Saturday, July 23, 2022

Ancient Scribe for today SolarIS Universal God Zone

ZENQ...even this one makes little sense dearly enough I have made the NUSTARadamis SCRIPTS with a playlist on my vlog..really it shows the 3 GODZ who are the GREAT ATTRACTOR the GALACTIC CENTER and the MESSIAH (messier complex of galaxies) which are estimated positions in the charts and also SERENNU charts which also include THE SHAPLEY and the ANDROMEDA as 5 Universal GODZ or gravity well centers, thusly positions are GAT at 14 sag, GTC at 28 sag and Messiah at 2 Libra in this century...ANDROMEDA was at 0 Aries in 0 AD now to 28 Aries, and so the creation of the modern astrology time frame which includes the reverse or de-evolution cycle of Pisces age (age of christ) and now enters Aquarius 30 degree this centuiry...the PROGRESS CYCLE is always on the GALACTIC CENTER as our SUN at 0 SAG in 60AD and progressing through SAGITTARIUS into CAPRICORN in about 150 years, this age of the SAGITTARI is the Universal cycle of the GODZ most believe or are following without knowing what it is with a common interpretation of what GOD appears to be for them with each of us or each religion in its own behalf, not really knowing or able to discern it as long as they give it some saviour or grace idea, which it really is not and could be rather more a god of INFLUENCES... the MESSIAH entered Libra in 1940 and all this manipulation alienation and current covidity experiment and social cultural global positioning which we see, the social engineering as a first step in the libra 21 centuries.and the 36 year Libra cycle of 2010 to to be aware of this allows one to begin to become ZEN beyond the creation and this reincarnation repeat lifetimes here as the long path, so instead the revelations of the godz is thus to become aware so we are no longer bound to the cycle of body lives and bonded control and instead become SOLAREANS and the aware SOULAR beings of Light, so work is a paradox in that I am presenting the REAL SOLASTRY (solar astrology) and the WAY OF REAL FREEDOM to know our true NATURE (NU U U) yet it is descriptions of the GODZ UNIVERSALS to see the Universal fields, the seven life levels, and also the first real views of the REAL and PLAYLISTS on youtube HEY PANEAGLESONG and SOLARIS......I am also found the 3 old method of predicting the lottery using the Harmonic positions of SUNS, the MODES AND EXACT or conjunct Points Harmonics of the 4Dimensions GODZ level and the 3 dimensions here (relatives to body mind and soul..Its really all FANTASTIC and yet in some ways very simply THE UNIVERSAL MAPS I have derived or shared and which keeps developing in this 10th year of the GALACTIC years in libra which is at 27 sag 10 Libra currently we are in the next decan of 8 years at 10 to 20 libra and this alignment for me personally with my MARS at 10 libra makes why this original SCRIPTING is being done now, ...Thanks for observing reading sharing or being with the SOLAREANS...Each of us is a SOLARIS or STAR and shines like the SUN...

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