Sunday, February 13, 2022

STAR DATE SOLAR feb 13 it's more than love song

Feb 13 STAR DATE it's more than love reggae rhythm uncut verse coda basement tapes paneaglesong for the NOW TIME 2.13.22 709.102 SOLUNAR TAURUS SUNRISE URTHY just practical and SOLUNAR SUNSET DAY OF GEMINI as the SUPER BOWL day watching largely the communications system at full boar and complete orientation Moon opposite pluto argues against the popularity and the economic transformation ongoing winter storms in the north and east make for captive audience and homebound populations MOON IN CANCER the WOLF day and CAT night fight (*WHO will win America super bowl) as the game is being played in LOS ANGELES we find this 0 Degree Leo is near 120 longitude The world has its eyes on LA and the entire MEDIA DOMINION movies and television viewers NOW ....well done..they have captured our attention and made us willing docile and excited STAR DATE EDITORIAL by HEY PANEAGLESONG while the world is masked at the OLYMPICS we see the uncovered AMERICA holiday celebration of sport and competition with its MEDIA MONEY MADNESS and the AI artificial intelligence human conditioning program ongoing ALIENATION this as covidity experiement in place and the bhellgate horror--scope of VIRTUAL domination monopoly of BOZOS AMERIZONIA and the world "space race" war for control planet prison economy and the E-CONOMY THE NU AEGIS AND UNIVERSAL ASTROLOGY (SOLASTRY) one major thing you don't know..the SOLAR / UNIVERSAL positions and the SOLARIS shows the relations of the 3 Universal godz (GREAT, GALACTIC AND MESSIER (messiah) and the 4D andromeda..especially our SOULAR cycles of the GTCX which is sun to galactic center 28 sagittarius..this also relates to our 3D SOLAR positions (1x is the SUN cycle most ASTROS use of course) but as we also a human soul the 60x harmonic is this SOL sign POS)...AND thirdly is the 3600x which correspond to our mental (psy-mind) body and thus we are mind body soul and spirit words for these 4D, but our real being is a SOULAR BEING with its full abundant eternal whole nature (SOLAR-IS) that is rather much the point, this goes beyond all the old concepts and traditional religion psyche and astro but HEY PANEAGLESONG i am sharing freely always and we do need to know because this is the NU AEGIS NOW and the old aegis of ZEUS is done (actually long ago except we keep repeating the past). the current view of solar system saturnine ruled local planet body is the common relation which yes has its effects clearly and which most recognize or accept as the authorized be true we need to also recognize the universal as an example uranus is at middle taurus and the saturn square in aqiarius, but we discover that the GTC #2 position (60x) is at 15 leo (it was conjunct tom brady and obama leo in the past decade) but as uranus and saturn square or oppose it, the ongoing AMERICAN REVOLUTION or change transformation (pluto pluto return USA) of social world cultural and AI ALIENATION agenda (artificial intelligence) is coming on or being directed used and manipulated as the case may be...thus people with MID TAURUS OR second decan degrees of the SUN PRIMARILY are affected, the USA with its 12 sag rising and 13 degree cancer sun but also 19 degree SOL (sol sign is the emotional heart body) indicates the big adjustment required or being initiated and also to recognize the AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY and also the UNIFIED NATION in the NU AMERA of the NU AEGIS as a leader or proponent country if we would choose to accept this MISSION IMPOSSIBLE to become the REAL ONE WORLD and global NU nations united...or at least recognize the great UNIVERSALISM so we can navigate the pluto in aquarius and neptune in aries decade ahead...this uranus square uranus in the galactic, the neptune opposite neptune of usa, among other nations and groups peoples who will have their own experience, (such as indonesia, iran and russia with their general government control dominations) and also the economic e-CO naturally issues of survival sharing resources and hopefully unified of otherwise loss dimensia and harm of the business Marketing and ideology playground which we call EARTH...okay that is all a mouthful so i SHARE THIS on STAR DATE SOLARIS every day yutubby but not for my own site or part but as it is I am a SEER and this Universal Perspective is KEY (see the real) SOLAR timing with the NU UNIVERSIS of the SOLAR UNIVERSAL ZODIAC this STAR DATE 2 13 22 709 100 )ARIES 0..thnk you for this space to write and I welcome questions or your inquiry and will show the SEVEN SOULARS positions very easily...(3 are the sun moon and rising) but also the two of our relation to the GALACTIC SUUN, and the 3d Galactic daily position (currently 14 libra) conjunct the USA SATURN..if you add these to your daily it would be very full (like adding them to sun moon rising and venus) although not complete with out the 2 SOL AND PSY SUN positions)...HAPPY NU YEAR.

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