Friday, November 5, 2021


Sabian sun Scorpio 14. A white marble foot glows pink as it turns into flesh. Transforming/Responsible #c *Galactic Center g 8°52'43" Solar 53 virgo week of 23 virgo solar 43 capricorn dolphin day SUT universal time Pleiadian Symbol: A sacred runner carrying a message to the mountains.

Azoth Symbol: An astrologer looking for a major conjunction of planets. Going beyond the 4th dimension god kaluum and lord of karma of 3D dimension universe A Sun h 13°55'27" 4 1° 0'12" 0° 0' 0" S 16° 1' 1" S B Moon i 1°29'31" 5 15° 3'48" 0° 1'19" N 20°26'12" S SOL DAY IS GEMINI and by noon SOL DAY FOR NIGHT CANCARE Work education active communications in morning and evening caretaking and womanly heart COMPLETING school or projects intensively and then being with familiars and united parties

BEHOLD ALPHA CENTAURI SUN 14 SCORPIO MOON scorpio completing in the STAR OF BUNGULA (ALPHA CENTAURI) WELCOME YOUR CLOSEST COMPANIONS Alpha Centauri is a gravitationally bound system of the closest stars and exoplanets to Earth's Solar System at 4.37 light-years from the Sun. The name Latinized α Centauri, abbreviated Alpha Cen It is a triple star system, consisting of the three stars

This month the new moon waxing forward begins with the ALPHA CENTAURI 4th brightest star star as Rigil Kentaurus, the Centaur’s Foot; describing it as on the toe of the right front hoof, This means attachment to our closest neighbors and friends has purpose and resolution Often the letting go or completing the past and all of its attachment or tap lines There is the becoming aware of the simulator and the conditional world control ALIENATION and the REPTILIAN dominion and the Unnatural histrionics The ORIONIS viral genetic invasion AGENDA and the determination of human behaviorism Including religions space god worship and the execution birth life death rebirth cycle

THE THREE DECANS OF SCORPIO are the transmutation transformation and transcendence WE Become in November the 11th of 12 stages of the complete SOLAR YEAR CYCLE This 11th stage is a universal awareness and the crossing of the deep dark borders into the REAL UNIVERSIS which requires us to let go of the year dates past and let up old worn out idealogy, To let in light from within, not out, and let on yourself onto the GREAT STAR SOLAR-IS This STAR SOLAR-IS does not shine or live in this creation universe, but it shines on ALL IS You are becoming aware of your SOULAR STAR that is a SOLAR-IS also, second stage of the 3 This second stage is not your personal self, but the self you are relative or unified to Universal That is the IS THAT YOU ARE IN THE ALL IS, and readying for the 3rd stage as a total or whole The BEING ISNISS in the ALL IS, not the god or lord or some unity of a man or manifestation

EDITORIAL TO WAKE UP MEANS TO RECOGNIZE THE IS And TO ACTIVELY BECOME THE SEER or STAR of SOLARIS This is not to become a star in the heavens or some other worldly being or god master or saviour

Today we may explore past life realms and solaris universal positioning and even global STAR GPS But we must be aware the real UniversIS had no dimensia or opposites and polarity or even 3 tri-unity or triads Our real position is that which we acknowledge and allow at this moment, of what we have known mostly, while Those who truly see or seek the real are seeing from the ONE ALL IS and not seeking knowledge or positions

That which you are Aware and recognize in the NU UniversIS or HERE-EVEN united naturally with ALL LIFE THE NU AEGIS is nothing of the old ideas beliefs religions Nor a constructions or context or paradigm of the OLD AEGIS of ZEUS or religions..etc.

To wake up means 1) to first be aware of your past/past lives up to this life and cause and effect creation Then 2) to dream awareness and recognition of the direct influence or control universe conditions But also to know your ability or capacity and become aware of your SOULAR being and five body live levels Thus 3) as a Solar being of Light or Soul of golden heart and love wonderfully working or being with ALL IS TO BE THE SEER OR SHARIA in the resolution or realution of this unity with all life

The SOLAR-IS shows us our three majors of the SUN, SOLAR AND UNIVERSAL bodies or grand divisions Here we discover the physical universe has 3 life levels or 3 Dimensions in the SUN NEXT we find our SOLAR which has 5 life levels and is with the Universal SOULAR body This universal body is taken up by the SOLAR so it can realize its relations and realution with the ALL IS Third we become with the ALL IS in the UNIVERSAL BODY and cross the deep dark border of lower realms

There is no differentials in the REAL UNIVERSIS or the TRU REALITY LIFE, as ALL IS of the IS, an ISNISS ITSELF There is no sound word path religion idea or construct or hidden unseen unknown or mystery divine or human There are no saints saviours masters gods gurus creation lords or karma dharma or other manifestations of kal The One in ALL is this ALL IN IS of the ALL IS which IS and its no longer dimensia or dimensional reference or world

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