Saturday, February 26, 2022


Galactic Center g 9°19'56 to GTC 9 20 25 SOULAR DAY OF LEO THE GOLDEN BEAR Leo day sunrise of the golden bear, VIRGO sunset evening of the SHEPHERD Once every 6 days we come upon each of the signs in the SOLUNAR cycle These and the SUN yearly degrees circle and the Moon Sign ruled most days Moon in Capricorn the Swan and Dolphin sea-goat productive control which can be business as usual or corporate executive control lord domination, practical human conditioning or program agenda of politic or company manipulations. On the higher side, swimming in the great ocean among our natural friends. Leo is the play in the sun, adventure in our own interests, and familiar surroundings. Virgo is the natural inclusion of pure intent or green naturalism.
There IS one and ITS REALITY IS. NEPTUNE is very close conjunct this month Pisces to the SUN (and SOLARIS) of EINSTEIN, and also the Sun of Duane Heppner founder of NU U and WWWE world wide educators, thus the integration of quantum theory and the relativity Emc2 equation of space time dimensions and universal theory of everything, and the spiritual or etheric universal with the soular physics. Largely all this is greatly misunderstood, such as Einstein and Physics used to create Atomic bombs and Nano technology, all of which man was being warned of in the DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL that the ALIENATION program is in play and Man had better wake up or the galactic empire or powers that be will eliminate US including RUSA and USA and CHINA and also the ALL SOLARIS (Allah Christ and ALL IS) which we believe is in the hands of GOD but which is out of control and on the losse as an expanding vortex of the Universal black hole and AI artificial intelligence. These fears constructs idealogy’s and alienations do not need to become reality. In my dream, I built an outer structure in wood frame for a school available for any use but like a carport shed or small house, and then I built or had another structure inside it, same proportions as a kind of kids house or school room also nicely built and open. It seems whomever I tried to sell this to or share with want or will take the inner structure only. I know that all the “outer” structures I have built, whether it was a bank, presidential cabinet team, Freeseum, Gardeden and Solarium or the Solastry Universal Astrological Universal but they will accept the ‘inner’ structure and create the idea or structure in their own image’s. This is what has occurred with the mind of man in Christianity, the Greco roman architecture, the Islam adaptation of Mohammad, the American Constitution, the Russian Oligarthy church, Scientological and metaphysical test patterning, even the native Indian back to nature hippie culture, the astrological sun earth ecliptic circle signposts, and the democratic idealism, all of which are adaptations of some original code or matrix which the Orion’s infiltrated indoctrinated and inculcated into the human genome DNA, bi-polar brain and reptilian alienation RNA, now in the advance stage of AI roboticism (5g Amerizonia technology and 4d hypnographic space time hyper-ectomy). Why the real NU TECH and NU Universal is not known or recognized by the mind, heart or soul body of Man? The entire world of creation is built on duplicity and replication, the constant of a bi-polar song, the Polaris, Vega stars and universal godz (god-zones) which we accept as the 3D universal and the projection of holographic reality into consciousness. There is within every micro and nano and cellular structure the macro solar and universal this same replication or source amoeba like double bond 12 strand DNA but because man has been delimited into 2 strand helix the structure of reality and the awareness of the TRU REALITY LIFE IS not available. THE SOULAR UNIVERSAL BODY Meanwhile the 3-6-9 Tesla number basis grid including the sun moon rising of humanity in 3D with the Sun Sol and Psi harmonic degrees (1x, 60x, 3600x) are influences of the first 3 dimensions (body heart and mind), with the 4D ruled Galactic center ruled Kali God influence, the 5D Messiah or Messier Galactic Globular cluster, and the 6D Great Attractor (major universal center of creation) are all positioned in the actual physics of the TESLA based SOULAR Universal MAP of the 7th life levels SOLARIS in the 10th Prime Zero Point ALL IS, which is the base line or 0 infinity. “It’s all a dream we dreamed long ago” Robert Hunter of the grateful dead lyrics It would be far better if we stop getting bust and got to getting to releasing i am the one Universal Galactician, founder of SOLASTRY, SOLAR arts of the Galactic Center Solar Position and Star Gps, STAR DATE and key life Universal Timing (and more)., I called myself a SOLARIST and as the only one who uses the SOLAR UNIVERSAL POSITIONS and the SOLAR SUUN zodiac (28 positions of 13 days each) during the galactic new year (from dec 18)...i presented this to you on numerous occasions with no response...hello doesn’t matter what we’s what we become..the SOULARISTIC does acknowledge the sun position, and Soular reality of this 3dimension..but as we must include a much wider scope of the universal position which is relative to the galactic center and our own inner dimensional bodies, that is astral, mental and solar, thus being aware of these not just astrology 1d or solastry in 3d up to 5d as levels in creation...okay its sound more complex than it is, but it is beyond the old model of the original sumerian, which later became the babylonian or something of the orionis influence which countermanded humanity in both genome code and emotional and mental bias and biospheres..using the ancient astronaut theories as a kind of space ship hidden dominion and obfuasation model which became astrology, but also the relative discovery of the major fixed stars and the constellations as labeled.. okay the SOLARIS is dynamic here because the galactic center and our own sun to 3 degree positions (1x 60x and 3600) are the six primary positions determinate of our own solar field, but with our own sun moon and rising, make up most of the indicators of our worldly experiences, universal compositions and human or natural events, especially as we have been set up or determined by this entire field or what we can call matrix...So this is why I call it SOLASTRY and IS the ASTROLOGY OF THE NU AEGIS, the SOLARIS as first penned by S. LEM but actually known in ancient times to some extent more than we actually have learned in this century, (example is the 12 strand DNA humans had milleniums ago, down to the 2 stand currently (book bringers of the dawn) which outlines the limitation we have in these realizations or the SOULAR FIELD OF LIGHT always available to all of us but especially needed now with the current war or spiritual crisis on hand including the entire challenges of AI ALIENATION and COVIDITY experiments or even science portabilities like SOLAR FLARES or METEORIC visitations and EMR conditioning problems on Humanity, this being another good point of making the departure to the universal view, ...i am galactician blogspot and also solaris today founder STAR DATE and aka HEY PANEAGLESONG...this coming MARCH 5 2022 IS what i called NU URTH DAY with an invitation to all to become aware or do something in line with the NU REALITY fo save the planet.. with jupiter sun conjunction and venus mars conjunct entering aquarius...NU UNIVERSIS doorway...sun in PI-SEAS and close to birthdate of EINSTEIN and STAR ALTAIR the EAGLE ... P.S. i am the namesake of Peteroisis Marshallah Nustaradamus (peter marshall adams) of 3 ancient astrologers...I hope this enough to get one of you at least to acknowledge some of this here... THE PANU PROFESSOR CATFUN HEY GESUS PANEAGLESONG SOLARIS EINSIGN The secret Wildstock Concert at Floriva Twin Rivers Gathering Where everyone gathers worldwide to know the TRU REALITY Where each of us plants a tree or a seed of a TRU IDEA of Universal awareness Where the burning man rainbow tribe and orange people gather as a whole in part or together to discuss contemplate share visit include accept or listen or joyn As each of us goes without public electronics money or tech vehicle travel for one day One urth One numanity One Universal one Nation United One UniversitIS

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