Saturday, February 19, 2022


STAR DATE FEB 19 2022 SABIAN 1 PISCES 2.19.22 709.10 MOON IN LIBRA THE CROWN OF AURORA THE PORIMMA STAR AND THE OUTPOURING OF LOVE OR SOCIAL INTERACTIVITY BOREALIS LIBRA 15 THE USA SATURNINE BODY a control dominion of Urth people and the art of living in beauty being in beauty and loving in beauty SOULAR AQUARIUS SOL IN GEMINI THE SUUN WAVE (13 days Wake (week) of the SOLAR UNIVERSAL PI-SEAS FISHER KING sign of the CROSS) STAR DATE 2.19.22 Galactic Center g 9°17'24 SUN taurus sunrise gemini sunset THE GALACTIC AQUARIAN (galaxian) DAY OF THE WINGED HORSE Let yourself fly into a new universal awareness or at least discover the nuwest technology available There is surely some nu aquarian exposition going on as this is the YEAR OF THE NU WORLD’S FAIR As the NU AEGIS appears to man, he still only aligns mostly with the social cultural institutions and government religion business complex which was established in the ALIENATION circa 20,000 BC Within the old aegis we created the Sumerian alphabet and the planetary zodiac chaos of babylonia The old zodiac signs can be transferred to galactic citizens such as SOLARIAN, TAUREAN, GEMINARIUMS, CANCARians, GALELEOnians, Virgonians, galibrians scorpionians sagitari’es capricarions galaxians, and pis-ceoceanis NU ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE NU AEGIS NOW The Ever evolving NUman moving to an ultimate realution, the universal body of man becomes aware of the simulated reality in which we live within the real universIS where the tru reality LIFE IS THE WILDSTOCK NURTH DAY MARCH 5 2022 is a first holiday or whole Universal Day celebration What to do on NU URTH day Create a meet up PLANT A TREE (0r 10 TREES) Give once without through of return Attend your SKY CHURCH group DISCOVER THE NU U U Go to the TWIN RIVERS Floriva Park and POTT SPRINGS at Suwannee Withlacoochie rivers SAVE THE PLANET DO something new Discuss YOUR NU URTH POSITION Let go of your worst attitudes BE FREE of electronics attachments desires positions or use of money DROP attachments Don’t accept control ideas for a day Take a walk in Nature Learn to breathe deeply and easily Discover the Real NU AGE IS now Watch your dream visions Share this freely Find someone new and aware Make this real with anyone else or everyone enjoy the WILDSTOCK FREEDOM CONCERT Listen to HEY PANEAGLESONG created playlists or create your own Have no Anger Make No war Make no mistakes Do your best SHINE LIKE THE SUN The NU PAN GESUS EINSIGN and the 3RD dimension crisis is not the Peter Pan en’everland Jesus Christian savior Einstein science of relativity Or the satan saturnine lucifer demon-stration or a presentation religion or any pandemic pandemonia pansylvania or the pan enever land all of which are 4D box trap prison matrix simulation concepts The marketing concepts of a media money madness proletariat promulgation penultimatum such as these advertising interneted compulsion dominion nor abstracted abominated artificial Intelligence androgynous roboticism alienation all of which is being directed produced and controlled This is for the purpose of housing enslaving and monopolizing humanity into a robotic future domination using the king cross and crown as the queen christ and Pope have made their control humanity program This is a period of the year for revelation release reformation or transformations transcendence or transference of attention attitude and attachment as the case may be for each of us individually Here we identity both the aquarian conspiracy as the great crisis of the modern age The war of the real revelation renaissance NU TECH vs the evillage E-vil-age evolution The true realution is not through man system tech science or religion law idea principles Yet it is apparent the control dominion being set in place with covidity and alienation AI 5G or META verse game player competition and monopoly agenda Meanwhile the quest for revision or true understanding is also the urge for freedom and realization So it becomes a human and personal crisis in each of us who must either adhere or believe the old program or those who would advance or release beyond the matrix produced government religion business ideas and social cultural media angst or the think tank band bank which dominates thought and sense with its obvious obfuscations obstinate obliterations of consciousness compassion or perception and humanity as we are housed in a 2d light sound theatre of hypnogogic hypo-allergetic electro magnetic definitions coded and materialized to a 1 pointed view like the TV WATCHER on screen This shared is not for the literal minded or self convinced or personally directed range of thought LIFETIME PROGRESS POSITIONS A day for a century shows your life progress and current positions The UNIVERSAL URTH YEAR and our SOULAR GODZ (messiah great and galactus (galaxy center) SOLARIS Becoming free of karma culture or media and other institutions or the alienation program agenda WE ARE CREATING A NU SOLARIS APP with the help of PROGRAMMERS needed Please at the G email paneagle7 Invitation to become the GALACTICIAN and discover the REAL SOLARIS NUMANITY The becoming a NU UNIVERSALIST or the NU URTH being built within our own CONSCIOUSNESS THE UNIVERSAL URTH DAY How to use the the daily sun moon and soular positions and exact conjunction opposite aspects of planets LIFETIME PROGRESS POSITIONS A day for a century shows your life progress and current positions The UNIVERSAL URTH YEAR and our SOULAR GODZ (messiah great and galactus (galaxy center) SOLARIS Becoming free of karma culture or media and other institutions or the alienation program agenda This is the 13 sign ZODIAC for the SOLAR UNIVERSAL simplified THE REAL NU AQUARIA AGE IS ON.. as presented on galactician blogspot and shared solaris solastry by paneaglesong...VISION IS We will begin to start feeding each other and sharing the world, .We will begin a unity of nations united (NU U) UniversitIS worldwide and we shall be moving towards UNIVERSAL awareness and building a REAL NU NATURAL ENVIRONMENT For those needing a NU SIGNS of a SOLAR VIEW using the SOLAR UNIVERSAL ZODIAC here is the short list by SIGN STAR AND general MONTH (dates and numbers not needed for relation) Aquilla ALTAIR eagle dolphin January Pegasus horse Cepheus king Andromeda Deneb princess whale Cinderella March Camel-leopard Perseus Hero Cassiopeia Queen Pleiades seven sisters Orion hunter May Auriga capella Charioteer Messenger Ursa minor Sirius Wolf Lynx cat July Ursa major dipper golden Bear Messiah Gemma shepherd September Arcturus crown Bootes shepherd harvest Centaurus alpha centauri Hercules phoenix griffin November Ophiuchus Antares healer sage Galactic Center Vegan Cygnus Swan December-January as its been 2100 years since PI SEAS AGE and the IS (formerly known as Christ) IS now moving into the NU AM ON UNIVERSAL URTH ..this NU AGEIS Are we ready for the NU DAYS everyday? 2021 will be the first year but 2100 will be the first century to peak the birthing while the REAL NU AGE IS EVERPRESENT EVERNOW....Paneagle the SOLARIST opens the door... see solastry NU AGEIS GALACTICIAN PAN ORPHEUS STAR ROCK LEGEND WORLD WIDE EDUCATOR professor CATFUN

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