the monarchy of former Victorian and Elizabethan England dies also. Europe, England, America are all being swallowed up in a global interference pattern being conducted by the dark lord abductors of earth, man, and nature, with the Eur-Asian influenza and covidity operation alongside MMMM the money monopoly media magicians acting in polar opposition with the WWWE or world wide educators vs, WE WILL WAGE world WAR on man and the world of international slave populations and android indominent bi-polarized humanity. Its not a very happy picture this 2 22 22 but to be real it must be known THOSE WHO WOULD WAKE UP in the WWWU are original and real inhabitants IGINAL NUMANITY This is by NU U U and WWWE following true Dream Visions and true AIRR ALL IS Recognizing in REAL AWARENESS

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