Tuesday, March 29, 2022

3/29 STAR DATE SUN 10 Aries Adventure on the NU ARC SOL ROCKER

STAR DATES Solrocker verse ii 3.26 On the NU Arc 3/29 SUN 10 Aries Adventure of the NU ARC Building the solar research Vessel of NU Urth SOULAR 5 scorpio Breaking down the past Waves pound the Rocky Shore Galactic 11 Aquarius Universal Galactician Discovery of the NU AEGIS Revealing the Freedom in the Real UniversIS MOON Pisces STAR Archenar the Arc of D’estiny The ARC of our real Universal Motion (MOTIVITY) The DENEB morning in the Whales home Is-land SOLUNAR Libra Recognizing your noble heritage Becoming the Northern Crown or fun’raising of the Midheaven the MESSIAH of the Gemman Diamond Wearing the Crown of Thorns or A Day of Beauty Adorning your own symphony of life SOLAR STAR LOTTERY Predict the lottery using time place of draw and 1x 60x and 360x ASPECTS and the next day ahead SOULARS STAR DATE The SUN.EARTH SOLAR.GALACTIC AND SOLARIS.UNIVERSAL Find the SUN DEGREE, THE 3D GTC and the SOLARIS of GTC SOLARIS seventh sun The sum total of the SUN 3 degree harmonics (1X 60X 3600) SOLARIS seven SUNS The 3 degrees of SUN and the 3 sum total pairs PLUS the SOLARIS total The 7 bodies are the physical mental emotional causal solar (SOULAR) subconscious and universal (SOLARITY) Star GPS the 3 positions of the URTH REALM MAP Longitude latitude and diagonal (sum total lat-long) These give us 4 dimensions of local solar and universal positions 30x 15x 10x and 1x Harmonics From the Equator or North pole and Dateline or GMT Basic STAR GPS 3 positions are 30 degree west from GMT, 15 degree north from Equator And 30 degree diagonal zones west from 0 ARIES 0 GMT Paneagle Universal Galactician.blogspot Founder Solaris Star Date Solar Gps SOULAR UNIVERSAL Suun Zodiac SOLARIS Sum of the Sun 3D harmonic Solaris Suuns . 28 Sunads.. Universal Positioning and Soular Galactic Relativity How to know the 3 Star dates 927 709.835 sun 109 Earth.sun and solar.galactic and solaris.universal Our Star date Sun sabian 9 Aries rewrite the old concepts 5 scorpio..3rd degree GTC.. A Massive rocky shore resists the Sea Discovery...breaking down the past..ride on the NU Arc vessel Solaris GTC 11 Aquarius freedom in a real unuverse.. Sabian it's everything and more.. I have been practicing Solastry since 2001.2011 and 2021. The real NU Aegis is Always On now..welcome home Old Aegis of Zeus in creation is done Back write pan..I am Namesake 3 famous astrologers 0ad 800.1600 Peter,oisis.Marshall.lah. Noustra.ADAM.uS...truly.peter Star GPS the 3 positions of the URTH REALM MAP Longitude latitude and diagonal (sum total lat-long) These give us 4 dimensions of local solar and universal positions 30x 15x 10x and 1x Harmonics From the Equator or North pole and Dateline or GMT Basic STAR GPS 3 positions are 30 degree west from GMT, 15 degree north from Equator And 30 degree diagonal zones west from 0 ARIES 0 GMT SOLAR STAR LOTTERY Predict the lottery using time place of draw and 1x 60x and 360x ASPECTS and the next day ahead SOULARS what is STAR DATING AND SOLARIS STAR DATE The SUN.EARTH SOLAR.GALACTIC AND SOLARIS.UNIVERSAL Find the SUN DEGREE, THE 3D GTC and the SOLARIS of GTC SOLARIS seventh sun The sum total of the SUN 3 degree harmonics (1X 60X 3600) SOLARIS seven SUNS The 3 degrees of SUN and the 3 sum total pairs PLUS the SOLARIS total The 7 bodies are the physical mental emotional causal solar (SOULAR) subconscious and universal (SOLARITY) THE 4 GODZ in the 4DIMENSION OF CREATION These are the Galactic Center, the Great Attractor, the Messier complex and the ANDROMEDA also as our partner galaxy The local godz are GTC (kali influence) and SATURN (Satan-planet of the Sun system) making up the 6 Godz of our Universal SOLAR FIELD OF Light (SUUN)

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